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BW announced their plans to kill server communities yesterday...


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One for, one against, wish I could have made a poll :)


tbh I'm on the fence about this one.


I don't like the fact that xserver's are coming because I get to meet all the other tools in the game and I see enough of them on my own server.


I hope the ignore list in game gets expanded. I know mine will fill up quick.



However, I do like the fact xservers are coming, because I get to face roll all the tools who think I'm just flyby night pvp newb who knows nothing about pvp'ing.


Bring it on... your tears never tasted so good.

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I understand the server community thing. On my server now, i know what names i like to see on my team and what names i cringe to see on the other team. (unless im in a premade, then i like to face other premades)


But when cross server bgs hit WoW. It wasnt the end of the world, its more like a bigger community, so it just takes longer to familiarize yourself with all the people. This was where those cluser server forums on WoW were cool. More premades, more pugs, more competition , que pops, and then you had to be really good to make a name for yourself and stick out. But you still could stick out.


Also when you pug cross servers, in WoW i felt like anytime i ended up with ANYONE from my server on my team, we were in it together then. Like its us vs the rest and we had to represent our server to make our server look better than the rest.


So ya cross servers changes it up a bit, but its not terrible or the end of the world or anything.

Edited by KilllerRock
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I don't understand. If WoW was getting bigger, why would they need cross server warzones?


Why does TOR? They're implementing it for the exact opposite reason.


Any idiot who believes there are 12million people playing that game at any given time is just deluted. What blizzard didn't tell anyone was, "There are 12 million accounts. But shh not all of them are active!" I know mine isn't, nor has it been in ages.


It's called marketing something most gamers know nothing about.


That's because wow wasn't getting bigger it was getting smaller.


They implemented xserver Q's because there isn't enough people in the game to Q.


You see evidence of this when you Q as a DPS class for dungeons and have to wait upwards of 90 minutes to get into a boched dungeon filled with egomaniacal idiots from other servers.


You see this when tanks and healers get instant Q's while DPS classes have to wait upto 90 minutes.


You see this when you are in a dungeon with a tank/healer and 1 idiot DPS'er decides to mouth off to one of them and they leave the dungeon effectively screw'ing the other DPS'ers of completing the dungeon since it takes so damn long to get a replacment.


Which believe it or not is a HUGE REASON why xserver Q's need not be applicable at least for PVE... PVP not so much.

Edited by Ahebish
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Any idiot who believes there are 12million people playing that game at any given time is just deluted. What blizzard didn't tell anyone was, "There are 12 million accounts. But shh not all of them are active!" I know mine isn't, nor has it been in ages.


It's called marketing something most gamers know nothing about.


That's because wow wasn't getting bigger it was getting smaller.


They implemented xserver Q's because there isn't enough people in the game to Q.


You see evidence of this when you Q as a DPS class for dungeons and have to wait upwards of 90 minutes to get into a boched dungeon filled with egomaniacal idiots from other servers.


You see this when tanks and healers get instant Q's while DPS classes have to wait upto 90 minutes.


I know. The person I was quoting foolishly appeared to be implying the opposite. Pure nonsense.


Interestingly, Bioware "fixed" the whole dungeon problem by forcing every party to be composed of 1 tank 1 healer and 2 dps for Hard Modes. Enrage timers for everyone is the laziest design I've ever seen.

Edited by EternalFinality
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I know. The person I was quoting foolishly appeared to be implying the opposite. Pure nonsense.


Interestingly, Bioware "fixed" the whole dungeon problem by forcing every party to be composed of 1 tank 1 healer and 2 dps for Hard Modes. Enrage timers for everyone is the laziness design I've ever seen.


Ya I wasn't being critical of your post... i was adding to it. Much to the contrary you will hear from wowz'ers

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I agree with the OP to an extent. It wont 'kill' it outright, but it will decrease the rate in which we start to form these friendships with others on our server. I think when cross server comes, it will push these types of social interactions strictly on Ilum.


Then again, it's really just dependent on your own server. If the core pvp group is happy with playing against people on their server, the general consensus would be to only queue for same server PvP. If the server is big enough, this feature wouldn't change a thing. . .except making the queues for late night/early morning quicker since people still have the choice to pick cross server.


