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For real... PvP isn't the basis upon which a Marauder needs buffed...


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Right but the other two had no trouble with heroic 4's as well. I mean i understand a tank and healer will generally work well together... but it would make sense that DPS classes could hold their own too. What I mean is this, if we can't do heroic 4's like a tank/healer combo could (with 2 dps companions)... why can't two dps classes do heroic 4's with tank/healer companions?


I understand that it's the MMO "mold" that a tank and healer combo are great for PvE. I'm saying i think that mold should be broken.. and that any two individual classes should be able to hold their own (even if it took more "strategy").


I guess ultimately my issue is that the side quests are painfully easy. Such that it's incredibly boring to do, especially because they always seem to require quite a hike (and i've no speeder bike yet). And yet the only challenging missions i'm given I can't do without waiting 40 minutes to get together two other people.


Perhaps my frustration is also with the lack of any sort of queue for heroics and flashpoints.


In any case, it seems like the common rebuttal is "stick it out until level 40 and things will get better." But again, no video game should be boring/frustrating for the first 4/5 of the leveling content. If Marauders are that balanced at 50, then they should do a better job of distributing the skills throughout the leveling curve.


First characters my bro and I rolled were a Marauder (me) and a Sorcerer (him). Went from lvl 1 to lvl 50. Did all 2+ heroics ourselves, did most of the heroic 4s ourselves. Only a couple are really tricky without a true tank or a true healer.


I would play around with your companions (Quinn should always be yours) think about respeccing and lvl up some more. Saying the marauder NEEDS a buff are pretty strong words for a lvl 20 who obviously doesn't quite know how to play the class. Leveling is so easy in this game it's almost (almost) ridiculous.

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So you haven't geared Quinn. You're rolling with two DPS classes. You expect the game to bend over backwards and be easy for you? It's an MMOs ffs. How about picking up two more people for your +4 Quests? Is it that hard? MMOs are so easy nowadays compared to the old games where leveling Solo meant canceling your sub and playing an Elder Scrolls game. You can already solo and duo about 90% if the content. What more do you want seriously?
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Right but the other two had no trouble with heroic 4's as well. I mean i understand a tank and healer will generally work well together... but it would make sense that DPS classes could hold their own too. What I mean is this, if we can't do heroic 4's like a tank/healer combo could (with 2 dps companions)... why can't two dps classes do heroic 4's with tank/healer companions?


I understand that it's the MMO "mold" that a tank and healer combo are great for PvE. I'm saying i think that mold should be broken.. and that any two individual classes should be able to hold their own (even if it took more "strategy").


I guess ultimately my issue is that the side quests are painfully easy. Such that it's incredibly boring to do, especially because they always seem to require quite a hike (and i've no speeder bike yet). And yet the only challenging missions i'm given I can't do without waiting 40 minutes to get together two other people.


Perhaps my frustration is also with the lack of any sort of queue for heroics and flashpoints.


In any case, it seems like the common rebuttal is "stick it out until level 40 and things will get better." But again, no video game should be boring/frustrating for the first 4/5 of the leveling content. If Marauders are that balanced at 50, then they should do a better job of distributing the skills throughout the leveling curve.



I'm not really sure where this whole "stick it out till 40" thing came about, but I've seen it a lot and it's just flat out confusing to me.


If you're Anni, once you hit level 20 you can breeze through PvE with no issues as long as you're gearing up Quin sufficiently. You will have trouble 2 manning 4 man heroic all day with 2 dps, because that's just how MMO's are. You need a tank, otherwise just find an actual group for it, as was intended.

Edited by Ultratron
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So you haven't geared Quinn. You're rolling with two DPS classes. You expect the game to bend over backwards and be easy for you? It's an MMOs ffs. How about picking up two more people for your +4 Quests? Is it that hard? MMOs are so easy nowadays compared to the old games where leveling Solo meant canceling your sub and playing an Elder Scrolls game. You can already solo and duo about 90% if the content. What more do you want seriously?


You seriously think common sense isn't a issue here? C'mon people want a MMO like wow where they can rush through kill **** and have no issue.. I love my marauder.I have said that since lvl 15 ish ( didnt play it enough b4 then to pass a judgement) I think this is all L2P. Yes I still have trouble sometimes when im doing quests that are a decent lvl higher then me but I get them done im not afraid to ask for help if i need it.

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I'm not really sure where this whole "stick it out till 40" thing came about, but I've seen it a lot and it's just flat out confusing to me.


If you're Anni, once you hit level 20 you can breeze through PvE with no issues as long as you're gearing up Quin sufficiently. You will have trouble 2 manning 4 man heroic all day with 2 dps, because that's just how MMO's are. You need a tank, otherwise just find an actual group for it, as was intended.


im with you


leveling was easy, i was carnage til 34ish, then rage to 50


i never had a problem with questing, not a single one


heroic quest ... didnt even do them, takes too long to find a group, waste of time, dont need the hassle


i pvpd alot late 30s so i could get a full set of 40 gear for me and quinn, then i pvpd late 40s to cap out my pvp comms


aside from that all i did was quest


it was a cake walk


if leveling is hard, play a different class, cause you apparently dont get it

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I'm not really sure where this whole "stick it out till 40" thing came about, but I've seen it a lot and it's just flat out confusing to me.


