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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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How many jerks and bullies are ok? How many "GOGOGOGOGO" to the tank and "HEALLSSUCKSIDIEDED" should I feel are appropriate?


I'm not doom and gloom insofar as I have not experienced something. I HAVE experienced this - so not a single one of your quite derogatory comments is denting me. Other than that, I have one thing to say - you are an exemplar of what I am afraid of. Because I dare to think that my fun matters as much as yours. Absurd though it may sound to you.


Cool are you incapable of booting the person and putting them on ignore so you never have to see them in LFD again?


Or would you rather get that type of person in your group then kick him and spend another hour finding a replacement?


This notion that only LFD brings jerks to the game is about as ignorant as it comes.


This games is already filled with people like that..... someone invites you for an ops.... oh you dont have 15k hp sorry bye no noobs.


Oh im taking this artifact drop for my companion even though you clearly need it for your gear set. You can kick me but good luck finding someone else haha.


Right now people can be ***** because they know if they get kicked your group is likely to have to stop the run to find someone else, they cant just que for a replacement.


I like how because you had a bad experience in a different game your 100% biased against anything remotely like it.


I am sorry to tell you but you are a part of a minority ( a vocal one). And they have already said they are doing cross server LFG and since they said it if they were to go back on their word to due to a few whiners that had a bad experience in wow they will lose people and make people mad.


Me and my wife we had I think one bad LFD where the tank trained us and dropped group..... I cant even count how many amazing runs ive had, I had over 50 battlenet friends from different servers that I became friends with through LFD alone. Oh what your only restricted to having a community on your server? is that it? Get with the times, the servers should be a collective not a per server basis. Pull your head out of the sand and look at the pros vs the cons because its a fact that the pro's out weigh the cons.


Its also a fact that communities dont just suddenly become full of jerks and trolls due to a tool addition lmao, they were already there doing what they do.

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I like how because you had a bad experience in a different game your 100% biased against anything remotely like it.


I am sorry to tell you but you are a part of a minority ( a vocal one). And they have already said they are doing cross server LFG and since they said it if they were to go back on their word to due to a few whiners that had a bad experience in wow they will lose people and make people mad.




You fit well with the other one I linked it seems, I like how because you had a good experience in a different game your 100% biased FOR anything remotely like it.


This thread was about cross server lfg, not about you or anyone else saying your opinion is better, state facts to why you do or dont want it, if you want to use your experience so be it but don't batter someone elses to try to make yours look better.



Edited by Gittyup
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So u saying People's are acting like jerks if a LFG sys comes , then u live in a dream wold

Some People wil be jerks no matter what. How is it i ran into alot of jerks and have 20 People on my ignore list and there is no LFG system yet in game ,in fact its in People Nature to be Nice and understanding or being a jerk,


See on the forums how meny jerks makeing fun of me and my spelling When i am

dyslexic and english is like my nr 3 language, and there is no LFG system on the forums....


So debate is closed

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Sorry, your perfect video game world simply doesn't exist. If someone saying "GOGOGOGOGO" ruins your fun, I honestly feel bad for you. Its text on a screen...on a video game. How do you survive in the real world? Jeez...some people are such delicate flowers. Still waiting to hear why you ever needed to use a LFD tool when you had 2 guilds.


Sigh. You get it but won't acknowledge it. Because your expedience matters more than my fun. Always. And will forever. How's the camping trip going for you?

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So u saying People's are acting like jerks if a LFG sys comes , then u live in a dream wold

Some People wil be jerks no matter what. How is it i ran into alot of jerks and have 20 People on my ignore list and there is no LFG system yet in game ,in fact its in People Nature to be Nice and understanding or being a jerk,


See on the forums how meny jerks makeing fun of me and my spelling When i am

dyslexic and english is like my nr 3 language, and there is no LFG system on the forums....


So debate is closed




A LFD tool isn't going to suddenly birth jerks into the game they are already there and they are already griefing people.


The anti LFD tool argument is so pointless, there are no real facts just oh I got bad groups in wow so its LFD's fault lol. right.

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You fit well with the other one I linked it seems, I like how because you had a good experience in a different game your 100% biased FOR anything remotely like it.


This thread was about cross server lfg, not about you or anyone else saying your opinion is better, state facts to why you do or dont want it, if you want to use your experience so be it but don't batter someone elses to try to make yours look better.




