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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What will you do come 1.2 Patch


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Just wondering what everybody else perspective is once 1.2 patch comes.


What I dont understand is why are they adding content to the game when the original is not even fixed yet. There are so many exploits, bugs, disconnects in this game to be worrying about adding content. This is all coming from PvP perspective as I dont do much PvE. So feel free to add content for those PVE'rs if its bug free or at least tolerable.


But I dont want to see any more Warzones if the first 3 plus Ilum are a complete joke as of now. 2 patches in a row they have claimed to have Wins actually credited to you and that is still not fixed. Disconnects right towards an end of a match so you dont get a win. Unable to click the rez button after a death so you get kicked from the warzone. Unable to get on a bike sometimes in Alderan so you get kicked for being a deserter. Allowing people to have 10+ people on your team in warzones.


Played 6 games earlier today to have 2 wins not count, 1 unable to click the rez button and 1 disconnect.


I know come 1.2 if it isnt basically flawless my time will probably end after that next patch if it isnt fixed.


Your Thought?


And yes I know this game has only been out for 2 months almost. Counting early access. But some of these bugs should have been fixed as they have been here since launch. And actually some of them have been around since early beta.

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They have separate teams working on patches and new content. There's only so much you can do with regards to going over the same lines of code before you're wasting resources. So why not add new content WHILE working on fixes? Seems like a good use of time and money, and offers up new content for those who have been screaming that there's nothing to do at Lv 50.
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Fair enough. However what will you do come 1.2 patch if it isnt flawless. You going to stick with the bugs? I mean if the people working on the bugs right now cant fix it, the new content comes out, those people are now working on more new content ? Then what, its a never ending cycle. If the people who are not working on the new content, cant figure out how to get rid of the bugs, at least the major bugs, aka exploits and not getting credit for wins, then how do you expect them to fix the new content bugs from here on out.


Just sayin

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They should stop doing anything with PvP and fix PvE. This game is made for PvE. There are so many bugs in end game it makes it hard to keep playing. Sometimes you cant even progress. I do PvP sometimes for a change of pace, Im like Valor rank 30 something.


They need to just take PvP out completely until they figure out what to do with it, bc I agree PvP is a joke in this game. They will never do this bc PvPers are a loud minority and there will be endless crying.

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It's an MMO in it's 3rd month. The bugs aren't as bad as you might expect, and certainly not as bad as some of the people on these forums would have you believe. I'm not planning on ditching. The team is clearly working on making it better.
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More dungeons and gear grind isn't new content, just more of the same. They could put everyone on bug and code fixes, and probably stumble on ways to add to and expand upon what's already there.


Putting everyone on bugs is a complete waste of resources. That'd be like asking everyone at your place of employment to do "your" job. It doesn't work.

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Just wondering what everybody else perspective is once 1.2 patch comes.


What I dont understand is why are they adding content to the game when the original is not even fixed yet. There are so many exploits, bugs, disconnects in this game to be worrying about adding content. This is all coming from PvP perspective as I dont do much PvE. So feel free to add content for those PVE'rs if its bug free or at least tolerable.


But I dont want to see any more Warzones if the first 3 plus Ilum are a complete joke as of now. 2 patches in a row they have claimed to have Wins actually credited to you and that is still not fixed. Disconnects right towards an end of a match so you dont get a win. Unable to click the rez button after a death so you get kicked from the warzone. Unable to get on a bike sometimes in Alderan so you get kicked for being a deserter. Allowing people to have 10+ people on your team in warzones.


Played 6 games earlier today to have 2 wins not count, 1 unable to click the rez button and 1 disconnect.


I know come 1.2 if it isnt basically flawless my time will probably end after that next patch if it isnt fixed.


Your Thought?


And yes I know this game has only been out for 2 months almost. Counting early access. But some of these bugs should have been fixed as they have been here since launch. And actually some of them have been around since early beta.



Another armchair developer who doesn't understand different teams work on different content.


Some teams fix bugs, some make content, some model art, some do whatever.


