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Better yet, don't touch Tracer Missile or Mercenary


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This post is funny. You act like you are invincible because you have tracer missiles. But everyone knows that ones you go toe to toe with any class the glass breaks. I play a Powertech. Do tracer missiles piss me off? Sure do. When i start getting hit by them do i turn my attention to the glass cannon? Damn right. Grapple in your face or Jet charge and boom im on top of you and /face palm. Now what? How are those tracer missiles working for you now? Oh right you are dead....
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It's not a good class. Get an interrupt train on them and they do next to nothing in damage.

That is the problem, the difference between the skills used well and the skills used poorly is very very small


Pretty sure that tactic will work for any class ....your argument is weak. There is no skill in this game...so you are just as "unskilled" as you claim the OP to be.

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Your interrupt makes me laugh, oh no 2.5 second lockout of tracer missile what should I ever do!!!!?? Oh ya, hit you with heat seeker missile, rail shot, or unload. L2 base assertions off of people who actually know who to play Tracer Missile.


Powershot is a good substitute as well when you are interrupted.

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In group pvp the team that wins is the team that works together, in 1v1 pvp the class that wins is the class with the most tricks up their sleeves and the class that knows how to use them. The reason arsenal mercs fit the glass cannon bill, despite heavy armor, is a lack of mobility. To get maximum burst damage we need 4.5 seconds spread across 3 different locations, a time that gives melee plenty of time to close in and ranged plenty of time to los, leave range during a cast. The fact that arsenal mercs have one "oh look im about to destroy your face" skill with a very obvious 1.5 sec cast makes them even more fragile because of getting attention. If a merc destroyed you with tracer missiles there are only a few options. 1) you suck at pvp and he literally spammed your face in. 2) it wasn't actually a 1v1 but the explosion was the one you remember. 2) it was a merc who knew how to play his class better than you know how to play yours, or had the situational upperhand.
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it would be fine with me as level 50 pvp geared up arsenal merc to lower tracers damage by say 25% and make it insta cast with a 2 sec cd or something... make us more mobile and makes up for the lack of a TRUE interrupt but hey just an idea..
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it would be fine with me as level 50 pvp geared up arsenal merc to lower tracers damage by say 25% and make it insta cast with a 2 sec cd or something... make us more mobile and makes up for the lack of a TRUE interrupt but hey just an idea..


and nerf pve dmg meanwhile. see the complications?

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I'm lvl 50 BG/Pyro depending on the mood, and levelled as Arsenal. I have to say a Pyro vs Arsenal in Huttball, the Arsenal has zero chance provided both know how to play. Arsenal has too much cast time and channel, whereas Pyro is all about instants. Even Arsenal vs BG, a decent BG will win as they can LOS and heal, just biding their time until someone else kills that pesky fly of an Arsenal spec.


Oh, and level 22? Wait until level 50. Then we'll see. Different game at 50.

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it would be fine with me as level 50 pvp geared up arsenal merc to lower tracers damage by say 25% and make it insta cast with a 2 sec cd or something... make us more mobile and makes up for the lack of a TRUE interrupt but hey just an idea..


And what exactly you want to use when Railshot and Heatseeker are on CD and unload hasnt procced?

You can put that on a cd, but for that you have to take the skilltree apart and put it back together right this time. For startes spread the procs, buffs and debuffs apart and put them on other skills.

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I love mercenaries, so easy to kill, and I've never seen one come even close to my damage output in a warzone

I actually feel kind of bad for them, the skill cap on the class is so low that good players are pretty much the same as the bad ones



i love you, please go to every BH is overpowered thread and start arguing please.



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This post is funny. You act like you are invincible because you have tracer missiles. But everyone knows that ones you go toe to toe with any class the glass breaks. I play a Powertech. Do tracer missiles piss me off? Sure do. When i start getting hit by them do i turn my attention to the glass cannon? Damn right. Grapple in your face or Jet charge and boom im on top of you and /face palm. Now what? How are those tracer missiles working for you now? Oh right you are dead....


never had a PT one shot me, fact


if a merc starts running from melee he lost, buck up and use your attacks and abilities, i kill melee at least 50% of the time in a solo fight. Took out our raid tank last night in a duel, he was surprised, but that is because there are a lot of bad BH's out there.

