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Give me a legitimate reason to NOT have a LFD tool.


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You say that the lack of social activities is what is hindering the creation of a good community but aren't hm runs and wz a form of social activity themselves?


Cross server content destroys any chance of creating a server based community for the sole and simple reason that you don't NEED the community to play anymore.


I understand that there are people with limited schedules that can't afford to play a game as much so as to be absorbed in it's social part and that's who the LFD as a tool is referring to. But let's face it. These people where never part of the community anyway (through no fault of their own). They paid and keep paying the same amount of money as more intensive players do and they have a right to demand an LFD but that doesn't make the fact that LFD ruins it for some of us any different.


The social options you are suggesting will end up in the same place the game is now too: People will start with "CMON let's have Cross server nar shadaa casinos there is noone in my server that plays! CMON let's have cross server match up for the card game i cant find anyone to play with in the few hours i have availiable to play."


All these claims are legitimate and honorable but that doesn't mean all of us have to like them.


The LFD tool caters the 2-3hours per day players in the expense of the 5-10 hours per day ones. This is a decision that's up to bioware and it's pretty obvious they are going with the first one. That's not a bad or a good thing. It just depends on which type you are.


TL;DR all cross server content works against the establishment of an active community and that affects the way ppl enjoy the game differently for every player.

Edited by Mminas
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if yours "community" is "destroyed" so easy don't you think that it is not a community in the first place? it's just a bunch of people that forced to do what they don't want to do…



No, I don't agree with that at all. Certain things foster community, and certain things are detrimental to it. That's true in the real world, too. Just because something can hinder building community doesn't mean there's something wrong with the community at all.


someone here need understand that dungeon, fp, raid, op and stuff isn't made to chat there…

they made for people to play, kill mobs, fight bosses…

if you want to chat there general and whole game-world outside


I have no idea what you just said, but I've reread it several times and it looks to me like you're saying an MMO should no social aspects whatsoever... and if you're saying that, well, I completely disagree. Community is vital to an MMO. Always has been, and hopefully always will.

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You guys DO knw there IS a LFG Tool in the game currently right?





1. Roll a character on The Jekk Jekk Tarr on a Friday or Saturday night.


2. Wait in a queue to get into the server (it's Full)


3. Do a server-wide /who


If you find more than 5 flagged people across the entire server, when it's full... I'll give you a million credits.



EDIT: I just realized that technically 1 and 2 should be reversed in order.

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Lol got to love the people who aren't in favour of it.


There isn't a LFD now, so they don't lose anything when they add it in, because they just don't use it and continue as they do now (really,its that simple? Lol)


How hard is that for people to comprehend!

Edited by Elgarr
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There isn't a LFD now, so they don't lose anything when they add it in, because they just don't use it and continue as they do now (really,its that simple? Lol)


Think for a second. Do you find it difficult to find groups now?


OK, now imagine that your feature gets added, and people start using it.


Now, here's the part where you're going to need to use a little logic... do you think it'll get harder, or easier, for the people who don't use your system to get groups?


I'm not making any judgement calls here, just pointing out that it's obviously false that adding a system like this wouldn't effect people who don't use it.

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Irrelevant to this discussion really. He asked for a legitimate reason why we should not have an LFD tool. I gave him one.

Isn't a LFD tool beneeficial to all of us? What's the point in making new FPs if people on low-pop servers cannot play them?

To me it is absolutely pointless. I have a good guild and no shortage of people to join up with, in fact I might have too many.

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You say that the lack of social activities is what is hindering the creation of a good community but aren't hm runs and wz a form of social activity themselves?


True they are, but does it need to be the only social aspect of the game? Isn't it still possible to play with your friends/guildies?


Cross server content destroys any chance of creating a server based community for the sole and simple reason that you don't NEED the community to play anymore.


No, not really. At any rate giving us more social activites (pazaak, casino, cantina) would make people gather as specific locations/social hubs and ought to please most.


