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Give me a legitimate reason to NOT have a LFD tool.


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Well, you've got us all pegged. Roll it up folks, the expertologist has spoken.






Behold, the power of imagination! Cancel all college and university classes at once, folks; all the facts we need we can just make up with total authority.








You don't say? It's really that simple, is it?


He is actually right. About the repercussions to difficulty if an LFD system were implemented, at least.

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He is actually right. About the repercussions to difficulty if an LFD system were implemented, at least.


Some ppl is just scared about telling why they need this or that thing changed because they know others will not support the REAL reassons... So they hide behind generic phrases.


I've grown used to this childish reactions of posters like the one above you when reading some1's clear ideas on what he/she looks on a game...


...I repeat again, it's a matter of tastes... I'm perfectly clear on what I like and do not, are LFD supporters as clear? Don't think so.

Edited by ragamer
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He is actually right. About the repercussions to difficulty if an LFD system were implemented, at least.


This isn't true. Catacylsm heroics were difficult in some manner of speaking when they were released. If you used a group from your server or just turned off the buff they were just about right for difficulty. Heroics are not suppose to be harder then raids, if they become too difficult it requires class stacking.

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This isn't true. Catacylsm heroics were difficult in some manner of speaking when they were released. If you used a group from your server or just turned off the buff they were just about right for difficulty. Heroics are not suppose to be harder then raids, if they become too difficult it requires class stacking.


They were difficult primarily because healing was nerfed to oblivion and aoe ruled the day - which tossed CC right out the window.


We're not just talking about heroics. We're talking the dichotomy between the "I want what I want right now - I don't spend $xx to wait for as much as 15 minues" vs the "I think community and quality of experience matter more that the quantity and I'm afraid of what will happen when LFD goes cross server."


I tend towards the latter, as you may have guessed.

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This isn't true. Catacylsm heroics were difficult in some manner of speaking when they were released. If you used a group from your server or just turned off the buff they were just about right for difficulty. Heroics are not suppose to be harder then raids, if they become too difficult it requires class stacking.


You obviously didn't understand what I meant, let me explain.


Without an automated grouping system, you will have your own choice at the group composition.

Let's say you're doing Directive 7. That FP is filled with droids, and very few classes have CCs that are for droids (Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight only as far as I remember). When you have the choice of selecting which classes are in your group, it's easier to pick a composition that will have abilities like CCs that will make the FP easier. I see people often spamming in chat such things like: LF1M tank/dps/healer (whatever) for FP XXXX pref class XXXX.


With an LFD tool it will all be randomized. You can get a group with 4 Sith Inquisitors; 1 Sith Assassin tank, 2 Sith Assassin DPSers and 1 Sith Sorcerer healer. In a FP like Directive 7 you'll have no CC at all against droids, which will make it harder. Therefore the content creators have to make the new dungeons with this in mind, causing them ultimately to become easier across the board. Either that or more CC abilities will be able to control droids, in which case it wouldn't matter.


Can this be classified as a "legitimate" reason for not having an LFD tool or do you just say no because you don't want to realize it? (Not directed at you specifically, Touchbass).

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Add my voice to the chorus begging for an LFD tool. I just don't have time to stand around doing nothing hoping that by the time I get a group together that I'll still have time to actually complete the FP or Heroic. Having 19 people on the entire planet doesn't exactly help.


I desperately want an LFD tool. PLEASE!

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Add my voice to the chorus begging for an LFD tool. I just don't have time to stand around doing nothing hoping that by the time I get a group together that I'll still have time to actually complete the FP or Heroic. Having 19 people on the entire planet doesn't exactly help.


I desperately want an LFD tool. PLEASE!


Wouldn't either free transfers or server merges do just as well?

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Add my voice to the chorus begging for an LFD tool. I just don't have time to stand around doing nothing hoping that by the time I get a group together that I'll still have time to actually complete the FP or Heroic. Having 19 people on the entire planet doesn't exactly help.


I desperately want an LFD tool. PLEASE!

You do know there's more people playing on your server than just where you're located right?

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the community element is there for when we get out of flashpoints with people like you and inform the community of what you did to deserve ostracism.


you really didnt read my post earlier that you were bashing did you?

That's your conception. Please do not assume it is shared by everyone. The M in the MMO stands for multiplayer, and it can go from the simple co-op level to the full community participation.

If you don't realize that TOR does belong more to the former then the latter, as many modern MMOs, then I can't do nothing for you. Grab some intel potion because, you are obviously missing some key elements.

Hint -> accent on solo gameplay.

-> self sufficient crafting = crew skills

-> etc.


And since the PR forums have been wiped, I can't provide you the link. Deal with it. Have fun in your dream. Good luck with your next facebook MMO when the cross server LFD will be implemented in TOR.

