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Think i'm done


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After playing a certain beta, i almost forgot what an mmo was. I mean it's complete compared to swtor. I never experienced a game this incomplete for this long. I don't think March can fix all these glaring problems. The more patches release the more i go "*** are they thinking?" ..when i'm in game all i can think about is "this bug is still going on for how long now?". Tbh after creating multiple alts ..all the vendors share the same voice ..sure the stories are different, but i can call what's going to happen next because it's so blatant. "the student kills the master" shocker right? plus all the story quests share the same zone ..every class goes back to dromund kaas ..for something ..um you know what i mean. It's located in the same areas . So the whole "voice acting", "quest system" budget goes to waste right there. ..by this time i would think even the most casual player is 50 by now and realized what's endgame? where's world pvp?


TLDR Incomplete mmo is incomplete

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oh yea? then why did it win GAME OF THE YEAR from so many different magazines/companies?


you're jelly


lol, pretty sure i saw the same "awards" on every other mmo. look at rift "game of year" i go on swtor "game of year" ..i go on gw2 "pax game of year" ..these "awards" are nothing, but scams.

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I expected an mmo to be complete after two months.


Took WoW 7 years. Should only take SWTOR a month max.


well they don't need an imagination ....wow released with nothing, but EQ to go on. Wow invented Battle grounds 3 months down the line. Every mmo has a server lfg tool .and stable coding ..too many errors on bw's part

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After playing a certain beta, i almost forgot what an mmo was. I mean it's complete compared to swtor. I never experienced a game this incomplete for this long. I don't think March can fix all these glaring problems. The more patches release the more i go "*** are they thinking?" ..when i'm in game all i can think about is "this bug is still going on for how long now?". Tbh after creating multiple alts ..all the vendors share the same voice ..sure the stories are different, but i can call what's going to happen next because it's so blatant. "the student kills the master" shocker right? plus all the story quests share the same zone ..every class goes back to dromund kaas ..for something ..um you know what i mean. It's located in the same areas . So the whole "voice acting", "quest system" budget goes to waste right there. ..by this time i would think even the most casual player is 50 by now and realized what's endgame? where's world pvp?


TLDR Incomplete mmo is incomplete




Can I have your stuff?

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Wow's LFG tool as it is now came out in Wotlk.


Remind me, how many years after launch was that?


You seem to be under the assumption that just because another game has the code for something, that they can just magically pop it into the game.


If you'd like to go steal WoW's code, then go for it. However, SWTOR's dev team has to write the code themselves. Are you aware just how long that takes? How much **** you have to sift through to find the tiniest error in a block of code?

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Wow's LFG tool as it is now came out in Wotlk.


Remind me, how many years after launch was that?


You seem to be under the assumption that just because another game has the code for something, that they can just magically pop it into the game.


If you'd like to go steal WoW's code, then go for it. However, SWTOR's dev team has to write the code themselves. Are you aware just how long that takes? How much **** you have to sift through to find the tiniest error in a block of code?


With Bioware's history on patches for SWTOR I would say 5 mins to code it and 1 minute to check for bugs :p

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Shouldn't a game be complete when released and new content added in as time goes on? Try again.


Compare WoW A month and a half in to SWTOR now.

Battlegrounds were not in. LFG Tool was not in. To this day, World PVP may be in WoW, but it's not something I want to be on eithe side of... the 85 terrorizing Booty Bay, or Honor Hold is world PVP?


The only game that did World PVP right was DAOC. I wouldn't mind seeing planets added with control nodes we can assault and take like the DAOC forts. That wouldn't be half bad, that would take a while though and we'd have to be patient while they made controllable seige walkers, controllable defense and shield turrets, and you know.. planets to use this stuff on so we can take over the planet and get bonuses... take over the new story-Ilum? Get a boost to Artifice, Treasure Hunting, and Archaeology... take over Mustafaar? Boost to Underworld Trading, Scavenging, and Arms/Armor or Cyber, etc. Bespin? 5% boost to all ranged damage. Ossus? 5% to force and lightsaber damage....

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Wow's LFG tool as it is now came out in Wotlk.


Remind me, how many years after launch was that?


You seem to be under the assumption that just because another game has the code for something, that they can just magically pop it into the game.


