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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

People leaving wz is now out of control.


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Sounds awfully rampant to me. Especially when all the quitters say the same thing. And I'm trolling?


You are trolling. You are demanding that other players be forced to conform to people that lack skill. If the game didn't push a "win the warzone" mentality, the problem may or may not go away.


A punishment will be answered in kind. If you bads find a way to convince bioware to reward your poor playing with punishing players like me who enter intending to compete to win, I'll restrict myself to my nightly premades, and in the morning when I'm forced to play with you bads, I'll happily find a corner to sit in and press the space bar every minute and a half while I sip my coffee and read your QQ about the problem you created. Vote out makes no difference either. The chances of you replacing me with a player in poor gear are much higher than the chances of you replacing me with a player in equal gear. Meanwhile you bads will continue to lose, and you'll cause the good players to only play premades.


Whatever floats your boat, bad. Trolls and crybabies like you have to have something to cry about or life is incomplete.

Edited by drdarpa
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I think my new response will be sending emails to all the quitters after we win the match without them.


Just last night I won 3 matches after 2 - 3 people quit each time. Face it quitters - you often have no idea what is going to happen in a match after a minute or two. And by the time a loss is assured, you might as well get the commendations so you can buy heal kits to help your quitter self next match.

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Losing a Warzone grants one of the 8 people in your group a Champ/BM bag. So you have a 1 out of 8 chance to get a bag every time if lets say you have 4 or more medals. Done! The Warzone commendations are just not enough.

Forcing them to stay, with a debuff, is also not good enough! It will just create a AFK problem.

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The most obvious fix in the world for this problem and the win not counting problem for OVER A MONTH NOW has been to change the daily to MATCHES PLAYED, instead of matches won.


Then just implement an easy report AFKers system and we're good.


This is the best approach. What they have done is made it beneficial to quit, when they tie matches won to character development. If they simply changed it to X matches played or X won, then quitting a warzone would be a hinderence to character development. Plus they could add in some bonuses for playing on an undermanned team, increase valor and credits while your team is out numbered, medals for playing an amount of time short handed, etc. That way, if someone quits, they would only be hurting their development time, while giving bonuses to the people they abandon.

Edited by Vydor_HC
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You are trolling. You are demanding that other players be forced to conform to people that lack skill. If the game didn't push a "win the warzone" mentality, the problem may or may not go away.


A punishment will be answered in kind. If you bads find a way to convince bioware to reward your poor playing with punishing players like me who enter intending to compete to win, I'll restrict myself to my nightly premades, and in the morning when I'm forced to play with you bads, I'll happily find a corner to sit in and press the space bar every minute and a half while I sip my coffee and read your QQ about the problem you created. Vote out makes no difference either. The chances of you replacing me with a player in poor gear are much higher than the chances of you replacing me with a player in equal gear. Meanwhile you bads will continue to lose, and you'll cause the good players to only play premades.


Whatever floats your boat, bad. Trolls and crybabies like you have to have something to cry about or life is incomplete.




As long as they try idc about the gear, lmfao.

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I think my new response will be sending emails to all the quitters after we win the match without them.


Just last night I won 3 matches after 2 - 3 people quit each time. Face it quitters - you often have no idea what is going to happen in a match after a minute or two. And by the time a loss is assured, you might as well get the commendations so you can buy heal kits to help your quitter self next match.


Most likely they quit due to some of the reasons people have been talking about, ie bad connections, real life, a call from guildmates to join them...etc.

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How about BW first gets rid of the extra man exploits and the afkers and botters?


The extra man exploit is extremely easy to do. (I am shocked it is not more common)

There are also known speed hacks that make huttball a futile undertaking.


And when people report someone afk it is very easy to find them, they are the guys standing in the corner somewhere and hiding in boxes in huttball.


Solve that problem and then we can consider leaver penalties.


All I know it should not take me 4-5 hours to complete my warzone dailies because the exploiters, afkers and bots are not being dealt with.

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lol ok Dr Phil.


Valid and the facts are as followed,


1 person should not be the reason a game is lost due to them leaving.


How can you prevent that?




If a team nosedives because one person left, chances are they were going to lose anyways. I've had quite a few wins with 1-3 people down at start. Heck, as rep on my server, that's how most games start.

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I think my new response will be sending emails to all the quitters after we win the match without them.


Just last night I won 3 matches after 2 - 3 people quit each time. Face it quitters - you often have no idea what is going to happen in a match after a minute or two. And by the time a loss is assured, you might as well get the commendations so you can buy heal kits to help your quitter self next match.


Some of my favorite matches have been ones I joined half way through a loss and managed a comeback. Again, its not the score that makes me leave. Its the spawn camping slash rofl-stomp matches that make me want to leave the warzone. Toss in the couple of crashes, lockups, etc... that I still get each night? Not to mention the exploits and hacks that are making the rounds?


Yeah, BioWare should start addressing those issues first.

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As far as teaching people what to do in a WZ...that isn't mine, or anyone else's job. There are websites, guildies and general chat to get information from. Asking what the heck is going on when you're already in the game isn't the answer. If they can't be bothered to do a little research that takes literally 3 minutes, it's not anyone's job to carry them. Especially at 50. Leveling to 50 and then deciding you want to "try out" PVP is nonsense.

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Again, its not the score that makes me leave. Its the spawn camping slash rofl-stomp matches that make me want to leave the warzone.



According to a lot of posters, their reason for leaving is that they seem to think they can predict a loss based on whatever they see in the first minute of a match.

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According to a lot of posters, their reason for leaving is that they seem to think they can predict a loss based on whatever they see in the first minute of a match.