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Some ppl is just scared about telling why they need this or that thing changed because they know others will not support the REAL reassons... So they hide behind generic phrases.


I've grown used to this childish reactions of posters like the one above you when reading some1's clear ideas on what he/she looks on a game...


...I repeat again, it's a matter of tastes... I'm perfectly clear on what I like and do not, are LFD supporters as clear? Don't think so.



I want LFG tools for the following reasons:



1) I have no interest in playing with most people I'll ever meet. It's my recreation time, I shouldn't have to play the Highschool Popularity game so I can play the Raidy-Geargrindy game I'm wanting to play.



2) I neither have, nor would want to spend in the event of having, needless amounts of time and energy manually recruiting for a team to do anything with. LFG tools are tools of efficient delivery as I rate them; they enable us to do that dungeon content pretty much whenever we want to hit a Queue button.


3) People like you with your beyond-arrogant assumptions and conflations presented as factual knowledge either bore me or disgust me. See number 1 for my feeling on that.



4) There is no demonstrable evidence that LFG tools make anything worse for anybody and the whole premise that such tools are baneful reeks of slighted egotism in the case of the "Peeps need to werk to do dungeons!" arguments, and outright ignorance in the case of the "Destroyz communiteez o'noez!" arguments.


There aren't any other arguments with even that much substance to reference positioned against LFG tools. I suppose we could resort to completely incoherent babble to prop up a few more if validity and substance are of no concern though.



Closing comment: You're one arrogant, presumptive little monkey to pretend you know so very much about how it all is and what everyone thinks and what all the motives are.


Clear enough for ya?

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I want LFG tools for the following reasons:



1) I have no interest in playing with most people I'll ever meet. It's my recreation time, I shouldn't have to play the Highschool Popularity game so I can play the Raidy-Geargrindy game I'm wanting to play.



2) I neither have, nor would want to spend in the event of having, needless amounts of time and energy manually recruiting for a team to do anything with. LFG tools are tools of efficient delivery as I rate them; they enable us to do that dungeon content pretty much whenever we want to hit a Queue button.


3) People like you with your beyond-arrogant assumptions and conflations presented as factual knowledge either bore me or disgust me. See number 1 for my feeling on that.



4) There is no demonstrable evidence that LFG tools make anything worse for anybody and the whole premise that such tools are baneful reeks of slighted egotism in the case of the "Peeps need to werk to do dungeons!" arguments, and outright ignorance in the case of the "Destroyz communiteez o'noez!" arguments.


There aren't any other arguments with even that much substance to reference positioned against LFG tools. I suppose we could resort to completely incoherent babble to prop up a few more if validity and substance are of no concern though.



Closing comment: You're one arrogant, presumptive little monkey to pretend you know so very much about how it all is and what everyone thinks and what all the motives are.


Clear enough for ya?


Actually, there are, and have been several such arguments against posted. But you are far too arrogant and self-oriented to give them any heed. You simply want what you want.


If you hate grouping with people so much, why aren't you in Skyrim instead? Why must every game be a lobby FPS just to suit you? Why so much denigration for those that disagree with you?


"There aren't any other arguments with even that much substance to reference positioned against LFG tools. I suppose we could resort to completely incoherent babble to prop up a few more if validity and substance are of no concern though.



Closing comment: You're one arrogant, presumptive little monkey to pretend you know so very much about how it all is and what everyone thinks and what all the motives are. "


Right back at you.

Edited by astrocanis
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1) I have no interest in playing with most people I'll ever meet. It's my recreation time, I shouldn't have to play the Highschool Popularity game so I can play the Raidy-Geargrindy game I'm wanting to play.




This is a VIDEO GAME for Christ's sake! If I wanted friends, I'll go out instead and have real interaction with people!

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Please tell me why people against LFD are concerned about the difficulty of content? 1) Content does not get easier just because there is a LFD tool in game and 2) Content is this game is already the easiest of any MMO on the market. If it gets any easier, bosses will die from nasty looks.
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Why not play a lobby game or a single player one? Why force that mentality on everyone else and every game you play? For Christ's sakes?


I see you are a social butterfly. So tell me this Mr. Popular, since you have so many friends and you can form a group within seconds, why are you so SELFISH that you are denying us those with social problems?


If you don't like the tool, then don't use it! That's why it's called OPTIONAL for Christ's sake!

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Why not play a lobby game or a single player one? Why force that mentality on everyone else and every game you play? For Christ's sakes?


It's already a lobby game. Fleet is the lobby. Single player? Pretty much already is 1-50.


Also, don't like the tool then don't use it.

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I see you are a social butterfly. So tell me this Mr. Popular, since you have so many friends and you can form a group within seconds, why are you so SELFISH that you are denying us those with social problems?