I see the argument from both sides of the coin. Some people can get tired of playing against the same over and over. . .some people might like to test their skills against a wider group. . .some people are tired of being facerolled by the opposing faction due to imbalance or early exploiting(Ilum).


Cross server queues would fix a lot of the issues listed above BUT if the individual server is happy they can choose to not queue cross server(then it just boils down to how populated the server is in order to keep everyone happy while doing it).

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Why bother? For every good post we make theres 20 posts crying that i want my stuff now. It's not the players fault they rolled bad servers but instead of putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound merge servers or offer a transfer off low pop servers. Fix the problem don't cover it up.


My 2cents not that its worth a damn. Another Star wars game killed by the dev's



Agreed. I say they put these gosh darn servers to the test and get to merging. Even the servers that are Heavy don't seem very populated. Not what to the point I'd expect anyways. Wayyyy too many servers at launch. They did this to themselves but I can't imagine it being too hard of a fix.


Edit: LOL it automatically changes godd damnn* into Gosh Darn. lululul

Edited by Abiza
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Oh please. Not this pretend server community crap again.


"Pretend"? Would I be correct if I were to guess that you're one of those players who do not even try to communicate with other players, and/or simply isn't good enough to earn recognition on your server?


I do not pretend that I've had people whispering me after warzones, nor do I pretend to have whispered other people who I've enjoyed playing with. I do not pretend that the majority of people in my friendlist consists of people I've met in warzones.


It's a fact. And I would love to see the game continue in this direction, because it is genuinely fun. Much more fun than playing with people who do not care about anything other than themselves. I'll gladly take those extra minutes of wait time.

Edited by Majspuffen
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Dont see the down-side to this at all... Would you rather me sit in an empty fleet for 3 days trying to run 1 flashpoint?


Or click a button and que up with other people in the same boat as me... so we can actually Progress threw the games content?


its been said before, the solution is to merge low pop servers


that fixes your problem without screwing over servers that actually have a good community already...


< cant throw a stone without hitting some group forming for something , right now there are groups looking for more for a couple of things...its all in the numbers


also, heres a quick poll


enumerate the reasons we CURRENTLY have to interact with other people from our server?


now substract 2 from those and you got a good idea of what , if any , reason we might have to actually get to know people on our server, and no crafting doesnt count given that crafting is crap right now

Edited by LaVolpex
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"Pretend"? Would I be correct if I were to guess that you're one of those players who do not even try to communicate with other players, and/or simply isn't good enough to earn recognition on your server?


I do not pretend that I've had people whispering me after warzones, nor do I pretend to have whispered other people who I've enjoyed playing with. I do not pretend that the majority of people in my friendlist consists of people I've met in warzones.


It's a fact. And I would love to see the game continue in this direction, because it is genuinely fun. Much more fun than playing with people who do not care about anything other than themselves. I'll gladly take those extra minutes of wait time.


And how does cross server q ing prevent you from making groups with those ppl on your friend's list and playing together with them all the time? It doesn't.


Not all of us have so much free time that we can afford to wait 10-15 minutes for a Q to pop every time.


I enjoyed facing the same teams back in WoW before cross server came out, but I also really enjoyed not having to wait for Qs to pop. I still had fun pvping regardless of whether I knew the enemies I fought. If anything, cross server Qs reduced the amount of trash talking that would occur on the server forums when one side would beat the other.


All you people saying cross server kills community need to realize there is nothing preventing you from grouping up with friends/guildmates and challenging ur rivals to a fight in open world pvp.

Edited by Smashbrother
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This stuff happens from forum whining. Player A starts a thread whining about huttball


Player B starts a thread whining about wanting the queue for whatever warzone they want.


Player C creates a guild/player on a PVE server and whines about PVP.


Gabe figures he can save it by listening to the awesome whine bots.


In reality he's killing the game, for a few people who will no doubt quit in the next 2 months. Leaving the rest of the community who "planned" to stay hating the changes and quitting as well..


The forums need removed from the game IMO. This is the leading cause of video game demise..


omg someone that reminds me.


yes yes yes remoove the forums from the game.its so obvious that whiners ALWAYS wins here.

and its also obvious that in any case they will quit the game sooner or later.


create your game BIO and let them deside if they like it or no.put some GMS online during game and watch closely how the game goes.put also some GMS on PTR to test the game with us.



stop LISTENING to casual players that has nothing else to do than spamm all day and night forums for nerfs and changes.


over and out.

