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Powertech tank stat caps simplified


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Hey guys ive been trying to find what the tank stat caps are in terms of rating and %, was wondering if anyone could post them here since i fail at reading charts ='(


e.g stack absorb to 30% (220 rating) then focus on getting shield to 22% (180 rating) then get defense to 40% (250 rating)


or something like that, also interested in hearing peoples thoughts on accuracy capping, thanks !

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Good luck getting that kind of defense rating as a powertech, that looks more like what a juggernaut would aim for as far as stats.


Ideally, 50% shield chance and 50% absorption should be your first goal, and then as much defense as you can muster beyond that without losing shield chance or absorption.

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yea i was just using it as an example because i had no idea what the stats cap and priority to certain points are, thanks for the info, whats your thoughts on accuracy cap?


Tena is pretty much right on the ball.


Powertechs rely so heavily on shielding and absorb. Heck in the Shield tree, we get tons of abilities tailored to shield and Absorb.


Basically, if your just starting Hard Modes, you should have at least 35% in shield chance and absorb. By the time you start Ops you should be near 50%. For some reason Powertechs get burned when it comes to defense.

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Right now I'm in 4/5 columi (damn leggings wont drop) and I'm at ~48% shield chance and around ~40% absorption, with 52% damage reduction via armor and 15% defense, and around 20.5k health.


So far, not much gives me problems in the way of damage taken, even in operations. When you take the shield/absorption along with armor into account, every other hit against me is shielded and I only take around 30% damage from it, and the attacks that arent shielded still only do half damage. Overall it comes out to roughly 70% damage reduction over an extended period with all of my defensive stats.



High shield chance also comes in handy on fights like the fabricator in karagga's palace, where your armor is essentially reduced to 0 (I go from 52% reduction from armor to 12% reduction with the debuff the boss puts on me) - but your defensive stats remain the same.

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yea i was just using it as an example because i had no idea what the stats cap and priority to certain points are, thanks for the info, whats your thoughts on accuracy cap?


Accuracy is about quality of life in PVP. You only need enough accuracy in PVE to get past the boss's miss chance.


The way accuracy works is that anything you have over 100% lowers your opponent's chance to remove the attack. Some of the tooltips are confusing- It doesn't go through mitigation, it goes through denial. The higher your accuracy, the lower your chance to get dodged, deflected, parried.


When you attack something, the first thing the game does is decide whether you hit or miss.


It rolls your accuracy against the target's defense. So if you have 100% acc and the target has 15% defense, we're naturally looking at an 85% window in your favor.


if you have 110% acc against the same target, you have a 95% window in your favor.


shielding and critting are mutually exclusive- after the game makes the hit roll, it rolls for crits and shields. Only one of these can happen- you can't crit against a shield. (WHERE RELEVANT. SHIELDS ONLY BLOCK WEAPON ATTACKS)


the crit roll is stacked against the shield chance just like the accuracy is stacked against the defense chance- That's the point of buff-stacking crit and surge with cooldowns when you're fighting tanks. You want the higher crit chance to push the enemy tank's shield chance off the table.


once the game determines whether an attack is a hit, crit, or is shielded, the damage is assigned as relevant.



that's the difference between a jugg tank and a powertech tank- they hedge their bets on different part of the hit formula. Juggs tend to have higher static defense and ignore more attacks outright, but the powertech will take hits to the chin better and is less likely to be randomly crit because the crit is constantly rolling off against his shield chance.


But that's the whole thing in a nutshell for you. as powertechs we rely on the shield over the static defense. What you do with accuracy is largely more relevant in pvp than in pve, where you'll run into enemies with significantly different defense profiles.

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Another person seconding Lynx, 20k health, 50% armor, 50% shield 40% absorb, and 15% defense are some good aspiring mitigation numbers to shoot for once you hit 50.


I was lucky enough to have my rakata belt and bracers both crit during crafting so I carry an extra 2-3% defense from augments and your 4pc set bonus is 2% extra defense to melee and ranged, and 2% extra defense to tech and force.

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Right now I'm in 4/5 columi (damn leggings wont drop) and I'm at ~48% shield chance and around ~40% absorption, with 52% damage reduction via armor and 15% defense, and around 20.5k health.


