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Been thru Voss 3 times - IT. NEEDS. REBALANCING.


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Yeah that Sel Makor guy... He's a tough one.


On ALL of my 50's (4), I wiped at least ONCE while fighting him. I knew the mechanics of that guy too and even went up against him at 46 with my Mercenary. It was brutal. My sorcerer wiped at least 5 times fighting that guy and it was just aggravating. My tank assassin (at the point) wiped twice even though my healer companion and I were 2 levels above and very well geared. I think he's a challenge and I hope more bosses are like this.


Though I hope I don't have to go through him again without wiping. On topic though, I love Voss but you're right. It's really a brick wall planet and things immediately got tougher when I got there.

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I didn't experience this.


just finished Voss as my Sage and only issue I had was trying to solo the lvl 43 champion in the mob camp (heheh solo, shouldnt be able to solo them but I try anyways as half of them I can).


Voss was definately more difficult then Nar Shaddaa but were talking the curve went from


Insanely stupidly easy


moderately easy


Voss was fine and exerienced no issue for most part.

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just finished Voss as my Sage and only issue I had was trying to solo the lvl 43 champion in the mob camp (heheh solo, shouldnt be able to solo them but I try anyways as half of them I can).


Voss was definately more difficult then Nar Shaddaa but were talking the curve went from


Insanely stupidly easy


moderately easy


Voss was fine and exerienced no issue for most part.


Personally I thought Voss was a bit too much for pure DPS specs, overall, but the other planets (Correllia included) were generally silly easy, especially the boss fights, at the regular level. It'd be nice if they scaled the game so after Korriban things were about two-thirds of the way more towards Voss-level difficulty.


Except Gormak Sabotage and the Avatar of Sel-Makor need to be fixed - those two things on Voss are seriously messed up, along with too much crowd congestion in key areas.

Edited by jgelling
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The only real issue I had with Voss was those two powertech Gormaks at the end of an area quest chain. All other bosses I was able to beat at level or +1. It probably helped that I did Voss with a Shadow with Cedrax as companion, effectively giving me five interrupts.
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The only real issue I had with Voss was those two powertech Gormaks at the end of an area quest chain. All other bosses I was able to beat at level or +1. It probably helped that I did Voss with a Shadow with Cedrax as companion, effectively giving me five interrupts.

Like someone above, I will sort of agree with both sides. Voss is noticeably harder in a couple instances than anything that comes before it, or at least I found it that way as a shadow DPS spec. The main "step up" on Voss is that it's the first planet where tank and spank doesn't work on everything, and you will die in a couple places if you don't use some of your defensive CDs and get in some interrupts. If you're just tooling along facerolling everything up through Belsavis, which most people will, then it will feel like you hit a wall at a couple points on Voss, unless you change your tactics. I think a couple quests there can also be impossible or nearly so for certain specs until you have hit their level or +1. The Gormak area thing I believe I failed hard the first time through, then came back and did it when I was on level or over level, and got through it.


Darker than Dark though is stupidly misrated for a normal side quest. The Sith elite is level 48, and he comes out insta-spamming one-shot lightning on you, and has two strong adds that jump in instantly as well. There is no way that is a solo quest; it should have been rated [HEROIC 2] from the start (and should come with rewards to match). That's the one quest that I just dropped and never looked back at. I reckon at 48 or 50 you can probably beat it in most setups, but it still should be a minor league heroic, because apparently the rewards are trash for what it takes to beat the fight.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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Wall?! Really?!


I breezed through Voss.




  • Do not attempt quest more than 3 levels above you.


You forgot other protips :


  • CC, it does not stand for Crumbled Cookie but for Crowd Control guys.
    Use your stuns, sleeps, chokes. When you pull a group you can put a few on hold with sleeps/stuns/lifts and when some nice mobs tries to heals himself or wants to do a huge damage skill on you then you stun/disrupt.
  • Ow those pretty colors on the ground but too bad: It ain't a disco. That's the mob going for most of the times a nice pew pew skill on you. It does not mean you go stand in it and dance all pretty but evade.

Edited by Kirameki
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This is why nothing objective can ever actually get done on the message board.


If someone even SUGGESTS that a zone might need rebalancing, people come out of the woodwork to say "Well u just sux. LMFAO learn2play!"


You would think that rational, reasonable people 'might' understand that even if I personally haven't had the same experience, it doesn't automatically invalidate the other players experience.

