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Why SWTOR has more potential than GW2 or WoW


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SW is the only reason some small amount of ppl still keep playing this.


GW2 might not have the universe (although it does have 6 mil loyal player base and fan base). But ppl will be playing it, because the "gaming" experience will be amazing.


So if You think that GW2 will be anything else but major success, You are just lying to Your pocket my friend :)


You can't say GW2 is gonna be great because its not out yet.

I did the same mistake about this abomination, sorry have no other words for swtor.


And to op, well you clearly are trolling. You know even abominations have potential, but its not realistic to think it all changes by itself. The entire structure and foundation of the game must change.

Edited by Rigota
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I wasn't saying that MMOs and RPGs are fully the same but Bioware is classed as one of the best RPG makers in the world and they still make mistakes in there RPGs so whos to say Arenanet won't make mistakes in GW2?


Singleplayer RPGs and MMOs are absolutely different. They are anything BUT similar.


Let me give You an example.

Hewlett Packard makes printers. Acer doesnt make printers.


So when Acer makes their first printer, it will be bad.

When Hewlett Packard makes another printer, it will be much much better than Acers, cause HP has a lot of experiences in making printers.


Both companies work in IT, but printers and PCs are different.


Just fyi, HP = ArenaNet, Acer = Bioware in this story.

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You can't say GW2 is gonna be great because its not out yet.

I did the same mistake about this abomination, sorry have no other words for swtor.


And to op, well you clearly are trolling. You know even abominations have potential, but its not realistic to think it all changes by itself. The entire structure and foundation of the game must change.


Oh I can say that GW2 is going to be great ;) seen so much evidence for it not to be true.

Anyway I did the same mistake about this abomination :p but Im doing the same mistake again with gw2!

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Can't read 11 pages so for the OP :


Actually its the opposite. Star Wars universe is rich but not enough for a MMO.


When you look at this from an artistic view, you must have noticed, once you pick a jedi you are forced to walk with a lightsaber with all your levels for the rest.


Jedi mostly wear robes and robes and they are stuck with robes , which limits the creativity for the art team.


Trooper armor is mostly the same, they just change in colour aside from the minor details, which we can't even notice.


Smuggler outfits are cool and new ideas already come up for the future.


What i mean is, even when we level up game is going to reward us with a new lightsaber.


WoW has pretty much drained its lore but GW2 is a beginning, it may have a future. We'll see how good they'll create their story and artwork.

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Oh I hope for that too.

Had the same high expectations from TOR and I got disappointed a lot. So GW2 is the next big good thing to be excited about.


exactly this. I was so hyped and told everyone how good SW is going to be ( because im a huge SW fan ) and it plainly just isnt good , at all, im heartbroken....


shoulda made a kotor 3 single player.....

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I'm not even going to bother responding to most of this.


I will only say that GW was a waste of time.


GW2 won't be much different.


To the rest of your point, you should really look at what Anet is trying to accomplish. They are not trying to appeal to MMO players. They are trying to appeal to GW players.


NO. Sounds to me they are trying to appeal to ...GAMERS..GAsp..how dare they!!!!


Tor and wow cater to ...the " novice " players, hopefully gw2 wil lactually cater to the REAL gaming crowd out there.


We tried with tor, its even easier then wow and i quit wow for becoming to faceroll...GIVE US DAMN CHALLENGE BACK. Keep your gear, make fights rely on skill...o wait, i think gw2 does that doesnt it...............:)

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exactly this. I was so hyped and told everyone how good SW is going to be ( because im a huge SW fan ) and it plainly just isnt good , at all, im heartbroken....


shoulda made a kotor 3 single player.....


Haha indeed. The bad thing though is that everyone of my friends ofc quit SWTOR too...so they are like "You said it will be awesome and its complete trash."


So now when I want to tell them about GW2 they aint listening cause I already failed them with SWTOR.


Bad reputation is Bad. BW turned my friends against me!

(reading the last sentence reminds me of Anakin on Mustafar shouting at Obi-Wan: "You turned her against me!" haha)

Edited by Riddickcz
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Singleplayer RPGs and MMOs are absolutely different. They are anything BUT similar.


Let me give You an example.

Hewlett Packard makes printers. Acer doesnt make printers.


So when Acer makes their first printer, it will be bad.

When Hewlett Packard makes another printer, it will be much much better than Acers, cause HP has a lot of experiences in making printers.


Both companies work in IT, but printers and PCs are different.


Just fyi, HP = ArenaNet, Acer = Bioware in this story.


You are still ignoring what the hell i'm saying.


Bioware = Good RPG maker IE games that are sod all to do with MMOs this I realise.


Arenanet = (In my eyes GW was crap but 6 million people must see something I don't so i'll say "Good" mmo maker) Good MMO maker that are sod all to do with Single Player RPGs


Bioware can make mistakes. So can Arenanet. Just because the format of games are different doesn't mean they can't make mistakes.


Example: David Beckham, one of England's best penalty takers for quite a few years until he retired, cocked up a penalty a few years back against Turkey (I'm sure it was Turkey). I think the ball from said penalty came down from Orbit somewhere in central Siberia a few months back. Yea that last point was sarcasm but the penalty was so terribad it was untrue. Yea games are different to football, he might have score if given another chance.


Just because you have the experience (In anything really) doesn't mean you aren't likely to mess up. It just means your less likely. Saying that Arenanet CAN'T mess up because they have experience is so retarded, should you say said line, you will pass on retardation to people around you...

