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Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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What are current plans to increase functionality in the GTN?


In my opinion, it is incredibly clunky to use both when selling and when buying items.

I would LOVE to see functionality from other MMO tools such as auctionator make its way into the game.


It shouldn't take 10 minutes just to post a handful of items. Making sure you're correctly pricing them is very tedious with the current interface.


There are also a LOT of filters that could be added (schematic level, crafting material level, armor slot, etc.. etc..) and quite a few that aren't working at all in their current state.


There are quite a few servers whose economies are suffering due to the tiny size of the GTN on one faction. Are there any plans to combine the 3 separate trade networks to increase item availability and flatten economic inconsistencies between factions/servers?

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Q1: Will there be a way to tell if you can reverse engineer an item to get a better version of the recipe? Currently this is very hit and miss ingame - you can reverse all items you can craft (with few exceptions), but some that you can reverse engineer apparently dont have a better recipe implemented, so it is futile to try.


For instance armormech can reverse engineer blue dropped schematic items and get a better version, but blue trainer bought ones dont seem to work for schematic upgrades. Since there is no discernable system to what is and isn't upgradeable, could an indicator be added to the interface?

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You recently posted your triage decision matrix for bugs and issues which included heightened priority for issues impacting larger numbers of players. Does this mean bugs to abilities such as medical therapy for operatives will be of low priority relative to bugs impacting other classes or is there a seperate triage system for class bugs?


As a corrolary considering we as players lack a combat log and it is therefore impossible absent alot of pencil and video work for players to validate the functionality of multiple abilities in the game is your system robust enough to catch talents which are not functioning properly on skills impacting abilities with output ranges?

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Question: Are you looking at The Enemy Difficulty and Balance For Normal Quests and Story Quest!


Reason For Question: I have Many Toons Empire and Republic and found that some classes are easyer to level than others. Have noticed some quest enimies are more difficult than others. ( Normal Quests )


Have Noticed Serious Game Stopping Difficulty Getting my Jedi Warrior and Sith Warrior from 40-50 due to overwhelming damage from Normal Mobs.


Please address this issue.

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My primary question would be around decoration for "Guild Halls" (ships, moons, whatever form they might take.) and also personal ships.


Specifically about how customizeable will they be? One of the greatest things about some MMO's (EQ2 was perhaps the best for this) was the amazing amount of creativity and customization that was possible in decorating houses and Guild Halls. So far we've had none of that in SW:TOR (ships are standard across the board, etc.) so would love to hear whether or not BW is at least looking in that direction.



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So it's clear that Armormech, Synthweaving, and to some degree Armstech got a bit shafted compared to what the other crafting skills provide to the leveling community. And, all crafting skills except Biochem lose most of their viability once a character reaches level 50 due to all of the higher level mods/armor so easily available almost immediately.


Are there any plans to spread some "mod versatility" to current "non-mod" crafting crew skills, and, is there currently any plans to give crafters more of a level 50 "window" before better gear/mods are available?

Edited by Countryfiedjedi
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When will we see a combatlog show up. We get the feeling it's beeing pushed back because the current 'tagged' dps doesn't match the actual figures and it will cause you more work with balancing the game. (ppl will have better DPS/healing because they can finally get a proper rotation) and in a slight connection..what's the news on add-on's?
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Considering that companions were a largely advertised thing for this game, I'm a bit bummed that there really isn't anything you can do with them after you hit 50 besides crewskill missions. Be nice if there was things you can do with them besides this.


Also I think one of the reasons imperial has more players is the way gear looks. I have characters of both factions and the republic gear as a whole especially the force users gear is a bit lackluster in appearence. The only complaint I have for imperial appearence gear are the IA's "Sock" helmet gear, please stop with this. We are masters of deception and infiltration, not sock puppet ninja's.

I'd offer to help design and color gear for you guys but I don't live in Texas :(.



P.S the set bonuses on tier gear for Gunslingers/Snipers(Field Tech for reference) really sucks compared to what everyone else gets.

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