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Why SWTOR has more potential than GW2 or WoW


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You mean besides make tons of alt forum accounts just to spew the same hyperbole 24/7? I have no clue...I truly wonder though how many Boxes Shady has bought so far.....;)


I actually could find that out for you lol.


Oh wait I never said that.:tran_grin:



I'm tired of this argument.




Has tanks: check

Has DPS: check

Has heals: check


The difference being is that every class can choose to be tank/healer/dps.


"Oh, there's no tank and spank." You will have designated ppl that will swap out to tank, heal, and dps. No different than now, really.


But wait, what's really the point. THERE IS NOOOOO END GAME IN GW2.


The devs expect you to go to lower lvls and redo content missed. That's it.



All GW2 will be is a giant zergfest with zero strategy.


And many will be disappointed. Notice a trend with their boss fights, they just sit there.

Edited by Reico
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I'm tired of this argument.




Has tanks: check

Has DPS: check

Has heals: check


The difference being is that every class can choose to be tank/healer/dps.


"Oh, there's no tank and spank." You will have designated ppl that will swap out to tank, heal, and dps. No different than now, really.


But wait, what's really the point. THERE IS NOOOOO END GAME IN GW2.


The devs expect you to go to lower lvls and redo content missed. That's it.


But.....but...GW2 is the Messiah...it will have endless content that isn't grindy and rainbows and unicorns and it will do my taxes!!!! :rolleyes:


No I have had a lot of hands on time...GW2 is a very pretty fun game; that most casual players will like and traditional MMO players will loathe (sound familiar?) Folks who play it will play it along side of whatever they are currently paying for rather than instead of and that is what Anet wants.

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I'm tired of this argument.




Has tanks: check

Has DPS: check

Has heals: check


The difference being is that every class can choose to be tank/healer/dps.


"Oh, there's no tank and spank." You will have designated ppl that will swap out to tank, heal, and dps. No different than now, really.


But wait, what's really the point. THERE IS NOOOOO END GAME IN GW2.


The devs expect you to go to lower lvls and redo content missed. That's it.


Some people really don't know what they're talking about. There is no End game in the sense of raids as there are now. There are high level dynamic events. There are "exploration mode" dungeons(which will be harder than raids). There will be WvWvW which will be extremely large maps.


No encounter will be the same because it's not scripted. If someone does something different then the encounter will be different.

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What I've got from this thread is...



SWTOR is a good game because every other MMO apparently sucks and will never be any good.


My wife and I actually enjoy the game. It's so rare that she enjoys anything I'm interested in.



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I'm tired of this argument.




Has tanks: check

Has DPS: check

Has heals: check


The difference being is that every class can choose to be tank/healer/dps.


"Oh, there's no tank and spank." You will have designated ppl that will swap out to tank, heal, and dps. No different than now, really.


But wait, what's really the point. THERE IS NOOOOO END GAME IN GW2.


The devs expect you to go to lower lvls and redo content missed. That's it.


You're sure about the endgame thing? That does sound like a buzzkill.


From what I've seen these are the main innovations being brought out by this game...


1) No holy trinity (supposedly) - I know you just countered this but it's what I'm seeing advertised.


2) No quests per se - you just run into a place and something happens. Then people scream for help with certain issues and resolving those are the "quests". You could also be killing some stuff and then find out that it's a quest and get xp for it. (Kind of like SWTOR bonus quests)


3) Grouping does not penalize - everyone can loot. No XP gets nerfed. In fact I think that just by being near someone you're automatically "grouped" or something, I forget.



But here are my worries about this game. Essentially no quests means that you don't go up to a particular NPC to get instructions on what you should do. It'll be based on events. But won't it eventually get boring when you face this all the time? I know the events are dynamic per se but be real, will they really be THAT varied?


For WoW players, I kind of look at this as a weird version of Tol Barad, only without the PvP. In Tol Barad, once you beat the other faction and claim the zone, quests would pop up for you to do. These quests would be different each day but after 2-3 days you'll notice the cycle. GW2 basically feels like the same thing to me only this time you literally don't go up to the dudes with exclamation marks over their heads.


The fact that grouping allows people to loot whatever and not experience an XP nerf is great but not that revolutionary IMO.


Plus if there's no endgame and people are expected to rehash old content, aren't we back to square 1 with SWTOR?

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GW2 will be great. But that's it. Great, not awesome or the next best thing. It will try to innovate how classes work, how quests work and how weapons work. And seems to be doing so in a good way.


However people seem to be all too keen on forgetting about past failures. AoC, DCUO, DDO, LotR, WAR, Aion, and probably another one or two as well were ALL claimed to be the next best thing. None of them were, and they all failed to live up to the hype that came before release. GW2 will be no different, however it does show more promise than some of the past failures at least.

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Some people really don't know what they're talking about. There is no End game in the sense of raids as there are now. There are high level dynamic events. There are "exploration mode" dungeons(which will be harder than raids). There will be WvWvW which will be extremely large maps.


No encounter will be the same because it's not scripted. If someone does something different then the encounter will be different.


I'm not even going to bother responding to most of this.


I will only say that GW was a waste of time.


GW2 won't be much different.


To the rest of your point, you should really look at what Anet is trying to accomplish. They are not trying to appeal to MMO players. They are trying to appeal to GW players.

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What I've got from this thread is...



SWTOR is a good game because every other MMO apparently sucks and will never be any good.


What Iv'e got from this thread is SWTOR sucks because GW2 is god and the hate machine will keep buying subscriptions to TOR just to be able to spread the gospel on the forums.




Aren't subjective viewpoints grand?

