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Why aint nobody playing sniper/GS?


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Are you jealous that I perform better than you even while clicking my cooldowns?


Are you just camping the mid the entire match? Actually a legitimate question as playing for objectives, helping ball carrier with peels and stopping their ball carrier in defense, I'm only pulling around 300k on a good game. Seriously if you have any tips it would be greatly appreciated :)


Sadly I do get focused a hell of a lot, usually a priority target and for some reason my teammates like passing to me. That said, I only very, very rarely like 3-4% of games play in a premade.

Edited by Beelzebubs
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I'm, not very good and don't think snipers (which I play) are particularly powerful.


But as a noob 50 I get gang F***** every time I wander too close the fray.


What that tells me is that the enemy team wants me dead fast regardless of my noobitude.


They go out of their way to kill me quickly. I don't feel like much of a threat (specially since my gear is not good PvP gear yet). But obviously it seems like a standard tactic to down the sniper first and fast.


I am new to 50 PvP and am usually the only sniper or one or two snipers (rare) in a WZ.


So I don't really know the verdict is still out for me...though I won't swear off buffs :D.


I get my *** kicked but still get medals and comms..so I don't leave empty handed.


On another note I think Alderaan is the most sniper friendly map....unless other snipers want to share some tactics with me on huttball and void.


It is very easy to focus a sniper. The lack of mobility makes it easier for players to stick on you until dead, which might not happen as much when you run around while being focused. Its not that you are actually any softer, its that being stationary makes your enemies job easier.

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The implication that every single class in the game isnt just as easy is very telling about how good you are.


No I dont think playing a sent/mara is as faceroll as a sniper. Yes I do think this games pvp is a joke and hopefully tera will be at least half decent til gw2.

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Are you just camping the mid the entire match? Actually a legitimate question as playing for objectives, helping ball carrier with peels and stopping their ball carrier in defense, I'm only pulling around 300k on a good game. Seriously if you have any tips it would be greatly appreciated :)


Sadly I do get focused a hell of a lot, usually a priority target and for some reason my teammates like passing to me.


Naw I always follow EFC, or peel from/clear path for ally flag carrier

I usually get a decent number of objective points

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Are you just camping the mid the entire match? Actually a legitimate question as playing for objectives, helping ball carrier with peels and stopping their ball carrier in defense, I'm only pulling around 300k on a good game. Seriously if you have any tips it would be greatly appreciated :)


Sadly I do get focused a hell of a lot, usually a priority target and for some reason my teammates like passing to me. That said, I only very, very rarely like 3-4% of games play in a premade.


The best match I played on had me score once and cause 2 other scores via passing. 4 total scores the whole game. Snipers can be useful, but just not more useful as any other class. I mean they can cover, Entrench, so they can't be knocked off, and then when someone comes - KABAM Cover pulse, and then everyone else goes bai bai. <-- Being on the catwalk when an ally is about to score.

Edited by Zunayson
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It's true. I'm sorry, but there's no way my gear (No PvP gear, only lvl 34) gives me a huge advantage. Snipe and ft hit for 2k, Ambush for 3k, easy. I haven't gotten SoS yet (2 levels!), but I imagine that it'll tick for 1 - 1.5k per second.


Its not hard for me to understand why people dont like the class. It seems like every sniper I try to get into a 1v1 has no idea what they are doing. I consider snipers free kills on my gunslinger, but I always have a long list in my head about things they could have and should have done to win the fight.

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lol snipers.


I see them occasionally, and then they die.


In-fact, if i see their targeting reticle appear above my character i usually drop what I'm doing and look for my free ki.... uggh.... err...I mean..SNIPERS ARE OVERPOWERED, EVERYONE ROLL SNIPERS!!!!

....pretty please?


what class are you?

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I am a lvl 50 gunslinger and do a lot of solo pvp on illum. My template is a very hybrid template with most of the points invested in saboteur (like 25 or so) and a few in SS and the remaining in Dirty fighting. I played a pure Dirty fighting template and sharpshooter template before, but I find my current template is much better for soloing enemies. I have access to three dots and an instant cool head cooldown which allow me to last in a fight much longer than I ever could in a dirty fighting spec. Furthermore, the dots are used mostly to slowly drain away health from the enemy and I am not dependent on them with wounding shot to kill the enemy. I beat one of the more feared juggernauts on my server in a couple of one on one fights in the last few days on Illum. Mind you that both times I nearly died, but all it takes is precision thinking to know how to handle them as well as a bit of luck. You have to occasionally get out of cover and kite when you health starts to dwindle down and get distance to get back into cover and prevent them from charging you. I find most classes to be soloable except sith assassins which were easier to deal with when I had a pure dirty fighting spec. Yeah we don't have the utility to heal, but we do often contribute a lot to the team as far as cc'ing enemies as a teammate plants the bomb or dotting up enemies to make them have to cleanse before planting the bomb on the door. Also we can stand on the edge of our side in Hutt ball and not have to worry about knights or warriors force charging us to get out of the pit and score. I wouldn't want to play a sage or a trooper, because i just prefer the gunslinger playstyle more and am willing to lose the utility of those other classes to play a class that I find extremely enjoyable like Carbineer was for me in SWG pre-cu.
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No I dont think playing a sent/mara is as faceroll as a sniper. Yes I do think this games pvp is a joke and hopefully tera will be at least half decent til gw2.


