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Remove Premaids from warzones


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Meh, PvP in MMOs are becoming a "just us" club. All casual PvPers are no longer welcome. It's a matter of, casual vs hard core basement dwellers. I work too much and take care of my kids too much to ever be "hard core". My life requires that I live it in the real world more than I can in the game world.


It is what it is though, so i guess I gotta get used to it.


It's been that way from the beginning. And it sucks. This 'get a premade or get stomped and like it' bull is tired and old. But things might change for the better in MMOs as we go along. More and more people are sick and tired of being told to take the short end of the stick and like it when there is no reason whatsoever that developers can't separate premades from pugs from the get go.

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I am sorry that you think people playing as a group is a bad thing. There are these wonderfully made single player games (at least that's what I hear, I don't particularly play them) that would more than likely fit your ideal of being some sort of lone hero immortal to all baddies. Edited by Silverspar
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I love how grouping with friends to PvP is now something bad.



This isn't a *********** single player game, make some friends and roll your own pre-made.



Solo queue isn't that bad. Hell some nights running a pre-made we get 4 ******* with us all night (gogo zerg realm imperial) and it feels like 4v8 every match.


There's no reason to split it up right now and it would only make queues extremely long on many servers. I expect with ranked matches things will change.

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When there's ranked warzones, let it be 8 with thier own que. Anything else is just stupid, good players can only carry so much. And yes supposedly while it could get sorted out after awhile, who really wants to deal with fail half of a op when playing for rating on a pre made? Aside from those PuGs who are hoping to ride coat tails to a better rating.
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Premades don't bother me unless they are also trash-talkers which, to me, they might as well run around spamming, "I'm a complete loser!" over and over again. It takes a special kind of individual to think they are skilled because they are rolling puggers in a premade. There's this Shadow on our server who I've never seen in a WZ without his healbot and his guardbot. He's about the biggest ****** I've ever seen in a game. Of course it's easy to pwn face when you're guarded and have a healbot who is also guarded.


I frequently run in premades and we almost always win, but we're not ******s about it. We are all individually adult enough to realize that /facerolling puggers as a team doesn't make us pro. We also know that having people on the other side /quit out as soon as they see us because they just don't want to deal with it isn't good for PvP on our server.


well thats thing people who trash talk in premade steamrolling pugs claiming they are skilled usually suck. i destroyed this one trash-talking fella would love name but would get a warning. in 1vs1 i killed him all the time, so he cried about it. how i was a tank and he was a dps with a huge bursr and how i had help. he lost to me while having pocket healer.

so teamwork really gives people the illusion that they are skilled.

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It's not that hard to put together a premade. You do not have to be on Vent/Mumble to be in a premade in this game, it help but is no nesessary. As you play WZ and you see other people doing really well, just add them and ask them if they want to queue with you, pretty soon you find yourself queueing with a few people every day and you have some really competetive matches.


There is no reason to take premades out of the game as it is easy to form one and be competetive.

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QQ moar? Do you truly believe that because you choose not to participate in premades that no one else should be able to? That sounds extremely selfish to me. It's available to all so get in where you fit in. But after all that may be why there's so much whining, you DON'T fit in! Edited by Evilrules
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When I do war zones, 99% of the time it's solo. I do this with the understanding that playing solo, I am going against the grain of what an MMO is designed to be about, so winning will be that much more difficult. With that in mind, I have no problem with the way the system is designed.
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I agree that it's frustrating at times to queue solo for WZs. It's also a ton more fun to queue with a team, particularly if you use Vent. I'd have no problem with creating matches for soloers, but grouping is just more fun for me. Good advice here... give grouping a try.
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Agreed. I will *never* be apart of a Pre-made. I don't game that way, unless my guildies suddenly start getting hard core about PvP, it simply won't happen. I say give us a solo queue option that do not allow premades.


Although, there is nothing that can stop premades from queuing solo and getting lucky enough to all get on the same team anyway. But w/e.


Wow ...this isnt a single player rpg you know, if you cant stand facing premade stop playign now, and premade deosnt mean hardcore pvp , get soem sens , grow a pair, and fight with friend, guildies or w/e.

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A premade simply has too many advantages over the typical PUG to make sharing the same war zone que worthwhile. I don’t want to be carried to a win by a bunch of trash talking douches nor rolled over by their vent / team speak planning from the other side. They take all the fun out of a random “pick-up game” for everyone else. I don’t see why anyone would object to putting premade groups in their own war zone que unless they are simply afraid to fight on equal terms for a change...
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:D:D I lol'ed.


But seriously, I'd want to see how rated WZs pan out before deciding if segregating premades from solos is a good idea.


they wotn do it, they even said full premade are on their way, so people will be able to do premade to play ranked AND non ranked game, ranked game will probably give gears above battlemaster.

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A premade simply has too many advantages over the typical PUG to make sharing the same war zone que worthwhile. I don’t want to be carried to a win by a bunch of trash talking douches nor rolled over by their vent / team speak planning from the other side. They take all the fun out of a random “pick-up game” for everyone else. I don’t see why anyone would object to putting premade groups in their own war zone que unless they are simply afraid to fight on equal terms for a change...

You are just a baddy that isnt able to find his own premade .....or one of the baddy Thta isnt even able to do some teamplay, even basic order in ops chat are easy to follow.

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You are just a baddy that isnt able to find his own premade .....or one of the baddy Thta isnt even able to do some teamplay, even basic order in ops chat are easy to follow.


And I could say you’re simply a leech that lets his buddies carry him to a win so you can pretend to be special to compensate for real life deficiencies you couldn’t conquer on your own. Maybe you were bullied in school and need a gang to feel cool now and can’t type a plan in chat because your education was lacking?


Why would I want to be part of a premade to roll over a PUG? There’s no competition. I want competitive fights. It’s simple to split the ques with the coming of cross server warzones. Some of you are just too lazy and beholden to brittle confidence issues to work for a win on equal terms.

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