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Game Killer Sith mission "The Blood Legacy"


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I decided to try Sith and everything is going great and I'm enjoying the story line until the quest "The Blood Legacy". After dying twice I decided to invest into some stim paks because the medipac just wasn't getting it done. Keep in mind that the mission doesn't indicate that you cannot solo it. I returned and wiped out just as fast. At this point I'm broke and dead. Nice! If the quest indicated it could not be done solo I would have sought help. Help is fine at this point but I just spent what small amount of money I had for no reason. Please correct this to 2+ player the people I checked with people in chat also indicated this is not a solo mission.
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Quite soloable actually. I solo'd it at level 7. If you are using a Sith Inquisitor you just gotta make use of your stun and knockback, then dps him down. Something like: Force Lightning, Shock, Electrocute (stun), Saber Strike, Overload, Force Lightning, Shock, etc. It was pretty simple, I used one Minor Medpac and finished the fight with over half health left.


If you wait till level 8 and get Reckless it makes this fight even easier.


As a warrior charge, assault, smash, assault, assault, assault, saber ward, vicious slash, and just dps him down. It's a little harder due to lack of stun/knockback, but it is far from undoable.

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yeah about the only indicator you get that it's a group mission is a quick little text popup when you first enter the instance, it says something about being a group instance. There's no other mention of it anywhere else.


It definately needs to be mentioned as part of the quest info in your log.

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Disagree with needing to flag it as a 2 player quest. It's definitely soloable at level 7 or higher as either Sith class ( though leagues easier for the inquisitor ). It just happens to be a slightly harder class that requires thoughtful use of consumables and cooldowns.


It says something about being a group instance. There's no other mention of it anywhere else.


The popup says Group phase, which just denotes any phased content that's not related to a class quest. It has nothing to do with how many characters it's tuned for.

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Disagree with needing to flag it as a 2 player quest. It's definitely soloable at level 7 or higher as either Sith class ( though leagues easier for the inquisitor ). It just happens to be a slightly harder class that requires thoughtful use of consumables and cooldowns.


Given the text leading up to it, and the basic Sith philosophy that's being beaten into your head the entire time up until this point, I agree that the quest is perfectly fine.


Only the strong survive. I've solo'd it every time I've come across it, and the only advice I can really give is to make sure you clear the first room and make sure you're on your toes. Learn from defeats.


If nothing else, you're perfectly free to come back and finish it once you get your first Companion (either as a Guest or permanetly). There's nothing on any of the starter worlds, group quest or not, that can't be done solo with just your companion as backup. I usually do it as the last round of things I do before leaving the planet.

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I did have a lot of trouble with this quest. I think I needed 7 or 8 times with my Sith Inquisitor, despite leveling up at least once over the course of them and using many stims. Then when I finally got to that part with my warrior I beat it my first try. Edited by OldVengeance
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Disagree with needing to flag it as a 2 player quest. It's definitely soloable at level 7 or higher as either Sith class ( though leagues easier for the inquisitor ). It just happens to be a slightly harder class that requires thoughtful use of consumables and cooldowns.




The popup says Group phase, which just denotes any phased content that's not related to a class quest. It has nothing to do with how many characters it's tuned for.



That's bollocks, it only states such for group specific instances. Otherwise it would say that for every instance, and it does not.


Whether it is soloable or not is completely irrelevant. It is, one way or the other, marked wrong and should be FIXED.

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That's bollocks, it only states such for group specific instances. Otherwise it would say that for every instance, and it does not.


Whether it is soloable or not is completely irrelevant. It is, one way or the other, marked wrong and should be FIXED.


Not really.


A lot of solo-able bonus missions around the 25+ mark start to flag as 'Group Phase', as do a lot of other story missions that are still rather easy to solo. What the 'Group Phase' indicator does is let you know that there won't be respawns of enemy mobs in the phase itself (or if there are, I've never had them reset on me in the time it took to complete the phase), and that you won't see anyone but your group (even if it's a group of one) in that phase (meaning that every group that enters it gets a full shot at it in it's intended state).


