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Poll: Is it true that only 5% have fps issues!!??


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i7 920 @3.34 ghz

6gb ddr3 triple channel

7200rpm hdd

radeon 6950@900-1325


I get good fps everywhere on everything high low-no shadows. In warzones its good, except alderaan a bit less. Ilum is the problem.


In ilum just running around by myself in the pvp area i get 25-40FPS, whereas anywhere else in the galaxy i get 40-60FPS. Jump in a battle with more than 15 people and i get 1-10FPS.

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Don't mean to be the jerk with this, but is this really even an accurate poll of the playerbase? For the most part, people come onto these forums for the specific reason of complaining, and on top of that they are far less likely to take the small amount of time to fill out a survey if they are not having problems. On top of that, I doubt even 10% of the total subscribers actively visit these forums for anything other than the occasional question or to find information about some aspect of the game.


Anyways, I have a computer that is five years old, it hasn't had any upgrades to it at all. It runs with an Nvidia 8600 GTS graphics card, 250 gig HDD, and two gigs of ram. As for more than that, I'm just too lazy to look up the rest. However, I can say that even though I used to have a lot of FPS issues, I was able to fix them myself with just some simple changes to the client_settings.ini file, an update to a beta driver for my graphics card, and a computer restart. Whenever I start having issues, I just restart my computer and it fixes the problem.


So, I'm not saying there aren't genuine issues that can't be fixed involving FPS, but I'm pretty sure if someone like me with very little knowledge of how to fix problems I have on my computer, most people complaining just haven't bothered to try all potential fixes that are most likely problems with their own computer rather than the game or servers.

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First of all, keep in mind most people who claim they run the game "perfectly smooth" simply don't know what smooth means. smooth means constant 60(at the very least) - 120 fps whatever you do.


for most people "smooth" is anywhere from 30-40 fps which is not smooth at all but borderline unplayable for me.



i have a great system that destroys everything I throw at it. I DO have fps issues.


my fps pretty much never drops below 40 and it is not affecting my gameplay a lot, except for large scale battles. But for me smooth means constant 60+ fps. So "fps problems" can mean very different things to different people.


the game is just badly coded.


my fps in warzones or the fleet drops down to 40fps which is perfectly playable of course but unacceptable still when I run every other game I ever play at 55-60fps (unless it is equally badly coded or just looks multiple times more gorgeous than swtor)


If I spam open my bags or character panel or questlog, map, whatever the fps will drop to the single digits - obviously this is not normal gameplay behaviour but a good way to expose the shoddy coding.


big scale battles like Ilum are pretty much unplayable when I am near the zerg.


bad coding is bad.


(questing/flashpoints are perfectly smooth though, you can really tell the soloplayer leveling up experience is where all the effort went into making this game. which is a shame)

Edited by mufutiz
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No FPS issues whatsoever


AMD Athlon X2 2.4GHz

Nvidia 430GT 1GB (running at 1920x1080)

8GB of system RAM


Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit (Aero disabled)

Nothing OC'd


Like I said, no FPS issues (despite having a processor that barely meets system requirements), though I do occasionally have texture flicker, but very rarely.


this is exactly the kind of clueless people I was talking about in the post above.


You DO have fps issues. I am happy for you though for being completely oblivious to them.


the simple problem to the fps ISSUE question is, some people don't have issues with playing at a bare 30fps all the time.


for me 40-50 fps in warzones is already an issue.

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Bioware has stated in interviews that its only a small sample of the players that experience FPS issues and that most of them suffer low FPS due to having outdated riggs.


In order to understand this better I have made a fairly large poll so we can see what % of players experience different types of FPS issues and what type of riggs they have.


Here is the link:






Results of this poll will be published on 26/2 2012 here in this original post on the general forum.


UPDATE 2012-02-14 16:00 CET


So far the biggest impact on fps is peoples harddrive. People answering with an SSD are stating almost half of the time that they have fps issues compared to people answering with similair processors, similair gfx but a traditional mechanical drive.


Please go ahead and vote in this poll both if you have or dont have issues. The more voters the better sample size we get and the better we can understand how large an issue this is / is not.