What the...I didn't post what you quoted...lol

Edited by AmandaBynes
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I can't wait for them to implement cross-server LFG. I've done the whole advertising in zone-wide chat channels in major cities for 5 hours (no exaggeration) just to find a group before and I'm beyond sick of it. I've had to do that in every game I've played except for WoW. /1 "LFM for <dungeon> need 1 tank 1 healer" does not build a community. It just leads to people sitting around doing nothing in major cities while waiting for a group and unless you are at the level cap it can be very rare to find a dungeon group. As more and more people reach the level cap (it's ok when a game is new but gets progressively harder to find low lvl dungeon groups as time goes on.


With the dungeon finder I could go out into the world (instead of staying in a major city) and do other things while waiting for the queue to pop. Plus I can actually level primarily through dungeons, and as someone that enjoys a good dungeon I think it's an awesome thing.

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Still waiting to hear why you ever needed to use a LFD tool when you had 2 guilds.


LOL - I didn't say I needed to. In fact, quite the opposite. What I did say was that I would not use it regardless of need. Because the few experiences I had with it were relatively negative, particularly in the context of a) guild runs and b) vanilla WoW group experiences.


If that was supposed to display an internal inconsistency in my position, I believe it did not.

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LOL - I didn't say I needed to. In fact, quite the opposite. What I did say was that I would not use it regardless of need. Because the few experiences I had with it were relatively negative, particularly in the context of a) guild runs and b) vanilla WoW group experiences.


If that was supposed to display an internal inconsistency in my position, I believe it did not.


You said it yourself, you won't use it. You won't have to either. You can still form groups any way you'd like. However, people who aren't sensitive will use it to form groups quicker on lesser populated servers, and at random off times. I'll say a prayer for you tonight in hopes you'll be granted some thicker skin. :p

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I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.


Yea, because the servers have fourishing communities and have no need for tools that make the game content more accessable and easier to utilize.


All of you folks complaining about this make me laugh....seriously. This is almost certainly a step in the right direction, without question.

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LOL - I didn't say I needed to. In fact, quite the opposite. What I did say was that I would not use it regardless of need. Because the few experiences I had with it were relatively negative, particularly in the context of a) guild runs and b) vanilla WoW group experiences.


If that was supposed to display an internal inconsistency in my position, I believe it did not.


So you didn't use it then and I take it you won't use it when it's added here.


Guess you can stop worrying about something you won't use then, right?

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You said it yourself, you won't use it. You won't have to either. You can still form groups any way you'd like. However, people who aren't sensitive will use it to form groups quicker on lesser populated servers, and at random off times. I'll say a prayer for you tonight in hopes you'll be granted some thicker skin. :p


I'll do the same for you so that you may develop some compassion.

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So u saying People's are acting like jerks if a LFG sys comes , then u live in a dream wold

Some People wil be jerks no matter what. How is it i ran into alot of jerks and have 20 People on my ignore list and there is no LFG system yet in game ,in fact its in People Nature to be Nice and understanding or being a jerk,


See on the forums how meny jerks makeing fun of me and my spelling When i am

dyslexic and english is like my nr 3 language, and there is no LFG system on the forums....


So debate is closed


I hope nobody made fun of you but the need or lack of a need for a cross realm lfg has nothing to do with community for me. I will keep posting this till my fingers bleed or someone gets the point. Why is there a need for cross server functions anyways? Because some servers are getting to be low pop? Yes, so why not fix the problem instead of add a fuction that masks the problem?


Merge Servers

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I think YOU have selective memory. Everyone knows the LFG system destroyed the community. Just like these forums are the vehicle of hate due to their anonimity, so are LFG groups. No consequence equals free reign to behave like a douchebag.



With that said, i do agree we should have an LFG system per each realm, at least for now. I think cross server could be done in the future, but it has to be tought out in order to punish abusers and not trivialise the importance of playing through the content (aka its ridiculous to spam every instance several times a day).


Everyone does NOT know the LFG destroyed the community. That's a crock. And the lfg tool doesn't "let people get away with it" as another poster claimed. I know of pleny of ninjas and complete douchebags in groups before and after lfg in WoW. It's just not true.

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I hope nobody made fun of you but the need or lack of a need for a cross realm lfg has nothing to do with community for me. I will keep posting this till my fingers bleed or someone gets the point. Why is there a need for cross server functions anyways? Because some servers are getting to be low pop? Yes, so why not fix the problem instead of add a fuction that masks the problem?


Merge Servers


While I agree with you that LFD masks the low pop issue it is easier and less painful for BW to utilize a LFD queue then to merge servers. Merging has such a bad connotation that they simply won't head down that path. It's easier to just add LFD cross-server. It works and doesn't have the negative impact of server merges.

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While I agree with you that LFD masks the low pop issue it is easier and less painful for BW to utilize a LFD queue then to merge servers. Merging has such a bad connotation that they simply won't head down that path. It's easier to just add LFD cross-server. It works and doesn't have the negative impact of server merges.