Class quests generally get 'Story Area' instead, however as indicated.. a lot of Bonus stuff later on and non-story quests get marked 'Group Phase' instead.


Nevermind that it's not impossible to solo this, and everything about the quest text suggests it's going to be a rough quest. I think it's difficulty is fine, and should only take some moderate adjustment if it gets any at all. :U

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Not really.


A lot of solo-able bonus missions around the 25+ mark start to flag as 'Group Phase', as do a lot of other story missions that are still rather easy to solo. What the 'Group Phase' indicator does is let you know that there won't be respawns of enemy mobs in the phase itself (or if there are, I've never had them reset on me in the time it took to complete the phase), and that you won't see anyone but your group (even if it's a group of one) in that phase (meaning that every group that enters it gets a full shot at it in it's intended state).


Class quests generally get 'Story Area' instead, however as indicated.. a lot of Bonus stuff later on and non-story quests get marked 'Group Phase' instead.


Nevermind that it's not impossible to solo this, and everything about the quest text suggests it's going to be a rough quest. I think it's difficulty is fine, and should only take some moderate adjustment if it gets any at all. :U


The issue is that it confuses a lot of newcomers particularly with the difficulty, it confused me too. This is something they need to fix. Not with the difficulty of the mission per se, but with how it's presented to the player.


I get what is stated as a solo quest yet i goto the instance and it states group phase, if it means no respawns then it should popup and state 'no respawns', not 'group phase'. the second i read that i left the instance and grouped up wondering why it didn't tell me that earlier.

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The issue is that it confuses a lot of newcomers particularly with the difficulty, it confused me too. This is something they need to fix. Not with the difficulty of the mission per se, but with how it's presented to the player.


I get what is stated as a solo quest yet i goto the instance and it states group phase, if it means no respawns then it should popup and state 'no respawns', not 'group phase'. the second i read that i left the instance and grouped up wondering why it didn't tell me that earlier.


There is nothing to fix - you're just not understanding what the concept of 'group phase' means. 'Story phase' are your quest phases/instances and no-one else in your party can enter them, unless you make those changes in your preferences. 'group phases' are phases/instances that your whole party can enter ... that is all.

It doesn't mean you need a party to enter them, or even that any quests within those instances HAVE to be done as a party ... just that if you are in a party then everyone can access that instance. That is all.


Back to the OP: at the end of beta when I did that mission I tried to solo and died 2 or 3 times, getting closer each time to take down the last npc. After that 3rd time I noticed someone else who was appearing outside the phase/instance entrance too, so asked him if he was on same mission and getting killed. He was, we grouped, we did it easily.

After launch when I got to that mission I tried solo again, and it was a tough fight but the full use of my abilities was crucial to surviving. You can't just tank-and-spank, you need to interrupt and do whatever else you have to turn the tide.

Or just gain a level or two and come back.


It is by no means an essential 2+ mission, unlike the Heriocs.

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I had a lot of issues with this as well - in fact I found getting Khem Val (which can be a be a bit of a pain with the add groups) was easier lol.

I just levelled a time or 2 and then tried it again - it was easier to do on my warrior than my Inquis (even clearing the room and attempting to kite/interrupt/stun left me feeling a bit useless) and if you use a friend or companion its cake. It IS a solo quest though - more than one person makes it..well..cake lol.

Edited by Vexxation
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done it 4 times, twice in beta, twice after release. 2 times on each Sith class and i've never died doing it. Quite simply i used all my CD's and medpacks and i defeated it each time with AT LEAST 25% hp left, in fact on my warrior once i managed it with a comfortable 50% hp left.


Sorry, its just obvious that you're not using the class to its full potential rather than the missions fault.

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Are we talking about the quest where you dip a skull in blood and a elite comes out?


