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Poll: Is it true that only 5% have fps issues!!??


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I had low fps on my old amd athlon dualcore 3000+ ...no surprise there!

then I got new mb+cpu+memory and got i5 2500k and my fps went skyrocket (from 5->80)


the surprising thing is that i still have my old geforce 8800 gt as gpu and i have 15-20 in those massive ilum battles (like 50vs50 or so)


I am running on two computeres.


On my q9450, 2 x 9800gtx+, 4G ram and everything on high and on the game runs like a charm with no fps or other issues. I have not tried WZs yet.


On my i7 950, 2 x gtx 285 ocxs, 12G ram with everything on low or off, I have problems. and do see big fps drops in fleet I also have heat issues. Yes 285s run hot but I have never had a problem in any other game either mmo or single player. I have been running evga precision in the background and see the gpu usage yo yo up and down between 17% to 95+% as I play. I can face one way at say 17% usage and slightly turn and be at 95%. I am not sure what that means but it does not seem right.


I am not an expert and cannot really understand what is happening, but it seems to me that indeed there is something wrong with the game. The joke is that if I was only playing on my q9450, I would be scratching my head and wondering what people with better rigs were talking about and saying that the game runs fine for me.

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My old rig I had FPS issues if I turned up the graphics.

Intel duo core

4 Gigs ram

210 Video card

650i ultra motherboard


My new computer I can run everything perfectly.

AMD FX 8120 Eight Core Processor

16 Gigs ram

560 Video Card

990FX Sabertooth motherboard.

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I am running on two computeres.


On my q9450, 2 x 9800gtx+, 4G ram and everything on high and on the game runs like a charm with no fps or other issues. I have not tried WZs yet.


On my i7 950, 2 x gtx 285 ocxs, 12G ram with everything on low or off, I have problems. and do see big fps drops in fleet I also have heat issues. Yes 285s run hot but I have never had a problem in any other game either mmo or single player. I have been running evga precision in the background and see the gpu usage yo yo up and down between 17% to 95+% as I play. I can face one way at say 17% usage and slightly turn and be at 95%. I am not sure what that means but it does not seem right.


I am not an expert and cannot really understand what is happening, but it seems to me that indeed there is something wrong with the game. The joke is that if I was only playing on my q9450, I would be scratching my head and wondering what people with better rigs were talking about and saying that the game runs fine for me.


See, this is what i mean. Now unless I miss my guess, the second set-up is way better. How is it possible to run worse. You CPU is faster, GPU is newer and has 3 times the performance of a 9800+ and your RAM should be able to draw on the games assets at lighting speed, if the game actually bothered to use it, witch people have pointed to, it does not..


And the GPU usage is ridiculousness, a symptom of how awfully the game goes about rendering the environments.

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One flaw in the survey is it doesn't consider resolution, that can be a large factor when considering fps.


Hi I agree. I thought aout it but decided it would be to many possible combinations with CPU/GPU/RAM/HDD if I also included resolution but yes You are right it will impact FPS a lot

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How do we see the ongoing results?


Plus I just took the poll 5 times.


Hi, I plan on showing snapshots from the ongoing results updated every day or so.


If you took the poll 5 times 4 answers will be filtered out unless you did it from 5 different IP adresses as the "poll engine" filters out duplicate IP adress results.

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You need to add one:


Disclaimer 3: This poll suffers from obvious self-selection bias, and therefore the results cannot be used to make any statistically valid inferences about the player population as a whole.




I would say the self selection (something every poll will have as questions are always selected) is included in disclaimer 1 where I say that there are many ways to do a poll and i dont pretend that mine is perfect.


I do however feel that its better with some data than no data.





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I took the survey.


My fps is low (17ish) on my laptop on low settings, which is not really a gaming rig, though it does have a dedicated GPU. It is decent on my desktop (40ish) on all high settings but the reason I think it bears study is because I don't understand the drops and/or performance compared to other games.


-The drops in certain uncrowded areas like in doors.


-The fact that games of similar graphical quality (Age of Conan, Rift) run at 30ish even on my laptop and 60s on the desktop.


-The fact that some games of similar graphical quality (Champions Onlinem Rift) don't suffer FPS problems when I am in a crowd of 75 to 100 people.

Edited by CFourPO
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30 DPS isn't lagging. That's just being picky a human eye can see 30 FPS perfectly with no issues. 20 or less I can understand but 30 is no real problem.