Edited by CptBrit
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@ I never said ArenaNet cant make mistakes. We are all ppl and we do make mistakes. But as You said correctly, ArenaNet is less likely to screw up in MMO game than Bioware, because they have MMO experience.


Bioware did screw up, now its ArenaNet's turn to show what they are made of.

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You can't say GW2 is gonna be great because its not out yet.

I did the same mistake about this abomination, sorry have no other words for swtor.


And to op, well you clearly are trolling. You know even abominations have potential, but its not realistic to think it all changes by itself. The entire structure and foundation of the game must change.


Yes. We all were expecting great game, and got disappointment. Great marketing, great PR before launch. But let's face it, all games are like that.


However, there were people who were really concerned about this Bioware's first MMO, saying "don't expect too much because they aren't experienced in this area". There were people who were saying bad things about Hero engine. Unfortunately, a lot of us thought they are just trolling. I'm not proud, I was one of those who really believed that SWTOR will be great game, and didn't stop believing all the way through open beta.

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Yes. We all were expecting great game, and got disappointment. Great marketing, great PR before launch. But let's face it, all games are like that.

However, there were people who were really concerned about this Bioware's first MMO, saying "don't expect too much because they aren't experienced in this area". There were people who were saying bad things about Hero engine. Unfortunately, a lot of us thought they are just trolling. I'm not proud, I was one of those who really believed that SWTOR will be great game, and didn't stop believing all the way through open beta.



6 YEARS in the making and you can't code a custom graphics engine from scratch with all the millions that were invested? Ilum didn't ring bells in internal testing over the years? Those must of been the BEST paid voice-over actors in history!

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I'm actually kinda bummed that people are pitching GW2 has the WoW killer... because it isnt.


GW is something different. Its for people with different tastes. Anyone who is a fan of WoW and thinks GW2 is WoW2, forget it already. Its NOTHING like WoW and there will be no carrots on a stick to go after. Its a game one plays for fun and nothing else.


I love Guild Wars and im gonna play it, but i will admit that im pretty satisfied with SWTOR. If anyone was a WoW killer (aka structured in a way in wich it improves over the WoW end-game formula) This was it. The classes, the raids... all alot more enjoyable on SWTOR than WoW.


GW2 is the type of game you log into to wonder arond for a bit and have fun. It will not give you any goals, you will have to make those yourself, or not.


So yeah, i agree this is the MMORPG with the most potencial and i dont see any other in the horizon that can amaze me this much, even beeing the GW fanboy i am.


I so agree with this.


GW2 is not a WOW killer, or a SWTOR Killer. If you you love progression raiding, the GW2 offers you nothing. And there's nothing wrong with that - its just not a game for you.


But as the above poster said, it is a game for people with different tastes, or people who want a change of pace from gear-based reward progression raiding content.


GW2 is taking a lot of huge risks in an attempt to bring something new into the MMO mix. Having no dedicated healers, no dedicated tanks, and no dedicated DPS classes (i.e. no holy trinity system) but having all classes be capable of filling all roles could be incredibly awesome, or a disaster. It sounds very appealing.


Having gear rewards not be stats based, but rather cosmetic is a major risk, but sounds incredibly awesome to me. Your "bragging rights" come from gear that has a specialized look unique to whatever achievement you did to get that gear. It does NOT give you a higher tier of stats. In PVP, your are competing entirely based on skill and skill alone.


There are ZERO raids in GW2. None. All content including high end content is scaled for single groups. This is because Anet's design philosophy is not found of progression raiding. It's not secret that Anet developers think that end game content of traditional MMOS sucks balls. They've said so a million times. You may not agree, but that's their stance and they are doing it different. It will appeal to many.


Boss fights (i.e. dynamic/scripted and epic in scale) begin at level 1. Literally before you leave the tutorial (if you choose to go through it) Quests are dynamic - you don't get a quest and then go complete a task - you go explore the world and dynamic world events (i.e. "quests" in GW2) find you. This is an evolution of Warhammer's failed public quest system. The public quest system was a great idea that failed badly. Will Anet do it better? I hope so, it has lots of potential. I mean lots.


GW2 is taking from, or in the same tradition as Bioware games and SWTOR in that it is heavily story driven. If you like that about SWTOR and think it was a major improvement to MMOs (I do) then this is exciting. BUT, how well will they deliver. We now have SWTOR to compare GW2 story to: will it be as good, better or worse?


That's the most even-handed, fair-minded evaluation of GW2 potential that I am capable of. I am excited, cautiously. But I don't think I sounded like a "fanboi" there did I?

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I've followed GW2 for a while and I'm still not sure if it's the best thing that MMO has seen for years or if it will be a complete failure.



Concerning the topic title though, with 8 years and as many subscribers as they've had, WoW could shut doors tomorrow and still have reached a potential that SWTOR never will. One can hate WoW if they want, but it's a game that have brought entertainment to a whole lot of people. Not liking it is fine, I don't like CoD, and I don't like Halo, or Zelda, or even WoW anymore. But I realise that it's my subjective opinion, and am intelligent enough to know that they're all good games.

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Potential doesn't mean **** unless the individual is determined to perform to the utmost of his/her ability. I don't see BW doing it. They still won't acknowledge the way they're mishandling assets.


Such a pathetic engine and coding. BW *must* address this issue soon.



HEROengine (/facepalm) - (12 - 18 FPS)




Unreal Engine 3 (70 - 75 FPS)




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