Disclaimer: English is not my first language and yes there are many ways to make a poll and mine is not pretending to be perfect!


Disclaimer 2: The forum sample might not be representative for the overall gaming population of SWTOR, but these days with social media accessable almost everywhere and generally used by more and more people I believe the sample of forum people is more in line with the general population of gamers than it has been in the past.


So....*drumroll* start the voting and let the truth be told!





Yes, it's true only 5 percent of people have fps polling issues.

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I had this game installed on my mechanical drive and have the same problems with fps that im having with it installed on my SSD.


your hard drive/ssd has no bearing on the FPS. the only thing they would have a bearing on are load times.


those claiming they have no fps issues, post a video or a screencap with fraps running and show the FPS during a large ilum battle or on fleet with over 200 people in the zone otherwise you are just trolling.


my definition of fps issues:


less than 30 in heavily populated zones (ilum and fleet) and sharp decreases in framerates (like when you open your inventory or when a part of ilum gets captured)




Actually there are many threads on this forum with fixes and partial evidence pointing towards that indeed the HDD and the way SWTOR loads assets from it might be the bottleneck for many peoples. Thats why for example peopl get better performance with RAMDrives.


The results so far of the poll also indicates that the component with the largest FPS impact is the HDD.

Edited by Sorrowsongg
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Don't mean to be the jerk with this, but is this really even an accurate poll of the playerbase? For the most part, people come onto these forums for the specific reason of complaining, and on top of that they are far less likely to take the small amount of time to fill out a survey if they are not having problems. On top of that, I doubt even 10% of the total subscribers actively visit these forums for anything other than the occasional question or to find information about some aspect of the game.


Anyways, I have a computer that is five years old, it hasn't had any upgrades to it at all. It runs with an Nvidia 8600 GTS graphics card, 250 gig HDD, and two gigs of ram. As for more than that, I'm just too lazy to look up the rest. However, I can say that even though I used to have a lot of FPS issues, I was able to fix them myself with just some simple changes to the client_settings.ini file, an update to a beta driver for my graphics card, and a computer restart. Whenever I start having issues, I just restart my computer and it fixes the problem.


So, I'm not saying there aren't genuine issues that can't be fixed involving FPS, but I'm pretty sure if someone like me with very little knowledge of how to fix problems I have on my computer, most people complaining just haven't bothered to try all potential fixes that are most likely problems with their own computer rather than the game or servers.


you realise in your post you all but said you have no idea what your talking about?


can you post a pic or vid that shows your FPS in fleet during primetime or a warzone or ilum please?


heres mine in ilum.




i get a severe drop in framerates no matter the resolution or graphic settings when:


i open my bags, someone caps an objective in ilum, i get credit for a kill in ilum and text appears in the middle of my screen.


in ilum with everything set to low, all graphics extras turned off, 720p res i get 10 fps.


just questing on planets with all graphics settings turned on and everything set to high at 1080p i get 110fps.


in warzones i get 30 to 50 fps with 1080p everything set to high.


in fleet at peek hours with over 300 people in the zone i get 20 to 50 fps with everything set to high at 1080p.

Edited by Vulgarr
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Actually there are many threads on this forum with fixes and partial evidence pointing towards that indeed the HDD and the way SWTOR loads assets from it might be the bottleneck for many peoples. Thats why for example peopl get better performance with RAMDrives.


The results so far of the poll also indicates that the component with the largest FPS impact is the HDD.

if you use a SSD there is no reason to use a RAMDRIVE.


the only use for a RAMDRIVE is for better loadtimes.

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if you use a SSD there is no reason to use a RAMDRIVE.


the only use for a RAMDRIVE is for better loadtimes.




You said that the "HDD has no bearing on FPS" thats why i said that "no there are many indications that the HDD actually has bearing on FPS".


The poll shows that using an SSD is the single most impacting component on FPS. That does not mean that an SSD will solve everything for every person (you yourself dont see any improvment for example). However the poll indicates that upgrading to an SSD can in many cases take care of the FPS issues people are having.

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I haven't had many problems up until 2weeks ago, then I suddenly got the whole game freezing for 10-15seconds at a time and fps dropping to <1 often as combat started. Only this week did I figure out the bizzarre reason!