This poll isn't very smart though as forums of a game only have generally 5-10% of a games community. Most simply do not care enough to post on forums I played SWG for 8 years and only started posting on the forums in my 7th year. In my entire guild here on TOR I am the only one who will read anything on the forums the rest do not care. So even if the entire forum community told you they have FPS issues it's possible that Bioware is still correct (slim but still possible as you hold such a low %).


These are exactly the people (poster in quote) running around saying "I don't have fps problems". They don't even understand what an FPS problem is!


30 FPS on the system specs many of these people have, is absolutly horrible. Quad core I5, 8 gigs of ram and a gtx 570, I should not drop below 60, EVER. I can play Skyrim max settings without ever dropping below 60, but I frequently get drops in the 30s in this game. That's an FPS problem!


Yes, warzones and the like are PLAYABLE for me at 30 or 40 fps. But I did not pay 2500 euro for a gaming pc to play at 30 FPS- And yes, I can see the difference between 30 FPS and 60 FPS. If you can't, you're either an idiot, or frakkin blind.

Edited by lightumup
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Could very well be true. Feels like it's 99% of the players if you're browsing the forums, but it'll always be like that, I suppose.


The ones who're happy with the game won't complain, they'll be playing. And the whiners whine so incredibly loud, making them seem like the majority of the community.


(Not saying that having low FPS is a matter of whining, as it is in fact a gamebreaking issue)

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6850s in crossfire, 8gb ram, i5, 10,000rpm raptor etc etc


I work with a guy who runs wow on low and gets about 10 fps. He thinks it runs fine..I think many posters here are like him.


Sadly most people dont get that when people complain its because they expect more than 50 fps(steady) unless theres a very high load like ilum. Once you buy a rig that can handle maxed out high end games you expect low end games to perform as well. Thats biowares job and to be frank i bet mass effect 3 will run amazing. So id expect swtor to aswell.


This poll should answer that i guess.

In the end for me personally if im running at qaround 30 fps...i feel thats low and want it fixed. I bet theres plenty of people who are happy with that and think it doesnt need fixing.

Edited by Epochmox
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And yes, I can see the difference between 30 FPS and 60 FPS. If you can't, you're either an idiot, or frakkin blind.


Harsh but true.




You can also see a difference above 60 fps assuming you have a equivalent monitor that can output all the frames. But the higher the fps the higher the gap needs to be for you to see any difference. So the difference between 10 and 15 fps is MUCH more clear than 40 and 45. But I believe most have 60hz monitors so they can only see up to 60 fps which is also why VSync caps the fps to 60 if you ever wondered that.


I don't have a problem with people who thinks 20-30 fps is smooth and playable but don't go and tell ME what I should be satisfied with.

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See, this is what i mean. Now unless I miss my guess, the second set-up is way better. How is it possible to run worse. You CPU is faster, GPU is newer and has 3 times the performance of a 9800+ and your RAM should be able to draw on the games assets at lighting speed, if the game actually bothered to use it, witch people have pointed to, it does not..


And the GPU usage is ridiculousness, a symptom of how awfully the game goes about rendering the environments.


That's what I find odd too. I built 3 nice rigs around November for us totaling around $1400 each. No reason they should be running SWTOR so horribly in the fleet and illum. So I take this ancient dell we had sitting in the closet, for giggles download put SWTOR on it, Dimension 2400 that isn't even minimum requirements and it runs about the same fps as a brand new built rig? Wth?

Edited by Tiam
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I have a good computer, and I don't have fps problems.


I would suspect that someone that doesn't have a good computer would have FPS problems.


People who have good computers have been having bad FPS problems just the same. Just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

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and what does the "fps issues" include?


for me, having 60-110 fps outside on planets but then having ~20-30 fps in warzones (civil war is the worst) is fps issues to me.


6950 unlocked @910

phenom2 x4 965 BE @3,9

8g 1600 ram


This. I have no real problems other than in Warzones. Even Flashpoints aren't bad FPS wise for me. It's JUST Warzones, where there is either both teams spamming all of their spells at one another, Alderaan firing off all three lasers at once, or Huttball's 10-15 *********** firetraps going off all the time.


I'm telling you. Add a particle density meter option in the graphics for people to turn that **** down and we won't have this problem.

Edited by LucisAbyssus
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I would say the self selection (something every poll will have as questions are always selected) is included in disclaimer 1 where I say that there are many ways to do a poll and i dont pretend that mine is perfect.


I do however feel that its better with some data than no data.


No "Bad Data" is worse than "No Data".


