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So i dont pay 8.99 to stand on the fleet all day? is there...


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wow was more accessible and had a more defining launch with misc stuff to do.


And don't forget most of the dungeons themselves were "raids," and quite challenging too. It would take hours to finish Scholo or Strat, for scarce gear that wasn't always guaranteed to be good. There was no commendations or badges either, so they were only method to obtain gear.


You could also make a alt; I think part of what Bioware wants with the Legacy system is for players to make tons of alts.

Edited by LystAP
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Movie Ticket : $10.25 per ticket

Movie Playtime : 1 1/2 hours - 3 hours enjoyment


MMO Price : $8.99-$15.99 per month

MMO Playtime : 300 + hours per month


Seems fine... not my fault you like to fast forward through your movies. As long as you play 4+ hours in a months time then you've got your money's worth.

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so can you atleast give me an incentive to play this game?


No, but I can give you advice. Don't zerg through all the content of a <2 month old game.


Although I completely fault Bioware for even allowing such nonsense as people leveling to cap within the first few weeks with the relatively small amount of endgame stuff.

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Be glad u didnt join wow at launch!!!!!! as there were NO raids just a few dungeons


Ironicly these "dungeons" where hardcore and getting a full set of T0 was months and months and months of work.


original scholo and stratholme both sides, 15man upbrs thats if you didn't get stuck in a massive world pvp event on the way to these locations. It was simply magical. Even wow fans miss those days.



Scratch that, low patience now now now people that ironicly are the cause of this games problems and lack of depth don't miss those glory days. -_-*



The true mmo players are dying out.

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No, but I can give you advice. Don't zerg through all the content of a <2 month old game.


Although I completely fault Bioware for even allowing such nonsense as people leveling to cap within the first few weeks with the relatively small amount of endgame stuff.


Giving the same advice to the other million people then. I bet Atleast 75% of subscribers are already lvl 50. Most of them with nothing to do. And most of them are not avid gamers as the poster...

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Giving the same advice to the other million people then. I bet Atleast 75% of subscribers are already lvl 50. Most of them with nothing to do. And most of them are not avid gamers as the poster...


Most of them still have raids, pvp gearing, HMs... plenty to do until 1.2

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No it didn't! It had less. It STILL has less to do. A few end game five mans, and whatever recent raid is still worth doing. It's been like that for three expansions.


You have no idea what you are talking about. To make things more embarrassing for you I'm pretty sure you aren't joking and think you do know what you are talking about.



wow, being you would be very awkward if speaking rubbish like you do is a common occurrence.



Also you must fall into that non true mmo player bracket and no quoting a list of experience wont change that.

Edited by Harower
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It did? You sure you were playing WoW?


The thing was that you couldn't finish it easily. It took ages to get to 60 and then to get the first T0 was a long long long grind. Then there was attunements. All of this adds value on everything for people who don't demand things straight away.



Also world pvp, I havn't seen world pvp like that in any game since. Tarren mill, blackrock mountain, goldshire, redridge, ogg and sw city battles. GM's launching massive bosses into the fray and people kiting world bosses into places they shouldn't.


Was crazy crazy stuff.



Then they introduced dishonarble kills for raid groups and it kinda went downhill since then :p



EDIT: Accessibility, wasn't as friendly. But people with good communication skills really stood out. I had no problem getting groups for things I needed. But you needed larger groups and a few bad players could ruin it for everyone. But it was rewarding to make friends and everything had more purpose. The community was pretty good. Well at the time felt like it did. I know the model doesn't fit into todays gamers but I do miss it, it wouldn't work now because gamers have more options so all the casual players wouldn't stick it out.

Edited by Harower
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there is no content? this is my point, they made a game with nothing in it? a lifeless world? basic mmo quests with "voice acting"? a story that ends at 50? and nothing to do when u get there.


An mmo IMO should consist of a basic leveling system, with some extras for fun, end game worth doing, lots of content, change of scenery, places to go, things to collect, a social atmosphere and and jsut general stuff that doesnt involve changing duke box music.


dude,you're definitely right on that but sadly this is what the game has to offer at launch. Wonder why people speak about fail launch for ToR? here u have your answer.

And im at my 5th char at 50 cause i feel the same way you are about the end game content,it is truly unbielevable and honestly i cant wait to hear explanations from Bioware about this cause honestly they cant say they werent prepared or didnt have enough time ffs jesus i've been hearing rumors about this game ever since 2009 *** did they do in all these years? and this is the question that keeps popping in my head every new alt i bring to 50.

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So your saying you got all data crons? Discovered allt he area? Kills all bosses in nightmare mode (I guess), you are FULL rakata? maybe even getting all achievements that exist.


If you got all those, maybe you should think about an alt till you get more content ;)


If not willing to do any of the above...well there is something to do but you dont have the want ^^

Edited by MrTBolt
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You can go play GW2 in 3 weeks time.


- Real character customization

- Real personal story w/ different "endings" + writing your own background bio included

- Dynamic events/world/PvE

- Dynamic combat/PvP

- Content scaling

- RvR PvP

- PvP Ranking

- Scale and art

- Gear customisation/dye

- Simple and innovative UI

- Multiple guilds (with tons of features, as in, levels, perks, and something as simple as a guild bank, lol)

- Much better in-house engine (and did I say modern?)