I had been blaming it on the patch that co-incided with the start of the problems but the actual cause was a cheap Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse set, this week I returned to my previous wireless set and all my problems went away, I then tried to use just the wireless mouse on my laptop in tor and it locked that up in the same way. there is something funky with the dongle or the drivers as simply pulling it out returned the laptop to its full functionality.



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The poll shows that using an SSD is the single most impacting component on FPS. That does not mean that an SSD will solve everything for every person (you yourself dont see any improvment for example). However the poll indicates that upgrading to an SSD can in many cases take care of the FPS issues people are having.


Some of the FPS issues are attributed to loading of every new player you meet, instead of pre-loading that to ram, vram. SSD helps here, you can see it best on fleets.


But the thing no hardware can solve, is that even when I get 5-10 fps on Ilum, my processor is only at 30% load, and my GPU is at 35% load.


That suggests that the issue is not hardware, not memory, but I think, network related. The graphics rendering process is waiting for input from the servers, as to what happened, what should it render.


The FPS has a direct correlation to the number of players on the screen.

With the 75 ns ping cable net also sitting idly, I would say, they should optimize the net code on their servers.

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You said that the "HDD has no bearing on FPS" thats why i said that "no there are many indications that the HDD actually has bearing on FPS".


The poll shows that using an SSD is the single most impacting component on FPS. That does not mean that an SSD will solve everything for every person (you yourself dont see any improvment for example). However the poll indicates that upgrading to an SSD can in many cases take care of the FPS issues people are having.

easy way to prove a RAMDRIVE will increase the FPS is if someone would post a video showing it.


until then, i believe the facts of my past experiences with using a RAMDRIVE. THEY ONLY DECREASE THE PROGRAMS LOAD TIME.

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Bioware has stated in interviews that its only a small sample of the players that experience FPS issues and that most of them suffer low FPS due to having outdated riggs.


In order to understand this better I have made a fairly large poll so we can see what % of players experience different types of FPS issues and what type of riggs they have.


Here is the link:






Results of this poll will be published on 26/2 2012 here in this original post on the general forum.


UPDATE 2012-02-15 08:00 CET


Disclaimer regarding results:

I know that the results/views of this poll might not be inline with the general populations results/views. However as you can see below such a high amount of people stating they have medium to large FPS issues would most likely indicate that more than than the 5% officially announced people indeed experience FPS that they themselves categorize as problematic to their gamepley. Also Im fairly confident that if I would make exactly the same poll on RIFT forums or DCUO forums the numbers of people having issues would be smaller..


So results so far (almost 700 participants):


44,26% of people state that they have medium to large issues with FPS.


The top ways to get better FPS looks to be:


SSD: 22% have medium to large FPS issues when running an SSD. This is almost half of the total number.


Average computer in poll is fairly high spec. Most used parts are:




7200 RPM drive

1.5-3GB VRAM


Disclaimer: English is not my first language and yes there are many ways to make a poll and mine is not pretending to be perfect!


Disclaimer 2: The forum sample might not be representative for the overall gaming population of SWTOR, but these days with social media accessable almost everywhere and generally used by more and more people I believe the sample of forum people is more in line with the general population of gamers than it has been in the past.


So....*drumroll* start the voting and let the truth be told!





Everyone gets them but they are claiming by the numbers.... only 5% of total population are crying about it on the forums so its not an issue until the forums crash by flooding of complaints......total game population is under 300k now across all servers. Most being on euro servers....


game is on life support in the americas if you compare it to "sales"

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if you use a SSD there is no reason to use a RAMDRIVE.


the only use for a RAMDRIVE is for better loadtimes.


I'll give you a very good reason: write cycles.


Anything that gets re-written frequently should not be on your SSD. Temporary Internet Files, swap file, etc.


The only thing you should have on your SSD is your OS and core "apps" (browser, adobe PDF reader and flash player, media player). If you have the room, sure put some larger programs on it if you like. But absolutely not anything that gets written over constantly. Media and documents, again choose based on preference.


Me, I use my SSD as described above, purely OS and core apps, everything else is on a striped RAID that gets backed up to an external frequently.

Edited by Syylara
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