As I said, nothing stops you from playing with your friends and with social activites you'll be having a better time meeting new people. IMO FPs are not the best way to meet new friends anyway. I usually find new friends by doing the heroic missions on planets./COLOR]


I understand that there are people with limited schedules that can't afford to play a game as much so as to be absorbed in it's social part and that's who the LFD as a tool is referring to. But let's face it. These people where never part of the community anyway (through no fault of their own). They paid and keep paying the same amount of money as more intensive players do and they have a right to demand an LFD but that doesn't make the fact that LFD ruins it for some of us any different.


People who might only play 2 hours a day can still be a part of the community. It's not up to you to decide whether or not they'll interact with their surroundings. There can be several reasons to why someone doesn't have a lot of time to play, be it temporarily or always. For instance, I don't mind being 'active' in the community, but since I've just started on my education I simply don't have a lot of time in the week days. In the weekends, however, I have more time. Should I be denied having fun?


The social options you are suggesting will end up in the same place the game is now too: People will start with "CMON let's have Cross server nar shadaa casinos there is noone in my server that plays! CMON let's have cross server match up for the card game i cant find anyone to play with in the few hours i have availiable to play."


Pazaak is played vs 1 person and can be done in a short amount of time. It'll be easier to find people to play with oppose to finding 3 others, with specific classes.


All these claims are legitimate and honorable but that doesn't mean all of us have to like them.


The LFD tool caters the 2-3hours per day players in the expense of the 5-10 hours per day ones. This is a decision that's up to bioware and it's pretty obvious they are going with the first one. That's not a bad or a good thing. It just depends on which type you are.


How? Are you saying that 'hardcore' gamers are special and make up the bulk of the community? I hardly doubt that. The community are made up of all kinds of players and neglecting on part of it is just wrong.


Hardcore players can still 'socialize' through planetside heroics


TL;DR all cross server content works again the establishment of an active community and that affects the way ppl enjoy the game differently for every player.


We obviously have different opinions, but my answers are in the quote

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To me it is absolutely pointless. I have a good guild and no shortage of people to join up with, in fact I might have too many.


Same here, in fact i'm the leader of my own guild, which makes way easier for me to form groups with people from my own inner circle. This, of course doesn't apply to everyone, and sometimes it doesn't apply for myself when I'm playing with my alts. This is why we wish to have a system which proved to be successfull in what it was created for.

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Irrelevant to this discussion really. He asked for a legitimate reason why we should not have an LFD tool. I gave him one.


To me it is absolutely pointless. I have a good guild and no shortage of people to join up with, in fact I might have too many.


Oh, I'm sorry. Obviously we all have a large roster of friends/guildies to play with at every hour of the day that we may decide to play.


Any kind of improved LFG or a LFD tool is generally looked upon as needed. Just because YOU don't need it doesn't mean the rest of us cannot benefit from it. You are obviously entitled to your own opinion, but I don't really see a reason to post it in this thread.


You 'opinion' is not a legitimate reason to not improve on the current LFG tool, it's simply just you saying "I got enough friends so I don't care" and nothing else.

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It takes too long to get a proper group together for a HM in lots of servers.


This needs to be addressed.


Now let's choose:

Cross Server LFD: cheap and easy but detrimental to the establishment of a server wide community.

Population shifts, merges, transfers, incentives for faction choice, incentives for server choice, organizing of current server populations: expensive, hard to get right and with ambiguous results BUT this is what makes for a good mmo experience.


If you play on Heavy/Full servers you get to find a group fast even without LFD while still having a server wide community and playing with the same people.

If you play on light/standard you are alone in the fleet jumping and LFGing for hours. You are a SECOND RATE client.


LFD hides the server issues under the rug. Warcraft implemented it right before jumping the shark. If swtor chooses to do it (and apparently it did) that is going to be bad for the game in the long run.



TLDR You should be asking for proper server populations/balances and not LFD.

