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Big wins for casuals! Dual Spec - Cross server


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Server merge is the best option. The problem some servers shouldn't become the problem of all servers.


Server merge is a workable solution but I don't see Bioware doing that right off the bat, maybe 6 months or so down the road. Server merge won't help people who can't find groups for leveling content.


EDIT: New signature :D

Edited by Touchbass
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Your mistake is that you assume that TOR's LFG tool will be a copy of WoW's. Denying a tool based on such speculation is ridiculous.


Ok, what will it be based on then? How can you implement a LFG tool in a different way?

My main problem is not the LFG tool anyways, I can live with that. My main problem is the cross server instancing.

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I saw it happen first hand when it was implemented in WoW. No more reputation with other players, no more traveling to the instances. The world died. They might aswell just make the cities, and instances and remove all the world that's in between because everyone will be teleporting anyways.
The community was bad and the world empty before the LFG tool implementation. You attribute wrong effects to a mere tool.
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Ok, what will it be based on then? How can you implement a LFG tool in a different way?

My main problem is not the LFG tool anyways, I can live with that. My main problem is the cross server instancing.


What about an option to opt out of the Cross server part of it but you take a time penatly?

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The best solution is cross server LFD tool + free transfers + server merge.

The server merging alone is insufficient, particularly for players who have odd hours.


I used to run a guild and had about 5 people who logged in at odd hours. It made it so that our guild could run 24/7. They would farm during those odd hours and get to things that were impossible for people who logged in at prime time.


There is always a way, people have just become too lazy thanks to these easymode tools to think of ways to maximize their game time.

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Everything else is a copy of WoW so why wouldnt the LFG be?

Ok, what will it be based on then? How can you implement a LFG tool in a different way?

My main problem is not the LFG tool anyways, I can live with that. My main problem is the cross server instancing.

WoW's version solved some problems, but also poorly addressed some. Namely, the lack of accountability. There are easy fixes for that.


Secondly, a LFG tool does not destroy a community. The means to interact with people are still there.


Thirdly, at the beginning of Wotlk, everyody and his grandma was gathered in the North-i forgot the name area. The rest of the world was already empty, and teleports were also were spread. This is not the fault of the LFG tool

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I saw it happen first hand when it was implemented in WoW. No more reputation with other players, no more traveling to the instances. The world died. They might aswell just make the cities, and instances and remove all the world that's in between because everyone will be teleporting anyways.


I had a great time with RDF in WoW, no need for reputation to run content, no need for time-sink travel. If these things are important to you, you can continue to utilize them. As for the world dieing, WoW player out number the entire population of Ireland, so I'm not sure where you're getting this "fact".

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I used to run a guild and had about 5 people who logged in at odd hours. It made it so that our guild could run 24/7. They would farm during those odd hours and get to things that were impossible for people who logged in at prime time.


There is always a way, people have just become too lazy thanks to these easymode tools to think of ways to maximize their game time.


Your idea of making me happy is log on to farm stuff for you guys for content I can't get access too? Yes the game is too easy, whether or not that's a bad thing is subjective.


I didn't enjoy farming for hours for resistance sets for 1 or 2 fights.

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I used to run a guild and had about 5 people who logged in at odd hours. It made it so that our guild could run 24/7. They would farm during those odd hours and get to things that were impossible for people who logged in at prime time.


There is always a way, people have just become too lazy thanks to these easymode tools to think of ways to maximize their game time.

That's a specific situation.

Also guilders are not the primary target for LFG tools.

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I had a great time with RDF in WoW, no need for reputation to run content, no need for time-sink travel. If these things are important to you, you can continue to utilize them. As for the world dieing, WoW player out number the entire population of Ireland, so I'm not sure where you're getting this "fact".


I run the RDF all the time, it's great :) It has a lot of trolls but I'd rather deal with jerks then not have any content at all. New Signature MaligX :D

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Dual spec is something I am really interested in. I don't want to always play one role throughout the game.


The cross-server LFG I am less excited about. I would have preferred a same server LFG tool first and then only expand it to other servers if there was still a need. I still believe you lose something when you are randomly paired up with strangers you'll never have contact with again and that will lead to trolls.


However, the fact there is no LFG tool in game right now means I am doing 0 flashpoints outside of the odd run with guildies. I absolutely refuse to spend 1/2 hour spamming chat to get people for whatever FP I want to run.

