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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Very rarely in the movies has a light-aligned Jedi ever fought with his/her hood up. You mentioned the hue matching options coming for armour in 1.2, and hinted about other customization choices, but I still have to ask because this saddens a lot of people. Are we going to be able to put our hoods down? (as in visibly down and laying against the back of the armour, not just invisible hoods)
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I am not personally a fan of cross server LFG tools, however is their a plan to develop a better same server LFG tool? I enjoy the sense of community having to play with the people on your server, however this current system feels a bit. Archaic?
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I understand the need to have a path and an order to things to follow the story line, i.e. what planets you go to and when. But everyone at "my level" at any given level, tends to have the same armor. This is because quest givers and flashpoint drops have the better gear for you at that time in your progress through the story than vendors or random drops. Is there anything being looked at to change the cookie cutter effect? Variety is the spice of life.
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Can you give an explanation of how ranked warzones will work? Will they be like seasons? Will there be a rating system that fluctuates up and down, or will it measure static stats such as wins over losses? Will there be new gear only obtainable through ranked warzones?
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Question: Will player ships have all/most fo their (interior) doors closed, only opening when you stand near them/ click on a pannel, like some of the doors in instances? It would give a more complete feel in my opninion.


Remark 1: Don't forget this is a space scifi game^^ keep the amount of teleporting/ magical portals and possible weapon enchant fx to a minimum. In extension, I read somewhere you guys were not given much options by Lucasarts for the time setting for your game, +/- 4000 years before the movies was still open right? 4000 years back in our history, we walked in loincloth armed with wooden sticks. That IA ship is looking better than Emperor Palpatine's personal shuttle. Please be careful on that note.


Remark 2: Thanks for the orbital stations! to this day I've not seen any lvl 1's begging for gold or credit-selling companies spamming while I am on the fleet! :D

Edited by CitizenofArathor
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Are the any plans to add a combat log to the chat system?


Not an add on parser, I mean a log that records all the fly text numbers in a fight.


Normally during fighting I don't have time to pay much attention to the numbers in fly text, I would like to be able to look at the log afterwards on the chat screen.


So it might look something like:

Tracer Missile: ####

Tracer Missile:####

Rail Shot: ####




Thank you

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When moving crafting items to my cargo hold I right click the stack of items and they moved over automatically. The problem lies in that the item that are moved do not stack with like items already stored in the cargo hold. Can you look at making like items stack when added to the cargo hold by right clicking on the stack in the player inventory? I know this is a small item but it does take extra time to consolidate my cargo hold every time I clear my player inventory of crafting items.
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Have you any plans to bring soon some guild improvements more than just a guild bank ?


as it is now ( and ofc i liked and i choosed to test it by myself ) someone can play alone from 1 to 50 lvl without the need of the help from others , but it will be nice to see guild improvements and also rewards for someone that is e a member of a guild ( guild ranks , guild quests , guild houses , better transportations etc that we saw first time in open beta survey )

Edited by SWTOR-GR
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I love this games ability to basically have any gear look you want so that every character does not look the same. Will we have the ability to transfer set bonuses to Orange gear so that we can maintain our unique looks?


Maybe attach them to one of the mods and make it piece specific(IE legs or chest)


Will we have the ability to turn off companion helm graphics while leaving ours on and vice versa.

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Considering the great amount of concern expressed by players regarding cross server ques for battlegrounds is the decision final that they will be implemented?


On a related note the issue of a LFG cross server tool has also been a hot topic among the player base...is there any info regarding whether this will/will not be implemented in SWTOR?

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I really enjoy the RP side of RP-PvP servers. I would like to know if there will be enhanced controls to assist in filtering players into the proper servers? RP servers often fill up with non-rp players who only want PvP and really should be on a PvP server.


Or will there at least be a streamlined way to report violators? Currently, we can right-click and report spam. Any chance we could also have a Report Abusive Name, or similar quick-click reporting tool?

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Basically I would like to know if you (Bioware) intend to put in a damage meter. At least in my case I feel a good parser would allow for much better rotation and priority listing wich would give me much more information to increase my dps. Also a little friendly meter competition is a good thing. Edited by JakeCrews
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