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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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Yes it does. Like every PvPer that won 3 games and is done with his daily. Plus the T3 players.


You said people who are T3 and done with dailies. People who are done with their dailies don't need wins, so the likelihood of them leaving is less. They also should be forced to sit through a suckfest either.

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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and implement penalties for quitters. Edited by JovethGonzalez
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Leaving a wz on purpose is just


Poor sportsmanship


Just shows the type of people we have in this community


I don't usually do the whole "quoted for truth" thing, but this post has mad truthiness goin' on.


Between the quitters, the exploiters, and the hackers Warzone PvP has become painful and not much fun.

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Leaving a wz on purpose is just


Poor sportsmanship


Just shows the type of people we have in this community


Because farming medals instead of winning is good sportsmanship?


I keep thinking there must be a hidden motive for all this anti-deserter rage. Is it messing up premades sync queue attempts or something?

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Because farming medals instead of winning is good sportsmanship?


I keep thinking there must be a hidden motive for all this anti-deserter rage. Is it messing up premades sync queue attempts or something?


No just the troll king and his minions are spewing out garbage because they are bad and nobody wants to play with them.


This isn't a problem.


There's 100 other things that actually ARE a problem (like 9-12 player glitch for starters)


I repeat this is NO problem at all.


Stop being bad.

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i think, if they leave once in say... a 48 hour period, 15 min penalty.


twice... 1 hour


3... 4 hours


4... 24 hours


5... 2 days


and make that the ultimate penalty. and basically, its like a cooldown, so if they offend one time, then they have 48 hours before they can "quit" and get just another 15 minute penalty.


idk, BW, you dont have to follow my template, but i do believe something that progressively increases punishment based on the number of offenses within X time frame. and that time frame acts as a cooldown before your punishments reset back to zero or down one step (if they offend again, which i know effectively eliminates offenders for up to a week on the most offending individuals).


and i havent really read much of the forum on this topic, but to the OP, i feel your pain man. and to be honest, i know some people say "well, when people leave you might get someone better" but idc about that, if i lose a match cuz someone wasnt skilled enough, then so be it. its better than losing cuz some ******* (or 5) left mid game cuz they thought they were going to lose when your team could easily recover.

Edited by Galendril
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Disagree. Ill give you props on the win, but I am not gonna stay if I have no chance at a win for daily/weekly.


If you are only PvP-ing to get your wins for those, you are PvP-ing for the wrong reason. At that point I'd suggest BioWare get rid of the quests. PvPers deserve people who actually want to PvP and not simply fill some arbitrary quota. If your heart isn't in the game, then stay out of the game.

Edited by Wren_Atticus
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If you are only PvP-ing to get your wins for those, you are PvP-ing for the wrong reason. At that point I'd suggest BioWare get rid of the quests. PvPers deserve people who actually want to PvP and not simply fill some arbitrary quota. If you're heart isn't in the game, then stay out of the game.



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Not every class has a massive pushback ability, so I guess that's ALSO an exploit to be able to knock people off the bridge to their death, too, right?


Or a force pull ability, to pull the enemy to you on the bridge, and then kick them off. Must be a bug exploit, right?


Or heck, it MUST be an exploit for people to stealth right up to the doors without being seen and plant a bomb, right?


Every single one of those can be countered, including the force speed jump across the gap which is just short enough to jump across from edge to edge. You think the Dev team and art team didn't put 2 and 2 together and see that if you can run X distance at 150% run speed, that when you jump, you will cover Y distance plus that X distance, and then move the gap to be either A) further than that, or B) just barely that distance?


They fixed the Republic bug exploit of jumping over the wing to get outside the barrier and plant the bomb before match start. Don't you think if they fixed that so easily, that they could JUST AS EASILY adjust the distance between the gap ledges to make force speed jump not possible anymore?


You're talking like they are morons. And believe me, judging from someone who thinks quitting on their team is fair, honest, and smart play, I can assure you they are vastly more intelligent than you take them for.