I've gone through Korriban 10+ times on both Inq and War just leveling toons (cause its fun). Now i'm not being elitist, but this quest is soloable, you just have to stop and think about what skills you are using. Dont use the ability that looks the coolest, use the one(s) that use the least amount of resource and does the most amount of damage. I've done it on both Inq and War, and even at the lowest level you could get it which i think is 6. If you are dieing to this, you need to stop rethink your approach.


Warriors, at this point you have 1 attack that generates rage, 1 saber attack that spends it, another saber attack that activates when you parry, stomp and scream. Lot at how much rage each one uses, and see how much damage each attack does. Inquisitors do the same, you have lightning bolt, channeled lightning, stomp, your basic sword attack and your sword attack that uses force points. I think you should also have the skill that makes your next force attack a crit.


Heck after levelling my 3rd warrior (have been through 6 times), i started cheesing this mission. On some hard mobs you can build up your rage and sometimes fury by beating on some weak mobs and kiting it to the hard boss you will be fighting. So to speed it up on my warrior i would leave a dragon alive close to the blood pool, go up the stairs get the skull. Go back down to the dragon close to the pool and beat on it till i had full rage. Once it was dead heal up and dip the skull in blood and fight. Spam vicious slash on the elite to get an edge.


Remember fight smarter not harder...

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This is a hard fight before you get your companion. Doable, but hard! After you get your companion it is a piece of cake! If you want to do it before you get your companion, either be prepared for a real challenge or group with someone. Also note that this will be easier for some classes than for others - even before you get your companion. Edited by Morfedd
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i think the devs have done something to the quest, it's not a group quest its a 1 person regular side quest and i have done it with ease on my on on my warrior and inq both at lvl 7


However i have today started a new inq to make to go dual blade later and i dies 5 times on this quest at lvl7, rolled on to lvl8 and i keep wiping on the elite !!! the quest has changed the end mob is soo hard now maby done by mistake in one of the patches??



HAHA complete on 9th go ok no force powers just your two basic melee attacks and a medpack

Edited by killeer
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I decided to try Sith and everything is going great and I'm enjoying the story line until the quest "The Blood Legacy". After dying twice I decided to invest into some stim paks because the medipac just wasn't getting it done. Keep in mind that the mission doesn't indicate that you cannot solo it. I returned and wiped out just as fast. At this point I'm broke and dead. Nice! If the quest indicated it could not be done solo I would have sought help. Help is fine at this point but I just spent what small amount of money I had for no reason. Please correct this to 2+ player the people I checked with people in chat also indicated this is not a solo mission.


I have to ask, what stims did you use? Some aren't worth it. And you do know only one can be active at time right? Adrenals on the otherhand you can stack, but they last a short time.


do other content and gain a level then come back.


It's tough because it has a gold not silver enemy. but not impossible.

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Translate "phase" = "instance".


A "story phase" is for a certain class and only one player of that class can be in that phase, although other classes can be grouped with them.


A "group phase" can be entered by a group of any composition.


Neither kind of phase requires more than one player.


With either kind of phase, if more than one player enters the phase area at the same time and they are not grouped, they will each end up in their own phase. They will not be able to see or interact with each other, or with the NPC's from another player's phase.


Wow, that was almost as boring as a treatise on Mantellian waterfowl.

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Game breaking? - No

Bothersome? - Yes


I had a similar issue, I picked this mission up fairly early, got killed a couple times trying to do it so left it for one or two more levels and that made a world of difference.


On another character I did this with another player.


While I do agree it can be a challenge when you first get it, it is by no means game breaking.

When you die here, the game should recommend you try again in another level or so.. as it is a side quest it does not hold you back from doing other things.

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That's bollocks, it only states such for group specific instances. Otherwise it would say that for every instance, and it does not.


Whether it is soloable or not is completely irrelevant. It is, one way or the other, marked wrong and should be FIXED.


Its not a part of your class or storyline quests, and while difficult, it is quite possible to do it alone. The quest giver even tells you its a personal test, so no, its not mislabelled, you are supposed to do it solo. It IS difficult so they allow you to group it if necessary.

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