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People that Do 300k+ Damage in Level 50 Warzones


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pics or it didn't happen...


It's incredibly easy for assault commandos to get high damage in WZs due to the fact that they can spam an 18 second DoT on as many people as they want. It's not effective damage, but it's good for keeping people off nodes. It's effective when focusing a target though.

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DO play the objective because most people will be AROUND the objective = more to kill.


It's pretty rare I do anything above 300k as a Marksmanship sniper...


That’s the thing. I want to know that it is not because of my lack of skill or play style that I am not doing 300k+ damage while still going for the objective. Is it normal for a marksmanship sniper to get around 150k damage in Huttball (as seen in my video) if the player is objective-based?

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You have to ignore the objectives.


Kind of hard to put out damage and ignore objectives on 2 of the 3. And certainly if a player is good enough to put out 300k damage he's not going to let some bloodlust in his eyes make him forget there is a guy capping 2 feet behind him.

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Why do I need pics? 300 is not hard. You see people posting 500-700k all the time. I dont sit and camp, I like the action and keeping people off objectives. Its seriously not hard at all. I dont even have a stationary attack besides my AoE's. This is my spec




Haha, just ignore that troll. 300k is so easy to put out in half champion gear. I'm surprised to not get the 300k damage medal every warzone if I'm dpsing.

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The main factor is how good your healers are and how bad their dps are.



If you can spend 80% of the wz attacking people, regardless of how good your gear is you're going to get that 300k medal, easily.


If you're spending half your wz either respawning, or trying to get out of combat just to survive then you're just not going to get it.

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That’s the thing. I want to know that it is not because of my lack of skill or play style that I am not doing 300k+ damage while still going for the objective. Is it normal for a marksmanship sniper to get around 150k damage in Huttball (as seen in my video) if the player is objective-based?


huttball, your damage can be a bit lower simply because the game tends to spread out a fair bit more than the other 2.

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The main factor is how good your healers are and how bad their dps are.



If you can spend 80% of the wz attacking people, regardless of how good your gear is you're going to get that 300k medal, easily.


If you're spending half your wz either respawning, or trying to get out of combat just to survive then you're just not going to get it.


Not entirely. The requirement is on BOTH teams. If they have no healers and little gear, they will die by the time you deal 5k damage to them (due to your team-mates also beating them). That means you'd need 60 kills to actually hit 300k. While possible, it isn't a high probability since that typically causes them to give up and go hide somewhere.


As for all the comments about ignoring objectives, they have a point. In order for it to work in Ald, you have to be part of the zerg squad. As much fun as that may be, it makes me really upset when I call for help and watch all 7 of you abandon the base that just got attacked. And if your team-mates are stupid and fight mids, you have to join them in their incompetence.


You can get the medal and play objectives perfectly, but it requires that all your team be in the correct spot and that they permit you to be part of the zerg squad.

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...lead the baddies back to your team so they can focus fire them.


Based on my sniper style of play, I should be as far away from the enemy as possible (or difficult to reach) while still doing damage. If I lead the enemy back to my team, I would be running back to another set of enemies (assuming my team is already fighting them). I don't think this is ideal. I should be fighting from the sidelines and not be surrounded by the enemy.


Also, if I run away (because I'm dying) and if I can get at least two people to chase after me (which essentially moves them away from their objective), that's a definite win in my book.

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1min mark - Tunnel vision and tried to chase guy down. Led you away from action. Try and avoid doing that.


2.29 - You had a team-mate fighting besides you on the walk-way. Ideally you should turn your attention on who he's fighting because they could be your next threat as a ranged DPS. You finish him off but ideally snap around to him first - if he'd have had more health they could have been pretty bothersome.


3.10 - I didn't understand why you were running away from action then, but then realised it was to take better position and pre-empting them. That was smart play. The only problem is, is if they rush fast then you could be swarmed. An alternative may be to keep the original position, and tackle them from the back OR have moved further along the walkway, away from the ramp they had to come up so they didn't have to by-pass you and you can tag them from the side (if that makes sense?).


4.20 - I'd have let your melee team mates go before you. Luckily the two enemy melee passed you by as they went up the ramp before you. If they had turned on you it could have been messy.


4.46 - You find yourself between a rock and a hard place here, being tagged from behind and two baddies stood directly infront of you, personally I'd have dropped down and gone the lower route.


5.49 - IMO this was very good, applying pressure to their 6 and the flash grenade to give your ball carrier prescious moments.


6.20 - In this position I'd have let them pass you by and tagged them from behind. You want the support from your team and don't want to get isolated but, again, lot of melee who can easily turn on you.






I didn't go through the whole video but you play the sniper well from what I saw. You're obviously aware that high-ground and the walkways are your territory and obviously know the importance of positioning, etc.


IMO, though, snipers are not especially easy to play for high damage games. I rarely see either AC class of the Imp Agents in the top spot. Occassionally an Op but they're mostly found on here whining about wanting their class buffed ;)


I'm not particularly familiar with the sniper specs, etc, but like I say I don't hear of many sniper 300+K games :( maybe someone else here may be better.


Don't get disheartened, though. You play the sniper very well :)

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Based on my sniper style of play, I should be as far away from the enemy as possible (or difficult to reach) while still doing damage. If I lead the enemy back to my team, I would be running back to another set of enemies (assuming my team is already fighting them). I don't think this is ideal. I should be fighting from the sidelines and not be surrounded by the enemy.


My apologies, that was before watching your vid and realising you were a sniper :) Yes, you're correct in this logic.

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