All of those things, apart from jumping the gap, are counterable. If somebody crosses the bridge without expecting a knockback and planning accordingly, they deserve to get knocked off - the only knockbacks that can debridge you from the center are sniper (obvious) and juggernaught (obvious). If a team gets capped by a stealther then that is because they weren't defending that door. That the devs didn't notice it is not a support of the thing, rather a statement of their ineptness.

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No just the troll king and his minions are spewing out garbage because they are bad and nobody wants to play with them.


This isn't a problem.


There's 100 other things that actually ARE a problem (like 9-12 player glitch for starters)


I repeat this is NO problem at all.


Stop being bad.


dude, ive played with people who literally leave the moment ONE turret is captured by the enemy in alderaan (and this isnt just a once every blue moon encounter either).


ive also had games of huttball, where our team had a pretty equal skill level with the other team, and after 5 minutes, the other team scores once... and half the team leaves.


whats worse is, once one person leaves, its like a *********** plague... more leave, then more leave, til youre stuck with people who get sucked into a game that becomes a losing streak BECAUSE it cant stay at full capacity for more than 20 seconds at a time. I know once i join a game in progress and my team is losing, its not my problem because i wasnt contributing to the loss in the first place. if i am there from the beginning and we lose, i accept the loss and finish out the game.


sportsmanship my fellow gamers, sportsmanship


poor sportsmanship can ruin game experience just as much as a serious bug can.

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Better yet, make it worthwhile to stay.


If you add a 15 minute no PVP timer, folks will just switch characters and continue to play (or they will do some PVE stuff to waste a little time). Or they will AFK with a macro so they stay in the BG, because who cares how many times you're killed in PVP.


On the other hand, if Bioware was to make it actually worthwhile to stay (maybe counting a loss as half a point and a win as a full point), then people would stay through losses.


Of course, the current system would encourage people to just Deathmatch once they know it's a loss. So you'd have to modify PVP a bit more to promote group-oriented goals over individual-oriented goals.


Bottom Line: Bioware has made a horrible, horrible PVP system. They need to do any number of things to even begin to fix it. Given the current, shoddy state of PVP, adding a penalty for leaving a loss is just going to hurt the game not help it.

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Better yet, make it worthwhile to stay.


If you add a 15 minute no PVP timer, folks will just switch characters and continue to play (or they will do some PVE stuff to waste a little time). Or they will AFK with a macro so they stay in the BG, because who cares how many times you're killed in PVP.


On the other hand, if Bioware was to make it actually worthwhile to stay (maybe counting a loss as half a point and a win as a full point), then people would stay through losses.


Of course, the current system would encourage people to just Deathmatch once they know it's a loss. So you'd have to modify PVP a bit more to promote group-oriented goals over individual-oriented goals.


Bottom Line: Bioware has made a horrible, horrible PVP system. They need to do any number of things to even begin to fix it. Given the current, shoddy state of PVP, adding a penalty for leaving a loss is just going to hurt the game not help it.


im not just saying a 15 minute timer man... screw that, thats a joke


progressive punishment, just like we do in the working world (verbal, write-up, 1 day suspension, and termination <---- where i work)


so the 15 minutes is like the unofficial verbal


the hour, the official verbal counseling that is put on paper


the 4 hours? write-up


24 - one day suspenion


48 - equivalent of termination


and liek i said in previous post, either after 48 hours since your last offense, youre scott free to start from the bottom of the punishment




after 48 hours, you drop a step down the punishments

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all i can say are two things:


1) Entering warzone is a good boost to exp with some addons like commendations and money. So, leaving wz you get nothing except the time wasted.


2) pvp in this game is absolutely sucks


2.1) First of all, there are only three stupid maps. They are not interesting, i dont feel like i want to visit this zones just to have fun. I really think that this happens when EA takes part. Let them copy their NFS and FIFA, they just cant do anything else. Cause i remember Warhammer Online, absolutely the same system of pvp wz. Game is dead.


2.2) Good idea was huttball, but what's wrong with the map? you can't design a beautiful map? i cant see how to use teamwork there. And the most sad is that i dont want to try, because the whole impression when playing is disgusting.


