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6 wins 63+ losses (mini rant followed by suggestions)


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If you are losing that much, and playing with your friends, gear is not your issue. Warzones are more about coordination than anything else, and if you are queuing with 2-3 other people you should be able to pull out at least a 50/50 record.


LOL - I could take 5 friends in blues into a WF, and regardless of coordination, we're going to be rezzing more than mezzing.

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Premades consist of 4 people. You cannot overcome that? Even if you lose, you certainly should be getting more than 4 medals. If not, you are doing something wrong. Besides, there are no medals for winning, so I am struggling to see how your medal count would be vastly beneath theirs. You are facing premades consisting of full BMs? On a regular basis? This sounds fishy. If I objectively read what you wrote, the only 2 possible conclusions are that 1)You are bad at this game 2)You are exaggerating heavily.
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LOL - I could take 5 friends in blues into a WF, and regardless of coordination, we're going to be rezzing more than mezzing.


I don't see the point in arguing extremes since no decisions are ever based on extremes. You should be wearing oranges with daily/crafted epic mods, plus epic crafted gear, plus epic pvp gear if you were prepared (for a fresh 50). There is no excuse for not having this unless 1) you are terrible with money 2) you are terrible at planning.


People who think you cant win with skill are the people who are below average players that depend on gear to make up for what they lack in skill.

Edited by mjAstro
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less expertise does not mean pve gear would dominate. even if it did, there are ways to fix that (an adjustment to pve gear stats in level 50 warzones, for example).


again, why are you arguing so much to keep your gear advantage in pvp? why do you need that?


I got full BM and full Rakata and the PVE gear, at highest tier, has about +30-50 extra stats on it when compared to PVP gear. This is to counter the % of increase you get from the expertise when PVP'ing and for someone who is serious about gaming, it's much better to have the full PVE set when doing anything other then PVP'ing.



Also, the best way to go around in this game is mix and match the PVE and PVP gear. Expertise hits a very hard cap at around 8% and stacking pure stats is much better.



Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. From your talk, I don't think you're even level 50, lol... You don't even know the basic stats on the gear.





Look at the recent Q & A by the way.. Even Bioware is surprised at how popular PVP is right now... The dude says it's the most popular feature of their game and they've DOUBLED their dev team that's working on the PVP. Nerfing PVP gear would make no sense if you're actually looking at the numbers.. Why would they purposly hurt the most popular aspect of their game?

Edited by Balmuck
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I also find the 6-63 ratio odd. Even on my worst days when I was a fresh 50 I was winning25% of the time, you end up getting matched up with a premaid and get carried as long as you are being helpful (jumping on healers, attacking cappers, protecting the ball handler).
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They need to add ranked battle grounds (based on gear). No reason to have full set premades versus fresh 50s pugs.


I'm sure the OP is exaggerating his win/loss ration. But saying it's a L2P issue is just silly. One fresh 50 pug cannot do anything to beat a team with premades full sets, and you all know it - it's pure faceroll.

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I'm a rage marauder, 0 heals, pots for medals is harsh!


I can garauntee it's not an L2P thing, as I'm sure many of the freshly dinged 50's can attest, it's simply having the odds stacked horribly against you.


I'm a rage marauder, I get the 2.5k heal nearly every BG.


edit: read some more of the thread. If you're a rage marauder and you can't consistently get the 2.5k single hit, you're doing it wrong.

Edited by AGoldCrayon
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I'm a rage marauder, I get the 2.5k heal nearly every BG.


edit: read some more of the thread. If you're a rage marauder and you can't consistently get the 2.5k single hit, you're doing it wrong.


I said it's rare not to and the time I posted I didn't get it I was annihilation....back to rage now :D 4k critz

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on my alt, i have 5 pc champion and the rest centurion in about a week of just doing the dailies with an average win rate....


Centurion isnt the best, but 550 odd expertise with some reasonable hps and some ok damage is pretty easy for the time (or lack thereof) i've put in.

Edited by Adzzy
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I read most of this rubbish and yeah, all great debates. But after I got about 3 pages and NO ONE had mentioned the fact that we have a system that allows pre-mades vs pugs, i had to make a post. That's the major concern i have with scaring away the casuals from PVP.


That and the fact that you had a bunch of hardcores shooting straight to 50 only to farm lower levels for the first 3-4 weeks, getting easy BM gear. Now when they aren't levelling alts, they are getting their kicks farming fresh 50's and carrying their guildies.


Just persevere and you'll be more skilled in the long run after having to deal with such adversities.

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  • 2 weeks later...
70 games in 2 days?!? If you que'd for 12 hours straight in one day with no bathroom breaks food breaks or any other kind of breaks this would barely be possible. That is 3 games an hour for 12 hours straight with 5 min or less que's lmao. I might believe 20 games in 2 days with 6 wins. 2 outta 3 games are going to be huttball you can que with 3 other people all in greens and win huttball every time.... So I hate to say it but I have a feeling it's you not the game.
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Even at 37 Valor and with 80% champion gear I now enter WZs and immediatley look at the hp of other players and can pretty much work out whether we will win or lose. I'm OK now, don't feel squishy any more, have fun, contribute and so on (because I have my expertise - I'm no better player).


