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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove Premaids from warzones


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It's time to remove premaids from warzones or give them their own bracket. It's an unfair advantage to put premaids against solo que players. I do both and I would like to see solo players verse solo and premaids against premaids. i think it will be much better for everyone who plays.


If you can't do it BW then remove premaids all together. Or remove solo's , it's just no fun for either side.


The games that have a premaid on one side, the other side just quits anyway, what fun is that? It's just a giant waste of time with this system.

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you can only do half premades and realistically you should be seeing familiar faces in pvp anyway since it's only same server. I've noticed gear being a much more important factor that whether or not the other team is a premade in this game.


To bad cross-server pvp is on the way :(

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It's time to remove premaids from warzones or give them their own bracket. It's an unfair advantage to put premaids against solo que players. I do both and I would like to see solo players verse solo and premaids against premaids. i think it will be much better for everyone who plays.


If you can't do it BW then remove premaids all together. Or remove solo's , it's just no fun for either side.


The games that have a premaid on one side, the other side just quits anyway, what fun is that? It's just a giant waste of time with this system.


since there are no full premades, having or playing against a premade isn't an auto win or loss. Like someone said, gear and class comp is a more important factor in winning than being premade.

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I agree with Lucinn. The so-called divide in gear that was apparently big enough to result in a patch is nothing compared to the vast chasm that divides two teams entering a WZ when one team has a well-practiced team and the other does not. Oil and water these two competing interests perhaps.
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I leveled 10-49 thru warzones and class quests, about to make 50 tonight probably.


Anyway, thats a LOT of warzones played, and if you want to be antisocial and que solo all the time, go for it.


If you want to have some fun, make some friends. Your going to face premades, you know you will, so get your own, get on vent, and have a blast.


Best matches ive ever played are premade vs premade.

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Meh, PvP in MMOs are becoming a "just us" club. All casual PvPers are no longer welcome. It's a matter of, casual vs hard core basement dwellers. I work too much and take care of my kids too much to ever be "hard core". My life requires that I live it in the real world more than I can in the game world.


It is what it is though, so i guess I gotta get used to it.

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There are several premades on my server that go 5-0 and then farm the puggers for 10-12 minutes. No one wants to sit in a game and be R Kelley'd for 10-12 minutes, its unfair and pisses people off and they log out and ques get slower. I fully support a single queue only bracket or at the very least a forfeit vote option.
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Agreed. I will *never* be apart of a Pre-made. I don't game that way, unless my guildies suddenly start getting hard core about PvP, it simply won't happen. I say give us a solo queue option that do not allow premades.


Although, there is nothing that can stop premades from queuing solo and getting lucky enough to all get on the same team anyway. But w/e.

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Massively MULTIPLAYER Online Role-Playing Game...


Want us to farm you for 12 minutes? Solo queue...



So if I don't queue with a premade, I'm not in a multiplayer warzone? Wow, I had it wrong all this time....must be playing with bots. :rolleyes:

Edited by Vember
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Once cross-realm pvp comes out they should make a Solo Queue only RATED warzone bracket. See how good people can fare when placed with random 8v8's at all times. Give you a personal Warzone rating to see who truly can adapt to a randomly generated group and make it work on the fly.
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I read about some sort of matchmaking system that ranks players, but can someone link me the thread where rated WZs are confirmed?




"Many people asked: How are you planning on expanding the endgame experience?


Gabe Amatangelo: We are going to continue to introduce new Flashpoints, Warzones, and Operations on a regular basis. The story line will continue with all of the above as well as in solo-able missions. We will continue to evolve Crew Skills and crafting. We’ll be introducing the Legacy System soon, as Daniel mentioned. Additionally, we have exciting PvP features planned, the first of which includes pre-season Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2."


Ranked warzones has been confirmed for a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time, but heres the latest proof I can remember. Its staring you right in the face.

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so what you are saying is that since you have no friends, guildies, or organization you want to punish people who do have friends they organize with?




lolol not gonna happen


So, what you're saying is that since you have a lock on nearly sure wins now, you don't want to give that up by playing warzones that don't provide you with a steady stream of unsuspecting noobs to slice and dice, and you're willing to resort to the ad hominem attack because you have no rebuttal to OP's claim that premades result in an inability for actual competition because it's just ringers feeding on newbs? Just asking.

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So, what you're saying is that since you have a lock on nearly sure wins now, you don't want to give that up by playing warzones that don't provide you with a steady stream of unsuspecting noobs to slice and dice, and you're willing to resort to the ad hominem attack because you have no rebuttal to OP's claim that premades result in an inability for actual competition because it's just ringers feeding on newbs? Just asking.


they should promote team play. losing against premades motivates people to form premades themselves. when I play solo I understand the disadvantage and I am ok with that because it goes both ways



get friends and guildies and fight back. stop playing the victim. this is PVP not hand holding

Edited by VoidSpectre
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Premades don't bother me unless they are also trash-talkers which, to me, they might as well run around spamming, "I'm a complete loser!" over and over again. It takes a special kind of individual to think they are skilled because they are rolling puggers in a premade. There's this Shadow on our server who I've never seen in a WZ without his healbot and his guardbot. He's about the biggest ****** I've ever seen in a game. Of course it's easy to pwn face when you're guarded and have a healbot who is also guarded.


I frequently run in premades and we almost always win, but we're not ******s about it. We are all individually adult enough to realize that /facerolling puggers as a team doesn't make us pro. We also know that having people on the other side /quit out as soon as they see us because they just don't want to deal with it isn't good for PvP on our server.

Edited by Mannic
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I've been leveling my second toon thru WZs and class quests and it's been a blast. I am level 45 and valor 45 now so I imagine I have run hundreds of WZs. It's been great! :)


I solo queued the whole time until two nights ago I finally joined in with one of my guilds premades (they would lightly jeer me whenever I ended up randomly with one of their groups in a WZ) and I won 7 games in a row. At first I was like wow this is great, but after around game 5 I was like ok we won again, yay...game 6 uh yeah..yay....game 7...oh god this is boring. How some people can enjoy steamrolling every night is beyond me.


AFter the 7th game, I left and went back to solo queuing where I win about half my games and started having fun again.


To each his own. Not every gamer is made from the same mold.


Rated WZs and the necessity of premades in them will likely introduce some special wowie gear that is superior to normal WZ aquired gear and my love for this game will slowly wane. Then my dusty PS3 will welcome me back with open arms, lol.

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