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Life after 50


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Ok I just hit 50, got all my trades to 400, have Dark V....so now what?


I go to Ilum and do some quests, where do I go to find info on life after 50?

Is there a link or a sticky somewhere I cant see?


I'am guessing like WoW there is now a group of Heroics/Flashpoints to start with to start gearing up for raids/Operations but is there a sequence to start with?

Like Violet Hold was good to start with, easy enough but let you get used to the group dynamic before venturing into the harder instances.


I havent done any Flashpoints at all whilst leveling but I dont want to go back over old content.


And I'am guessing I get "badges" that I use with "quartermasters" from boss kills to get better equipment?


Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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this game is pretty crap @ 50


You can farm ilum/belsalvis for epic mods.


You can try to get a group going for heroic flashpoints(I havent been able to so far, been spamming for weeks, and i am an operative healer btw)


Getting a group going for heroic flashpoints or any flashpoints in this game relies entirely on luck.


once you have some 50 epics, you'll be ready to go for normal EV,although my server they dont let you in unless you have 15k hp.



On the other hand you could farm pvp day and night for a week and hope to get lucky with bag drops, and get pvp epics and do EV, but considering pvp in this game is garbage(They dont even let you choose which warzone you want to do!!!) thats out of the question.



Im just levelling alts left and right atm, for story mostly, waiting for the day when they finally release a decent LFD finder (Its in the works atm)

Edited by Darth_Bond
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Ok I just hit 50, got all my trades to 400, have Dark V....so now what?


I go to Ilum and do some quests, where do I go to find info on life after 50?

Is there a link or a sticky somewhere I cant see?


I'am guessing like WoW there is now a group of Heroics/Flashpoints to start with to start gearing up for raids/Operations but is there a sequence to start with?

Like Violet Hold was good to start with, easy enough but let you get used to the group dynamic before venturing into the harder instances.


I havent done any Flashpoints at all whilst leveling but I dont want to go back over old content.


And I'am guessing I get "badges" that I use with "quartermasters" from boss kills to get better equipment?


Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


So you havent done any FP's at .. yet you consider them "old" content? They are not old if you have NEVER done them.

As far as the rest of your post I wish you luck. Sounds like you want to go back to wow.

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well, this is a quick and dirty guide for life after 50.


PvP quest:

do the PvP daily and weekly, get the commendation and get centurion and champion gear. and at the same time, gain valor rank and prepare to upgrade to BattleMaster gear. (it's a loooong grind)


Daily commendation:

do the daily quest on Belsavis or Ilum, grind the daily commendation and use them to exchange for lvl 50+ mods to make your orange gear stronger



well, the first HM FP is not that bad, but later FPs, you might want a few purple before trying. The hardest part is actually finding a group of people that have the patient to teach you and run you through and don't mind getting wipe a few times.


That's pretty much what you do...... well, I haven't tried OPs yet, been busy enough with the PvP tier.

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No I dont want to go back to WoW, after playing it for 5 years and seeing the new "Panda" direction the game is taking I'am over it, I'll never go back.

It was used as a comparison, sorry you couldnt see or understand that.


A friend of mine does pvp, he said that the better gear is easier to get through pvp so like someone mentioned do I pvp enough to get to the first Operation?

I have 12k hp so well short of the 15k mentioned.


I'am on a low population server as well, a different country to the US so the time difference isnt good either so I find myself alone a lot so that makes group stuff like Flashpoints difficult.


Are some of the lower level Flashpoints soloable?


I dont have an issue end game simply because I just got here but I'am thinking maybe the pvp option to gear up might be a good idea.

Is pvp gear ok for raiding, using the WoW comparison again it wasnt, the stats werent as good.


But this isnt WoW so thats why I'am asking.


Thanks again.

Edited by Rodstorm
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No I dont want to go back to WoW, after playing it for 5 years and seeing the new "Panda" direction the game is taking I'am over it, I'll never go back.

It was used as a comparison, sorry you couldnt see or understand that.


A friend of mine does pvp, he said that the better gear is easier to get through pvp so like someone mentioned do I pvp enough to get to the first Operation?

I have 12k hp so well short of the 15k mentioned.


I'am on a low population server as well, a different country to the US so the time difference isnt good either so I find myself alone a lot so that makes group stuff like Flashpoints difficult.


I dont have an issue end game simply because I just got here but I'am thinking maybe the pvp option to gear up might be a good idea.

Is pvp gear ok for raiding, using the WoW comparison again it wasnt, the stats werent as good.


But this isnt WoW so thats why I'am asking.


Thanks again.


think of it like this


tier 2 pvp gear is about as good as tier 1 pve gear


so if you had tier 2 pvp gear you can prolly do nm EV.


also switch to the fatman

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Well since you skipped a lot of content on your way to 50 it seems you were only interested in getting to 50. If you only enjoy leveling then you are screwed, cuz you hit the cap. If you weren't interested in content from lvl 1-49, I'm not sure what to tell you.