When you see half your team chase down 1-2 people right out of the gate instead of heading for an objective, chances are it's going to be a loss. After a while, you get used to seeing certain people PVPing, know what kind of player they are, what gear they have etc etc. When you get a team of nobodies, and it looks like a long shot 1-2 minutes in, chances are it is. Have I left some underdog comebacks? Probably. But I know I've left far more total curbstomps.

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This is the best approach. What they have done is made it beneficial to quit, when they tie matches won to character development. If they simply changed it to X matches played or X won, then quitting a warzone would be a hinderence to character development. Plus they could add in some bonuses for playing on an undermanned team, increase valor and credits while your team is out numbered, medals for playing an amount of time short handed, etc. That way, if someone quits, they would only be hurting their development time, while giving bonuses to the people they abandon.


This makes sense right here. I'm sure because I haven't digested this idea much yet I can not see anything possibly negative from this implementation at the moment, but this is a good place to start.

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The fact of the matter is until there is a punishment for leaving, people will continue to leave WZ screwing over the entire team. 95% of people would stay in a game regardless of win/lose if there was a lockout of 15-30 min. Thus seeing a far better PvP experience all around. It works in other games no reason it wont work here.
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The fact of the matter is until there is a punishment for leaving, people will continue to leave WZ screwing over the entire team. 95% of people would stay in a game regardless of win/lose if there was a lockout of 15-30 min. Thus seeing a far better PvP experience all around. It works in other games no reason it wont work here.


Or they are forced to stay, in which they will contribute nothing and possible make the game worse for those that stay. The bottom line is when someone wants to leave, the best thing to do really is let them. They have already given up on the prospects of winning and will be a detriment to the effort going forward. Better replace them with another players or take your chances shorthanded. Forcing players into a situation they do not want to be in will not produced the desired result, people do not change their attitude against their will.

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I think my new response will be sending emails to all the quitters after we win the match without them.


Just last night I won 3 matches after 2 - 3 people quit each time. Face it quitters - you often have no idea what is going to happen in a match after a minute or two. And by the time a loss is assured, you might as well get the commendations so you can buy heal kits to help your quitter self next match.


I know you bads don't understand the whole basic math thing but I'll try anyway.


If I join a huttball and the opposing team scores 2 to 0 in the first two minutes, and I find that only I and 1 other person are attempting to either A) stop the opposing team ball carrier B) get the ball and score the ball C) Support the person with the ball, yet all 8 players on the opposing team are attempting to do A, B and C, at best we only have a 25% chance of winning, because we have a quarter of the players attempting to play the game.


However, the second I leave that queue and requeue, my chances raise back up to 50%. You bads need to stop taking it so personal. It's nothing personal, it's just business.

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The fact of the matter is until there is a punishment for leaving, people will continue to leave WZ screwing over the entire team. 95% of people would stay in a game regardless of win/lose if there was a lockout of 15-30 min. Thus seeing a far better PvP experience all around. It works in other games no reason it wont work here.


Of course 1 or 2 skilled, objective-focused players leaving and being replaced with 1-2 unskilled bads that farm medals decreases your chances of winning.


Although, at the point that someone quits, 95% of the time, the bads have already dropped the chance of winning so low that a good player is taking an extremely risky gamble with valuable time to stay in the game.


And really, it's no problem if you punish leaving, as long as you're prepared to suffer more premades, and afker's. Because you and all the whiners will be directly responsible.

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According to a lot of posters, their reason for leaving is that they seem to think they can predict a loss based on whatever they see in the first minute of a match.


As been said before, there is a difference between the number of times someone posts their opinion in this forum, and actual number of subscribers validating that opinion "in game." Not to mention that while some of my favorite matches have been come from behind wins, they were also the rarest type of win. Which, at least in my own experience, would seem to back up their potential psychic talents.


Maybe I should ask them what the powerball numbers will be. :D


The fact of the matter is until there is a punishment for leaving, people will continue to leave WZ screwing over the entire team. 95% of people would stay in a game regardless of win/lose if there was a lockout of 15-30 min. Thus seeing a far better PvP experience all around. It works in other games no reason it wont work here.


Well then I must be in that 5%. If my team is getting spawn camped and rofl-stomped, then I have better options to spend my time. Not to mention that on "lighter" servers like Corsair, chances are good that you are going to be running into the same opfor repeatedly anyway. So if the "six hundred club" is rolling that night, its best to take a break for a couple of hours anyway instead of offering yourself up to be valor farmed over and over again. So its not like a fifteen to thirty minute ban is going to make a difference.

Edited by SirRobin
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This situation is getting way out of control. Today, I'm getting into warzones with only 5 people left in them which then fill up and gradually empty again. More and more people are just leaving a warzone at the first sight of a loss. I don't usually leave. Today after getting into that 5 man warzone and watching repeat people joining afterwards and leaving I finally thought wth should I be the one to stay in this if noone can be arsed to take their turn when a loss comes, so I bailed. It's got to the point where the system is now just broken.


We need a fix. I don't see any other way besides applying a penalty. A 15 minute debuff preventing queueing for more warzone seems like the most reasonable suggestion so far.


Whatever happens, it can't stay as it is.


You mean scrubs? Being known as a scrub is the best penalty. ;)

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1 person outta 8 deciding to leave 7 people fighting 8 means a game lost.


1 person being selfish and leaving a match already lossed is rude.


1 person deciding the fate of games needs punished for their greed.


1 person should not have a say so.



Using this logic the argument for 6 players (or even 4, or even 2) deciding not to play to win (going for objectives rather than medal farming) also means game lost. These players should be punished for their greed.

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