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Hardest 1v1?


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Tank build assassins are the only class i have lost a one v one too since i hit 50 and am now rank 58. Sorcerers and sages are the easiest to kill apart from mercs/dps commandos. A very well played sniper can be close if all cooldowns are down.
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Operatives are definitely the hardest class to 1v1, but only if they get you out of stealth. Also, if they have their vanish up, it's going to be very, very, very hard to beat them. They'll open on you, you'll get up, and be stunned before you can pop a defensive cd. You'll get unstunned and probably be around 25%, so you'll pop your cd's and a medpack, they'll beat on you a little, put up dodging, and then vanish when your resolve bar is empty, and open right back up on you. It's a damn uphill battle.


Any other class is fodder though! :D


If I had to rank it


1. Operative - DPS

2. Marauders - Annihilation

3. Marauders - Non-Annihilation

4. Assassin - Darkness

5. Powertechs

6. Juggernauts

7. Assassin - DPS

8. Sorc/Sage Hybrid DPS

9. Commando/Merc Healers 31/10 build

10. DPS Merc/Commando

11. Operative/Sorc Healers

Edited by Selixx
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1. Operative/Scoundrel - DPS

2. Marauders - Annihilation

3. Assassin - Darkness

4. Powertechs

5. Marauders - Non-Annihilation

6. Juggernauts

7. Assassin - DPS

8. Sniper/Gunslinger

9. Sorc/Sage Hybrid DPS

10. Commando/Merc Healers 31/10 build

11. DPS Merc/Commando

12. Operative/Sorc Healer


Almost the same as the guy above me, but I made a few changes.


The only class an annihilation marauder should lose against in a 1v1 is a concealment operative with all their CD's up and when they start the fight in stealth or an equilly or better skilled anni marauder.


All the others classes are kill-able, some are hard (assassins/powertechs), some are not very hard, but you still have to do some effort (non anni mara's/juggs/dps assassin/snipers) and some classes are /faceroll kills (all sorc builds/all merc builds/all healers).


If you lose against the easy classes, you don't know how to pay your class.

Edited by WokeSmeed
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Honestly, I really think it depends on server and player. I've met some Troopers that are nigh impossible to kill. I.E. when they can stand in the *********** fire in Huttball BEFORE IT GOES OFF and STAY there untill AFTER IT'S DONE and still be at full health.


I've also met some troopers that die before I can get my full rotation off.


It really depends on who the other guy is behind the toon, rather than the toon itself. Though I will admit, stealther-agents are a pain in the ***.

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Powertechs. That's it. Sorcs are by far our easiest kill. Poor bastards can't do anything.


my server seems very light on the powertech, i rarely get to face them, much less 1v1 them


healers are hard because interrupts dont lock out full schools of abilities, just the one ability being cast, a well played/geared healer is easy for them to keep them selves up long enough for help to arrive ... if help never arrives then, yea, its an easy kill, they die if they stop healing long enough to do any real damage, or they just run out of resources and lose eventually, but its rare that nobody shows up to help them (or me, in either case it ruins the 1v1)


non-heal speced healer classes ... yea, easy kill


p.s. im calling bullsh*t on anyone that says theyve never lost a 1v1 ... not believable ... not even slightly believable

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p.s. im calling bullsh*t on anyone that says theyve never lost a 1v1 ... not believable ... not even slightly believable


I have only lost a 1v1 against an operative and an annihilation marauder, but I have NEVER lost a duel against all the other classes in this game. I wasn't even close to dying in a 1v1 duel against all the classes except ops and anni mara's.

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Maybe I just keep running across the same 1 or 2 skilled ones, but Shadow Jedis are one of the only classes I have trouble with. The main problem is Project seems to always = 3 quick crits to the face and I have a lot of ground to make up. If you're quick enough to camo Project, it becomes easier, but if camo's on cd or you're stunned, they can melt your hp away pretty quickly.


Nobody else really mentions them, so maybe I'm doing something wrong against this class. Nobody else really gives me trouble (including their mirror) except a well played Op with cd's.

Edited by TonyPeck
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I agree that people claiming that they never lost 1 on 1 are full of b...


I would like to see them in their fresh 50s going against 50-60 valor player.


