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Why did you choose Imperial Agent over Smuggler?


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-The IA story had a pretty good reputation (considered the best of all from what I read)

-The smuggler can't be Rattataki and female rattataki looks awesome (SPOILER: I didn't excpect my first companion to be one though). The general look of the IA is awesome.

-the overall background of the empire felt better.

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Story wise, smuggler wins hands down, all of his lines are funny as hell, and unkike IA, smuggler isn't kissing any Sith's rear end...


Functionality wise, IA wins hands down. Better animations, beter looking gear and, of course, sniper rifle vs two blasters with crappy accuracy for the off-hand weapon.

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Female Agent VA is fantastic. In fact, it's the single best player character voice in the game, in my opinion. Loved the story in beta. I also dig the overall aesthetic.



and unkike IA, smuggler isn't kissing any Sith's rear end...




....Only if you choose to play it that way. My character never once uttered the phrase "my lord". Jadus was.....rather unhappy about it, but you know how fussy Sith can be.

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Agents are the only class that can use the sniper rifle. A 30M head-shot with a sniper rifle makes more sense to me than a 30M head-shot with a pair of blasters. If any republic class was able to equip to the sniper rifle I would gladly switch to that.



That and the fact that the female agent voice is so enjoyable to listen to.

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The sniper rifle hands down, the acsent second. Nothing like a jet black outfit and a BIG gun for coolness.


If I could play a republican sniper I would, as I think they should be able to have snipers as well since it's an army role and not specific to a group of people, same as BH and Trooper.

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1. My guild went Empire

2. I love the Chiss

3. I love British Accents

4. I love the IA story more

5. Debilitate looks cooler than dirty kick


...why choose? I have both :rolleyes: I enjoy the Smuggler too But I like the IA better.





Uh, XS Freighter Flyby is basically the same?


the name is cooler. but i agree with all of your other points, mine is a Chiss as well

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I chose a IA mainly because everyone I know plays Empire side. I have a Smuggler though and tbh I like it a little more. Also I prefer Republic side.


Levelling the Smuggler as an alt atm. though.

EDIT: Wannabe Millenium Falcon ftw. but the Phantom is decent too.

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Agents are the only class that can use the sniper rifle. A 30M head-shot with a sniper rifle makes more sense to me than a 30M head-shot with a pair of blasters. If any republic class was able to equip to the sniper rifle I would gladly switch to that.



That and the fact that the female agent voice is so enjoyable to listen to.


You do know that to a trained marksman, 60 feet/30 meters is still accurate range for a pistol, right? Trained snipers with the right big rifles can land shots from well over half a mile/a kilometer away from their target.

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Well when I first rolled a character I rolled the Marauder. My buddy told me that with my personality of wanting everyone to look at the floor when i came into a cantina then IA would be my favorite story. So I rolled it out, and after reaching lvl 10 I totally neglected my marauder. IA has better everything, but the best thing is we get the Bentley of all star ships.
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I'm not sure why someone said they chose the IA over the smuggler because of a better story. Wouldn't you have to play both to completion in order to make that comparison? In which case you didn't chose one over the other you played both?


Anyhoo, I chose IA as it seemed more like a James Bond thing which intrigued me more than watching them re-hash Han Solo quotes and themes, which Im sure they did. Also, I like the shiv animation. And the sound for it. I get to Shiv (or is it Shank them with a shiv?) people. It's fun to say :)

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Well when I first rolled a character I rolled the Marauder. My buddy told me that with my personality of wanting everyone to look at the floor when i came into a cantina then IA would be my favorite story. So I rolled it out, and after reaching lvl 10 I totally neglected my marauder. IA has better everything, but the best thing is we get the Bentley of all star ships.


IA's get a Bentley of a star ship, force users get the practical humvee, and BHs get the M1-Abrams Tank. It looks ugly as sin and is pretty big, but it's function before fashion.

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Wanted to do Trooper on republic side..so agent on imp it was.


So you missjudged Sniper for being Troopers mirror class?



My top 3 resons.


1. Story no question about it.


2. Personality, even if you are "good" you are still a "raw piece of meat". You never make a lightside choice without ending it with something degrading to the person its directed to just to let them know "you the man". You pull the trigger without raising an eyebrow, as a smuggler well... even Han Solo (as cool as he is) had a conscience.


3. Weapon style, it feels so much more ****** to unload that big boom from a big *** sniper rifle than from a pesky little blaster pistol.

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No one plays Republic, so its this or a dead faction.


To be honest also the sniper is a lot better in pvp from what I can tell from leveling both up. They don't suffer from animation lag like gunslingers or that there melee CC roots them in place for half a second..... The sniper has more stealth sitting back sniping people, as there is no real travel animation for some of there shots.

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IA's get a Bentley of a star ship, force users get the practical humvee, and BHs get the M1-Abrams Tank. It looks ugly as sin and is pretty big, but it's function before fashion.


Seriously, who doesn't want to fly around in an Astro Martin? It's got hard-wood floors.

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