So...please...understand your idea of how it works is not how it works.

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Another armchair developer who doesn't understand different teams work on different content.


Some teams fix bugs, some make content, some model art, some do whatever.


So...please...understand your idea of how it works is not how it works.


I understand how it works. Have you ever heard of the statement dont fix something that isnt broken? Well it works the other way as well. To add to something that is broken. Fix what you have before you add something different. If PvE is a joke, PvP is a joke because all the bugs then why in the world would you add something else to the game that is going to have bugs. Pretty soon there will be to many bugs for the people that dont work on the *content, model art and whatever* to have a handle of it.


As said before they still havent even gotten the warzone wins getting credited fixed like they have said they have 2 patches in a row. So while you are on your high horse, stop and think about what they said they have fixed and havent, and to only make some worse. Ilum is not even enjoyable now since they *fixed it*.


And I asked your opinion on what you was going to do, not your opinion of what I said.


So..please..understand the question at hand and what it asked, not what you think about how I put it. Otherwise stop trolling and answer a simple question and maybe your thoughs of how they are doing. Or troll another topic.

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Fair enough. However what will you do come 1.2 patch if it isnt flawless. You going to stick with the bugs? I mean if the people working on the bugs right now cant fix it, the new content comes out, those people are now working on more new content ? Then what, its a never ending cycle. If the people who are not working on the new content, cant figure out how to get rid of the bugs, at least the major bugs, aka exploits and not getting credit for wins, then how do you expect them to fix the new content bugs from here on out.


Just sayin


I can tell you right now it won't be flawless. No MMORPG can manage that.


What will I do? Continue enjoying the game despite the few flaws that actually affect me.

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Fair enough. However what will you do come 1.2 patch if it isnt flawless. You going to stick with the bugs?


Heh, first MMO kid?



What am I going to do in [insert MMO title here] if patch [insert patch number here] isn't absolutely flawless?



I'm going to crap a brick from the shock of seeing the first ever flawless patch for an MMORPG.

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I think the OP is overestimating the patience of the community at large. If the team does as he suggests and devotes most of their resources into bugfixing instead of new content in 1.2.. we'll have equally loud or louder complaints about how Bioware can't meet deadlines when it comes to updating their game and how the game is stagnating because of a lack of new content.
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Fair enough. However what will you do come 1.2 patch if it isnt flawless. You going to stick with the bugs? I mean if the people working on the bugs right now cant fix it, the new content comes out, those people are now working on more new content ? Then what, its a never ending cycle. If the people who are not working on the new content, cant figure out how to get rid of the bugs, at least the major bugs, aka exploits and not getting credit for wins, then how do you expect them to fix the new content bugs from here on out.


Just sayin


I'll do the same thing I do with every single MMO that releases a big patch...because none of them are flawless. I'll take my time playing through whats offered, maybe some alts, i'll check out the bugged stuff and its completeable I'll complete it. I'll report any bugs and continue to enjoy myself. If you like something its not so much you over look the bugs its that you understand it takes time to fix them and sometimes the fix isn't always what we want it to be.


If your looking for flawlessness you might want to see a shrink. Because it doesn't exist. Flawlessness is a myth except in diamonds and even those are ultra rare.

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Just wondering what everybody else perspective is once 1.2 patch comes.


What I dont understand is why are they adding content to the game when the original is not even fixed yet. There are so many exploits, bugs, disconnects in this game to be worrying about adding content. This is all coming from PvP perspective as I dont do much PvE. So feel free to add content for those PVE'rs if its bug free or at least tolerable.


But I dont want to see any more Warzones if the first 3 plus Ilum are a complete joke as of now. 2 patches in a row they have claimed to have Wins actually credited to you and that is still not fixed. Disconnects right towards an end of a match so you dont get a win. Unable to click the rez button after a death so you get kicked from the warzone. Unable to get on a bike sometimes in Alderan so you get kicked for being a deserter. Allowing people to have 10+ people on your team in warzones.


