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Should SWTOR have been a single player?


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Disclaimer: I have been enjoying this game a lot and playing it a lot. Despite that, I wonder at what could have been.


During development when I dismissed the notion that an MMO could be the successor to KOTOR, people told me that Revan's story will be told in SWTOR. Gave the game a chance, love it, but it really feels disjointed compared to the game KOTOR. Feels like an entirely different developer over the original.


And to learn that they made a bunch of phoney Revan books and anointed it as canon for this is disappointing. I basically had two instances that had anything to do with him over 50 levels, probably 20 minutes max.


To me the Revan books shouldn't have been shoved down our throats any more than the bad Baldur's Gate books. And I feel the same way about SWTOR. KOTOR 3 would have been an epic single player. My ending to the game didn't feel anything like KOTOR, or a conclusion of anything that happened in that game. To learn that later Revan's storyline was finished in a lame novel and I can't experience any of it... that hurts. He's my character, but the opportunity to have anything to build from KOTOR is greatly diminished by books and lack of a single player KOTOR 3, or even a real KOTOR 2.


IMHO for people who wanted a Star Wars MMO, this should be it. For people who wanted a real finality to any of the events from KOTOR, this was definitely not it. That had to be a single player, not this.


Revan, HK, Bastila, Canderous and all the rest, I will miss you. The latter two especially since I don't know what happened to them even after completing the single player storyline and doing all the flashpoints. Maybe I was naive. :(

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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Except the quality of the story and gameplay and graphics have dropped.


This is true. i thought this game was supposed to have epic stories though? I must have missed it. Although I did read a good book about the Zombie Apocalypse a few weeks ago. I prefer my stories in books I think. Nothing wrong with a good story in a game i suppose, but when it comes at the expense of fun/gameplay/features/etc... I dunno, it just doesn't feel right.

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Hell no, its awesome as an MMO.


I like this MMO.


But I don't understand how it's the spiritual successor to KOTOR. There is almost nothing KOTOR related in this game. All the major events for the player character from KOTOR happened in books and we're left to figure out what some random author wrote about our character.


Apparently he went light side. I didn't actually know this until reading a summary of the books. I went dark side in KOTOR so none of this even makes sense.


I have literally sank hundreds of hours into this, 2 months of playtime and still haven't a clue what happened to my favorite characters from KOTOR 1. :( How can that be a successor to KOTOR?


This would be like buying BG3 MMO and finding Abdel Adrian instead of my sorcerer with a 20 minute cameo (kudos if you know that reference)

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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I like this MMO.


But I don't understand how it's the spiritual successor to KOTOR. There is almost nothing KOTOR related in this game. All the major events for the player character from KOTOR happened in books and we're left to figure out what some random author wrote about our character.


Apparently he went light side. I didn't actually know this until reading a summary of the books. I went dark side in KOTOR so none of this even makes sense.


I have literally sank hundreds of hours into this, 2 months of playtime and still haven't a clue what happened to my favorite characters from KOTOR 1. :( How can that be a successor to KOTOR?


The "random" author was the lead writer for KOTOR mind you.

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I believe if you want good story you need to play an Obsidian game. This is Bioware and they sacrifice story for romance!


I romanced my droid. Actually i just wanted to make out with him so he would stop yammering nonsense. We really got into it. I felt vulnerable at the time as my interest in the planets was waning. I had a few too many drinks and one thing led to another...

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No. I have enjoyed playing the game with my friend and have had no issues leveling any of my chars solo. So the option is there if you want only the solo story line stuff for your char. But the grouping up option is there for those who want it.
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The "random" author was the lead writer for KOTOR mind you.


Well good for him. Too bad the decision me gave me in KOTOR doesn't actually make sense when compared to the book he wrote.


He basically gives us one of the biggest decisions in RPG gaming history in KOTOR and then reverses our decision in a crappy book. So if I don't read the book, even the small references to Revan in this game don't make any sense.

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Revan who?


Hey, this is SWTOR not KOTOR3! It uses the IP of The Old Republic but other than that why would SWTOR interconnect with any KOTOR?


It's like saying 'hey, I played Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, now BW are making an MMO set around Baldur's Gate (the city) but set 200 years later... why is there no Minsk and Boo?'

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Revan who?


Hey, this is SWTOR not KOTOR3! It uses the IP of The Old Republic but other than that why would SWTOR interconnect with any KOTOR?


It's like saying 'hey, I played Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, now BW are making an MMO set around Baldur's Gate (the city) but set 200 years later... why is there no Minsk and Boo?'


Maybe I'm reading this wrong then. From Dallas Dickenson, Senior Content Producer


How do you make sure that the largest BioWare/LucasArts game ever made happens on time, at the level of quality that people expect from BioWare? Various members of our team have said this in the press before, but I think that folks have generally thought we were being glib. Let me be clear. We aren’t kidding. Building Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ is essentially building Star Wars™: Knights of the Old Republic™ (KOTOR) 3 through KOTOR 10, and then shipping them all at once. There is as much story content here as in all BioWare games combined. As you might imagine, making sure this content all gets done, tested and tuned is a massive undertaking, and it requires the dedication and focus of everyone on the content team to make it all happen.


Edited by kristoffbrujah
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If it were a single player game and EA were publishing it, there would be expansion pack after expansion pack so you would end up paying per month anyways.


Wait... actually why are we paying for this game again?


I have never paid a monthly sub for s single player RPG.

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