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Community Q&A – Feb 10th 2012 Blog Discussion


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What an utter disappointment concerning faction imbalance!


Don't they know, can't they comprehend that this is the number !1! game killer atm?!!!!


Republic are outnumbered, GREATLY, on ALL PvP servers. And their populations are ALREADY in a death spiral. And yet they are taking a wait and see approach....


They need to do something....NOW!!!


Nobody wants to be blocked from playing the faction of their choice.


But they can still give a minority faction a special "Call for NPC dropship" to assist in PvP fights that scales to the level of faction imbalance on a server say when it gets greater than 1.5:1.


Is that too much to ask?

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What an utter disappointment concerning faction imbalance!


Don't they know, can't they comprehend that this is the number !1! game killer atm?!!!!


Republic are outnumbered, GREATLY, on ALL PvP servers. And their populations are ALREADY in a death spiral. And yet they are taking a wait and see approach....


They need to do something....NOW!!!


Nobody wants to be blocked from playing the faction of their choice.


But they can still give a minority faction a special "Call for NPC dropship" to assist in PvP fights that scales to the level of faction imbalance on a server say when it gets greater than 1.5:1.


Is that too much to ask?


If you did not notice Biowar favors Evil that's why its so unbalanced so if your Sith you are on the wining team if you are republic you have to do it the hard way but still can succeed it only takes longer

Just that simple

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BioWare is clearly just ignoring and neglecting any talk on SGRAs, especially considering information on SGRAs was the fourth most asked question in the Q&A thread, thanks BioWare, really feel like the 'valued customer' you claim me to be.


I hope everything else is fixed/modified/enhanced before this is even considered being changed.


Would I like to have my female character make out with Mako? Sure would.


Would I rather the other piles of crap that is occurring in this game get fixed instead? Most definitely

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Lots of exciting things on the horizon. My only disappointment lies with the news that the Legacy update will not include any actual new species... Just making existing ones open to more classes.


I've been putting off playing the class I want(Jedi Shadow) until the species I want(Togruta) is available. I guess I'm going to have to bite the bullet and role a Sith Assassin in the mean time :(

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Their stance about ac switching will change after a few months, since it's purely a money making decision for now as there are people rolling all sort of chars and paying to do so.


I on the other hand won't give them a single cent until they implement it because the way it is now is just retarded.


No it is about common sense. AC = class in WOW. Inquisitor, Warrior, Smuggler, etc = Storyline not "class" in the traditional sense. WOW won't let you respec from a Priest to a Paladin, you shouldn't be able to respec from a Sorcerer to an Assassin. This really isn't that complicated to understand.


I agree - They always argued that the story was more important than player enjoyment so we had suff naff species. Now they are saying thats a lie because we can have pure blood sith jedi, Chiss Troopers etc etc and get identical conversations to humans. Well why not just add in wookies


They never said we can have Sith purebloods on the Republic side, unless I missed it. What they did say is that it will unlock the other races for classes/storylines that currently don't have them. I would imagine they won't cross the line when it comes to faction restricted races. It seems to just be a player interpretation that is taking hold on the forum.


Many people asked about server merge or transfer and the answer didnt satisfy me.


I wonder if you will ask us to pay you for transfers?

Many people listened Bioware and started in a light server now they are punished for doing so.


They'll probably do it systematically. I would see something where the heavier populated servers will get transfer options to light servers, but not the other way around. Once things get more balanced we could everything opened up...and chances are it will be a "for pay" service like that other company.


Please please please no cross server queus, i can wait a bit to go into a queue with people on my server.


Half the fun i have in wz's is seeing my rivals on both sides, we have such a tightly knit community on my server and everyone knows everyone. It would take away the competitive aspect of this game, which is one of the only things that has kept me wanting to play this game. Please bioware don't take out all of the fun in this game.


Too many mmo's want to be like WoW these days...*sigh*


It sounds like priority is still given to same server, but others would be used to fill gaps. Perhaps they could have an option for "same server only" group? It would make your wait longer which will upset people.

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Gabe Amatangelo: We are going to continue to introduce new Flashpoints, Warzones, and Operations on a regular basis. The story line will continue with all of the above as well as in solo-able missions. We will continue to evolve Crew Skills and crafting. We’ll be introducing the Legacy System soon, as Daniel mentioned. Additionally, we have exciting PvP features planned, the first of which includes pre-season Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2.


I dunno Gabe..


It sound like you guys still don't get it. People are tired of Warzones, they want different types of PvP, for example;


More Open World PvP: You have 15+ planets, all with different terrain, topography, layouts, each allowing for different strategic fighting. Yet you guys are still hell bent on making 1 new warzone !?!?! Why not use what you have in more creative ways ?? Why are we capturing just Illum, why not every Planet that's at war !?!?


A True Open World Sandbox PvP: Allow us a empty planet where we can build "installations" that can be used, for crafting resources for high end stuff. All the installations must be defended or they can be destroyed by the other faction.


1 on 1 Death Match PvP: If you insist on doing Warzones, why not create a 1 on 1 fight. Each team randomly sends 1 player to fight 1 player on the other team. Both teams observe the fight from the sidelines. Once the player wins, he moves on to fight the next player on the enemy team till the entire enemy team is beaten.


Free for All PvP: Another Warzone type, Every player for themselves, highest kill wins.