If you're Anni, once you hit level 20 you can breeze through PvE with no issues as long as you're gearing up Quin sufficiently. You will have trouble 2 manning 4 man heroic all day with 2 dps, because that's just how MMO's are. You need a tank, otherwise just find an actual group for it, as was intended.


The story gets better at 40 :D that's where it came from lol!

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Any class that isn't a Sorc or Mercenary is going to be "tedious" to level. You haven't even reached the "hard" content for a Marauder, wait till after hoth when it actually gets a bit hard.


I just wanted to let you know this isn't just a Marauder issue, it's the same for Assassins, Juggernauts and Operatives.


If you're playing with someone, I have no idea how you can consider this game challenging at all. You should have a healing companion by now (Quinn) along with your dps, sniper dps and his companion, you should be facerolling everything.


Oh god my Juggernaut is on Hoth.

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Saw that coming, but why should any class have to grind to be viable? they shouldn't. Other classes are viable right out of the box.


It's called a late bloomer. Sniper's aren't that great until 30, and even only if you got it just to get Followthrough.


It's ironic - I think I do fine in PvE - it's PvP that I'm bad in - and I'm much better with a ranged class. Too many knockbacks, how about an OP perk: Knockbacks reset Force Leap cooldown! :D

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Right but the other two had no trouble with heroic 4's as well. I mean i understand a tank and healer will generally work well together... but it would make sense that DPS classes could hold their own too. What I mean is this, if we can't do heroic 4's like a tank/healer combo could (with 2 dps companions)... why can't two dps classes do heroic 4's with tank/healer companions?


I understand that it's the MMO "mold" that a tank and healer combo are great for PvE. I'm saying i think that mold should be broken.. and that any two individual classes should be able to hold their own (even if it took more "strategy").


I guess ultimately my issue is that the side quests are painfully easy. Such that it's incredibly boring to do, especially because they always seem to require quite a hike (and i've no speeder bike yet). And yet the only challenging missions i'm given I can't do without waiting 40 minutes to get together two other people.


Perhaps my frustration is also with the lack of any sort of queue for heroics and flashpoints.


In any case, it seems like the common rebuttal is "stick it out until level 40 and things will get better." But again, no video game should be boring/frustrating for the first 4/5 of the leveling content. If Marauders are that balanced at 50, then they should do a better job of distributing the skills throughout the leveling curve.



There are things wrong with your thoughts on this let me help out.


Heroic 4's / Fps are built for 4 Player characters. Even if you hacked Quinn and and your sniper friends Tank companion and gave then lvl 50 gear they would probably not be enough. The big difference in what you play on the Pub side and on the Emp side boils down to this.


Pub side you have a tank and healer as the player characters. You can move and communicate. Emp side your tank and healer are bots .... as bots they will do dumb things like stand in AEs, not use CDs effectively and such. So in essence you are going into a 4 player environment with a tank and healer who are effectively brain dead. Having brain dead DPS isnt too bad most they arent in the fire anyhow.


Do you see how this changes things? While it is true the mara may need a little fine tuning or possibly replace hack driod with a CC that can CC any mob type, your point is skewed.

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All I hear is Waaaaaaaaaaaah I want EZMODEZ!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....If you like the story that much, delete your character and reroll an Immortal Jugg. If you keep Vette geared you wont need to use Quinn until 1 or 2 quests on Voss/Corellia. If you are still rolling with the Sniper buddy, you wont need him then either. Same story, you dont die if you play smart, like you claim you do, and you are a god in huttball.
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Oh I forget to add something. Have you checked Quinn and made your sniper friend check his tanks ability bars? From what I have noticed through leveling several chars is a lot of the companions will come with key abilities turned off.


I remember wondering why I was constantly pulling aggro off of my tank while leveling my sniper alt ... or why Kaliyo would die so fast ... Her taunts / shield / tank stance where all turned off.

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One thing I have learned over my years of playing starting back with UO/EQ1 is buffing/nerfing classes with PVP in mind along with PvE if not a bit more PvP is the best way to make it more fun in PvE. PvE is set a 20 Sith Sorc mobs will ALL use the same AI while 20 player Sith Sorcs may all be played totally different. If you are having a hard time with PvE, IMO don't ask for your class to be buffed cause other classes(players) seem to have a easier time. I play a Marauder and completed the whole class story SOLO at lv 47. Wasn't easy, took a little kiting here and there on some fights but nothing I was not used to from playing PvP. Am I saying PvE is easy, well easier than PvP it sure is. If playing aginst a computer controlled Ai is too hard for you then instead of asking for your class to be buffed on the character select to make a new character and see if maybe that is more you skill LV of play.


I hate seeing all these my class sucks please buff me posts no matter what the reasoning is not the answer. Keep in mind, a positive change/fix/buff to one class with these new games = makeing another class even more OP than it already was cause they also got this new change/buff/fix.

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This applies to pve and pvp, its easy to suck as a marauder.. its hard to be good. While levelling my marauder I noticed if I didn't do the right things fights can be very rough but on the other hand if I did the right things it would be a cake walk.


There really is nothing wrong with the class pve, its just how you play it.. but if your having a problem with the class there are easier ones to play. Im not trying to be rude by saying this at all but its the truth.

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