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Pro-Skadge or Anti-Skadge ?


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Ugh. All he does is complain when I send him out for missions. I want to slap him.


He got in the way and almost made me miss my bounty. He's rude and has poor personal hygeine.


I got his affection up via gifts just for crafting and did a few of his quests - they made me feel dirty and gross. He bad-mouthed the rest of my dependable and loyal crew, including my husband and best friend.


I thought about using him as a closet to hold onto extra sets of gear but I don't want to wear something after he has. He leaves odd stains on his clothing.


The only reason I'm keeping him around is to have a patsy. I do wish he wouldn't stand in the middle of the ship - my poor druid is wearing itself out trying to keep the ship smelling fresh.

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He pushed me around and threatened me, and rather being able to respond properly the devs railroad me into letting him into my crew because they didn't want to risk letting players kill companions and end up gimping themselves. I am sincerely and severely anti-Skadge. If I had the option he'd be strung up and used for railshot target practice.
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my BH is lightside, and basically, at the conclusion of the storyline, i was -2500 affection with skadge.


after capping affection with the other companions, i finally decided to try to use him on conversations, to get him up, since it sucked not having a faster crew skill return.


then i discovered the wonders of dailies. you get 2500 affection with skadge every day, by being as big of an a-hole as you can!


easiest companion to get affection EVER!.


he still sucks and I still don't use him, but at least he shows off armor, so it's cool having a big burly guy sporting columi gear, next to my fat BH running around fleet.. :p

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I wish it could have been like the Juhani situation in KOTOR. You could choose to kill him, negating any possibility he joins you as a companion, or you could do the opposite. I never liked Skadge from the minute he popped up, but I never bring him along with me. He just runs missions for me.
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ok Mako near death... oh... Im hurt... Bad!


Skadge near death... I'm gonna kill you if they have to pry my dead hands from your neck


so even as a LS BH I LOVE Skadge - thing is he blows even in great gear


for dps i will use no one else but Torian - occasionally I need a healer and will pull out Mako

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I got all my companions upto 10k affection, not that hard. But I don't use Skadge for anything.. even in decent gear, he fails horribly as a die first meatshield on dailies. Blizz gets the daily duty instead.

As I am a shieldtech, I generally use Torian (easy to gear up, except weapon), or Gault. If its a champ mob, or several elites, I break Mako out, otherwise she is busy slicing or cyber(tech)ing. Skadge has the job of going off on missions endlessly, and that's it.

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SKADGE BABY! id didn't think i was gonna like him, but by the time i left belsavis he was my main companion. just so hilariously stupid. honestly reminded me a bit of old school Chewie (not expanded universe crap that turns all wookies into noble savages), in that he's a vaguely sentient hulk with a bad attitude. also he reminded me of, wait for it... YAJIROBE! yes, of dragon ball. 'Sup, Runt'. so oblivious to his own retardation and so straight up raw in the most ridiculous way possible. put simply Skadge> Blizz. deal with it, runt
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They need to swap out Skadge and replace him with a Gamorrean .


Let's just order annoying companion trash talk when sent on missions by ascending annoyingness:





(long time nothing)


Ugnaught + Gamorrean


Conclusion: I am so anti-Skadge that I would even prefer having a second babbling droid instead of that scumbag. However as I only send him on missions, I still prefer him ranting about how boring it all is than the grunting of a swine. Just... no.

Edited by Mephane
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