Yes, it is easy enough to get the gear but don't anyone pretend that pvp in this game is anything other than gear dependent.

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Ihave a low lvl powertech alt.I joined few wz`s on him.....My god,its n00bfest in pre 50 wz`s.YES its that BAD.Then those ppl join 50 bracket when they ding 50 and they get roflstomped.And yes premade of 4 bm`s will stomp pug with fresh 50 into the ground.
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I can understand how he feels. On our server there is a very large Imp population which also seem to be better geared by far. Republic lose a majority of all matches and it can often take a very long time to complete even your dailies. Ilum weekly's / dailies you can just forget about we nearly always get steamrolled if we ever dear to enter Ilum.


The problem seems to be because of imbalance server population and Expertise gear. Lots of people keep saying gear doesn't mean anything but you notice it easily. Suddenly when you hit Expertise 500+ your play is much more fun and back to similar of how it was when you pvp'ed pre-lvl50. Problem is the fraction with the most players will always have the most amount of players with 500+ expertise. That means chances are that each PvP match you enter you as the underpopulated side you will face more 500+ players than you have on your own side.


Of course there is also some learn-to-play issues (players running the wrong direction in huttball). But I honestly don't think that accounts for the majority of losses.


The problem however is that if you lose the majority of your pvp matches day after day, the game becomes very boring and feels extremely unfair. Why would you want to keep coming back if you just lose all the time?


For me, it's meant I try and PvP later at night as it seems to be more chance of winning the matches. I finish my daily/weekly and then after that try and not care if we win or lose, instead try and just have fun and get some medals. BUT when you end up having a long losing streak that stops you from finishing your dailies.. it's hard not to get annoyed.

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If you are losing that much, and playing with your friends, gear is not your issue. Warzones are more about coordination than anything else, and if you are queuing with 2-3 other people you should be able to pull out at least a 50/50 record.


haha yes, yes, my friend, especially when 2 full BMs coming to your node and bulldozing 4 of you to the ground. Thats a learn to play coordination issue, no shiz :)


Btw, rank 61 here.

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I can understand how he feels. On our server there is a very large Imp population which also seem to be better geared by far. Republic lose a majority of all matches and it can often take a very long time to complete even your dailies. Ilum weekly's / dailies you can just forget about we nearly always get steamrolled if we ever dear to enter Ilum.


The problem seems to be because of imbalance server population and Expertise gear. Lots of people keep saying gear doesn't mean anything but you notice it easily. Suddenly when you hit Expertise 500+ your play is much more fun and back to similar of how it was when you pvp'ed pre-lvl50. Problem is the fraction with the most players will always have the most amount of players with 500+ expertise. That means chances are that each PvP match you enter you as the underpopulated side you will face more 500+ players than you have on your own side.


Of course there is also some learn-to-play issues (players running the wrong direction in huttball). But I honestly don't think that accounts for the majority of losses.


The problem however is that if you lose the majority of your pvp matches day after day, the game becomes very boring and feels extremely unfair. Why would you want to keep coming back if you just lose all the time?


For me, it's meant I try and PvP later at night as it seems to be more chance of winning the matches. I finish my daily/weekly and then after that try and not care if we win or lose, instead try and just have fun and get some medals. BUT when you end up having a long losing streak that stops you from finishing your dailies.. it's hard not to get annoyed.


To get around 500 expertise you need about 15 champion bags - you can have 6 before hitting lev 50, and during first week from doing only 3 WZ dailies and 1 weekly you get another 6, so you need to buy 3 more for WZ comms, not so big deal.


And here you go, you have 500 expertise in less than a week.


There is no excuse for NOT having 500 expertise after a week (or 2 if you are particulary unlucky/play only 3-4WZ/day).


You dont have it - you didnt even TRY to have it. You dont try, you loose. Plain and simple.


Can someone in full cent 1v1 someone in BM? Not really. Will he get 3shoted? Hell no.


If you always loose, 63/70 games, than I am sorry, there is no excuse for that. It is not gear, premades (you have 1/3 chance to end up with premade on your side, assuming that there is only 1 premade in WZ) or anyting else. It is just a bad play, your and your team.


Accept that (easy), make other accept that (soooooo hard) and work to get better (easy after acceptance) and you will start winning, instead of whinning;)

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To get around 500 expertise you need about 15 champion bags - you can have 6 before hitting lev 50, and during first week from doing only 3 WZ dailies and 1 weekly you get another 6, so you need to buy 3 more for WZ comms, not so big deal.


And here you go, you have 500 expertise in less than a week.


There is no excuse for NOT having 500 expertise after a week (or 2 if you are particulary unlucky/play only 3-4WZ/day).


