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Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Huge question im sure alot of people would like to know is there any plans to make an addition of Arenas to the Game? And if so what kind of match ups could we expect to see?



(I know myself and probably at least 1/3rd + of your gaming population would very much like to see this).


(Tournaments? 1v1? 1v1 w/companion? 2v2? 3v3? 4v4? deathmatch battle royal?)

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Last week Daniel Erickson mentioned new species as part of the legacy system and also, with regards to server transfers, that "The Legacy System will take some first steps towards incentivizing players to look at what the other side has to offer..."


I'm one of those people who likes to call one sever "home" and if I create characters of the other faction I would like to have them on the same server. Are there any plans to open more character slots per server so we can have more options for gameplay?

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Let's talk Ilum. In massive world PvP, melee characters are typically encouraged to spend the majority of their time spamming their class buff to feed off the kills ranged characters get because anything else will get them killed.


Any plans to improve the quality of life of melee characters in large-scale open world PvP?

Edited by McVade
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Just looking for a specifics here:


What (if any) Legacy features will ONLY be available to newly-generated characters?


I know there will be lots and lots of great wonderful awesome stuff, but I'm really not wanting to start a new character if it means missing out on some of the really fun stuff that has been hinted at with the legacy system.


Example: I roll a new Human Smuggler... level to 28, new legacy features come out, and all of a sudden Nautolans are available, so I will be deleting this character to start over again.


I'd love to start Alting it up, but every time I level, I feel like "Don't get too far, don't want to lose out if Legacy stuff gives you some really cool new options, this character could have been something else if you would have waited."


Will stop being repetitive now. I am mostly happy otherwise!

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When will you be adding more character slots? This game is based around alts in some senses and 8 is not enough per server because of the legacy system. :D Please allow us to make more alts per server so we can take full advantage of the legacy system! Or make the legacy system account wide?
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My Q&A question is the following:


As part of the UI customization options in patch 1.2, will there be an option to unlock UI frames so they can be placed in custom locations and then lock them to that location?


Thanks for reading my question!



Inimitably Awesome

Jedi Covenant


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There are some players (such as I) who love to explore every nook and cranny, and discover every codex entry and datacron. However, some codex entries such as the entry on Sullustans are only available once in a single class mission phase. As a smuggler, I was upset to learn that I missed out on obtaining the Sullustan codex entry on Coruscant, and that other classes are not even able to obtain this codex entry even though there is a spot for it in the codex. In the future, will there be way for everyone to get codex entries that they may have accidentally missed out on?
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For players like me and my wife, Are there any plans to offer dual class storylines say ones that would require a jedi knight and a jedi consular or say a trooper and a smuggler? Or any plans to allow for more social interaction between players, in game marriages etc?
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My question:


Why was the decision made to restrict purple color crystals to the Empire? Considering the only character to ever use one in the movies was a Jedi, it seems a bit counter-intuitive. When do you plan to make them available to Republic players? (If they already are available, can we please do away with the cloak and dagger with a confirmation and perhaps a hint of how to obtain one?)

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Do you plan to change/alter pvp RNG bag system so that players beyond valor60 can get battlemaster gear at steady pace and not by chance/luck (but not in a way where you implement new tier of pvp gear and you make battlemaster gear what champion gear is now)?
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Shotgun-clavy: When are character transfers going to become available? And are server transfers a real possibility?


Daniel Erickson: Character transfers between servers are definitely going to be available in the future and we’ll announce details as soon as we have firm dates.


If we can transfer characters, will our legacy be on 2 servers or the character transfered will not be in the legacy because it is not on the legacy's server. Thank you.

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