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I run the RDF all the time, it's great :) It has a lot of trolls but I'd rather deal with jerks then not have any content at all. New Signature MaligX :D

Haha! Love it. I've officially spent more time on these forums than I have playing my character since I hit 50 :p They want to shut me up, give me Cross-Server Flash Point Finder and I'll go back to playing instead of posting.

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Defin for this.


I've never grouped with the same people twice.

No one ever talks in FP.

People say it ruins the game.

But, A-holes are plentiful. I see randoms running up and stealing my chest while I fight the guys guarding it all the time.



Might as well be cross realm.

The only thing I get is people with silly guild names trying to recruit me to fill their ranks.


Which, I don't want to because they have a silly guild name.


I would like to be able to do these FP's without sacrificing an hour of could be leveling time sitting in space station using general because no ones using the LFG system everytime my cooldown for fleet pass is up

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Dual spec is something I am really interested in. I don't want to always play one role throughout the game.


The cross-server LFG I am less excited about. I would have preferred a same server LFG tool first and then only expand it to other servers if there was still a need. I still believe you lose something when you are randomly paired up with strangers you'll never have contact with again and that will lead to trolls.


However, the fact there is no LFG tool in game right now means I am doing 0 flashpoints outside of the odd run with guildies. I absolutely refuse to spend 1/2 hour spamming chat to get people for whatever FP I want to run.


Yeah, I'm running almost 0 flashpoints a week due to my busy schedule. The tipping point was spending 30 minutes trying to organize a Raiders run, only to have it disband by people giving up on it while they were questing and me doing all the work of trying to get the group off the ground

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Dual spec is something I am really interested in. I don't want to always play one role throughout the game.


The cross-server LFG I am less excited about. I would have preferred a same server LFG tool first and then only expand it to other servers if there was still a need. I still believe you lose something when you are randomly paired up with strangers you'll never have contact with again and that will lead to trolls.


However, the fact there is no LFG tool in game right now means I am doing 0 flashpoints outside of the odd run with guildies. I absolutely refuse to spend 1/2 hour spamming chat to get people for whatever FP I want to run.


Agree with you partially, except, I've never had a negative experience using a LFG tool outside of the occasional person quitting after they got the boss/loot they were after, and even then it didn't ruin my day. I just don't know where these mythical troll/ninja/jerk/griefers are all hiding. I am as big a @$#hole as anyone and I never had these horrific game ruining experiences that some people claim to have had.


And really, if you let any ONE person's behavior ruin a game for you, I feel you should really reassess your desire to interact with other people in general. Not trying to be rude, I am just in awe that anything that could possibly happen inside this or any other game could have such a lasting effect on you emotional/mentally.

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I used to run a guild and had about 5 people who logged in at odd hours. It made it so that our guild could run 24/7. They would farm during those odd hours and get to things that were impossible for people who logged in at prime time.


There is always a way, people have just become too lazy thanks to these easymode tools to think of ways to maximize their game time.


What's wrong with "easymode" tools as you call it?


Anything that allows players easier access to content is a GOOD thing, not a bad - especially considering how boring this game's endgame is if you can't get a group together.


Outside of group-content, there is utterly nothing to do but tedious dailies, which can make you wanna puke after awhile just thinking about them. So your disdain for effective gaming tools seems almost vindictive to me. Almost everyone who is aruging against this feature are usually people who have no issues with forming groups themselves, yet want to deny others that same ability. It's pretty selfish if you ask me.


Bottom line:

I'm glad you always have people on at odd hours to group with. A lot of us however aren't that lucky - and allowing us the ability to easily from groups and participate in end-game content doesn't hurt you in any way. There is absolutely no decent reason not to get behind this addition of a cross-server LFG tool for players who are having trouble finding groups. Not a single one. Period.

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Pardon, what is your definition of "Bads"? Perhaps I'm confused on your use of the word.


Casuals range from people who play less hours to people who aren't as intersted in raiding and the term in now way reflects on how well they play the game.


Bads are simply bad players.


Sours it how? Please elaborate.


I already did elaborate. The reason I give you the time of day or an ounce of respect over a video game is that you're a good player who returns that respect. The last whole year I played warcraft was with the global channels turned off. Yeah I'm sure you will say there must be other reasons for that but I keep waiting for someone to provide those other reasons. I'm sure other mmo developers would also be very interested in knowing the magic behind me having to turn my chat channels off in warcraft after playing it for years and it of course has nothing to do with making the social aspect of the casual end of their game as deep as CoD.


So because I want to play a game the way I want it, I am only as social as a CoD player? Could you elaborate on that as well? Perhaps your "slander" has some kind of merit to it I am missing.