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Voss has been easy for me, I am undergeared due to laziness, not wanting to travel to merchants, etc. The boss fights take a bit longer, but it is mostly plink, plink, plink away. I've noticed that time to kill bosses has gone up, so what was once a one minute encounter on early planets is now like two or three minutes of doing the same rotations over and over and over and over and over and over. AI sniper with healer, so dps isn't a problem--that said I feel for a tank going through that repetitive rotations of hotkeys. It gets to be a snoozefest after a few encounters.
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um..sorry but..learn to play...


I finished Voss 3 levels under it's range..and got through it.


I finished my class story at lvl 47


you're doin it wrong


and even if you weren't...mobs are SUPPOSED to get tougher and harder to kill as you lvl

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This is why nothing objective can ever actually get done on the message board.


If someone even SUGGESTS that a zone might need rebalancing, people come out of the woodwork to say "Well u just sux. LMFAO learn2play!"


You would think that rational, reasonable people 'might' understand that even if I personally haven't had the same experience, it doesn't automatically invalidate the other players experience.


But it doesnt mean it needs to be nerfed (Rebalance just another name for nerf) either.


Which the OP titled the thread!


Other day some guy wanted his final boss mob of storyline nerfed because he didnt outfit any of his companions and was under level (skipped content to race to end). Should we also take his claims into account or should we tell him to go outfit his companions and get the required levels?


Sorry but disagree, the problem is not the game here, its the player.


This game is set to the easy side of easy and when ever someone hits a difficult patch (rare as it might be) they scream bloody murder! Same thing happened from closed beta to retail, the game was dumbed down somewhat because we didnt jump all over those yelling for faster/easier/meme in closed beta.


Lesson learned.


If the OP had come here and made a title "is this hard or am I just doing wrong" and then went on to make a post about how he can t figure out how to beat encounter and would like suggestions, then you converse with him.


However OP came asking for NERFs


That should never be tolerated in todays standard of MMOs.

Seriously how low and simplistic do we need to go?

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On Sentinel I felt this wall as soon as I hit the Dark Heart (or whatever, something like that) but on my Juggernaut I didn't get any problems :<.


I think the enemies just hit a lot harder than the other enemies and pure DPS classes have a little trouble with all the extra damage.

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Did this with my Gunslinger and had 0 problems. I did not use a healing companion or a defensive one. Akavi Sparr FTW, lets go pure DPS lets Go!!!


This is not even difficult, I have been gaming for 2 decades and MMO's are only hard when they force you to team. Plenty of Single-player games over the years that can give a lesson in pain. I am talking about 1 live for a long level with obstacles, no saving and checkpoints. Voss has none of that because if the OP just asked for help it would have been much smoother.

Edited by SentinelDranoel
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This is why nothing objective can ever actually get done on the message board.


If someone even SUGGESTS that a zone might need rebalancing, people come out of the woodwork to say "Well u just sux. LMFAO learn2play!"


You would think that rational, reasonable people 'might' understand that even if I personally haven't had the same experience, it doesn't automatically invalidate the other players experience.


Actually if enough players do not experience the same problem then it is not widespread. In fact, if we say that only you have a problem with a level-then it is likely just you. If Voss truly needed the devs to intervene then it would be a major issue. The fact is Voss does not need a major rebalancing, and it is not broken. Take Taris after Launch, they had to go and fix that area because many people experienced problems on that planet. Put in a ticket with customer service, just do not get mad if hardly anybody else puts in a ticket too because they ran right through Voss.

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I experienced this on my 1st character when the game released. The subsequent 2 characters I've taken through have had no problem. There is a noticeable difficulty increase at a certain point but I'm experienced enough at this point to overcome it.
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I... didn't really find Voss that hard, playing as a tank-specced Shadow with Nadia. The few times I did die (that *********** psychadelic Voss dream kept throwing me off because I couldn't tell what was happening, and that Avatar guy in the swamp), I swapped to Tharan and stomped everything.


That said, I'd gone through from Balmorra on undergeared and underfunded from constantly making armorings and mods for my friends, so I'd learned how to use my abilities effectively.


The spike in difficulty from Belsavis to Voss is about as noticeable as the spike in difficulty from Balmorra to Quesh. It's definitely there, and it's definitely noticeable if you're not so overpowered you're roflstomping everything. It's not insurmountable, though.


Unfortunately, the game doesn't exactly teach you how to use your abilities effectively. For people who already know, it's not an issue, but for new players who have been roflstomping- well, people have said it repeatedly; learn to play.


I don't mean to be condescending when I say this. The game doesn't effectively teach you how to use your abilities and such, though, so you're going to have to learn.


Try building up some credits, then go back to Belsavis and try to solo some of the Heroic 4's. You'll probably be curbstomped, but in the meantime, the tricks you pick up will help a lot.


Just... experiment, and see what works. It took me a long while, and was pretty frustrating, but in the end, i figured out how to play better, and I've had more fun playing the game since I learned.