If you don't like the tool, then don't use it! That's why it's called OPTIONAL for Christ's sake!


LOL. Since you started with the derogation, I'll follow suit. Perhaps it's time for you to shed your cocoon and become truly capable in a social situation.


If not, why not play Skyrim where the NPCs are truly NP and not other players or something of that ilk. Why do you insist on persisting your inability to socialize in social places? Do you go to parties and play guitar softly to yourself on the staircase?

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I'm thankful that even when my sub expires- I'll still be able to read the forums.


In short- no LFD tool... no subcription. Rift has a decent one- and I'm going to give them my money and play there.


Candidly- everyone bashing it... I hope your majority is enough to keep the content flowing for you. I'm not saying in anyway that SWTOR is dying or will be dead. It won't... but the more money AE makes... the faster new content will be produced. The opposite is also true.


Careful what you wish for. Cutting off a portion of the would-be subcribers to save your precious idea of community... will have reprecussions.

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Do you go to parties and play guitar softly to yourself on the staircase?


Yes, I do. Why? Because it's what I want to do! I don't give an eff whether you think I'm weird/anti-social/whatever. I'm not insecure and I don't worry about what other ppl think of me.


Why is it that even though I like single-player games I choose to play an MMO? Because it's what I want to do! I like Star Wars and I like sci-fi and video games.


Now tell me this---why is it that even though you are Mr. Popular and can form groups within seconds any time of the day, why are you being so SELFISH and DENYING people who have problems forming a group the option to have a tool to help them enjoy the same game that you're enjoying?

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Actually, there are, and have been several such arguments against posted. But you are far too arrogant and self-oriented to give them any heed. You simply want what you want.


Yep. I don't even need toweringly awesome reasons for it in a happy-funtime game.




If you hate grouping with people so much, why aren't you in Skyrim instead? Why must every game be a lobby FPS just to suit you? Why so much denigration for those that disagree with you?


I don't hate grouping with people. I hate grouping with a subset of people I like to call 'Morons'. Nice attempt at leaning on a false dillema by the way; play with everybody and like it or go play a single player game, eh?


As for denigration of those that disagree with me, it depends entirely on the quality of their disagreement.


Oh, but you might've assumed that all opinions, contrary or otherwise, were deserving of genteel courtesy and respect. A common assumption; one I do not subscribe to, but common.


Also, stupid and wrong.






"There aren't any other arguments with even that much substance to reference positioned against LFG tools. I suppose we could resort to completely incoherent babble to prop up a few more if validity and substance are of no concern though.



Closing comment: You're one arrogant, presumptive little monkey to pretend you know so very much about how it all is and what everyone thinks and what all the motives are. "


Right back at you.



I know every single little thing there is to know about what I think, feel, believe and consciously perceive. But please, present us with the arguments that do not, in fact, synopsize as such.


Make a case if you have one for that I am wrong; lay it on me.


Otherwise, take your gradeschool 'Right back at you' and go play in traffic with it.

Edited by Uruare
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Yes, I do. Why? Because it's what I want to do! I don't give an eff whether you think I'm weird/anti-social/whatever. I'm not insecure and I don't worry about what other ppl think of me.


Why is it that even though I like single-player games I choose to play an MMO? Because it's what I want to do!


Now tell me this---why is it that even though you are Mr. Popular and can form groups within seconds any time of the day, why are you being so SELFISH and DENYING people who have problems forming a group the option to have a tool to help them enjoy the same game that you're enjoying?


Perhaps because I'm every bit as human as you are and don't want my experience to be ruined while yours "improves". I say that because I guarantee that within three months of LFG going live, you'll be here with the rest of the "gotta have it NOW" crowd begging for changes to the "group kick" ability. I use the word "you" advisedly given that I don't know you personally, but have experienced what you are asking for in two different games. In both cases I posited a breakdown of community and in both cases, I was right.


Although it's possible you don't recognize it when it happens, others may.


As for playing on the staircase, I agree that it was uncalled for and I apologize. But why go to a party to be a lamp? Or do you love lamp?

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Yes, I do. Why? Because it's what I want to do! I don't give an eff whether you think I'm weird/anti-social/whatever. I'm not insecure and I don't worry about what other ppl think of me.


Why is it that even though I like single-player games I choose to play an MMO? Because it's what I want to do! I like Star Wars and I like sci-fi and video games.


Now tell me this---why is it that even though you are Mr. Popular and can form groups within seconds any time of the day, why are you being so SELFISH and DENYING people who have problems forming a group the option to have a tool to help them enjoy the same game that you're enjoying?

I'm curious. Why are you even bothering running flashpoints if you hate interacting with other players so much?

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