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Add Friends who are Offline


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I'd like add my voice for this request. I have a number of friends who play this game and I'd like to be able to find out when they are online. The obvious way to do that is to add them to my friends list, however I can't because they are not online.


.... um.....


How am I supposed to know when they are online to add them to my friends list if I can't add them to my friends list until they are online?


Seriously, this is ridiculous and a major problem for a supposedly "social" game.

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I'd like add my voice for this request. I have a number of friends who play this game and I'd like to be able to find out when they are online. The obvious way to do that is to add them to my friends list, however I can't because they are not online.


.... um.....


How am I supposed to know when they are online to add them to my friends list if I can't add them to my friends list until they are online?


Seriously, this is ridiculous and a major problem for a supposedly "social" game.




It shouldn't be all that tough, a simple query to the database to see if a record with the person's name you are trying to add exists and if there is one then boom person is now a friend.

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It shouldn't be all that tough, a simple query to the database to see if a record with the person's name you are trying to add exists and if there is one then boom person is now a friend.


It really makes you believe that this game engine and coding has been 'duct taped' into such an unwieldy and inefficient mess that they can not fix such a simple and critical thing when this game has been out this long.


Still broken. It's pretty unbelievable.

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It really makes you believe that this game engine and coding has been 'duct taped' into such an unwieldy and inefficient mess that they can not fix such a simple and critical thing when this game has been out this long.


Still broken. It's pretty unbelievable.


Actually, that's the worst part - it ISN'T broken. Or at least not according to the CS response I got to my /bug report. It is "working as intended" - they don't want us to be able to add people offline.


And that is simply a ridiculous position to hold. How in blazes am I supposed to find my friends? Do a /who or /friend every other minute? You'd have to be daft to do that.

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Bumping this one, since it's the first result that came up when I did a search. I have to think the CS who said it was "working as intended" was probably just misinformed. My sense is that this is one of those bugs that to us seems as though it would be really simple to fix, but somehow, some quirk in the code actually has made this ridiculously difficult. Otherwise, I think it would have been done by now.


Unless, of course, it really is working as intended. In which case, boo. There's no conceivable reason for it to work this way.

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Actually, that's the worst part - it ISN'T broken. Or at least not according to the CS response I got to my /bug report. It is "working as intended" - they don't want us to be able to add people offline.


And that is simply a ridiculous position to hold. How in blazes am I supposed to find my friends? Do a /who or /friend every other minute? You'd have to be daft to do that.


I'm glad to hear that. I didn't think that it was a bug. It was just a nonsensical design.


I vote that this be changed. It's really frustrating spamming "/friend ThisGuy" to see if they're online.


Edit: My least favourite part is that the system says "ThisGuy does not exist." Clearly, he does exist. I have seen him or know that he does. At least give us a proper message saying something to the tune of "ThisGuy is not online an cannot be added to your friends list."

Edited by flyersfan
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This should be implemented ASAP. I know that looking through a list of all somewhat thousand characters on a server does take longer than looking through the list of currently online characters, which would then put a higher load on the servers, but this definitely should be an option.
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Another feature that should be a no-brainer: adding alts to your friends list. It's not so bad when your alts have simple names, but adding in punctuation, odd spellings, it can get tiresome typing 'em out correctly every time. I just rolled some toons on a new server, and I had no problem adding alts to my lists when they were still on their starter world; but the first guy I leveled to 10 and off Ord Mantell? "does not exist" for all the others.


In fact, why isn't there a 'ghost list' automatically created on every server you have characters on, that automatically stores all of that server's alt-names (divided by faction, of course) so you can just start typing one and it'll provide a drop-down for the correct name? WoW doesn't even have that (but there's zero problems adding an alt to your friends list in WoW, so...), but you'd think it'd be fairly simple to implement since they already have records of your alts for a given server.

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