2.3) only one map of which i cant say that it's horrible is the map where you need to control turrets. It's quite interesting to play there, to use some tactics and you have the ability to control the situation.



Only one thing good about this game is story quests. It's more or less interesting. But when i started leveling my second character i realise that for me personaly it's possible to finish it only once. So for now i dont know what to do when i get 50 lvl. I suppose i'll leave if the situation will not change. My first and only subscription would be more than enough to do it.


So i hope, they will stop developing these promos where only thing they do is promising a better pvp and all that stuff. Stop talking, start doing. Overall expression of the game is good, dont slow down, or the whole project will die. and it would be a pity

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I only read the first 12 or so pages of this thread; sorry if what I have to say has been covered already.


The issue we want to resolve is players leaving WZs in progress. Mostly players leave because they think that they will lose, and that losing is a waste of their time.


The suggestions I have seen are: make losing worth their time (change the incentives), or punish them for leaving regardless of the incentives to stay.


Here’s one thing I have not seen explored: make it so that we don’t care whether they leave or not. It seems like that could be done.


If one team has a premade and the other team doesn’t, give the team without a premade a significant buff to even the odds.


Someone on your team left the zone, and now it’s 6 vs. 8? Give all the remaining players a significant buff, or debuff the opposing team. Perhaps make it harder for them to achieve the objectives (give them a maximum possession time with the Huttball; increase their bomb planting timer; decrease the hitpoints of their Alderaan skyship; whatever)


Perhaps give us godly bonuses for winning with a gimped team.


Perhaps something in that vicinity could be made to work. Basically, the only solution I *don’t* want is one which gets a player to stay in the WZ even though he doesn’t really want to be there. I don’t want that guy on my team.


Certain situations give one team an unfair advantage. Players leaving, and premade teams are two of those. So kill that advantage. That seems much more straightforward to me than trying to gerrymander incentives for people. But I’m not a game designer, so what do I know.

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Once Bioware implements win/loss ratio scorekeeping for battlegrounds, counting a leaver's leaving (or possibly a legit player's dc'ing) as a loss, for all time, is the natural way to curb this. Those who quit a losing round are weak people and are intolerant of loss.


How about quitting a Huttball that's 0-5 at 10 minutes while the other team farms you? 'Cause I sure as hell can't be bothered to put up with that.

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It's to bad society has harbored and condoned instant gratification to a point where it is a way of thinking. Way to many want things now without actually earning them and I know that some servers have a legit gripe about faction balance, but still.


To see players standing in a pvp zone and fight club or see people leave a wz just because they won't get the win for their dailies is laughable.


What happened to actually earning what you get? How about getting a little dirty and put some time in to acquire that item or bonus!


We are a nation of wimps now. We sue for the most ridiculous reasons and don't hold ourselves accountable for anything.


So what if you didn’t get the win in that match, you stuck it out and fought til the end. That builds character. That builds heart and pride. That will lead to a greater satisfaction for the end game results.


What is bad is, IF BW did try to do anything about the issues, the game would suffer because all those players would quit to play something they don't need to try hard in to win.


Quit if you like, just know that someday you will be forced to put in hard work. See where instant gratification gets you then.

Edited by Cynomen
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And that's a big problem right there, the pre-mades. A PuG has next to no chance of beating them and more and more ofton, at least on my server, that's what we end up going against. Hell, I consider the 3 win "daily" to be more of a weekly because it ofton takes that long to get 3 wins because of the pre-made squads.


I'd like to see a queueing system where if you queue solo everyone on both sides in the next WZ also queued solo and those who queued as a group were pitted against another group in that WZ.





There can't be a severe penalty as if you get dc or client freeze then you are unfairly treated as deserter. I personally have never left a wz and the only solution I can see is make sticking around for a loss slightly more worthwhile for those that leave in otherwords don't reward wins/loses but how many medals you get or how effective you were in said wz.


Just a few quick ideas...

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