So far, not much gives me problems in the way of damage taken, even in operations. When you take the shield/absorption along with armor into account, every other hit against me is shielded and I only take around 30% damage from it, and the attacks that arent shielded still only do half damage. Overall it comes out to roughly 70% damage reduction over an extended period with all of my defensive stats.



High shield chance also comes in handy on fights like the fabricator in karagga's palace, where your armor is essentially reduced to 0 (I go from 52% reduction from armor to 12% reduction with the debuff the boss puts on me) - but your defensive stats remain the same.


Did you remod some of your gear with shield chance or go with the the stats that columi gave you? I am still missing a few pieces like head, implants, ear, glove.


If I recall (I am at work) my stats are


51% percent dmg reduction

15% defense

31% shield rating

35% absorb


I could be wrong with the above number but its close

Edited by darkdelusions
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Right now I'm in 4/5 columi (damn leggings wont drop) and I'm at ~48% shield chance and around ~40% absorption, with 52% damage reduction via armor and 15% defense, and around 20.5k health.


So far, not much gives me problems in the way of damage taken, even in operations. When you take the shield/absorption along with armor into account, every other hit against me is shielded and I only take around 30% damage from it, and the attacks that arent shielded still only do half damage. Overall it comes out to roughly 70% damage reduction over an extended period with all of my defensive stats.



High shield chance also comes in handy on fights like the fabricator in karagga's palace, where your armor is essentially reduced to 0 (I go from 52% reduction from armor to 12% reduction with the debuff the boss puts on me) - but your defensive stats remain the same.


May I get your build and rotation? I was just wondering since I'm actually getting hit for alot more.. of course I'm not in columni gear yet, I think some tionese and some champ.. still.. but nonetheless I'm still looking for others to compare to.

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For some numbers to compare to, I'm one rakata piece shy of finishing my gear.


I'm sitting at (self buffed)


23906 hp w/ flask (21761 base)

52.63% Damage Reduction

15.65% Defense Chance

49.66% Shield Chance

38.82% Shield Absorbtion


There are still one or two enhancements i need to switch out because they have accuracy, but those numbers shouldn't change much.

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Did you remod some of your gear with shield chance or go with the the stats that columi gave you? I am still missing a few pieces like head, implants, ear, glove.


On a couple of the columi pieces, I removed the +40 accuracy enhancement and replaced it with the daily mission shield rating/absorption rating enhancements.


I'm actually at 50.4% shield chance now, though I dropped to around 38 or 39 percent absorption, that was due to getting an implant upgrade (rakata implant).


May I get your build and rotation? I was just wondering since I'm actually getting hit for alot more.. of course I'm not in columni gear yet, I think some tionese and some champ.. still.. but nonetheless I'm still looking for others to compare to.




That's my build. As for rotation... I dont really have one, I use what's needed at the time.


Generall for single target/boss tanking, I use:

Rocket punch -> Rail Shot -> Flame Burst (combust) -> Flamethrower -> Heat Blast, then fill in with explosive dart, flame burst, and rocket punches while I wait for flamethrower/rail shot/heat blast to come back off cooldown.


For AoE, I open with death from above then missile blast, charge in, and spam the hell out of flame sweep. Usually it's one flame sweep, then heat blast, then two more flame sweeps, then vent heat, heat sensor override, flame sweep spam until heat blast or overheat.







Ok, pulled my game up to check current tanking stats real quick for more solid numbers:


20,413 Health

8,059 Armor Rating: 51.73% Damage Reduction (19% Internal/Elemental Reduction)

15.25% Defense Chance (2% Force/Tech Resist Chance)

50.42% Shield Chance

37.38% Absorption


My current gear:


Columi Supercommando's Helm

Columi Supercommando's Body Armor (Enhancement Replaced with Daily Enhancement)

Columi Supercommando's Gloves

Columi Supercommando's Belt

Columi Supercommando's Boots (Enhancement Replaced with Daily Enhancement)

Columi Supercommando's Bracers

Tionese Supercommando's Shield Generator

The Glowing Gun (Tionese) (Enhancement Replaced with Daily Enhancement, Color Crystal Replaced with 41 Endurance Crystal)


