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Been thru Voss 3 times - IT. NEEDS. REBALANCING.


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While I do believe Voss is the most "difficult" of the planets to quest through, assuming you do more than just your class quest line, I don't believe it warrants a re-balance. I believe many people's difficulties with the planet are either due to level, gear, or class/companion combination. Having gone through it on a Consular Shadow with a CC spamming healer for a companion, it was a cake walk.


Having JUST gone through it on my Knight-Guardian DPS using Scourge, it was more difficult. Sure, I could have used Doc, but since there are barely any people left on my server, and therefore crap for gear on the AH, gearing him up is too commendation reliant, and I use most of those for myself and the droid that's needed for the end of Chapter 3.


There are Elites that drop some crazy DoTs.. sure. There are Elite pairings and a CRAP TON of Elite patrols that, if they remain uninterrupted, deal more damage than most of the Golds.. sure. I kind of like it that way. Voss has done more to make me "l2p" than anything else I've encountered in the game. I've been able to be creative... even if breaking out Doc in his level 35-41 gear in a few instances made things easier for me.


If anything, I think every planet should have been more in line with Voss as far as difficulty, although more evenly spread out. Not necessarily a gradual increase from planet to planet, but an increase ON each planet. Give you a few easypeasy quests starting out, then slowly ramp up the difficulty as you progress.


I WILL agree that the previous experiences on other planets did little to prepare me for certain sections of Voss. Rounding corners on a bike at high speed only to run into some named boss with 100k+ hp, or two golds, or two elites with an elite patrol, or 6 normals with an elite patrol.... Meh.


Voss is my second favorite planet due to the number of quests, the number of random Commendation drops, and I kind of like the peeps. I normally give two spits about lore and story, but I find their perception of the Force interesting and it warrants them being a playable species, imo.

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the primary problem people have is trying to play a companion/character combo that isn't a tank/healer combo, if you do play a tank/healer combo there isn't much that can stop you unless you are terrible.
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My Knight, my Trooper, and my Inquisitor have all encountered the exact same problem on Voss. You can get through the first three-quarters of the planet without much problem. Then




Brick wall. Suddenly, violently, you are way, way under powered.


Let me explain how I level. I do all the quests, and I do 90% of the bonuses, and I do all the bonus series as soon as they are available. I do the space missions every time I'm in my ship. I craft rare/blue items religiously and spend my commendations wisely, so what I have equipped it worlds beyond what I'm always offered as quest rewards.


Do you know what this should mean? This should mean that, since I've gotten bonus, extra, non-mandatory XP, and since my gear and my companion's gear is twice as good as the things they offer to give me, (which should be perfectly adequate themselves, since, you know, the game is trying to give it to me at that point in time,) that ALL means I should be kicking PvE *** up AND down BOTH sides of the street.


This is not what is happening on Voss. You do one quest after the other, they are all fine and doable... then comes the one. The one where no matter how many stims you chug, now matter which companion combo you try, no matter how often you try to interrupt, that mission boss is just impossible. And you still have 90% of level 46 to go through before you can get to level 47.


If this happened once on one faction, it could be a fluke. But no. The last questing area of Voss needs a nerf, and it needs to happen before any of my other characters get to that godforsaken planet.


Up until this one point, everything is balanced pretty alright. A person can be caught up without much difficulty all throughout the game, WITHOUT having done any silly Flashpoints or PvP, until this point. Then suddenly... ugh.


I think you are lying/eggzagerating how much questing you do. I skip quests and I'm over leveled. If you do every single one, you should be at 50 by the time you hit Voss.



What you just described is the fact that this game, in terms of Beta Testing, WASNT TESTED PROPERLY!!


1/2 the game is largely untested and unrefined.


What arent you realizing about that?


If you think this game sucks just leave? The second half of the game isn't as polished, but its a long stretch to say its untested and unrefined. My trooper got through just fine and my OP/Knight are doing fine as well.

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I just finished Voss today as Sith Warrior, sure you need to be skilled, when to Force Push, when use Choke, when you let your companion take some damage etc, when you put shield up, when you use health-boost. L2P basically. Edited by BlueFromMoon
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erm, voss is easy... the only annoyingly difficult quest line was the NS Bonus round, and they nerfed it already. Sounds like you dont have up to date gear. Doing lvl 47 missions in lvl 41 gear is not a good way to be successful.
Exactly. The only hard part, was the Nightmare lands quests.
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My Knight, my Trooper, and my Inquisitor have all encountered the exact same problem on Voss. You can get through the first three-quarters of the planet without much problem. Then




Brick wall. Suddenly, violently, you are way, way under powered.



If I am remembering correctly, I would have to agree. I found the same on some other planets or quest lines.


I think that the game is very very gear dependent and different companion combinations are indeed much stronger and more successful than others. I absolutely hate to use the term l2p, but it seems that each class does indeed have a most efficient / powerful approach to combat and there is a big difference in how you use your abiities in any situation. I have a very toe to toe dps smash face mentality and yet love my SI heals to pieces and boy the two do not mix. So l2p and playing the class to it's strength has been a bit of a self inflicted challenge for me.


LOL, the first time through I had to leave and put on a few levels, the second I had my gear as good as possible and went with a different well geared companion at level, and the third was easiest of all, I just cake walked though playing as a duo with my wife who plays a SW and is the real smash face person in our family.

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Voss wat the only planet where I found a real challenge in the solo play and had to think before starting a fight, ... I actually enjoyed it and wished more of the game was like that.

Yes died a few times, more than on other planets, yet it felt like when I won and completed a quest (Nightmare area ... or whatever its called comes to mind, with mad chain agro sometimes) I had achieved something.