But back to the topic:


I think that currently assasins (i don't know which spec, I am guessing tank one) are the hardest to kill, as they can vanish in combat and drink shock water. If you are quick you can do it too, unless you are stunned for the n'th time. I would really like to see how many cc skills can such asassin use in 2 minutes (our trinket cooldown). We can mezz him and watch him sleep or choke and watch him fly. Not mentioning that there is at most 50% of hitting him, solid dmg reduction and about 18-19K hp on average.


I think that operatives are also hard to get, as some mentioned before, not many tools we got to counter their skills.


I also think that 1 on 1 with good sniper will end badly for anni mara, as we loose gap closer and disruption due to shield. Not to mention the amount of cc he has.


The rest is quite easy I think.

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Maybe I just keep running across the same 1 or 2 skilled ones, but Shadow Jedis are one of the only classes I have trouble with. The main problem is Project seems to always = 3 quick crits to the face and I have a lot of ground to make up. If you're quick enough to camo Project, it becomes easier, but if camo's on cd or you're stunned, they can melt your hp away pretty quickly.


Nobody else really mentions them, so maybe I'm doing something wrong against this class. Nobody else really gives me trouble (including their mirror) except a well played Op with cd's.


You are talking about the Deception equivalent of Assassin, right? The dps? If so, their burst is actually fairly predictable, and relies on a single ability which is shock/project. By using two voltaic slashes, they buff shocks damage by 50%, it also has a +50% crit multiplier, which means they will most likely be using recklessness to guarantee a crit. You should pop your defensive cooldowns when you see recklessness go up (which is generally very early in the fight), so that you can mitigate their shock damage by 45%. If you can successfully mitigate shock damage, then you should have an easy win.


Also, bait their force immunity with rupture, and save deadly saber until after it goes down. Don't let them absorb both deadly saber and rupture, it will kill your initial damage and put you way behind. I generally save my camo for their blade ward - > bleed em up, then vanish. Force attacks go through their ward, so you can lay down bleeds, and vanish for some distance to wait for blade ward to go down. Save your cc removal for their electrocute stun, the knockdown is only 2seconds as opposed to 4s for electro. Should be easy once you understand their rotation and defensive cooldowns.

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I also think that 1 on 1 with good sniper will end badly for anni mara, as we loose gap closer and disruption due to shield. Not to mention the amount of cc he has.


As for snipers, you can mitigate their damage heavily by putting obfuscate on them. They're one of the only classes who is actually very susceptible to accuracy debuffs. Then you can pop blade ward after obfuscate to continue to mitigate damage. You cant stun them when they have entrenchment up (which is the big cover, not the bubble shield). Also watch for ballistic dampers, which they can snag every 6 seconds by leaving and re-entering cover. They reduce damage by 30%, so dont throw any big skills into them.

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You are talking about the Deception equivalent of Assassin, right? The dps? If so, their burst is actually fairly predictable, and relies on a single ability which is shock/project. By using two voltaic slashes, they buff shocks damage by 50%, it also has a +50% crit multiplier, which means they will most likely be using recklessness to guarantee a crit. You should pop your defensive cooldowns when you see recklessness go up (which is generally very early in the fight), so that you can mitigate their shock damage by 45%. If you can successfully mitigate shock damage, then you should have an easy win.


Shock and Discharge which hits as hard as Shock.


Doubt it is much use to try follow when Recklessness goes up since it is off gcd.

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Shock and Discharge which hits as hard as Shock.


Doubt it is much use to try follow when Recklessness goes up since it is off gcd.


That is true, but most assassins I have fought already have Recklessness up when they pop out of stealth, so you have time to put up defensive CD's before they can build up the shock bomb. Otherwise, if I dont see it, I will generally start with Cloak initially, and put up saber ward when I hit ~60-70%.

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Powertechs are the only class I really have trouble with and the mirror as well


Ops/Sorcs especially healer ones, are free kills.. sometimes they run but they cant get away..and while running they arent healing their team, so win win for me.

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I win almost all 1vs1s. The ones i have a hard time beating are the hybrid ops/scoundrels that have a decent amount of healing but still do decent damage. They just HoT themselves, damage me, then if they get low, use 1 of their 4 CCs to get away, heal and slowly wither me down.


Then the other 1v1 i have lost is 1 very specific Power Tech on myserver. I kill all vanguards/power techs 1v1 except 1 guy who can hit harder than any i have ever seen. I beat him 1v1 with all my CDs and i lived at 5% hp. But if i have 1 CD not up, he will obliterate me as i need ALL of them to stall his dps and use bleeds for heals.

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