If you'd like to go steal WoW's code, then go for it. However, SWTOR's dev team has to write the code themselves. Are you aware just how long that takes? How much **** you have to sift through to find the tiniest error in a block of code?


wow's lfg tool ..was the first i ever came across in an mmo. I don't want to say they "invented " it, but i'm 85% sure they did.

I don't think you're allowed to copy and paste code (illegal), but you can get the idea and copy it. This Tera game is coming out with "rifts" and another game called "rift" used it with major success.


Can they create their own code using an idea from another game? yes. Am i aware of how tuff it is to create code using an idea? yes. Writing code is not hard at all ..and there are programs that check the code for errors. It's easy.

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Compare WoW A month and a half in to SWTOR now.

Battlegrounds were not in. LFG Tool was not in. To this day, World PVP may be in WoW, but it's not something I want to be on eithe side of... the 85 terrorizing Booty Bay, or Honor Hold is world PVP?


The only game that did World PVP right was DAOC. I wouldn't mind seeing planets added with control nodes we can assault and take like the DAOC forts. That wouldn't be half bad, that would take a while though and we'd have to be patient while they made controllable seige walkers, controllable defense and shield turrets, and you know.. planets to use this stuff on so we can take over the planet and get bonuses... take over the new story-Ilum? Get a boost to Artifice, Treasure Hunting, and Archaeology... take over Mustafaar? Boost to Underworld Trading, Scavenging, and Arms/Armor or Cyber, etc. Bespin? 5% boost to all ranged damage. Ossus? 5% to force and lightsaber damage....


Can we compare a game that essentially invented the "warzone system" and "lfg tool" ? I think not

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With Bioware's history on patches for SWTOR I would say 5 mins to code it and 1 minute to check for bugs :p


Then a week or two on the test server where 2 people play. Then it goes on live servers and is tested usually from Tuesday till Thursday morning, then patched again.

Edited by Toweleeeie
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Here many people likes to compare with WoW.


WoW on its release (i played since the first day that European Servers opened) got only of high end Onyxia (a boss) and Molten Core (a dungeon). In addition, we got Black Rock Mountain and i think nothing more. And that was absolutely all you got to do when you were max level for some months.


Crafting was extremely simple too. There were no pvp (yes, no PVP system, not only battlegrounds and arena, there werent a PVP system) and they needed about 1 month to release it, not to say that if you were from US then they took 3 months to put a simple PVP system. 3 months to have a system that rewards you for doing pvp!!!


I mean, this game in my opinion isnt incomplete. For me have many interesting things to do at high end, but of course, is a new game and with time more and more things will be added. In addition, yes, they got some bugs, but a great number of them have been corrected and to say the truth, i have played many MMOs on its realease and SWTOR dont have so many bugs like many others that i have played before.

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Here many people likes to compare with WoW.


WoW on its release (i played since the first day that European Servers opened) got only of high end Onyxia (a boss) and Molten Core (a dungeon). In addition, we got Black Rock Mountain and i think nothing more. And that was absolutely all you got to do when you were max level for some months.


Crafting was extremely simple too. There were no pvp (yes, no PVP system, not only battlegrounds and arena, there werent a PVP system) and they needed about 1 month to release it, not to say that if you were from US then they took 3 months to put a simple PVP system. 3 months to have a system that rewards you for doing pvp!!!


I mean, this game in my opinion isnt incomplete. For me have many interesting things to do at high end, but of course, is a new game and with time more and more things will be added. In addition, yes, they got some bugs, but a great number of them have been corrected and to say the truth, i have played many MMOs on its realease and SWTOR dont have so many bugs like many others that i have played before.


Wow on it's release had Upper black rock ONLY. It took 3 months to create an original pvp system. remember warzones were not the normal for mmo's. warzones were never heard of ..they had to actually think about it...calling it "simple" is a slap in the face when they essentially created it ..

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No not another one!!!!!


I don't care... what I am curious about though is why people feel the need to come here and announce it like the random people they find on here are really concerned with you leaving or going to another game.


I started playing Rift and Aion at launch... couldn't really get into either and quit long before I got anywhere near lvl cap. I was disappointed but never did I go to the forums and announce "I'm quitting, bye guys!"


Nobody cares. Have a nice day.

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