Nothing extraordinary, but enough to keep me awake, and my brain alert.


For that reason, and the awesome NPC armour on Voss, it is one of my favourite planets!


And I came back at 50 to kill these champions too... just because I could.

Edited by Vonb
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I fully agree with OP.


I have little to no problem doing my class quests on Voss but the ordinary ones are hard as hell.

Whenever i am done with my classquests on Voss i go straight to Corelia and it is pretty much down hill from there on. This is how i have handled the leveling of 5 characters and will continue to do so while leveling future characters.


In before "use more than 2 buttons".

Edited by janne_josefsson
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never had too many problems with Voss... It was much harder for my sentinel than it was for any other character- but nothing I would call a wall.


The one thing I do have problems with has been that Avatar of whatever it was boss... Usually I skip him for a good long while and finish up the class story and sometimes even the bonus series and part of Corellia before I can take him...and I tend to leave Voss around 48/49. It's his constant force choke and lightning storm combo that eats away at me faster than a healing companion can usually keep up.


other than that I find Voss to be pretty solo friendly

Edited by MatronAdena
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There is nothing "wrong" with VOSS, only some people's expectations of it.


We expect difficulty in FP HMs, OPS etc. and accept that some will die and sometimes the entire party will be wiped. Why would you not expect that in missions? Does it say anywhere that the cruise through the planets should be constant? Did you expect it to be constant?


I LIKE variation and I DISLIKE complete predictability. The fact of the matter is that you CAN vanquish these missions - maybe not as early as you hope to - but you CAN.


A game that force players to get tactical in their thinking sometimes is not a bad thing.


There a Heroic 4 on VOSS that I've found dastardly difficult even with "on par" levelled and geared players. Every time I level a toon, this one mission looms ahead and I always look forward to it. Nevertheless, I have never vanquished it and I think I have tried it with over 50 different players so far..lol. But I don't EXPECT to be able to vanquish everything all the time and so, I enjoy myself.


...there is enough predictability and grind in the game...rejoice in the fact that something is different than the rest...

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erm, voss is easy... the only annoyingly difficult quest line was the NS Bonus round, and they nerfed it already. Sounds like you dont have up to date gear. Doing lvl 47 missions in lvl 41 gear is not a good way to be successful.


Looks like he wasn't reading the post at all, he crafts his own gear, as well as his companions' gear, so except for having purple quality gear, they have twice better then what the game would give them via quests and he is still getting killed easily, so its not gear.


Hell, i have even had level 25 purples, while doing level 35 content and then only see better gear being rewarded, Voss does need toning down, quite abit actually.


I suggest you try going through Voss solo, instead of in a group like most people that say its easy tend to do.

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Never had problems with Voss usually leave that planet with bonus serie done at 48-49.


It does get harder on Voss, but it's not a wall. It's a skills check. It happens several times through out the game. You can't assume the same old tactics will work as the difficulty increases.


Made it through with my Sent with some difficulty, but I learned a few good lessons going into Corellia. With my Shadow, no issues because I learned my lessons well. For me, the key is understanding the NPC and their abilities before you attack. Also, in my experience, you have to play to your class. If you are dps fore example, then you really have to start thinking about using your tank more. Let him pull aggro and you do heavy damage fast. You can't always rely on your healer.


All NPCs have weakness you have to exploit. It's not hack and slash. And yea... if you make a mistake, unlike before where you could weather it, you just might die. Personally, I think Voss is a great set up for Corellia. Made things simpler knowing that it wasn't a brainless pattern of attacks anymore. At least it wasn't for me.

Edited by Rafaman
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Looks like he wasn't reading the post at all, he crafts his own gear, as well as his companions' gear, so except for having purple quality gear, they have twice better then what the game would give them via quests and he is still getting killed easily, so its not gear.


Hell, i have even had level 25 purples, while doing level 35 content and then only see better gear being rewarded, Voss does need toning down, quite abit actually.


I suggest you try going through Voss solo, instead of in a group like most people that say its easy tend to do.


I have been though voss 5 times solo and ONLY one time did i need help on a quest and that was on my sage.

Edited by Snakeyees
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I have been though voss 5 times solo and ONLY one time did i need help on a quest and that was on my sage.


Just finished my 4th character through Voss solo. Difficulty seems fine to me.


First character - Sith Sorcerer

Second character - BH Powertech

Third character - Sith Marauder

Fourth character - Jedi Guardian

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I enjoyed reading the OP. :D


That being said, I dont really know what's discussed, as a seasoned MMO-Burglar with no sense of organization I most likely:


A) Steam rolled it.


B) Left for Corellia only to have to remove Voss quests by hand while getting new ones on Corellia.


Take your pick!



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Can we please have some content that is challenging? Please?


I had 1 toon that was able to do it, another that had to come back at 50. And you don't even have to do the quest. You outlevel zones before you complete them anyway.

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leave it as it is. seriously. why cant games have challenging parts to them anymore?


i have also done it multiple times, along with the rest of the lvling content, and there are some jumps in difficulty for sure. and i for one LOVE it. im serious about that, its one of the greatest buzzes while lvling is suddenly realising you cannot just 1 or 2 shot all the mobs. because you know what happens next? you struggle a bit, you work through some quests, you get some more upgrades, you ding once and get a new key ability and




you are suddenly mowing through the same mobs and quests with ease. thats right. your character has progressed and you feel it. also tougher content is a great way to teach ALL classes how to play better. you are forced to read tooltips properly and try to understand things a bit better if you want to do well. things like defensive cooldowns, cc, healer cooldowns etc etc.


also alot of the tougher content is made easier by using a different companion. hell it may even force you to try out a different spec.


addapting to content is a great thing to promote and i am all for tougher content.

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