PvP, obviously, you can always get better at that, gear up and try to set records. Get some awards, grind dailies and try to do the flash points and Operations now. Beat them, do it on the harder settings. Form a guild? Work on killing all the world bosses? Become a trade prince on the GTN? There are definitely things to do. They put a lot of "content" into the levels of 1-49 I think and most folks are not maxed level. When a substantial (which means number of people not the loudest people) portion of the folks actually hit 50 then I would imagine to see more things added for 50+ entertainment.


I have been playing over a month and it was just yesterday that I got over level 20 with one of my toons. This is because I've made a class of every type on both Jedi and Sith side to enjoy the content a bit and see how they play. This has been fun and there is a lot of very entertaining stuff to see in the game other than just power leveling as fast as I can to 50+. The game is less than 2 months old, even I know that if I were to get to 50 right away it would probably not have a lot to do, especially if I compare it to other games that have been out much longer.


I think a lot of folks are casual gamers like me and are no doubt making it hard for the developers to work on 50+ content because we are still exploring the sub 50 stuff, of which there is a lot.


Plus they are still working out some other things in the game other than content.

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Well since you skipped a lot of content on your way to 50 it seems you were only interested in getting to 50. If you only enjoy leveling then you are screwed, cuz you hit the cap. If you weren't interested in content from lvl 1-49.


Well I cant really say how stupid that comment was, at level 50 I've seen a lot of content, completed my story quest line and done every quest on every planet with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 in the lower planets when I was still learning the game.

I have my trades at 400, I've missed a lot of content?


The 2 things I havent done is pvp and Flashpoints.

I'am the only Aussie on my server, usually its just me or maybe 1 or 2 others, great for leveling no lag and instant login.

The badside is no help, the time difference with the US means you guys are asleep when I play so that rules out my Flashpoint ability as I previously stated.


I've never been a pvp fan as its something that doesnt really appeal to me but my choices seem a little numbered here so I'll give it a go.


Commendation quests arent really good as most of my gear is from there anyway.

Edited by Rodstorm
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Well I cant really say how stupid that comment was, at level 50 I've seen a lot of content, completed my story quest line and done every quest on every planet with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 in the lower planets when I was still learning the game.

I have my trades at 400, I've missed a lot of content?


The 2 things I havent done is pvp and Flashpoints.

I'am the only Aussie on my server, usually its just me or maybe 1 or 2 others, great for leveling no lag and instant login.

The badside is no help, the time difference with the US means you guys are asleep when I play so that rules out my Flashpoint ability as I previously stated.


I've never been a pvp fan as its something that doesnt really appeal to me but my choices seem a little numbered here so I'll give it a go.


Commendation quests arent really good as most of my gear is from there anyway.


You haven't missed anything.




Repeat dailies

Repeat raids

Repeat instances

Repeat quests


If you get bored with that....


Story quests for the ones you haven't.

PvP to level/gear up because outside of the story everything else will be the exact some thing.


These are your options.

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4 hours in the pvp que and nothing, I do the Ilum pvp daily I'am the only person there. I ask on chat for a group for several flashpoints, nothing, theres no automated grouping so having the little purple icon next to my name isnt enough.

No guild recruitment announcements at all, Firaxan Shark you rock.

As soon as the Aussie servers come online in March I'am off....if Bioware let me.

No support for free or paid server change atm.

So time to start an alt up on a populated server so I can at least progress a little, sort of feel like I've wasted the last 5 weeks to a point.

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4 hours in the pvp que and nothing, I do the Ilum pvp daily I'am the only person there. I ask on chat for a group for several flashpoints, nothing, theres no automated grouping so having the little purple icon next to my name isnt enough.

No guild recruitment announcements at all, Firaxan Shark you rock.

As soon as the Aussie servers come online in March I'am off....if Bioware let me.

No support for free or paid server change atm.

So time to start an alt up on a populated server so I can at least progress a little, sort of feel like I've wasted the last 5 weeks to a point.


don't worry x realm yakkity yak and server xfers are on their way.

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I am at the same point.


I did solo most of the Flashpoints, but I did it several levels past where they would give me XP. So now I'm at level 50 and I am having one hell of a time with the last flashpoint. I don't think I can do it because there is no way to upgrade any further. The ONLY thing left to up my stats is the museum in the Empire fleet which has +10 datacrons of every color... but I can't get that because it wants me to have a group of 5 people for the puzzles.


I'm not here to be social and make friends. I wanted to play a game. I know it's an MMO... I get that. I'm only playing it because I love Star Wars, not because I wanted to play a "group" or social game. Most people I've run into on this game come off as jerks. I'm sure they aren't, but it seems that way.


So what now? Level 50............ yeah.


I don't want to make another character until they roll out the Legacy System. It'd just be a waste to roll something up only to miss out on the perks Legacy would offer.


I have a bad taste in my mouth with PVP. I tried it once at 50 and got pummeled in an instant. How can someone be so much more powerful than me when 50 is the cap?


I think they need to let people go past 50. Even if it requires five times as much XP and yields only slight status changes... it would at least give us something to do until there is new content. Plus I think they should reward people for playing solo. They have group rewards, why not "Lone Wolf" rewards???