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Of course you not being a decent gamer is why you're still here I take it? :)


As in console and closed-end games for PC type gamers who race to top level, get top gear only to stand around like statues in cities epeening and reciting "I'm bored to any poor low level who happens by (Talk about that droid on the ship). [sarcasm]


Any gamers worth their salt--casual and hardcore alike--will always find something worhtwhile to do in-game. [Complaining about it won't help....]


Like the long distance runner, SW:TOR will get a second wind as time goes on. But since the future is a fickle thing, noone can be sure about anything about any game.


I'm more concerned about that chest on Ilum that won't open for my quest.....:D

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GW2 will probably satisfy some of the types of people who have been QQ-ing about SWTOR, but at the end of the day it's still going to be a themepark MMO, and that's really what people are bored with now.


TSW is a bit of a dark horse, since Funcom's history with MMOs is a mixed bag (AO was a fantastic MMO for its time, AoC didn't live up to expectations, but has turned out pretty good after all), but OTOH its lead was the lead of one of the best adventure games of all time, and he had nothing to do with AoC. And all the trailers look great. But again, probably another variation on themepark at the end of the day, like GW2.


SWTOR will probably do pretty well, probably second-biggest "Western" MMO after WoW for a few years. I think it will push up to 2m or more over the next couple of years, but I doubt it will have much of a life at that level of subscription beyond a couple of years.


The one thing SWTOR would need to do to up its game and make it fulfil the dream of a game as shown in the trailers, would be to link the ground action to the space action in some way. As the trailer with the Gunslinger shows, that transition is utterly iconic for Star Wars, and it's probably the one major thing missing from SWTOR as it stands.


But yeah, Titan and the possible return of the sandbox ... if it really is going to be a sandbox, Blizzard may "do it again", darn them :) (Incidentally, I predict Diablo 3 won't be as popular as people think, but it's not an MMO anyway so it's a bit irrelevant.)

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But yeah, Titan and the possible return of the sandbox ... if it really is going to be a sandbox, Blizzard may "do it again", darn them :) (Incidentally, I predict Diablo 3 won't be as popular as people think, but it's not an MMO anyway so it's a bit irrelevant.)


Wait is Titan going to be a sandbox?! You said possible just wondering what makes you say that. It would awesome :eek:

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SWTOR is the only MMO ever to have 85% retention rate after the first 30 days.


It is pathetic how the hate machine tries to spin that as a negative thing. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Where did you see this 85% retention after 30 days thing? Link please.

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I'm not even going to bother responding to most of this.


I will only say that GW was a waste of time.


GW2 won't be much different.


To the rest of your point, you should really look at what Anet is trying to accomplish. They are not trying to appeal to MMO players. They are trying to appeal to GW players.


So much fail in this post my cup is full for the day.


1. Your opinion.


2. Your opinion. With some crystal ball tossed in there too I guess.


3. This statement shows just exactly how clueless you really are.

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I'm tired of this argument.




Has tanks: check

Has DPS: check

Has heals: check


The difference being is that every class can choose to be tank/healer/dps.


"Oh, there's no tank and spank." You will have designated ppl that will swap out to tank, heal, and dps. No different than now, really.


But wait, what's really the point. THERE IS NOOOOO END GAME IN GW2.


The devs expect you to go to lower lvls and redo content missed. That's it.



Please explain how you can have desginated people to swap out to tank when there are no taunts and a conditional aggro system. Derp Derp you are such a psychic :)

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Simple answer really: The Star Wars universe.


The universe has incredible popular appeal and long-lasting popularity. The plot-line is classic and amazing as is the story. They even taught Star Wars as a classic example of an ideal plot/character development in my American lit class in prep school (a pretty preftigious one with preftigious trees and a preftigious wall).


Anyways, I'm not talking about the merits of the game. Sure there are problems with it. I"m simply talking about the potential. And that's why I'm sticking around. To give it a shot. A diamond in the rough.




I mean seriously. Yeah yeah the game isn't exactly like the trailers, but I believe the devs are working towards that goal. And man, if it ever gets there, this game will be the mother of all games.


Dream on dude.


GW2 will mop the floor with pretty much any MMO.

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Wait is Titan going to be a sandbox?! You said possible just wondering what makes you say that. It would awesome :eek:


Just rumours and speculation floating around, but it's tantalizing. These are the only facts we know so far.


The main things that would lead one to suspect it to have some sandbox elements are the offically avowed emphasis on it being a social experience, and the fact that it's obviously not going to compete with WoW.


"Morhaime believes that World of Warcraft and Titan, upon its release, will be able to co-exist on the market."


That right there is a (possibly) a huge clue.


OTOH, what mitigates against this possibility is the emphasis on "casual". Though quite how the idea of people playing with people they know, and casual play mix, except via something like a Facebook game, is a mystery.


Maybe it's just going to be a gigantic Farmville with lazers ;)

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The golden rule of MMOs is you never know how well they are going to play until release. No, not even in beta, although there may be signs there, good and bad. Things change after beta for better or worse in most games. You really don't know until it releases.


GW2's advantage is that it is B2P, so a different market from a subscription game, and has a much bigger potential because of that. It remains to be seen whether it can capitalize on that opportunity. Time will tell. Current YouTube videos don't interest me much -- many games have looked much better on YouTube videos during beta stage than they ended up actually playing when you were the one driving the character. We'll have to see how it is when it eventually launches.

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SW is the only reason some small amount of ppl still keep playing this.


GW2 might not have the universe (although it does have 6 mil loyal player base and fan base). But ppl will be playing it, because the "gaming" experience will be amazing.


So if You think that GW2 will be anything else but major success, You are just lying to Your pocket my friend :)




They've sold 6 million total boxes, which is including all expansions. That means Joe Schmo who bought all 3 expansions plus GW counts as 4 units. How you get 6 million player base from that I'll never understand.

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