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You just named two emergency cooldowns and considered their usage to be skillful

That's how low you set the bar, lol


You really don't know the merc class very well. Jet Boost or shields is in no way emergency cooldown abilities. Jet Boost is a must use against any melee class and shields is a once in a fight ability. The only real emergency cooldown merc has is On the Trail.

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I rolled a Mercenary thats level 22 now and I must say im loving spamming tracer missile. I pretty much win all 1v1 and in the top if not the top damage. I also chuckle every time 2 other Tracer spammers target the same guy as me and missile light him up. This is the second best if not the best class for Huttball compared to Sorc/Sage because I have the best knockback being a far AoE snare and a nice secondary single target knockback and very high AoE damage. Im very disappointed I wont be getting grapple then this class would be complete/perfect.


This isnt sarcasm btw. Im now on the Tracer Missile bandwagon. Dont nerf my class bro.


At that lvl its TM thats killing people for YOU ,but its a "filler" move to make procs.....our MAIN attacks are unload and rail shot. So TM becomes our auto attack....TM only gets noiced becuase well um its a huge *** missle shooting in the air. If people had combat logs they would see it was the 5k rail shot to the teeth killing them.

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This post is funny. You act like you are invincible because you have tracer missiles. But everyone knows that ones you go toe to toe with any class the glass breaks. I play a Powertech. Do tracer missiles piss me off? Sure do. When i start getting hit by them do i turn my attention to the glass cannon? Damn right. Grapple in your face or Jet charge and boom im on top of you and /face palm. Now what? How are those tracer missiles working for you now? Oh right you are dead....


I love people who think that as I Merc I can't toast someone who comes up to me in 1v1. What do I do when you jet charge me or grapple me? I Pop my shield, jet punch you with a knockback, hit you with two tracers. By the time you get to me I use jet boost. Then you're even father away and you're slowed because I hit you with unload. You don't make it to me a second time.

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At that lvl its TM thats killing people for YOU ,but its a "filler" move to make procs.....our MAIN attacks are unload and rail shot. So TM becomes our auto attack....TM only gets noiced becuase well um its a huge *** missle shooting in the air. If people had combat logs they would see it was the 5k rail shot to the teeth killing them.


I completely agree with you. I'm a lvl 50 Merc, and I do love the class. When it comes to PvP you do get people who just spam TM like there is no tomorrow, but those are the kids that rely too heavily on the 1.5 sec dmg in big numbers. I am by no means geared perfectly or amazingly for PvP so my TM does on avg about 2k dmg or a little more each hit. But it's the bonus for unload and railshot that make TM so necessary. Pop 3 to 4 TM on a target, lower their armor, then unload with 25% more dmg, and railshot with their weak armor. You will see a massive dip in their health almost instantly. We just happen to look very grandiose when we do it, so like you said, it get's noticed a lot more.


Spamming TM doesn't denote lack of skill either, it shows someone who understands the concept of a very good strat. Not a perfect strat, but every class has that 3 or 4 move strat to enter a battle with. After that, it's just hack and slash until cooldown is done, or just blow em up with a heat seeker missle if your a Merc (which by the way is also very noticeable when used on the battlefield).

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It's a good ability, but you'll find in combat against people who know how to fight, you will lose if you rely soley on <x>


Where <x> = <pretty much any one skill>*


I like how the first person to throw "noskill glass cannon" stones is a Smuggler? :confused: I think, somewhere in all the trolling, retrolling, metatrolling and facerolling, this thread wandered off into the Limbo of Rawrlol and got lost.


...i would also posit there are no such things as "emergency cooldowns." They provide zero benefit if they're never used; and if you wait for "an emergency," it's probably already too late anyway. Use them. All. The time.


*except maybe grappling people into fire, cuz that never gets old. Happens to me all the time, it's still funny.

Edited by spacefiddle
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I love people who think that as I Merc I can't toast someone who comes up to me in 1v1. What do I do when you jet charge me or grapple me? I Pop my shield, jet punch you with a knockback, hit you with two tracers. By the time you get to me I use jet boost. Then you're even father away and you're slowed because I hit you with unload. You don't make it to me a second time.


i hate to tell you this but the knockback on rocket punch barely gives you enough time to send one TM let alone two. the jet boost + unload combo also gives you enough time to send one more TM, maybe two if the stars align, and thats not counting if they have a pull/grapple/leap and/or interrupting you so unless you are 49 in the 10-49 bracket or geared out against a fresh 50 you just bought yourself an extra 10 seconds before respawn

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