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its a new mmorpg....

of coarse the endgame is crap

most mmorpg endgame is crap even months after release. they promise new content so just create a new character, pvp, explorer, gear grind, collect all the holos u missed or wait.

ffxi is the only game i can think of when the true game started when you reached the capped lvl and its mainly because all the fun stuff required you to be lvl 75 which was the lvl cap for a long time.

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Ok I just hit 50, got all my trades to 400, have Dark V....so now what?


I go to Ilum and do some quests, where do I go to find info on life after 50?

Is there a link or a sticky somewhere I cant see?


I'am guessing like WoW there is now a group of Heroics/Flashpoints to start with to start gearing up for raids/Operations but is there a sequence to start with?

Like Violet Hold was good to start with, easy enough but let you get used to the group dynamic before venturing into the harder instances.


I havent done any Flashpoints at all whilst leveling but I dont want to go back over old content.


And I'am guessing I get "badges" that I use with "quartermasters" from boss kills to get better equipment?


Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


First off, dont listen to some of the clowns that say there is 'nothing' to do at 50. There isn't ALOT but there is enough.


First off, i recommend you get with a guild that is actively involved in doing EV and KP if you are interested in PVE. Guilds that run together doing Flashpoints and Operations tend to have happier players (minus some of the bug issues that drive us batty).


Secondly you have Belsavis and Ilum Dailies you can work on to get cash and work on your daily commendations for your implants.


Third is PvP warzones, and if you feel like doing 'nascar' in Ilum for a weekly quest, feel free.


Don't sell yourself short, get what you want outta the game. Myself I am with a great guild that is active in EV/KP Normal/Hardmodes to get people geared as well as we run daily Flashpoints to get our daily/weekly quests done.


Good luck on finding what you are looking for though.

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its a new mmorpg....

of coarse the endgame is crap

most mmorpg endgame is crap even months after release. they promise new content so just create a new character, pvp, explorer, gear grind, collect all the holos u missed or wait.

ffxi is the only game i can think of when the true game started when you reached the capped lvl and its mainly because all the fun stuff required you to be lvl 75 which was the lvl cap for a long time.


With this budget and the chance to assess the success factors of several other MMOs it's not really defensible to not have good end game.


The basic formula is so simple you almost cannot fail to implement it:


1. You (probably) cannot get the best gear in the game

2. This will make you always have something to long for

3. The best players in the game can acquire the best gear in the game

4. The best players are happy because it is a challenge to get that gear

5. The casual players have people to look up to and envy

6. They do their best and acquire the best gear slowly motivated by the best players

7. The super casuals (0-7h a week) are doing normal mode because that is challenging enough

8. When the majority of casuals and super casuals almost (or slightly after) have reached their goal you release new content

9. Repeat


But in SWTOR it's more like this:


1. Everyone can get the best gear in the game

2. The best players got it very fast and got terribly bored because there was no challenge so they stop playing the game completely

3. The casual players have no one to look up to and envy

4. The casual players get the best gear in the game and get bored

5. The super casuals are having a blast because this is a challenge to them

6. Now everyone except the super casuals have to wait a long time for new content

7. People find other games to play while the super casuals are having the time of their life

8. New content is released

9. Repeat


This is probably because the super casuals is the biggest target group out there. The other players are probably around 1 sigma from the standard deviation.

Edited by kufa
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With this budget and the chance to assess the success factors of several other MMOs it's not really defensible to not have good end game.


The basic formula is so simple you almost cannot fail to implement it:


1. You (probably) cannot get the best gear in the game

2. This will make you always have something to long for

3. The best players in the game can acquire the best gear in the game

4. The best players are happy because it is a challenge to get that gear

5. The casual players have people to look up to and envy

6. They do their best and acquire the best gear slowly motivated by the best players

7. The super casuals (0-7h a week) are doing normal mode because that is challenging enough

8. When the majority of casuals and super casuals almost (or slightly after) have reached their goal you release new content

9. Repeat



LOL... really?


Sorry, but 5. made me laugh. Envy for the best gear and looking up to them? To Nolifers?


Geargrind-Games fail. Making it possible that "Casuals" got some good stuff is the only way of keeping them, only to start the stuff again with the next expansion? Surely, WoW became big with it, but frankly, it didnt do the Genre of MMO-Playing any good.

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content is there mate, I dont understand what you ask for? is your question "I'm 50 what will I do now?" go do what everyone does, you know there is flashpoints as you mentioned at your post and you ask permission to do them at forum? And you say "I didnt do any FP while lvling and I dont want to do old ones", man I cant decide whether you are serious or a troll sorry...
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Yeah because grinding for gear is "endgame"


back to the troll cave with you.


Face it, the real end game in star wars is non existent. You hit 50, welcome to the daily grind until you get bored and your sub runs out.


The problem is that anything instanced that is done with repetition is a grind. If you dont want grinds then you want to either


a) play alts


b) Play open world sand box mechanics


There are alts as an option is alright but its missing a legacy and of course a better end game to reach.


As for option b), I can only wish for a miracle that they do something extreme along the lines of a great sand box MMO because imo, that would be the best MMO by having a great theme park with a great sand box.


However, I would be glad with mediocre sand box elements, but more war zones and a choice.

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