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Hardest 1v1?


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the zerg, 1v1 I really don't fear anyone, there's maybe one or two marauders on my server with the gear to stand up but I never see them alone. other classes a very well played assassin or operative can be difficult. a very geared healer mercenary might be able to stay alive.


I'd argue sentinel/maurader is the best 1v1 class in the game actually.

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Only lost two 1 v 1s since I hit 50 and am now valour 58. Both of those occassions were sith assassins with 20k plus health in some sort of tank spec. Was close but I couldn't get them down. Need to research these guys. Most other 1 v 1s are laughably easy. A very well played sniper can be close if cooldowns are down. Edited by besbin
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Assassin tank, but it's been a long time since I lost 1v1 to anyone.



Came in to say exactly this.



Is Assassin/Shadow the supreme class? When I was looking at the double handed lightsabers, it did the same damage as both my lightsabers combined. (if you consider 70% of your off hand for accuracy.)


When I saw how much damage the double handed lightsabers had, I did a big "***, where is my advantage?"


I'd love to have stun and 30m ranged attacks, etc.



Do they all get shield generators also? What am I missing. What do we have that the Assassin/Shadow doesn't?

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From what I've heard (not a PvP player myself) - getting the drop on an entrenched Sniper can be tough.


Yeah, an entrenched Sniper in a good position is a pain in the ***. If I get the jump on him though, I can usually take him out. It just sucks that we can't Force Leap them. Makes a good Gunslinger/Sniper almost impossible to kill if they get the jump on you. We should be allowed to Force Leap targets in cover, just make it so they don't suffer the immobilze and interupt.

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Yeah, an entrenched Sniper in a good position is a pain in the ***. If I get the jump on him though, I can usually take him out. It just sucks that we can't Force Leap them. Makes a good Gunslinger/Sniper almost impossible to kill if they get the jump on you. We should be allowed to Force Leap targets in cover, just make it so they don't suffer the immobilze and interupt.


I have played both a Sentinel and a Gunslinger and I can tell you force leaping to people in cover is a terrible idea. For one, you can with zealous leap (yea I know low range high focus cost) but really the GS is kind of in the same position as the Sentinel as far as being a pure dps class. If you have ever played one you will know it would turn into a one spec class if you could leap to them.


GS is probably a harder match up 1v1 for a sentinel if you're facing a good one. If you start with the sniper in cover who uses entrench then it may be all over already. If you get the jump it is going to depend on their cooldowns and how they react. Snipers 3s melee stun is better than GS since they can move while the animation is playing so they can stun you and run out of there. I find though with 2 knockbacks, a root, a mez, a melee stun, and a 45% accuracy debuff most marauders have a lot of trouble with me. It helps that I have played both classes though so know what each is capable of.


Your best chance against a sniper though is simply getting onto them before they get entrench up because when they get that 20s cc immunity it may be worth just running (if they follow then you force leap to them and probably win!).

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assassins/shadows are tough as mentioned by others.


Though i have an impossible time killing the hybrid ops/smugglers who are half dps half heals. they just dink my health down while their hots keep them up, and if i get any burst on them, they seem to have like 4 different CCs to hit me with to kite, heal, then come hit me more.



And then there was 1 power tech BH (dps specced im assuming) and i dont even know what abilities they have, usually i beat most fairly easily. But this 1 in particular made me blow every cooldown i had and he got me to 5% hp when i killed him.

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1v1 that hardest is Ops/Scrapper. It is hard to deal with that initial burst and all that CC. Followed by Assassin/Shadow Tank specs. Other than that I can beat anyone 1v1.


Snipers used to be tough and then I figured out how to kick their asses. Use Force Camo, Pacify and Guarded by The Force correctly and they are pretty easy.

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Split spec sin tanks. Full sin tanks don't do enough damage to ever power through Merci Zeal and Zen, and full dps ones either get completely disrupted or can't land hits. Even then they need to be played well or else they still won't have a chance.


It's pretty funny how people will get big and try to solo you low on health.




Snipers can be tricky but if I can Resolve one of their CCs its curtains for them. Pacify just obliterates their damage so badly, and even with all their cooldowns up they'll melt if you can stay in their melee range. I used to think of Snipers as the hardest to kill too, but they they die just as quickly as they could kill you, just a matter of properly using defensive cooldowns and gap closers.


Location of fight is always important as a melee in this game. Were naturally at a disadvantage outside of a pre-determined group make up, so in some places you're just not gonna wanna fight a Sniper 1v1. Cover gives them some advantages and some disadvantages; for one its more difficult for them to position their knockbacks in the most effective fashion if they're immobile.


Also, many Snipers are Lethality (split, dot spec) now to deal with the high armor tank metagame atm, these are far easier to beat than pure Marksman. They cannot burst you as effectively, they're more restricted in their cc use because of dot reliance so they cannot create distance as easily, and are still just as susceptible to Pacify.

Edited by ShiroRX
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Sentinel is arguably the best 1v1 class in the game. Snipers can be a pain if they are good, but you should win most of these.


If you don't fear any class though, you probably haven't fought a good hybrid tank Assassin. If any class can claim the duel king title that isn't a Sent/Mara, it's these guys.

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