Edited by Darth__Carnal
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Glad to see a lot of this.


So here's some positivity before everyone else swarms this.


On a side note, here's hoping we'll be able to have Guild Ship battles.


Imagine it...being able to launch off of your Guild Home Ship in your customizable class ship to attack another Guild's ship, while some members of your guild control the mothership.


I love this idea. I used to play TR and loved clan vs. clan wars, so this would be a welcome addition to play.

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"Game Update 1.2 will bring you the first big step in the Legacy System but it’s important to understand that the Legacy System will continue to grow, bringing new options to new characters (alts) and some fun options for elder game players as well. Legacy is definitely not just for new characters! The species that will be unlocked in Game Update 1.2 are species currently in the game that will become available to classes and factions where you haven’t seen them before. New species are in consideration for the future but we don’t have any details to share right now. Look for more specific details in the near future as we head toward Game Update 1.2."


I have one question related too this. Will you allow us to remake our character for a fee with the release of this feature, otherwise its a really big kick in the ***** to lots of players who maybe didn't get to choose a race they really liked due to class restrictions .

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I love the game but the lack of playable species is really keeping me from wanting to continue to subscribe. Since launch I've been playing what I consider all alts, meaning I haven't been able to play as anything that really wanted me to invest all my time into that one characters progression and story which is what I was really planning to do from the beginning. I had the same problem when I was first starting to play guild wars I just can't play as a human in most rpg games for some weird reason. I am in no way saying I don't like the game and don't want to see it succeed but as anyone knows the biggest selling point Bioware had for the game was the story, which I love but I have zero investment with a character I don't like which I don't feel is doing the story the justice it deserves.
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"Daniel Erickson: We’ve been pleasantly surprised at how popular PvP is in The Old Republic and we’ve been doubling down on our efforts to bring exciting new content and systems to the PvP community. "




typical big corp spin and meaningless information.

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I am really against cross-server ANYthing.


If they feel that we as players are not mature enough to choose our own favorite warzone due to the projected waiting times, combine the servers and make the populations more consistent, and then it won't be any problem.


By the way, for every person that doesn't like Huttball, there is a matching person that does.


I am disappointed that their energies aren't going towards the basic sophistication of the game first.


>> Like transforming the archaic UI into a user-friendly movable, resizable, etc.

>> Like fixing the GTN search system. I have already given in and accept that it is only located at the fleet station, so I won't continue to point out that for a healthy economy, they should be located in the capital city of each planet.

>> Giving us a Combat log, so we can gauge and understand our own experience in battle.

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I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't address low population on some servers, especially since it was in MrGerbz's question! *sigh*


Overall, I thought it was a fair mix of softball questions and the really frequently asked ones about big game issues. Two big ones they left out:


-Same sex romance

-Chat bubbles


Honestly, I'm not so worried about either of these, but a lot of people in the Q&A thread were. I mean, c'mon, you can't answer a question about something as simple as chat bubbles!?


All the things wrong with this game and people are legitimately concerned with these things? There are gamebreaking, fundamental problems with this game and people are concerned with whether or not their character can be gay?


What about the UI being piss-poor? What about third-party mods? What about class balance? What about broken Ilum? What about poor framerate in world PvP? What about useless stats on tier 3 armor? What about the horrible RNG system that is still in use? What about the fact that I won 9 warzones last night just to get my last two wins to count for daily? What about the awful Auction House/GTN? What about the lack of single-player end-game content? What about the numerous bugs in Operation-level PvP? What about PvP exploits? What about faction-imbalance? What about empty PvE areas?


All of the problems with this game and people are worried about who they can bang?

Edited by SliggXx
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Lots of good stuff. I like the hint about legacy possibly influencing one's decision to roll a char with the other faction :) Dual spec good (huge imho). QOL stuff good. All as informative as it can reasonably be at this stage. 1.2 looking more and more interesting.
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A lot of great things answered, and a lot of scary things too. Dual spec.. disappointing. Cross server queues.. scary.


Dual spec will completely take out any impact of choice in that whole area of characters.. I'll have everything I need for every situation on me covered, no longer choosing what's optimal for the task at hand.


A bigger concern is cross server. Yes, there are a lot of servers with low population. But just ask yourself: What will this do to my server's community? I can recognize every guild, if not every player when I pvp, and have made more than a few friends on my faction (and nemesis on the other). I remember a time when WoW was like this. Cross server queues slowly destroyed all semblance of server community, and they even had individual server forums for a long time to build it up.


I beg you (or anyone else who thinks this is a good idea) to just look at every other game where this has been implemented and look at the results. Faster queues is NOT a good trade for destroying community, and greatly impacts games in the negative.

Edited by Gillrien
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cross server wz queue is horrible. this is a bad bad idea. i understand that it makes the queue times longer and longer when you are choosing your specific wz. But, this is going to destroy the pvp community on every server. right now people know and recognize their allies and opponents. rivalries are formed and keeps people coming back for more. you are going to turn this into a system where people just queue long enough to get their daily done and go do something else. this is a change that is designed to make it easier on PvEers. Im pretty sure that people who actually enjoy PvP would rather it stay the same it is right now. Closed server pvp is so much more fun than cross server. PLease don't make this change, id hate to have to stop playing this game that i enjoy so much because of a death to a lush PvP community.
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