Played 6 games earlier today to have 2 wins not count, 1 unable to click the rez button and 1 disconnect.


I know come 1.2 if it isnt basically flawless my time will probably end after that next patch if it isnt fixed.


Your Thought?


And yes I know this game has only been out for 2 months almost. Counting early access. But some of these bugs should have been fixed as they have been here since launch. And actually some of them have been around since early beta.


There's a blog post a guy wrote some time back explaining why an MMO company can't simply fix EVERY patch even though the are a big company.


. . . Could someone please post that link up? I think that might help explain things a lot better than trolling and single post explanations (or my previously-warned-by-Bioware-rudeness does).

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They should stop doing anything with PvP and fix PvE. This game is made for PvE. There are so many bugs in end game it makes it hard to keep playing. Sometimes you cant even progress. I do PvP sometimes for a change of pace, Im like Valor rank 30 something.


They need to just take PvP out completely until they figure out what to do with it, bc I agree PvP is a joke in this game. They will never do this bc PvPers are a loud minority and there will be endless crying.




I had to quote this troll-shattering post. This is not talked about enough. TOR never was nor (hopefully) never will be PvP-centric. If PvP is your goal in this game then do us all a favor and unsub now. So you can quit QQing and BW can focus on the PvE, story-driven RPG aspect of this game.


Not being a jerk, just stating the facts. BW should have never put PvP in TOR at all. Not everything under the sun needs to cater to everyone. I see EA greedy hands all over this PvP nonsense.

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Fair enough. However what will you do come 1.2 patch if it isnt flawless. You going to stick with the bugs? I mean if the people working on the bugs right now cant fix it, the new content comes out, those people are now working on more new content ? Then what, its a never ending cycle. If the people who are not working on the new content, cant figure out how to get rid of the bugs, at least the major bugs, aka exploits and not getting credit for wins, then how do you expect them to fix the new content bugs from here on out.


Just sayin



lol, nothing's flawless, the game's improving very well so far and as a comparison, I know 10+ year old games that are still receiving bug fixes, Diablo II is one, WoW is getting there.


I'll keep playing because I like the game even though I'm aware it's flawed like everything else in life.

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I had to quote this troll-shattering post. This is not talked about enough. TOR never was nor (hopefully) never will be PvP-centric. If PvP is your goal in this game then do us all a favor and unsub now. So you can quit QQing and BW can focus on the PvE, story-driven RPG aspect of this game.


Not being a jerk, just stating the facts. BW should have never put PvP in TOR at all. Not everything under the sun needs to cater to everyone. I see EA greedy hands all over this PvP nonsense.


PvP isn't my goal but it's an option I like a lot. I'd rather not see it go

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I understand how it works. Have you ever heard of the statement dont fix something that isnt broken? Well it works the other way as well. To add to something that is broken. Fix what you have before you add something different. If PvE is a joke, PvP is a joke because all the bugs then why in the world would you add something else to the game that is going to have bugs. Pretty soon there will be to many bugs for the people that dont work on the *content, model art and whatever* to have a handle of it.


As said before they still havent even gotten the warzone wins getting credited fixed like they have said they have 2 patches in a row. So while you are on your high horse, stop and think about what they said they have fixed and havent, and to only make some worse. Ilum is not even enjoyable now since they *fixed it*.


And I asked your opinion on what you was going to do, not your opinion of what I said.


So..please..understand the question at hand and what it asked, not what you think about how I put it. Otherwise stop trolling and answer a simple question and maybe your thoughs of how they are doing. Or troll another topic.


I would like to remind you I may comment where I see fit.


Again, different teams do different things. They are fixing the bugs. Other teams work on content.

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PvP isn't my goal but it's an option I like a lot. I'd rather not see it go


Fair enough. But if your goal (PvE enjoyment I assume) is affected negatively by the PvP QQers would you rather see it go? Because that is what will happen if the PvP kiddies get their way. Nerfs and changes that affect PvE in a bad way.

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