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"Pretend"? Would I be correct if I were to guess that you're one of those players who do not even try to communicate with other players, and/or simply isn't good enough to earn recognition on your server?


I do not pretend that I've had people whispering me after warzones, nor do I pretend to have whispered other people who I've enjoyed playing with. I do not pretend that the majority of people in my friendlist consists of people I've met in warzones.


It's a fact. And I would love to see the game continue in this direction, because it is genuinely fun. Much more fun than playing with people who do not care about anything other than themselves. I'll gladly take those extra minutes of wait time.


No, you would not be correct. That's okay, people that preface their observations with a shot in the dark assumption frequently are. The fact is what you just described doesn't represent a community. Instead, it suggest that war zones have had what appears to be a marginal impact on your sense of community. It appears your perception is merely based on some yet to be expressed bias. You don't even define what community is nor do you bother to explain how this one facet of the game amounts to the demise of community.


I might take these self indulgent threads more seriously if people could actually articulate what is wrong with this feature as it relates to pvp beyond just saying they're bad.

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so many drama queens. No, cross-server pvp queing will not "kill community", don't be an idiot.


Don't be naive. The communities on these servers are struggling enough as it is. With cross server warzones you will leave NO accountability between peers, whereas currently I can occasionally convince my teammates to not farm our own faction in huttball.


Cross server warzones = I couldn't give two ***** about farming my own faction for valor, and there's no doubt in my mind I won't have any reason but to farm medals without caring about objectives. With no one on from my server to even recognize and judge my arrogance / selfishness, why would I do anything other than promote my own well being at the expense of others?


Cross server warzones was a tool used by Blizzard to keep subscribers, whom had already submitted to the fact that inter-server communities had died, on their bankroll. If you do not understand that, then you really have not taken a step back to look at how things actually work.


With the sizes of these servers currently, and the lack of a strong community at this point in the game, cross server pvp would take away the already weening online accountability which some people try to stand for.


But hell, if you want this game to be free to play in under a year, fine by me.

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I don't know about you guys, but solo pvping at lvl 50 is how I made most of my in-game friends. After seeing the same faces in pvp over and over again you start to chum up with people. Next thing you know we are trading MVP metals, running flash points together, queing war zones together. Once x-server warzones are added any kind of server community will dissolve especially the pvp community.


Yes I realize you can set a preference to only play with those on the same server but: 'but those players who choose specific preferences such as these will likely end up in a match with players in the larger Wargroup'


So BW wants you to play with others from your server if you are a premade but if you still haven't made some friends on your server you have to x-server que where you will continue to not make any friends. What is everyone's thoughts on this? I remember when they added this feature to WoW and it was great that the que times dropped so much but suddenly I didn't know anyone I was playing with. And in less than a month I think the community was completely dead so I'm really not looking forward to this addition.


should of started with it imo, unless they fix the faction imbalance, which is impossible btw, there will be a need for it

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No, you would not be correct. That's okay, people that preface their observations with a shot in the dark assumption frequently are. The fact is what you just described doesn't represent a community. Instead, it suggest that war zones have had what appears to be a marginal impact on your sense of community. It appears your perception is merely based on some yet to be expressed bias. You don't even define what community is nor do you bother to explain how this one facet of the game amounts to the demise of community.


I might take these self indulgent threads more seriously if people could actually articulate what is wrong with this feature as it relates to pvp beyond just saying they're bad.


I bet you're one of those people who thinks he's part of his server's community but only talks to people from his guild and ignores everyone else.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Thank god BW is finally showing some common sense and disregarding loonies like the OP. People like that would rather ruin the game for people who had the misfortune to roll on low pop servers so they can play the same people over and over. Talk about selfishness.


Why should low pop PvP servers ruin it for everyone else? There's a whole lot more of us on the non-low-pop servers.

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If you are having trouble with WZ que times you most likely rolled Empire and deserve the longer que times/huttball all the time . If BW keeps rewarding people for picking the vastly overpopulated side then there is no reason for players to roll on the underpopulated side.


Most people rolled empire because they wanted to play classes/stories on that side more than republic characters. I sure didn't roll imperial because I wanted to be on the side with the most players, I rolled empire because I couldn't play a BH on pub side. No one deserves long boring waits for Q's. Try not to be so much of an ---Clown next time.

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