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Sage/Scorc shield NEED to get nerfed!


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This NEEDS to get nerfed! You can't attack them, they never die, when you have them pinned they charge for cover then activate shield, the rest of the team is loaded with shields if your team does not have a Scorc/Sage healer, bottom line: ITS NOT FAIR. Let the Scorcs and Sages have shields but at LEAST make it so we can hurt them. Edited by reaperkeepet
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This NEEDS to get nerfed! You can't attack them, they never die, when you have them pinned they charge for cover then activate shield, the rest of the team is loaded with shields if your team does not have a Scorc/Sage healer, bottom line: ITS NOT FAIR. Let the Scorcs and Sages have shields but at LEAST make it so we can hurt them.


Observation: It appears that you are not paying attention to your environment to an adequate degree when attempting to engage a sorcerer or sage.


Suggestion: Try using a combination of LoS to minimize damage taken, interrupt of spec-dependent casted or channeled primary attack, and most importantly, reserve your CC and burst potential until the shield is down. No sorcerer or sage can survive a full CC when unshielded.


Rhetorical Query: Why do so many players think that they should be able to play their class so poorly and still be able to succeed in PvP?

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This NEEDS to get nerfed! You can't attack them, they never die, when you have them pinned they charge for cover then activate shield, the rest of the team is loaded with shields if your team does not have a Scorc/Sage healer, bottom line: ITS NOT FAIR. Let the Scorcs and Sages have shields but at LEAST make it so we can hurt them.


Yeah, it's not fair that blatantly lying is so OP on these forums.

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Observation: It appears that you are not paying attention to your environment to an adequate degree when attempting to engage a sorcerer or sage.


Suggestion: Try using a combination of LoS to minimize damage taken, interrupt of spec-dependent casted or channeled primary attack, and most importantly, reserve your CC and burst potential until the shield is down. No sorcerer or sage can survive a full CC when unshielded.


Rhetorical Query: Why do so many players think that they should be able to play their class so poorly and still be able to succeed in PvP?


Looks like we got a HK fan. :rolleyes:

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This NEEDS to get nerfed! You can't attack them, they never die, when you have them pinned they charge for cover then activate shield, the rest of the team is loaded with shields if your team does not have a Scorc/Sage healer, bottom line: ITS NOT FAIR. Let the Scorcs and Sages have shields but at LEAST make it so we can hurt them.


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charge for cover then activate shield


Snipers and Gunslingers charge for cover and put up a little shield. Getting your classes confused, I see.


You can't attack them, they never die

I forgot bubble's ability to make people untargetable.

Edited by Grubfist
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This NEEDS to get nerfed! You can't attack them, they never die, when you have them pinned they charge for cover then activate shield, the rest of the team is loaded with shields if your team does not have a Scorc/Sage healer, bottom line: ITS NOT FAIR. Let the Scorcs and Sages have shields but at LEAST make it so we can hurt them.


Sounds to me like you're going nuts on a Sorc with a shield up. Then, when it finally drops, you've exhausted all your abilities.


That's dumb.

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Sounds to me like you're going nuts on a Sorc with a shield up. Then, when it finally drops, you've exhausted all your abilities.


Lol. Not possible. Bubble never lasts that long. Its absorption is tiny and mostly just makes up for the damage reduction consulars/inquistors DON'T get by having light armor in a game where armor affects so many of the abilities.

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I rolled a sorc after playing all melee classes. Ahahahah! It was so easy, i stoped playing it. I actually felt cheap in pvp and pve was just a joke. I almost always got most kills without even really trying at all.


Class is EZ mode people. Let them have their handicap, every game has to have class for simple people.


Its not the best 1v1 class, but in groups they can be just retarded. Against melee they have so many tools to kite it's insane.

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Isn't the stupid part how you can exhaust ALL of your abilities just to get it to drop?


The fact that it can be broken at all is just reasoning for a nerf to the damage of every other class in the game.

Edited by -JUICY-
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Sage shield absorbs ~5k damage at level 50, uses 35 force (or ~6% of their total force), uses one gcd to apply, and does all of that 'healing' upfront.


Scoundrel's Slow-release Heal-over-time heals for ~3.8k (with 40% crit) for a two-stack, costs 30 energy (or 30% of their total energy), uses two gcd's to put up, it doesn't do any healing for 3 seconds after application, and it does it's healing over 18 seconds leaving people vulnerable to burst attempts.


So lets break it does:

  • Sage shield 'heals' for ~31% more
  • It does all of that healing upfront which is a significant advantage in pvp
  • Pre-shielding allows a sage to put two shields up on a person in a row, whereas pre-hotting only saves gcds/resources for when the fight starts and requires more work to maintain with no true other benefits
  • Costs 5 times less resources to use
  • It does it's healing instantly rather than 3 seconds later
  • It completely shuts down burst attempts and swaps
  • It takes half the time to put up (2 stack vs one shield)


Either sage/sorc shield is incredibly OP or scoundrel/operative healers are extremely underpowered. :rolleyes:


P.S. I actually think shield is fine for DPS sorcs/sages but for healing spec sages it's ridiculously OP. Just wanted to make that clear.

Edited by SeanPoe
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Sage shield absorbs ~5k damage at level 50


lolwut? No it doesn't. Closer to half of that. Maybe 60%ish of what you stated as fact?


And yes, Scoundrel/Operative healers are underpowered. They need buffs. Especially to survivability.

Edited by Grubfist
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Then force lighting/force stun you as you try to get to them. Then look? bubble up again!


Yeah any sorc that knows the class can pretty much play this game all day.


I can play this game all day too. Doesn't make me good.


If you can't walk to someone in 20 seconds of being in range of force lightning, your fail positioning is your own fault.

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