Blue Earpiece:

48 Aim, 79 Endurance, 27 Shield Rating, 22 Defense Rating


Blue Implant:

54 Aim, 85 Endurance, 33 Accuracy Rating, 25 Defense Rating


Rakata Supercommando's Implant:

77 Aim, 118 Endurance, 48 Shield Rating, 37 Defense Rating


Relic of the Steadfast Defender:

34 Endurance, 24 Power

Use: +270 Defense Rating for 20 seconds (Ends up being about 6.4% defense chance boost while active)


Matrix Cube M7-Y3:

52 Aim, 60 Endurance, 18 Defense Rating




When it says that the enhancement has been replaced with the daily enhancement, I'm referring to the daily enhancement with the following stats:

30 Endurance, 39 Shield Rating, 15 Absorption Rating

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And how much would that be, generally speaking?


For us, none IMO.


We have three attacks that are effected by accuracy:

Rapid Shots (Basic no-heat pistol attack)

Unload (Channeled, does not have channel protection so difficult to use when tanking)

Rail Shot (One of our core abilities for tanking)


Overall you need 106% accuracy to never miss against a raid boss. You have 90% accuracy base with your ranged weapon, so technically you would need 16% accuracy to never miss with those abilities in PvE. However, even with only a very small amount of accuracy, I almost never miss with rail shot, and if I do it isnt that big a deal.

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Right now I'm in 4/5 columi (damn leggings wont drop) and I'm at ~48% shield chance and around ~40% absorption, with 52% damage reduction via armor and 15% defense, and around 20.5k health.


So far, not much gives me problems in the way of damage taken, even in operations. When you take the shield/absorption along with armor into account, every other hit against me is shielded and I only take around 30% damage from it, and the attacks that arent shielded still only do half damage. Overall it comes out to roughly 70% damage reduction over an extended period with all of my defensive stats.



High shield chance also comes in handy on fights like the fabricator in karagga's palace, where your armor is essentially reduced to 0 (I go from 52% reduction from armor to 12% reduction with the debuff the boss puts on me) - but your defensive stats remain the same.

Just curious, on that fight is it worthwhile to do a tank rotation (i.e., you get the debuff, another tank taunts off you and takes over until your debuff falls off), or does the debuff stay up too long to make it workable?
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Do you give any consideration to gear with crit / surge to help with dps/threat, or is your threat not an issue allowing you to be more focused on survivability?


For the most part, I dont have issues with threat, and I dont think any of my gear has any crit or surge on it, just a few pieces with minor bonuses to power.


I can easily hold AoE threat on up to 5 targets at a time against AoE damage abilities and never lose aggro. Typically for raids, when we're dealing with things like the akk dogs or gamorrean groups, I hold all of the mobs and my offtank pulls one of them away at a time for the single-target DPS to deal with, while the AoE capable players in the raid whittle the group I'm holding down.


I havent had issues with threat on bosses before, so long as I get a few seconds before the DPS charge in. I did lose threat on karagga last week because the damage dealers got a little too ancy.

I have noticed, however, that I have some issues holding threat in hardmodes now, especially since our damage dealers are starting to gear up in rakata grade equipment. As long as they follow the proper kill order (standard -> strong -> elite -> champion/boss) it's fine, as most of them can easily take the damage a standard or strong mob dishes out without needing much healing, and that gives me plenty of time to build threat on the more dangerous elites/champions/bosses.


In general, though, I think we have some serious scaling issues when it comes to threat. In order to get the appropriate defensive stats needed to tank, we cant really afford to waste many item points on offensive attributes (power, crit, surge, etc.), and I dont believe our threat scales as well as the damage dealt by damage dealer ACs. Combine that with the fact that DPS threat-drop abilities are pretty poor at the moment and it creates a real problem. I'm finding that I need an ever-increasing period of time to generate threat before the DPS begin attacking, and despite their improved gear it can sometimes cause issues with not beating enrage timers on bosses.




Just curious, on that fight is it worthwhile to do a tank rotation (i.e., you get the debuff, another tank taunts off you and takes over until your debuff falls off), or does the debuff stay up too long to make it workable?