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Learn to interupt. ;p


As I recall, the only difference between Voss and any other planet was the expectation that one must play their character rather then just go in and smash face. One had to learn to watch the opponent, interrupt, stun, move out of the fire. There was a need to bring one's gear up to date for the first time in the game. In short it was a prelude to raiding and end game.


Upgrade your gear to blue. Get a purple weapon. CC, Interrupt and stun. Employ the appropriate companion. Voss becomes a cake-walk.

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This is why nothing objective can ever actually get done on the message board.


If someone even SUGGESTS that a zone might need rebalancing, people come out of the woodwork to say "Well u just sux. LMFAO learn2play!"


You would think that rational, reasonable people 'might' understand that even if I personally haven't had the same experience, it doesn't automatically invalidate the other players experience.


Read my above post.


....and the reason there is resistance is because people tend to blame others, or other entities for their inability to succeed. They are having trouble, rather then coming to the boards an asking, "what, if anything, am I doing wrong", or "Is anyone else having trouble on Voss?", they catapult instantly to "Voss needs to be rebalanced!".


Now, you have a bunch of people here telling you that it is just not so, that Voss was pretty easy. You can either take their advice and take the steps required to enhance your gaming experience, or you can pound the drum and continue to insist that its the game and not you.


....and don't get me wrong. I've done it too. We all have made assumptions and misinterpretations at one point or another, based on either our misunderstanding, or a shift in mechanics that caught us off guard. Trust me. Its not so much that Voss is harder, it just requires one to tune up is all. Try that and I'm sure you will find it less frustrating.



Edited by Blackardin
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I think it's fair to point out the Avatar can be very challenging, at a couple of points key objectives/bonus objectives involve taking on TWO elite (or at least very strong) techs/gunslingers which is a big challenge for some specs, and just generally Voss is more difficult than even Corellia, which follows it, and substantially more difficult than the preceeding planets.


Voss does stand out as pound for pound the most difficult planet for the rated levels. It's not like it's not doable, because everything in this game can be handled with enough time. Beating the game isn't some challenge or achievement - it's just a grind. But Voss is particularly grinding.


I'd actually prefer if the rest of the game was more like Voss - without two elites in a couple of the solo quests - but if the game on regular mode is supposed to be a cakewalk, it is kind of strange Voss isn't balanced like the rest of the game. But note your class quests on Voss are short and sweet - it's only the planet quests that are a little challenging.


So yeah, I still agree with the OP that Voss has a couple of issues and isn't balanced like any of the other planets. Is it game-breaking or something that NEEDS to be changed - no. And on the list of issues with the game this hardly rates. But it is pretty curious - games usually follow a curve of increasing difficulty, or at least are consistent, and this game is total easy-mode until Voss, where there are a couple of speed bumps, and then resumes easy-mode until the final boss fight, which in my limited experience was a nail-biting matter of luck - whose criticals happened to hit.

Edited by jgelling
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On both my 50s I had hit 49 by the time I hit Voss. On Belsavis I usually burn through 47-48 easily. By the time I hit 40 I have such a huge green buffer of bonus exp built up that I can do my regular logoffs in cantinas and not worry about ever completely exhausting that buffer if I decide to log off in the field a few times.


Having run through Voss as a Healer w/ NPC tank and a Tank with NPC healer, I've encountered no issues with doing the planet's missions. Though I must point out that I tend to pvp while I mission, which accounts for the extra exp gain. Not everyone pvps, and I also do the bonus missions (if they aren't greyed out) on planets, as well as any other extra missions.

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On both my 50s I had hit 49 by the time I hit Voss. On Belsavis I usually burn through 47-48 easily. By the time I hit 40 I have such a huge green buffer of bonus exp built up that I can do my regular logoffs in cantinas and not worry about ever completely exhausting that buffer if I decide to log off in the field a few times.


Having run through Voss as a Healer w/ NPC tank and a Tank with NPC healer, I've encountered no issues with doing the planet's missions. Though I must point out that I tend to pvp while I mission, which accounts for the extra exp gain. Not everyone pvps, and I also do the bonus missions (if they aren't greyed out) on planets, as well as any other extra missions.


Well a lot of people land on Voss at 45 or lower and the average player LEAVES at 47 or 48, even with the bonus. ARRIVING at Voss at 49 - yeah - I'm sure you A-moved through everything.


I still say the normal game mode is too easy, especially for boss fights, but if that's how it's supposed to be, Voss is the one planet that isn't quite like the others, but still obviously very do-able. If you skip the planet quest and only do your class stuff it's a short and sweet cake-walk.

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