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After playing SWTOR will you still be purchasing ME3 at launch?


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I had every intention of buying and playing it upon release, but I am burned out on multiple choice conversations atm. Is it just me, or does anyone else get annoyed at continually cycling through conversations trying to get companion affection points, over and over and over.


Nope, I won't buy it.


Not only because of this game's failure but because I know that the team that made M1 and ME2 are not the same people working on M3. It won't be good. All the real talent that was a part of EA/Bioware Austin has left the company since 2009. No one worth their salt wants to work for EA.

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I will. Both ME Games required a little more than 2 hours for me to get into but somewhere after the 2nd hour and not quite the 3rd I was drawn into the story in ways I didn't expect. That also goes with Dragon Age.

It's just one of those type of games that seem to take a bit to get rolling but once it get's started you can't stop.

As for SWTOR... It hooked me from the get go. I've enjoyed the tale right from the start and I'm not much of a Star Wars fan.

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TBH, I got ME1&2 on Steam sales...I couldnt get into either one....maybe an hour or two total playtime each before I said 'meh'.


so I probably wont even bother with ME3 when Steam sells it in a few months.


....Dead Space was fun though :) ((scary sheeeaat !))


Steam is not going to have it, damn Origin.

Edited by NaimiIflya
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Oddly, no. I'm not going to buy ME3 at launch. I'll be waiting until it is discounted.




For one. I love TOR. And it should be awhile before i get bored. For Two. Im not having no Spyware on my system. Otherwise hell yeah. But right now my hands are tied.


Hmmm. Cute contradiction in the 3rd sentence,no! Oh boy! Well you get it anyway...

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No, because EA will not be allowing us to purchase ME3 via Steam. I, for one, refuse to support Origin. Steam has worked fine for years, but EA will not allow us to purchase games like ME3 (when I already own the first 2 on Steam) so that they can sway us to Origin and get in on "their share" of the market.
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No, because EA will not be allowing us to purchase ME3 via Steam. I, for one, refuse to support Origin. Steam has worked fine for years, but EA will not allow us to purchase games like ME3 (when I already own the first 2 on Steam) so that they can sway us to Origin and get in on "their share" of the market.
Buy a physical copy from Amazon?
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Everyone hates EA, UbiSoft is to be thrown in to hell... and Activision is uncreative and recycles content... has anyone considered the fact that the big publishers don't give a flying crap about your opinion is that everyone jumps on the hate them band wagon? Seriously... Sony, Honda, Bestbuy, Wal-Mart, etc... all have policies which are truly disgusting, horrible, inhumane, and dehumanizing... yet... I bet all of you buy your Sony products at Bestbuy and Wal-Mart without ever going, "Man Bestfail is the wrost, or Fail-Mart likes to underpay, undershift, dismiss people if they get a second job, circumvent OSHA, and then provide sub-par goods...


First world problems I guess... after all a game company that does not serve you breakfast in bed is a problem.


Hey pal.


This is what happened to me:


The information in my account got corrupted somehow, messing up my personal data. I contacted customer service because I wasn't able to log on.


You know what happened? I waited 12 (TWELVE!) *********** HOURS to try and get it resolved. I was bounced from department to department, always on hold, always getting people who couldn't speak English worth two *****, and always on a line with this constant "buzz" like the customer service department was housing colonies of live bees.


It was the most awful godforsaken experience I have ever had.


AND GUESS WHAT? When I finally got a manager, they told me "We are sorry sir, there is nothing we can do for you. Is there anything else I can help you with"?


What this meant for me: I lost an entire account that I had with all my characters and EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING.


No refund. No ability to cancel sub (Had to do it by calling my damn BANK).


I ended up making this account now instead. Still haven't got 1/3 of the way to where I was on my other account.


There are dozens more reasons why I hate EA. All of them earned. All of them worthy of my disgust.



Perhaps now you see why I dislike EA. I never hopped on a "hate bandwagon". No, instead of a bandwagon, I was shoved directly into a Ferrari of disgust and anger at EA.


Boom. Now you know.



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If it were on steam yes I would get it, but since it's not, I'll not get it all together. I got my fill of Mass Effect with the second game. I have no desire to get the third one. It's mainly because I really loved my crew from the first game and in the second one they broke it up. I didn't like that and I'm not looking forward to losing my team again in the third one. So again if it was on steam I would get it to complete my collection, but since I would be splitting up my connection across two different programs by getting it through Origin, I'm not interested.
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I had every intention of buying and playing it upon release, but I am burned out on multiple choice conversations atm. Is it just me, or does anyone else get annoyed at continually cycling through conversations trying to get companion affection points, over and over and over.


That's your problem, you want everyone to like you :)


I don't worry about affection points in dialogue, thats what companion gifts are for..... Plus Bioware's single player games decisions have a way bigger impact on the game then they do in SWTOR... Once the consequence system was removed from SWTOR it water down the impact of choices big time..


Although I guess I can't blame Bioware for that as it was the beta testers that QQ'ed about killing off their companions and then wanting them back...


But yes I'll be buying ME3, plus we get back most of are original crew from ME1 :D

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I love Mass Effect. It may be my favourite game of all actually. The story decisions work a bit better in a single player game to be honest, so I am not worried about that at all.


I already pre-ordered the CE for it months ago for 60 Euro...that's right, not 150 Euro and is a much better package than the SWTOR one in my opinion.


To be honest, there is a LOT coming out this year that I want to play. ME3, Kingdoms of Amalur (just out now), D3, GW2 and more. Still not wanting to stop playing SWTOR though, but I do hope that BW will continue with a steady stream of fixes and content updates because that will be necessary I think.

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Preordered a long time ago. Yes I'm one of the ones disappointed with swtor and have already cancelled my sub.


ME2 was a great single player game. Frankly swtor could have been a great single player game but the concessions toward making it an MMO has bastardized the experience.


ME3 better be better than DA2 though. If ME3 is the disappointment DA2 was I'm talking Bioware off my short list of developers I always buy from when they release a new game.

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