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Remove Premaids from warzones


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Meh, PvP in MMOs are becoming a "just us" club. All casual PvPers are no longer welcome. It's a matter of, casual vs hard core basement dwellers. I work too much and take care of my kids too much to ever be "hard core". My life requires Capitalist economic model requires that I live it in the real world more than I can in the game world.


It is what it is though, so i guess I gotta get used to it.

Fixed it for you. Also; nobody forced you to have kids and pay loans. If you don't have time to sink into a mmo, don't play it. It's casuals that killed the genre altogether ;)

And, BTW, SWTOR pvp is the one requiring the less time involved ever... No need to be a "hardcore basement dweller" to be good in it :rolleyes:

Edited by Eltohan
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It's time to remove premaids from warzones or give them their own bracket. It's an unfair advantage to put premaids against solo que players. I do both and I would like to see solo players verse solo and premaids against premaids. i think it will be much better for everyone who plays.


If you can't do it BW then remove premaids all together. Or remove solo's , it's just no fun for either side.


The games that have a premaid on one side, the other side just quits anyway, what fun is that? It's just a giant waste of time with this system.


Because 8 people solo queuing at the same time is hard? It will still achieve the same result and I would bet 6/8 or better will make it into the same match.


The solution is to not solo queue and if you do keep your expectations low.


EDIT: Ranked warzones will give pre-mades a bracket. I wouldn't ever expect to see an unranked pre-made bracket.

Edited by Organikal
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No. I run pugs 90% of the time (still waiting on most of my RL friends to hit 50) and I have a pretty good winning percentage.


Once you get to know the PvPers on your server and their skill sets you can run really well as a group even if its not a premade a good portion of the time.


Giving premades a bracket right now will only increase queue times and wont really help much. Once X-server PvP starts to happen then they should get their own bracket.

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I also hate it when people who play in a group ruin my singleplayer experience in a multiplayer game. Great post, OP. Make one in General Discussion about how it's unfair you can't do raids by yourself with all your companions out or something too! I see no reason why multiplayer is necessary in this, the year of our lord 2012, 11 years after the towers fell.
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There is only one solution to this issue that makes it fair for everyone.


If you separate Premades from Pugs all you get is Premades disbanding and synching PVP queues.


What needs to be implemented is a game-based voice-chat client (ala every FPS since Steam came out). Whenever a group is made (including warzones) that group is put into a chat room together. Every player has the capabilities of muting other players (for themselves only).


Bam, premades vs pugs is fixed. Communication capabilities are now equalized.

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There is only one solution to this issue that makes it fair for everyone.


If you separate Premades from Pugs all you get is Premades disbanding and synching PVP queues.


What needs to be implemented is a game-based voice-chat client (ala every FPS since Steam came out). Whenever a group is made (including warzones) that group is put into a chat room together. Every player has the capabilities of muting other players (for themselves only).


Bam, premades vs pugs is fixed. Communication capabilities are now equalized.


No it's not, premade will still consist of well geared players, no ammount of voice chat will solve it. Synching PvP queues is harder than simply grouping and joining WZ. Not to mention by doing so they will only confirm they are crap and cant compete on equal terms.

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It's time to remove premaids from warzones or give them their own bracket. It's an unfair advantage to put premaids against solo que players. I do both and I would like to see solo players verse solo and premaids against premaids. i think it will be much better for everyone who plays.


If you can't do it BW then remove premaids all together. Or remove solo's , it's just no fun for either side.


The games that have a premaid on one side, the other side just quits anyway, what fun is that? It's just a giant waste of time with this system.


I want a maid, please tell her to contact me so that I can replace this useless droid :)

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so what you are saying is that since you have no friends, guildies, or organization you want to punish people who do have friends they organize with?


I notice most of the objections are along these lines. How somehow facing 'equals' is an abhorant and absurd suggestion. I'd venture the truth is more that they'd be less able to compete if their advantage was evened out.


I did valor levels 1-55 without joining a single premade, although I've made plenty of friends in pug warzones and Ilum battles (we're one of the more balances rep/imp servers)and enjoy seeing certain people and/or guilds end up in my team. Any BM pre-made will roll over 95% of the opposing teams they get pitted against. It's not a matter of the opposition lacking skill, the fact that one team has at least 4 BMs (instead of L50, 0 valor green-wearing new-to-pvp folks) is already more than enough of advantage before you even consider the bonus coordination aspects.

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I would say premades need their own, tailored bracket.


Guild vs. Guild is some fun stuff.


Half a PvP instance being pre-made and half not is not fun stuff.


they will cry rivers about this, the mentality of this kind of player doesnt want to risk the loss or have to try, the whole idea behind premades is to stack the deck every way possible and they count that thier stacked deck is against people who cant compete. They will kick and stomp and deny to the end, but it is what it is. They are equally the same as the afk ers, because you can bet if they got farmed the would afk as surely as they run from a one on one fight. Funny because these guys make fun of casuals wanting 'free stuff' yet thats exactly why these guys do what they do to get free stuff lol.

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Agreed. I will *never* be apart of a Pre-made. I don't game that way, unless my guildies suddenly start getting hard core about PvP, it simply won't happen. I say give us a solo queue option that do not allow premades.


Although, there is nothing that can stop premades from queuing solo and getting lucky enough to all get on the same team anyway. But w/e.



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It's time to remove premaids from warzones or give them their own bracket. It's an unfair advantage to put premaids against solo que players. I do both and I would like to see solo players verse solo and premaids against premaids. i think it will be much better for everyone who plays.


If you can't do it BW then remove premaids all together. Or remove solo's , it's just no fun for either side.


The games that have a premaid on one side, the other side just quits anyway, what fun is that? It's just a giant waste of time with this system.


Are these like, maids that clean things before they even show up at your house, or what?

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You know what I don't understand?


How OP only really asked for one thing, for players to be separated out and for Pre-Mades to be allowed to face other Pre-Mades and for solo players to be allowed to play against other "random" solo players.


That's it.


But to "discredit" the OP the majority of the posters in this thread are trying to make it seem like what the OP is really asking for is "grouping" to be secretly removed from the WZ.




Could you make your obvious love of farming random players any more "obvious" if you tried??


How good could you possibly be if you have to defend your right to, not play against others of your skill level, but to play against "unorganized" players so you can get your dailies in?


One would think you would like to comment how you're the best "group" over the other groups, instead of trying to spin around the OP's request to make it seem like he's trying to turn his request for fairness into a single player game.


From what I read, at no point did the OP ever asked to be handed commendations, like he would expect if he played against "NPC's" for his commendations, but all the OP requested was that they face other random thrown together players like himself\herself and battle on equal footing.


And most of you fail to see that??


What you all are doing, trying to spin his request into something it's not, is just too funny for words and makes it "sooooooo" obvious to anyone with common sense what you're saying when you respond to this thread.:rolleyes:

Edited by Risq
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