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Petition to modify bags


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Since someone at BioWare believes that bags are the best way to distribute gear to PvPers, I would like to propose some possible changes.


A) Put a change into the random item if then statement that looks at your equipment and notes items you ALREADY have from that set. The lowered chance of pulling a piece out is fine, but please make it so you don't get dupes. I know some would argue that you can get two sets (for different specs) and that's all well and good, but personally, I'd rather finish one before starting on another (i.e.: Powertech tank set before Powertech DPS set). Which is taken care of with the commendations.


B) Don't give RNG out at all. Instead, increase the number of commendations to 20 Cent 10 Champ per bag. Simple and you don't feel like you're playing the lotto, but rather have a clear and defined goal. I don't like this as much as option A, but I know some out there would so I figured I would throw it out there.


C) Have 3 types of bags. Centurion, Champion and Battlemaster. Centurion give 20 commendations per bag with a chance at a Centurion piece. Champion give 20 commendations per bag with a chance at a Champion piece. Battlemaster bags give 20 commendations per bag with a chance at a Battlemaster piece. Centurion bags have a requirement of level 40 and rank 40 valor. Champion bags have a requirement of level 50 and rank 50 valor. Battlemaster bags have a requirement of level 50 and rank 60 valor.


Those are all I can think of at the moment to improve the bag situation. The current bags work, but the system still needs some tweaks.

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C) Have 3 types of bags. Centurion, Champion and Battlemaster. Centurion give 20 commendations per bag with a chance at a Centurion piece. Champion give 20 commendations per bag with a chance at a Champion piece. Battlemaster bags give 20 commendations per bag with a chance at a Battlemaster piece. Centurion bags have a requirement of level 40 and rank 40 valor. Champion bags have a requirement of level 50 and rank 50 valor. Battlemaster bags have a requirement of level 50 and rank 60 valor.



What are you supposed to wear before valor rank 40?

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What are you supposed to wear before valor rank 40?


ROFL. Only Battlemaster gear has a Valor requirement.


Out of 4 Battlemaster bags, I got 1 Battlemaster token. Damn, 25%, just as advertised. So not only do I get MORE Champions commendations, I still get BM tokens at the advertised rate. I <3 Bioware.

Edited by deltaminus
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ROFL. Only Battlemaster gear has a Valor requirement.


Out of 4 Battlemaster bags, I got 1 Battlemaster token. Damn, 25%, just as advertised. So not only do I get MORE Champions commendations, I still get BM tokens at the advertised rate. I <3 Bioware.



The fact that you're happy with the system just goes to show what kind of people will be left holding their ***** when the rest of the people with a brain leave. GL with the empty server fanboy =)

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ROFL. Only Battlemaster gear has a Valor requirement.


Out of 4 Battlemaster bags, I got 1 Battlemaster token. Damn, 25%, just as advertised. So not only do I get MORE Champions commendations, I still get BM tokens at the advertised rate. I <3 Bioware.


Read his post. He suggested having 3 types of bags, with the lowest type being locked out until valor rank 40.


Thank you come again.

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PVP gear that is sold in the area on fleet that the pvp dailies are at.


Yeah but it's kinda junk compare to champion / centurion / battlemaster. My brother is lvl 40 and he is already valor 45 but He play warzones and between them he make some missions.

I personaly think that all players in WZ should get gear with equal stats and no bonuses. This way WZ could be skill based first.


Right now WZ is first gear based and then skill based.

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The fact that you're happy with the system just goes to show what kind of people will be left holding their ***** when the rest of the people with a brain leave. GL with the empty server fanboy =)


People will stay when there's no reason to play? Part of the reason people play ANY MMO is for gear progression. You progress from level 1-50, your gear gets better from 1-50.


Sounds to me like you'd be happier if you started the game at level 50 with a full set of the best possible gear, no effort involved.

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changes are needed so badly

and its not just bags i think there going start losing numbers if they dont fix pvp its so retarded


No they aren't. It's already super easy to get a full set of Centurion gear, a full set of Champion gear isn't that hard to get either, just takes a little more time.

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People will stay when there's no reason to play? Part of the reason people play ANY MMO is for gear progression. You progress from level 1-50, your gear gets better from 1-50.


Sounds to me like you'd be happier if you started the game at level 50 with a full set of the best possible gear, no effort involved.


Yeah you just don't get it. You think the problem lies in how fast or slow people get gear. You're an idiot. I don't like how fast people get gear in this game in fact it's quite the opposite. It's the randomness itself the issue. Thick headed bads like yourself seem pretty easy to please with how it is though. You better hope there are enough dumb fux like yourself to keep this game afloat.

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