You dont have it - you didnt even TRY to have it. You dont try, you loose. Plain and simple.


Can someone in full cent 1v1 someone in BM? Not really. Will he get 3shoted? Hell no.


If you always loose, 63/70 games, than I am sorry, there is no excuse for that. It is not gear, premades (you have 1/3 chance to end up with premade on your side, assuming that there is only 1 premade in WZ) or anyting else. It is just a bad play, your and your team.


Accept that (easy), make other accept that (soooooo hard) and work to get better (easy after acceptance) and you will start winning, instead of whinning;)


You fail to see the point entirely. I have expertise 500+ but not everyone does. So no matter how good I am or what my expertise is, it doesn't make up for half of the team I end up with not having it. The point is that it ruins the game when one side continuously gets beaten day after day no matter what the reason is.

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I didnt miss your point at all. I just say that getting 500 expertise is so quick and easy that there is no reason for everyone to not have it (I hope this double negative is understandable:) ). I understand you personaly have it and fact that other players in your group have not is not helping you win.


Thing is, why they dont have it?


Because they dont want it obviosly.


You said the other faction is outgearing your faction badly - it is not BW fault, matchmaking fault, expertise fault. It is those players fault. Who should fix that? Because I dont know.


If I would be in your situation, on so unbalanced server I would just reroll somewhere else, it is probably the only solution I can think about to fix fact that most of your possible teamates dont have a clue about pvp.

Edited by Kaarsa
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haha yes, yes, my friend, especially when 2 full BMs coming to your node and bulldozing 4 of you to the ground. Thats a learn to play coordination issue, no shiz :)


Btw, rank 61 here.


I cannot tell if you are being serious or just plain dumb. Valor rank means absolutely nothing other than that you have time. Do not try to pretend you are good because you played X amount of warzones. It is such a joke when people try that. If 4 people are getting rickrolled by 2 people there are a couple things that could be happening.


1 - they are 4 fresh 50s

2 - they are bad players


There is no other excuse. Bad players will not understand it is a L2P issue, it is just a fact. No one wants to admit they are bad. Hence they blame it on gear. Having leveled 4 50s, one of each class, I have NEVER lost more than 2-3 in a row. Did I start out in premades with full champ+ gear on all those toons? Hell No. I simply know how to play my class and how to COUNTER other classes. So many people have no clue towards how to counter classes they don't play. BM gear does not make people gods, do they get an advantage? Yes. Do they still die easily if you know what to do? Hell Yes.


I think a big issue with people being overconfident in their play is due to how easy PvE is. People think that because they cleared nightmare they are gods and know everything. The fact is, 99% of players have no idea what to do in pvp and it shows. I am on a high pop server and there are maybe 2-3 players per class who stand out. That's it, the rest are average/below average yet most think they are pro. People need to seriously swallow their pride and realize they need to improve their own play before blaming it on gear. Everyone seems to believe that they are in the top 2% of players which is really comical.

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I cannot tell if you are being serious or just plain dumb. Valor rank means absolutely nothing other than that you have time. Do not try to pretend you are good because you played X amount of warzones. It is such a joke when people try that. If 4 people are getting rickrolled by 2 people there are a couple things that could be happening.


1 - they are 4 fresh 50s

2 - they are bad players


There is no other excuse. Bad players will not understand it is a L2P issue, it is just a fact. No one wants to admit they are bad. Hence they blame it on gear. Having leveled 4 50s, one of each class, I have NEVER lost more than 2-3 in a row. Did I start out in premades with full champ+ gear on all those toons? Hell No. I simply know how to play my class and how to COUNTER other classes. So many people have no clue towards how to counter classes they don't play. BM gear does not make people gods, do they get an advantage? Yes. Do they still die easily if you know what to do? Hell Yes.


I think a big issue with people being overconfident in their play is due to how easy PvE is. People think that because they cleared nightmare they are gods and know everything. The fact is, 99% of players have no idea what to do in pvp and it shows. I am on a high pop server and there are maybe 2-3 players per class who stand out. That's it, the rest are average/below average yet most think they are pro. People need to seriously swallow their pride and realize they need to improve their own play before blaming it on gear. Everyone seems to believe that they are in the top 2% of players which is really comical.


first of, you started with a personal attack. this is hillarious by itself but lets continue.


a fully bm geared player can take 2 players who are below 13k health each no matter how divinely their skill status is if he knows what he do, has stims, grenades and all other proper things a proper player utilizes (and those we rarely see on fresh 50s). 2 fully bm geared players can take 4, or even more of those fresh 50s, taken one of those is a healer. Another funny thing is you start criticize my valor rank, i gave it not because i pretend i play good (i know i do, and i know i do it better then you, judging by your mutterings :) ), but to let others know that i personally experienced that difference in gear - i was once fresh, but rather well geared JG, now packing much better equipment.


Otherwise, dude, it was really funny reading your comment, seems like you do really think you are one of those 2 percent :) Stay cool little fellow, stay cool :)

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