Servers should be merged anyway. The only thing that is stressed is fleet and Coruscant/Dromand Kaas. Every other zone is nearly empty on my server and it's usually a heavy pop server at peak times.


Questing through an empty zone is alot more depressing than a zone so full of people it causes lag.

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I'll do the same for you so that you may develop some compassion.


Compassion for what?


What do you honestly feel you'll lose if they implement this?


Look WoW implemented a tool for both raids and dungeons? Did their community die? No in fact look people build up communities now without having servers act as barriers!




I personally believe in letting people play with who they want to play with, implementing an Xserver tool won't stop you from forming groups however you want.

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While I agree with you that LFD masks the low pop issue it is easier and less painful for BW to utilize a LFD queue then to merge servers. Merging has such a bad connotation that they simply won't head down that path. It's easier to just add LFD cross-server. It works and doesn't have the negative impact of server merges.


You are 100% correct that it seems to have some negative affect on random forum posters that probably don't play the game anyways. Does it scare you if they merge servers? I mean you know some are low population, that can be seen on the server listing. Same goes for any game, people know and can easily point out the low population. There are arguments going on right now in other games about people being lonely on low pop servers but not wanting to reroll or pay for an xfer. Me personally, I don't care how it looks if they merge them. It doesn't scare me into thinking the sky is falling and it shouldn't scare you either, if we let them know it doesn't scare us, and we think the game is fun even if some unnamed forum posters make it out to be armaggeddon. Then they maybe won't be scared too?


There are other functions that will remain server only, those will not be fixed by cross server flashpoints at all. People who are on those low pop servers will still be trying to solo or have trouble finding groups for non flashpoint group missions, and Ilum(or any server wide pvp planet they may add) Which if they mask it now, then adding any more pvp "lakes" probably won't happen since it will only lead to more complaints about imbalance/low pop. Fix the actual problem, don't be scared is the best option.

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yeah i remember as alliance (wow) trying to do scarlet monastary in vanilla. I'd have to use the /who to personally message every single person the right level for the instance and hope for a response. Get the group up and it took easily 15 minutes to get to the instance. Oh wait someone dropped group back to the drawing board oh that made another person drop well hell with the whole thing but now I'm all the way across the world from where I need to quest... LFG really ruined the game alright I sure miss my old instances.


Except the /who lookup is pitiful in this game, chat ui is insufferable so responding to and answering/asking questions of multiple people is like root canal.


It's not 2006 it's 2012 lets get with the times and accept that regular instances/flashpoints or whatever some other game calls it should run on a lobby system.

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You are 100% correct that it seems to have some negative affect on random forum posters that probably don't play the game anyways. Does it scare you if they merge servers? I mean you know some are low population, that can be seen on the server listing. Same goes for any game, people know and can easily point out the low population. There are arguments going on right now in other games about people being lonely on low pop servers but not wanting to reroll or pay for an xfer. Me personally, I don't care how it looks if they merge them. It doesn't scare me into thinking the sky is falling and it shouldn't scare you either, if we let them know it doesn't scare us, and we think the game is fun even if some unnamed forum posters make it out to be armaggeddon. Then they maybe won't be scared too?


There are other functions that will remain server only, those will not be fixed by cross server flashpoints at all. People who are on those low pop servers will still be trying to solo or have trouble finding groups for non flashpoint group missions, and Ilum(or any server wide pvp planet they may add) Which if they mask it now, then adding any more pvp "lakes" probably won't happen since it will only lead to more complaints about imbalance/low pop. Fix the actual problem, don't be scared is the best option.


I am ok with server merges. Was just giving my opinion as to why they won't do it.

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yeah i remember as alliance (wow) trying to do scarlet monastary in vanilla. I'd have to use the /who to personally message every single person the right level for the instance and hope for a response. Get the group up and it took easily 15 minutes to get to the instance. Oh wait someone dropped group back to the drawing board oh that made another person drop well hell with the whole thing but now I'm all the way across the world from where I need to quest... LFG really ruined the game alright I sure miss my old instances.


Except the /who lookup is pitiful in this game, chat ui is insufferable so responding to and answering/asking questions of multiple people is like root canal.


It's not 2006 it's 2012 lets get with the times and accept that regular instances/flashpoints or whatever some other game calls it should run on a lobby system.


One example does not (necessarily) a truth make. How about Strat, Scholo, BRD, L/UBRS, DM (which, as Alliance, was unbelievably far to get to - 20+ minute flight and then ride) and so on.


The example you picked was of an instance in the opposing faction's home territory. One that, unlike, for example Deadmines or Gnomer, there was no faction transit to.


Our perspectives differ.

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