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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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When will Sentinal/Maurauder be brought more inline with other classes? ie. Kill move changed to 30% not 20%. A knockdown or push or raple, alteratively make force leap/charge a raple where we cant get insta aoe'd away. UnNerf our offhand, my mains around 750 and my offhand is 202 (w/ a 36% buff), also keeping the off hand a seperate roll but add it to the damage as a single hit insted of 2. There is also the armor issue that we have 1 pvp/pve set and the fact we look like space scubadiving samurai.
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Are you planning to improve the WZ reward system for healers? Since at it's current state healers in wz's get the short end of the stick for medals etc.

Unless we go out of our way and hunt for medals and thus ignoring our main duties in keeping the group alive.

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Will there be any possibility of customizing the physical features of characters, armor, weapons, and ships in the future? Putting a custom paint job on my ship, and having armor with my own set of colors would be very nice. I know I'm not alone. Thanks!
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Is the tanking community ever going to get an answer, any answer at all, about whether or not shields/defense are working as intended or broken....because any attacks that is classified as tech, kinetic, force, or energy ignores everything but armor which makes us all useless against the majority of classes (gunslingers/sniper and sentinel marauder are the exceptions since they all deal weapon damage so we can actually defend those)


There are two forums posts about it so far, one that reached your max post count and the second one that was opened after the first thread closed. A good bit of research has gone into those threads, and numerous bug reports have been met with your copy/paste reply.




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RE: Space Combat. I'd like to know if you intend in the near or far future to make major changes to the current space combat system. Specifically, will we ever see a free-flying flight simulator style space system similar to SWG's or X-Wing Alliance that will allow PvP ship combat? Or point-to-point non-combat flight missions? It would also be fun to have other players on board the same ship, firing from different gun ports...
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