- Better graphics

- Music by Jeremy Soule (KOTOR, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim etc)

- No holy trinity of Tank, Healer, DPS

- No monthly fee


There you go.

Reserving this spot to come back later and laugh at you.

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anything else i should be doing now im full battlemaster and rakata?


my guild is pretty much geared at both sides of the coin and we have literally NOTHING to do....?


bioware do you plan to add anything to keep us playing this MMO that has such potential and is wasted on voice acting that ends at 50...?


in MMO's end game is where the game starts for a large proportion of MMO players? since i have no reason to leave the fleet or nothing atall to do? what now? theres no exotic pet mounts to collect? no misc fun stuff? no gear other than what we have?


now what is my question?


i'de also like to suggest that that the raid content you provided takes less than 2 hours to complete on hard mode for both instances and a slight bit more for nightmare could i suggest a shorter lockout?


so can you atleast give me an incentive to play this game?


anything will do?


That's why you don't power through the game. Do every side quest, but take breaks, leave cliff hangers for yourself. Thats what I do, and Im now only level 24, almost 25 Guardian, and a level 21 Commando.

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I've beta tested it - many have, and so far it's living up to peeps expectations way more than TOR did. As in, still waiting for a patch that actually fixes stuff and doesn't introduce more bugs, and waiting for simple MMO features that pretty much every other MMO feature from the very start. Like a guild bank, lol.


Press is testing GW2 as we speak, you can read more about it on the 21st when the NDA is up. Or visit Youtube and check out some videos in the mean time.


I think you need to take those rose colored glasses off buddy. I've been in the beta since mid December, and if it launches like it is now, it will be a major disaster.

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You have no idea what you are talking about. To make things more embarrassing for you I'm pretty sure you aren't joking and think you do know what you are talking about.



wow, being you would be very awkward if speaking rubbish like you do is a common occurrence.



Also you must fall into that non true mmo player bracket and no quoting a list of experience wont change that.


Not that it's relevant, but I've been gaming since Pong, Atari 2600 and Commodore 64. Probably been gaming longer than you've been breathing.


Yeah I do know what I'm talking about. The fact that you spend your entire rebuttal trying to convince me how embarrassed I should be, and how much a "true gamer" you are, is proof enough that even if you knew more than me, you certainly aren't equipped to explain why.


I've played more mmorpgs than you have. I'm willing to bet on that. I've played over 20. Been playing them for almost a decade now. I played WoW for years, and your average player skips pretty much ALL content that isn't leveling and powers to end game, because that's when WoW "begins".


WoW is noting more than a tedius treadmill to reach the end, which consists of a pile of dailies, a handful of five man heroics, and one, maybe two raids that actually matter and maybe some tacked on PVP. I can get from 1-80 in less than a week. Then it's the same rotation of dailies and raiding, and THAT'S IT.


You may think you're hot ****, because of some imaginary degree in cartoon swordplay, but trust me, you're the only one remotely impressed.


Your logic, is that because vanilla WoW was a longer grind, that there was more of it. What a load of bull ****. There was less, it just took you longer to get there and guess what champ? People didn't enjoy it, except for the no-lifers and basement dwellers, who had the time to devote to collecting the best pixels.


Somewhere along the line, developers started to figure out that designing multi-million dollar content was a total waste when most players never saw it.


The fact that you even use the term "true gamer", makes you pathetic in ways I simply pity at this point. If acting like you do, makes one a true gamer, than I gladly accept my lack of such a title.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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Go PvP for ......













Seriously though man. You play the game waaay too much. Nobody should have to provide that much extra content just for you and the few others who have nothing else to do in life. Learn to PvP for fun. Help other players out. Roll alts. Learn new crafting Schematics from RE. Roleplay!

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The thing was that you couldn't finish it easily. It took ages to get to 60 and then to get the first T0 was a long long long grind. Then there was attunements. All of this adds value on everything for people who don't demand things straight away.



Also world pvp, I havn't seen world pvp like that in any game since. Tarren mill, blackrock mountain, goldshire, redridge, ogg and sw city battles. GM's launching massive bosses into the fray and people kiting world bosses into places they shouldn't.


Was crazy crazy stuff.



Then they introduced dishonarble kills for raid groups and it kinda went downhill since then :p



EDIT: Accessibility, wasn't as friendly. But people with good communication skills really stood out. I had no problem getting groups for things I needed. But you needed larger groups and a few bad players could ruin it for everyone. But it was rewarding to make friends and everything had more purpose. The community was pretty good. Well at the time felt like it did. I know the model doesn't fit into todays gamers but I do miss it, it wouldn't work now because gamers have more options so all the casual players wouldn't stick it out.


lol, RNG is not "work", it's luck pure and simple and it's why WoW moved away from that system pretty quick. Some people got their T0 sets fast, others not so much and still others couldn't get the pieces to drop no matter how many times they ran the same dungeons.


There's also a reason they removed attunements, it's because less than 5% of their player-base were getting to see the content they spent months creating.


I don't hate WoW at all, had some fun there, but it was far from perfect. Of course, everything looks better with rose colored glasses on when looking back. Much like I have fond memories of UO, EQ and many other MMO's over the years, but not a one of them were without flaws and problems. In reality, it wasn't better "back in my day", it was simply different. ;)

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