Playing any class in any game is never hard. The challenge always comes from the relative skill level of your opponents.

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I guess I haven't come across any skilled Snipers on my server, not to be insulting but I view them as an irritant. If you leave one alone, sure they might rack up some pretty numbers but they are so easy to counter because they are planted and turreting all the time. I have only seen a couple actually re-position themselves in a fight, most just sit there and face tank whatever damage comes at them which usually ends in their death.


I played a slinger for a while but only to low levels though, it's an acquired taste and the thing that really turned me off, was the lack of mobility. I found the cover system clunky, slow and a bit buggy, plus I just didn't like feeling like a sitting duck.

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Really? I find myself able to **** anyone in a 1v1. ANYONE. even in a 2v1 I feel that I can win if I have enough moves up. MM Sniper 34


I never find myself in a 1v1 that doesn't feel unwinnable, but I will admit that when it comes down to certain class matchups, say, a really skilled marauder, sometimes you just get beat.


It's definitely situational, but we thrive when we're being ignored. lol.


It's different in the 10-49 bracket as well... Expertise can factor highly into our ability to win 1v1s.

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I sort of wanted to play one pre-launch but the cover system kept me away. A lot of people I know that were on the fence about snipers stayed away because they wanted to see how the cover system would actually work in raids and PvP. Some of them(myself included) now see cover as an advantage rather than a burden and plan on rolling Sniper alts later on. I'd expect the Sniper population to slowly grow as people see the cover system in a more favorable light.
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Are you a wizard or do you just run premades with a healer and tank? I call 400k a good match :S And I'm probably one of the top few Gunslingers on my server. Admittedly there are only like 5 of us who PvP :p


Sounds legit! 400K is a good match.


I wont say 500K+ isn't possible. But then the enemy was bad/ignoring me, it was voidstar and/or i had someone healing me.

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Whoot! lets a play a class with so much skill that even a clicker can do well lol. GS/sniper would bore anyone who values movement to tears. Granted this game barely rewards it with its autofacing. Why dont you spend 10 minutes to learn to play with binds and then maybe you can roll a melee in a mmo?


I'm sorry your ADD doesn't allow you to play a class that has to sit still at times.


Go ahead and mash your keybinds. I enjoy my finesse class, and it suits my playstyle well.


Also, until BW fixes the fact that in the thick of melee combat my framerate drops to ****, I doubt I'll play a melee pvp class again.


You can take your melee combat and shove it. Here, I'll even snipe a hole for you to shove it into...

Edited by patatt
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I guess I haven't come across any skilled Snipers on my server, not to be insulting but I view them as an irritant. If you leave one alone, sure they might rack up some pretty numbers but they are so easy to counter because they are planted and turreting all the time. I have only seen a couple actually re-position themselves in a fight, most just sit there and face tank whatever damage comes at them which usually ends in their death.


I played a slinger for a while but only to low levels though, it's an acquired taste and the thing that really turned me off, was the lack of mobility. I found the cover system clunky, slow and a bit buggy, plus I just didn't like feeling like a sitting duck.


Key to being a sniper is relocation, and appearing unthreatning until its too late.


Mobility isnt actually that bad. Setting up a target for nuking can be done on the run.


Natural cover is amazing.


I love my Sniper, very satisfying experience.

Edited by Kalliadies
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lol snipers.


I see them occasionally, and then they die.


In-fact, if i see their targeting reticle appear above my character i usually drop what I'm doing and look for my free ki.... uggh.... err...I mean..SNIPERS ARE OVERPOWERED, EVERYONE ROLL SNIPERS!!!!




















....pretty please?

Sounds like somebody was picked off one too many times by a sniper. lol

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lol snipers.


I see them occasionally, and then they die.


In-fact, if i see their targeting reticle appear above my character i usually drop what I'm doing and look for my free ki.... uggh.... err...I mean..SNIPERS ARE OVERPOWERED, EVERYONE ROLL SNIPERS!!!!


....pretty please?





If you stop to look and see where that target rectical is coming from, then its too late.


If the sniper knows what hes doing you have already been set up for the fall (short of a lucky dodge) by the time that target recticle shows.


Be prepared to pop all defensive cool downs or run

Edited by Kalliadies
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I have only seen a couple actually re-position themselves in a fight, most just sit there and face tank whatever damage comes at them which usually ends in their death.

Since you haven't played the class at high levels, I understand your ignorance. But if a gunslinger is actually targeted, there is no re-positioning usually. There is only trying to kill them before they kill you, which means you need to sit in cover and use your skills.

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