At least if you don't have data, its clear that your conclusion has no merit. By gathering bad data, presenting it as suitable to make a conclusion and than announcing some digested result, you are essentially lying. You knew the data was bad, but you're not prefacing your conclusion with "I have no good data to support this".


Your poll is incredibly biased from a handful of powerful sources. First, you're posting this on a forum, which self-selects for people who are having issues. Next, you label your post with the issue you're trying to promote (let's be honest). Finally, your poll itself is self-selecting for issues with a number of questions with biased/leading wordings. In the end, I'd say that if the results say anything but "Loads of people have issues" that you've proven the counter-argument.


Should they come back and say: "50% of people have FPS issues", then you can happily report that "50% of the people who show interest in talking about FPS issues on the forum report that they believe they have FPS issues in a poll focused on getting them to report FPS issues."


Or you can just report "Most people have FPS issues!" like I expect you too. Perhaps politics might be a good career choice.

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No "Bad Data" is worse than "No Data".


At least if you don't have data, its clear that your conclusion has no merit. By gathering bad data, presenting it as suitable to make a conclusion and than announcing some digested result, you are essentially lying. You knew the data was bad, but you're not prefacing your conclusion with "I have no good data to support this".


Your poll is incredibly biased from a handful of powerful sources. First, you're posting this on a forum, which self-selects for people who are having issues. Next, you label your post with the issue you're trying to promote (let's be honest). Finally, your poll itself is self-selecting for issues with a number of questions with biased/leading wordings. In the end, I'd say that if the results say anything but "Loads of people have issues" that you've proven the counter-argument.


Should they come back and say: "50% of people have FPS issues", then you can happily report that "50% of the people who show interest in talking about FPS issues on the forum report that they believe they have FPS issues in a poll focused on getting them to report FPS issues."


Or you can just report "Most people have FPS issues!" like I expect you too. Perhaps politics might be a good career choice.


Most of the leading questions actually felt, to me, to lead towards no issues. I personally believe the devs on this though.


I've helped a couple of people with tech who were having FPS issues, and they claimed to be on 'good rigs' but as more was discovered, they had essentially bought a 1000 dollar Gateway/Dell rig from Bestbuy, yoinked out the POS GPU and replaced with a 600 dollar power house, never bothering to take out the 500 watt PSU and put in a 650 or greater, still sit on 2 gig RAM, and a slow, 500 gig hard drive.


A good GPU does not make a good computer. Dell and Gateway do not make gaming rigs. They make jack of all trades computers.

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No "Bad Data" is worse than "No Data".


At least if you don't have data, its clear that your conclusion has no merit. By gathering bad data, presenting it as suitable to make a conclusion and than announcing some digested result, you are essentially lying. You knew the data was bad, but you're not prefacing your conclusion with "I have no good data to support this".


Your poll is incredibly biased from a handful of powerful sources. First, you're posting this on a forum, which self-selects for people who are having issues. Next, you label your post with the issue you're trying to promote (let's be honest). Finally, your poll itself is self-selecting for issues with a number of questions with biased/leading wordings. In the end, I'd say that if the results say anything but "Loads of people have issues" that you've proven the counter-argument.


Should they come back and say: "50% of people have FPS issues", then you can happily report that "50% of the people who show interest in talking about FPS issues on the forum report that they believe they have FPS issues in a poll focused on getting them to report FPS issues."


Or you can just report "Most people have FPS issues!" like I expect you too. Perhaps politics might be a good career choice.


You are assuming a lot of things my dear friend. I made a fairly large number of questions that will show what the respondenst use in terms of processor, GPU, RAM etc and hopefully it will also show if there looks to be any link between certain components and having a less good performance.


You are "expecting" I will present the data in a deceptive way. Hey cmon I have not presented the results yet so please feel free to critisice me after the results are presented.


Yes the poll is posted on a forum because here I can find the largest gathering of people that play SWTOR. If you have any other better suggestions on where to put the poll feel free to add that. The fact that its posted on a forum is biasing it I agree (and thats included in the disclaimer) but its not proven in any way that it would bias it in a way towards more FPS problem players participating. The fact is noone knows if people reading the general forums have more or less FPS issues than people that do not read general forums.


Yes the questions are chosen by myself as this poll is made by me so it would be very hard to do it any other way. Even a poll to ask what to poll for would be written by me.


You feel the questions are biased in some way well that might be because you are biased in some direction or the other, everything is biased in some way in peoples eyes.


I still believe getting some data and understanding where that data came from and that the sample size might not be 100% in sync with the total populations feelings is better than having no data at all.





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