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Allow us to play without companions.


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Okay, how about soaking up ( pitiful) damage, dying, leaving you to finish off the rest anyways? Or, sitting there doing nothing at all? Pulling other packs? Bugging out so you aren't out of combat? Healing for next to nothing, being zerged by mobs and dying? Those are pretty useless.


Still not sure what you're suggesting here. If they are actually useless, like you're saying here, then how does just dismissing them not solve your problem?


Or is your complaint actually that - while useful - the pain of maintaining a companion isn't fun for you, so you'd like the option to play without them?

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Use the droid butler your ship gives you. ALL it can do is heal you. That means it won't engage in combat. So even if you never upgrade it's gear once, all it will do is toss heals your way from time to time. Problem solved.


Actually, it engages in melee combat.

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Fair point, however, there are two pet classes in that other game ( I don't really count CD related pets), SWTOR, all classes are pet classes.


way to ignore the fact that there was no way you didn't know about this before you bought it.



have to agree with the previous posters, troll on.

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I don't want to micromanage them, especially when they often don't respond to said micromanagement in the first place. Speaking of doc, want to know how many times he's died to AOE from elites because I told him to move and he stood there like a brick ( and yes, I put him on passive to get him to come to me)? I've lost count. That is the kind of aggravating nonsense I am talking about. With the bugginess of the crtl-number commands ( locking your character in autorun etc etc), using those is hit and miss. Not to mention, I have 4 bars full of hotkeys I already use on a regular basis, I'd need another set of arms and hands to throw a 5th bar in ( thanks to the lack of macros).


I just....click the passive on and off....maybe try that?

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Title says it all.

Long story short, I don't want to have to drag them around with me. They're dead weight, annoying, poorly coded AI that I have to constantly micromanage to get even the smallest utility out of. PVE/leveling in this game should not be balanced around it, allow people that want to fly solo, to truly fly solo.



Yes you can. And it is real easy too.

Dismiss companion.

Make sure all missions are grey to you.

You can play without your companion easily

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Right, and level in content designed for you + companion. No.


First you ask "Let us play without companions", then when someone says "You can, just Dismiss Companion", you complain some more about how hard the game would be?


If it's too hard without a companion, then team up with other people to run your missions.


Otherwise... looks like you need a companion.

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Try gearing your companion. My companion is extremely useful. I have geared most of my companion with atleast 100+ rating gear. my tank has 116 and above. This game was design to have companions. you fight packs of mobs here, not one mob at a time. I don't know how would a companion get in the way, healing you when you need it, soaking up dmg if your soft, adding the missing dps if your a healer, how are they getting in the way? Unless you totally disregard them and they still have the gear they start with in the beginning
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NPC-on-a-string. Pull-toys with a gun. And a mouth.


It seems Bioware took the leap of faith by forcing every player to be a pet-class. They wanted to create something different in the MMO sphere. In this case, having your companion become not only an extension of yourself in combat, but also an extension of yourself in a well-fleshed out story-line.

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As previous people have said, dismiss companion.


It's not the solution you want, but if you have better intelligence than your companion's AI, as you so claim, you'll do fine. All you have to do is know how to use your abilities properly, or do as others suggested and start by completing absolutely everything on the first few planets you hit so that you'll out-level the content a bit.


It's easier than hoping that they'll completely re-balance the game just for you.


Edit to the poster above: Do you completely disregard the gear options in the quest rewards? That's about the only way I gear my companions unless I find extra drops that are upgrades for them, and I've never had any problems with completing content with their gear levels.

Edited by Llaera
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It already is, you just have to make a friend with another player and do the content with them that way you wont be gimped because the content is designed for you+comp because you will have you+friend.


Of course this may be a problem for you since you seem to be an unlikeable person so making friends may be hard for you.


Oh and if you want to play solo go pick up a single-player RPG and **** of my MMO.

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It would be nice if I didn't have to upgrade their gear so often. I have enough credit sinks while leveling as it is.


I keep my companions geared with only quest rewards and random drops. There is no credit sink there. Also, credits practically rain from the sky with the easy of earning them. If you are running low on creds, you are doing it wrong.

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No addons in the game--can't have addons--addons play the game for you and trivialize the game. Companions? Sure--they are the greatest thing since sliced bread...


The gaps in logic among this community make you scratch your head...

Edited by Zhit
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No addons in the game--can't have addons--addons play the game for you and trivialize the game. Companions? Sure--they are the greatest thing since sliced bread...


The gaps in logic among this community make you scratch your head...


Game was designed for companions, not addons. Does that clear it up for you?


Addons will lower the current difficulty level. Current difficulty level is tuned for companions. In case it still wasn't clear.

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No addons in the game--can't have addons--addons play the game for you and trivialize the game. Companions? Sure--they are the greatest thing since sliced bread...


The gaps in logic among this community make you scratch your head...


How do companions trivialize the game when the content was designed around having them?


Except for the content that excludes companions ... which conveniently enough is the content that you would use an add-on for?


In short ... Companions don't trivialize the story arc for my Jedi Sentinel at all. In fact, the last mission I did in that story required the companion to be there for the mission.


BUT ... those operations? They don't use my companion. That's what you'd put your add-on to work with though.


Seems to me the gap in the logic is yours.

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Right, and level in content designed for you + companion. No.


So your arguement is that you want to have a more powerful character, who doesn't need a companion.


In you own words, No.


Companions were alwasy a part of this game and they always will be. You want to play without them, then you have to level higher and then go back to the content.

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I love how the ******* are just posting "dismiss companion" They obviously have not read the original post or their comprehension is quite low. I agree with the original poster that it would be nice to be able to travel without a companion and not be penalized (several story encounters are near impossible without one out) They do at times feel like dead weight when you are pretty much forced to upgrade their equipment to keep them viable, much like a lot of companions in bioware's previous games. There is nothing wrong with wishing to experience the game without them. Then again, these are the forums, where it's a requirement to be a tool towards anyone making a reasonable request.


There's nothing reasonable about asking Bioware to retool the entire game because of a personal preference.

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So let me get this straight...


You are complaining about the game being too hard without companions in a game which gives you the choice of using many companions and when to use them, or not at all.


Got it.


I feel really sorry for game developers, the level of idiocy of the public/customers is astonishing.

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So, because I don't mindlessly say " GJ BIOWARE, EVERYTHING IS GREAT!" I'm a troll? Okay then.


No, you're a troll for repeating the same canned responses while ignoring the posts that pick apart what you're demanding of Bioware and explain why it's both unreasonable and never going to happen.

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No one said get rid of companions, the suggestion was simply to make gameplay a bit more viable if one chooses not to use them, if you like them fine, keep using them, it affects you in no shape or form if such a thing were done. Also mmos are an ever changing entity. I've played them long enough to know that when it's required, a game will change, perhaps not for the better, sometimes for the better but they do change. You already got people complaining about the cross server dungeon finder that some players swore up and down would never happen here.


If the game is balanced so people without companions can play "viably" it will make the game twice as easy for those who use the system as it's meant to be used. No thanks.

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