I'm saying that cross server LFD makes the casual end of a mmo about as social as CoD. That is what you want, right? You misconstrued my "slander" which was me voicing my disdain for and unwillingness to use an auto grouping tool that forces me to carry anonymous disrespectful bads from other servers on a regular basis.


No clue what a 'Keyturner' is either.


A keyturner is someone who exclusviely uses wasd keys for movement in a mmo.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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Casuals range from people who play less hours to people who aren't as intersted in raiding and the term in now way reflects on how well they play the game.


Got it.


Bads are simply bad players


What makes them bad? Who is qualified to apply this label?



I already did elaborate. The reason I give you the time of day or an ounce of respect over a video game is that you're a good player who returns that respect. The last whole year I played warcraft was with the global channels turned off. Yeah I'm sure you will say there must be other reasons for that but I keep waiting for someone to provide those other reasons. I'm sure other mmo developers would also be very interested in knowing the magic behind me having to turn my chat channels off in warcraft after playing it for years and it of course has nothing to do with making the social aspect of the casual end of their game as deep as CoD.


Okay I get it, you want a normal amount of civility and respect, and you want the person you talk/group with to have above average ability to complete content without headaches. I can see that. I honestly have no idea what the rest of that statement means. Sorry




I'm saying that cross server LFD makes the casual end of a mmo about as social as CoD. That is what you want, right? You misconstrued my "slander" which was me voicing my disdain for and unwillingness to use an auto grouping tool that forces me to carry anonymous bads from other servers on a regular basis.


No, what I want is to be able to run content without having to socialize with strangers before hand. What I mean by that is this: I have friends I play this game with, but our time playing together involves a variety of things, not just Flash Points. I prefer to do Flash Points over other content, but don't see why I should force that on my other friends. What I don't want is to HAVE to go out and make "friends" with strangers in a video game, in order to run Flash Points. Anti-Cross Servers say they don't wanna group with people they'll never see again. The way I see it, unless I know you in RL, no matter what I do with you in game, I am never going to see you again when the game is over. With a LFG tool I know that the other people using it want to run Flash Points, that's absolutely all I need to know about them in order to do that content I prefer to do. Will some of them "suck"? Sure. Will some of them be rude? Possibly, but seeing as no one I've PuGed with in the last three months has talked about anything outside of tactics, I don't see that being a huge deal. Will some be "ninja's"? Sure. Though I have probably run into Ninja's 1% of the time I've played this or WoW.


If any of these things are a serious problem for you, you honestly do not have to use this optional tool. This is not me saying "My way or the highway" or "Tough luck deal with it". I am simply saying that if all the "potential" negatives of such a tool bother you so much, there is absolutely nothing keeping you from making friends, forming guilds, and running content the way you are right now.




A keyturner is someone who exclusviely uses wasd keys for movement in a mmo.


I am not sure what effect this has on their playing... Do they not.. move around appropriately when the situation calls for it? What's the negative rippling effect of these "Key Turners"? I'm not trying to be willfully dense, I've never encountered this term or it's potential threat to the "Community" until you.


I appreciate you elaborating further...

Edited by MalignX
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And really, if you let any ONE person's behavior ruin a game for you, I feel you should really reassess your desire to interact with other people in general. Not trying to be rude, I am just in awe that anything that could possibly happen inside this or any other game could have such a lasting effect on you emotional/mentally.


That is nonsense. Its not just one person's behavior, its droves and everyone knows it. Its also not emotionally scaring anyone as you suggest which is indeed trying to be rude. Its degrading their entertainment instead.


Your drama level is about here ----0-- atm.


We need it about here --0---- mmkay? Not trying to be rude.

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That is nonsense. Its not just one person's behavior, its droves and everyone knows it. Its also not emotionally scaring anyone as you suggest which is indeed trying to be rude. Its degrading their entertainment instead.


Your drama level is about here ----0-- atm.


We need it about here --0---- mmkay? Not trying to be rude.


Well so much for civility. I've yet to witness these "droves of horrible acting people" outside of these forums, seems a bit grandiose. I certainly don't see how you can state they are everywhere that EVERYONE knows it. Let alone does a Cross-Server mechanic option some mythical flood gets to unleash them. And if it's not emotionally scarring, then what is the big deal with the occasional jerk/ninja/bad player? Who's being dramatic there? Again if your entertainment is degraded by other players getting a mechanic you don't have to use, it's a you problem.

Edited by MalignX
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