Edited by Mminas
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Here's a legitimate reason: I'm a fanboi with my head in the sand and I'm terrified of change because I came from SWG. Also, I hate WoW (although I've never played it), and someone on Reddit said that every idea WoW has ever had is stupid and that the LFD specifically killed the WoW. That's why they lost 100k subs. Seriously, within a few years, WoW will have less than 5 million subs because of this.


here is a reason

i played SWG for 2 hours. i am fan of Star Wars but canon movies only, never was that deep in wookiepedia.

i played WoW from day 0.


cross server LFD = death of server community. People stop to get known each other, focused only to play with friends they already know mostly, and yes the game goes SO MUCH gearcentric its a disaster.


I am wholeheartly oppose cross server LFD. If it is really needed, server merge is a way better solution.

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here is a reason

i played SWG for 2 hours. i am fan of Star Wars but canon movies only, never was that deep in wookiepedia.

i played WoW from day 0.


cross server LFD = death of server community. People stop to get known each other, focused only to play with friends they already know mostly, and yes the game goes SO MUCH gearcentric its a disaster.


I am wholeheartly oppose cross server LFD. If it is really needed, server merge is a way better solution.


This is really no different at all from the current state, especially "People stop to get known each other, focused only to play with friends they already know mostly, and yes the game goes SO MUCH gearcentric its a disaster."

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What Bioware could do since day one, is to add two systems to prevent any lack of accountability and ninja looting:


1. Internal Player behavior points system, much like the one used on driver licenses in some countries and US states. This way reported or kicked players will have less to no chances to group up with the same people again, eventually preventing them from doing any group Flashpoint/Warzone content until their restrictions are lifted.


2. Proper gear looting restrictions based on item level, queued role, spec, stats, type of armor, selected companion (yellow in Crew Skills) in case no one needs the gear and a companion could use it.


This. The main reason people are against a LFD tool us because of 'Ninja Looters'. If you get rid of this, you make everybody happy. BW please listen to this man!

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here is a reason

i played SWG for 2 hours. i am fan of Star Wars but canon movies only, never was that deep in wookiepedia.

i played WoW from day 0.


cross server LFD = death of server community. People stop to get known each other, focused only to play with friends they already know mostly, and yes the game goes SO MUCH gearcentric its a disaster.


I am wholeheartly oppose cross server LFD. If it is really needed, server merge is a way better solution.



There is no so called server community. People tend to stay with their friends in the first place. A vast majority of this games content is solo played. I constantly watch people clear quest mobs or quest activation without a care in the world of trying to get people in the same area together so you can do it as a team and don't have to wait for respawns. You can't kill something that doesn't exist in the first place.

Edited by LordSkyKnight
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There is no so called server community. People tend to stay with their friends in the first place. A vast majority of this games content is solo played. I constantly watch people clear quest mobs or quest activation without a care in the world of trying to get people in the same area together so you can do it as a team and don't have to wait for respawns. You can't kill something that doesn't exist in the first place.


Yeah I am so sick of the "community" argument. its completed nonsense.

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There is no reason you will find "legitimate" enough, and suddenly change your mind, so why even bother creating another thread?


I can give you the reason i don't like it, and you can give reasons why you don't like my answers, and guess what? It still won't change my mind.


It has perhaps less to do with the tool itself, and more with the type of MMO this becoming, and the direction that the devs are taking it in. Not what i look for in my MMOs, so i will move on.


I will keep an eye on it, and if in the future, they perhaps stray from the cookie cutter MMO mold, i'll reconsider my interest in the game.


Simple as that for me.


edit: for clarity, i think this game should have a LFD tool, I don't like them personally, and don't really play MMOs that have them. But this is the typical AAA cookie cutter MMO, and if any MMO deserves a lfd, its this one.

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I know there are several threads on this, but I'd like to debunk some of the myths there are out there. Hopefully others will join and hopefully I might also actually see a legitimate reason to why BW shouldn't implement a LFD tool.


A LFG tool is fine - but not a cross-server tool. I think everyone will agree with this. We're trying to prevent the community breakdown that comes with cross-server group play.

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