We tried a tank rotation (my offtank was a juggernaut), but we found that it simply holds us back too much using another player simply for taunting every once in a while, also makes positioning the boss harder, and makes things more difficult for the healers when the boss suddenly starts beating the crap out of someone they werent focusing on healing.


The way we've been doing fabricator, I just tank the boss solo. His debuff only reduces armor, so your defense chance and shield chance/absorption stats still apply their full effect, which actually makes us much better tanks for this fight than the other classes (except for maybe assassin tanks), since we have a very high natural shield chance.


The offtank handles all three consoles, he's pretty quick at setting up the firing sequences now and we only rotate between the right and middle ignitors, instead of all three. Everyone else is focusing on the boss during the fight - rangedly, and require much less healing. Having two healers able to focus almost entirely on the tank makes the damage, even with a 10 stack of the boss' debuff, easily survivable. dps help as they can avoid being stunned or taking any damage from the fire inadvertent

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Do you give any consideration to gear with crit / surge to help with dps/threat, or is your threat not an issue allowing you to be more focused on survivability?


For this tier of content our aggro generation is sufficient without needing to pick up crit/surge. This doesn't mean you will never loose aggro. If a dps goes full out (adrenals,cooldowns,etc) at the start of the fight you will loose aggro, its unavoidable. This is simply a mistake on the dps. If the tank can get a few hits in first they should be able to stay ahead for the entire fight. The dps just need to hold large cooldowns for 30s or so to ensure they don't spike over the tanks threat. Even if they do, a quick taunt gets the boss back on you, with 10% more threat than you had before.


The worry is down the road. From what we have seen, tanks threat will only be improved by our mainhand/shield. A far cry from how dps will scale. We might need to stat differently in future content but for now stack your defenses.

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Generall for single target/boss tanking, I use:

Rocket punch -> Rail Shot -> Flame Burst (combust) -> Flamethrower -> Heat Blast, then fill in with explosive dart, flame burst, and rocket punches while I wait for flamethrower/rail shot/heat blast to come back off cooldown.


Unload (Channeled, does not have channel protection so difficult to use when tanking)


I'm confused here. Flamethrower is also channeled and as far as I can tell does not have channel protection either. Against a single target, Unload does on average about the same damage as Flamethrower, for 2/3 the heat. So wouldn't Unload be better?

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I'm confused here. Flamethrower is also channeled and as far as I can tell does not have channel protection either. Against a single target, Unload does on average about the same damage as Flamethrower, for 2/3 the heat. So wouldn't Unload be better?


Because Flamethrower does elemental damage, if I am not mistaken. Much harder to resist/reduce that, compared to the damage from unload.


@Tenacity: I wonder why you didn't take the three points in Integrated Cardio for the Endurance boost? But thanks for the other info here, it gives me target numbers to work for. Seems I was going for too much in +def items/augs.

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Because Flamethrower does elemental damage, if I am not mistaken. Much harder to resist/reduce that, compared to the damage from unload.


@Tenacity: I wonder why you didn't take the three points in Integrated Cardio for the Endurance boost? But thanks for the other info here, it gives me target numbers to work for. Seems I was going for too much in +def items/augs.



I had the same question about not taking the +endurance skills. Really though taking +2% less damage and upgrading railshot would out weigh the endurance bonus I think.


I just finished my shield tech tree. Trying to decide which tree to spend my remaining points on.

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I had the same question about not taking the +endurance skills. Really though taking +2% less damage and upgrading railshot would out weigh the endurance bonus I think.


I just finished my shield tech tree. Trying to decide which tree to spend my remaining points on.


My build is 31/7/3 right now. I have my railshot upgrades and 2% dmg resist. The difference is I gave up 2 ranks of Intimidation (4%fire dmg) and Prototype Cylinders (8% ion cylinder dmg). Yes, I lose some damage ability, and therefore threat, but I have little issue holding aggro anyways.. and if I lose it, that is what taunt is for. I like the idea of extra hp, gives my healer that much more time to heal me, or the dps the extra little bit of time in case of enrage.

My build

Edited by Shatterstar
fixed my link to build
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