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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sooooo unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I'm not after Centurion gear... I'm after champion gear... It was champion items that used to drop in bags...


That's why I said champ tokens. Which now drop in bags.


You're not even 50 and have never opened a bag or your would know that.


You basically QQing over something that not only hasn't happened but you have no understnading of.


I'll speak slowly

























If you had opened 40 bags you would have FULL CHAMP gear. Garenteed.

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That's why I said champ tokens. Which now drop in bags.


You're not even 50 and have never opened a bag or your would know that.


You basically QQing over something that not only hasn't happened but you have no understnading of.


I'll speak slowly

























If you had opened 40 bags you would have FULL CHAMP gear. Garenteed.


Then why do i have only 2 champ items + offhand weapon ?

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Then why do i have only 2 champ items + offhand weapon ?


40 bags * 7 comms per bag = 280 comms


A set piece of champ gear costs 67 comms (i believe)


280/67 = 4.17 pieces of gear, or 4 pieces with 12 comms left over.


The offhand costs 41, so that would leave you with 3 pieces + OH and 28 comms left over. You could buy a relic with this.


This leads me to two conclusions:


1) You haven't opened 40 bags.


2) You're a liar.


Grind more.

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40 bags * 7 comms per bag = 280 comms


A set piece of champ gear costs 67 comms (i believe)


280/67 = 4.17 pieces of gear, or 4 pieces with 12 comms left over.


The offhand costs 41, so that would leave you with 3 pieces + OH and 28 comms left over. You could buy a relic with this.


This leads me to two conclusions:


1) You haven't opened 40 bags.


2) You're a liar.


Grind more.


I haven't opend a bag since they changed the system but isnt it so champion bags drop cent comms and sometimes champion gear tokens while BM bags drop champ tokens and sometimes BM commendations?

Edited by Fentz
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I haven't opend a bag since they changed the system but isnt it so champion bags drop cent comms and sometimes champion gear tokens while BM bags drop champ tokens and sometimes BM commendations?


Nope. Champion bags provide 15 centurion commendations and 7 champion commendations, with a slight chance of a champion gear piece token. BM bags provide champion commendations with a slight chance of a BM gear piece token.

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Hey OP I dinged 50 back during the old loot system, do you want any of my








Really I'd give them to you if I could. The new system is leaps a head of what it was. To make matters worse all those dupes I have could only be used for one of my companions! Now that the comms are around you can actually use the extras for something!


I hit 50 at the end of December, between then and when they changed the system I opened close to 150 bags and only EVER saw ONE off-hand item and that was TWO days before the change! The new system gives you the gear on a silver platter.


Also...on an unrelated side note....I opened a champ bag the other day (after the patch) and got a main hand weapon. :p

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Although this post was annoying to read, I do agree... I too have started trying to pvp at 50, i have about 350 expertise from pre patch and i went into a WZ last night and an OPs killed me before the 1.5 sec stun wore off... basically just quit after that.. that was through my static shield..


Wow exagerate much. 1.5s is the global cooldown so that operative got 1 attack off during the knockdown. You were probably being focused by 3 people. Nice job at whining though.

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New 50s have it way easier then we did as earlier 50's. You know what you are getting and can plan. The system is now working as it should giving you way more Cent comms allowing you to get the first tier quickly and actually dropping champ Comms (which we never got) to allow you to work up to champion gear steadily.


I would have been much happier if this system were already in place when I hit 50.

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40 bags * 7 comms per bag = 280 comms


A set piece of champ gear costs 67 comms (i believe)


280/67 = 4.17 pieces of gear, or 4 pieces with 12 comms left over.


The offhand costs 41, so that would leave you with 3 pieces + OH and 28 comms left over. You could buy a relic with this.


This leads me to two conclusions:


1) You haven't opened 40 bags.


2) You're a liar.


Grind more.


you're funny.

Edited by DEuZZ
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Sounds what ever u like, i play around 10-12 hours everyday pvp, i'm soon rank 41. My main consern is people who got the free gear FAST, that has so much better gear then our new people who need do endless grinding to get 1 part.

And don't give me that use cent gear is good enough, if it was all would use it and not bother with champ and battlemaster gear etc.


This game is made this way, it's about stats on gear, the better gear the more dmg u do the more u survive etc, if ur good or bad player.


I wouldnt exactly spout out as if I am proud that I sit and play a game 1/2 of everyday like its something great.


Oh and, I play 2-3 hours a day maybe 4 days per week, might get one of the weekend days to play 5-6 hours a couple times a month, and I am already rank 52, so its not like your 10-12 hours everyday pvp and rank 41 is impressive.

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Then why do i have only 2 champ items + offhand weapon ?


Since you seem to have trouble understanding, let me try to lay it out a different way for you.


After the patch they changed the way champion bags work, where as prior to the patch you had a random chance at a piece of champ gear and either got no gear and 3 centurion commendations, or got gear and 1 centurion commendation.


Now since the patch they lowered the random chance at a piece of gear, however, Champion bags will now ALWAYS contain 15 centurion commendations and 7 (SEVEN) Champion commendations.


So if you have, as you stated, opened 40 bags since the patch you have a guaranteed 280 champion commendations (7 in every bag X 40 bags = 280 <math is your friend:rolleyes:>) you go to your classes champion vendor and you can purchase champion items for champion commendations (wicked eh?:eek:) and with 280 commendations you could have more than just 3 items by now if you spent them. ;)

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PvP gear in this game is SO EASY to get... Champion gear should be at least twice as hard to get AND have a valor requirement.


I have been 50 since 1 week after launch and did not complete my champion set until after patch 1.1. WHY? Because I had like X4 of every piece but the ones I needed. I would have been full set MANY weeks ago if the new system was in place from the start.


The fact that you can have 4 or 5 pieces of pvp gear the same day you ding 50 makes no sense to me. And yes, you can do that will the new comms system. I did it on my alt. What more do you want?


Put in the time and you will catch up. It's not like anyone over BM is getting better geared at the moment. We put in the time earlier than you and of course we will have an advantage in both gear and pvp experience/skill.


Bottom line... It is fair.

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champion gear is alot easier to get now... but BM gear is pain in the ***.. i dinged valor rank 60 1 day after patch in which they ****ed it up ... now i have opened 25 BM bags and still didnt get a single BM commendation..


tell me something about luck..

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i have 11 relics.


I have 7 offhand, 5 legs and 3 relics from the old system. Opened enough bags to buy 2 pieces over the course of about a month.


The new system is awesome, I just buy helms. I get a helm every two days if I have time to PVP for a good amount of time. I almost have all 16 helms I need.


Daily is 1 bag a day, 800 WZ tokens is like 5 to 7 matchs, so 3 bags a day, 4 if I'm pushing an 8+ hour sitting.


Every 5 bags is a piece.


If I was on a server were Ilum was an option, I could get a piece a day by doing that daily.


Not include the free piece every Tuesday from the weekly quests.

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I wouldnt exactly spout out as if I am proud that I sit and play a game 1/2 of everyday like its something great.


Oh and, I play 2-3 hours a day maybe 4 days per week, might get one of the weekend days to play 5-6 hours a couple times a month, and I am already rank 52, so its not like your 10-12 hours everyday pvp and rank 41 is impressive.


I ding just 2 weeks ago.

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