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Fix the *********** ***** class sorc!


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Force lighting hit trough walls, LoS!


Force lighting ignores 100% immun to ranged attacks!


They can stun you and stun and stun and stun even with full resolve bar.


Force speed, and knockback, and team mate pull.


With all the bugs that come with that class they are annoying.


And when i go past a teammate that get cast force lighting on, it breaks stealth, didnt know force lighting was a AoE?

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Force lighting hit trough walls, LoS!


Force lighting ignores 100% immun to ranged attacks!


They can stun you and stun and stun and stun even with full resolve bar.


Force speed, and knockback, and team mate pull.


With all the bugs that come with that class they are annoying.


And when i go past a teammate that get cast force lighting on, it breaks stealth, didnt know force lighting was a AoE?


You should try playing SWTOR instead of the game you're playing.

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You should try playing SWTOR instead of the game you're playing.


He has somewhat of a point. I can't count the number of times I've been force lightening'd through walls. LOS barely exists in this game. Range >>> Melee due to LOS and Auto Facing.

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He has somewhat of a point. I can't count the number of times I've been force lightening'd through walls. LOS barely exists in this game. Range >>> Melee due to LOS and Auto Facing.


You can't count it because there is no way to do it.

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Play melee in this game is realy annoying, you start to hit someone, you get kncoked of, but no problem, i just leap back, og wait knocked off again.

Or you run back, you get knocked of again and again...


But this isnt what the post was about.


Its ranged like sorc and other hits you trough LoS walls, its realy annoying, its a bug and most be fixed.

And whats up with auto facing? How the hell are classes thats need to stand back of the target to hit a target with auto facing????

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You can't count it because there is no way to do it.


Maybe you dont play the same game since you never noticed this, if you havnt noticed is, why are you posting reply?


I jumped down behind los in huttbal, and force lighting hitted me trough wall for 2-3 sec.

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Force lighting hit trough walls, LoS!


Force lighting ignores 100% immun to ranged attacks!


They can stun you and stun and stun and stun even with full resolve bar.


Force speed, and knockback, and team mate pull.


With all the bugs that come with that class they are annoying.


And when i go past a teammate that get cast force lighting on, it breaks stealth, didnt know force lighting was a AoE?


Sorcs must be only broken on your server...this doesn't happen on mine nor does it happen with my TK Wave.

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This happens to me all the time on my sawbones scoundrel


If theyve started to channel their attack and I then los them, the attack does not immediately stop. I'm guessing it's a problem of our two clients not being in sync.

Edited by RPKOlsen
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Maybe you dont play the same game since you never noticed this, if you havnt noticed is, why are you posting reply?


I jumped down behind los in huttbal, and force lighting hitted me trough wall for 2-3 sec.


I am trying to think of a single wall in hutt ball that would have a LOS as you describe. I can only think of the platforms at mid on the left and right side. You can't zap someone through them, but if someone is on top of it they will get ya.


I get hit all the time from people standing behind the box things or around the stairs there.


I have seen LAG make it look like you are getting hit though stuff, but don't see damage ticking off of me, but I have never seen anyone actually do any damage to me through walls.

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Yeah, I also had a sorc fart on me the other day and I died intantly.

they also have a bubble that absorbs 20k hp's

I saw one dissappear in a huttball yesterday and score

the ability to fly is op as well

if they look at you the wrong way it crits for 20k


etc, etc

Edited by Ruuprect
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The seemingly LoSing force lightning is a result of animation lag.


The damage stops as soon as you LoS, while the channeling and lightning animation may continue for a fraction of a second due to lag.


This actually hurts sorcerers, because they're spending time "channeling" and not doing damage.


However, animation and ability lags hurts everyone and is something that needs to be addressed soon.

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Yeah, I also had a sorc fart on me the other day and I died intantly.

they also have a bubble that absorbs 20k hp's

I saw one dissappear in a huttball yesterday and score

the ability to fly is op as well

if they look at you the wrong way it crits for 20k


etc, etc


Ill say Sorc's really arent that bad (no i dont and will never play one). But i WILL say that i have seen the force lighting through walls more then a few times. They start casting i LOS and still take the durration of the skill. Have had it happen on Voidstar and on alderaan always near the center turret.

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The seemingly LoSing force lightning is a result of animation lag.


The damage stops as soon as you LoS, while the channeling and lightning animation may continue for a fraction of a second due to lag.


This actually hurts sorcerers, because they're spending time "channeling" and not doing damage.


However, animation and ability lags hurts everyone and is something that needs to be addressed soon.


Ill Screenshot it the next time it happens, as i STILL take dmg when LOS'ing (not saying this happens ALL the time but it does happen) Animation lag, server client lag i dont care, still should not be happening.

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Force lighting hit trough walls, LoS!


This is a latency problem..I.E. your one of the few with crappy internet that this will happen to often with any class..

Maybe getting DSL wasnt such a good idea .



Force lighting ignores 100% immun to ranged attacks!


If you use an ability that gives you DEFENSE against ranged attacks chances are your still going to get hit..


If you use an ability that says immune to TECH and FORCE abilities you take 0 damage.

guess you need to read what you use huh.


They can stun you and stun and stun and stun even with full resolve bar.


When resolve works they cant.

When resolve doesnt work anyone can, not just sorcs.


So far I havent seen resolve not work.

So im guessing this is either a server issue or Im running on a really really good comp.


Force speed, and knockback, and team mate pull.


Heavy armor, leap, and enemy pull with a little bit of Defensive CD's in the middle..


With all the bugs that come with that class they are annoying.


want a cookie?


And when i go past a teammate that get cast force lighting on, it breaks stealth, didnt know force lighting was a AoE?


...O so your playing a different game..nvm..thought you were playing SWTOR

Edited by Sirolos
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This happens to me all the time on my sawbones scoundrel


If theyve started to channel their attack and I then los them, the attack does not immediately stop. I'm guessing it's a problem of our two clients not being in sync.

Same as a Marauder, sometimes when I Force Camo I still get hit for 1-2sec after that...

Gotta love server latency.

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Force lighting hit trough walls, LoS!


Force lighting ignores 100% immun to ranged attacks!


They can stun you and stun and stun and stun even with full resolve bar.


Force speed, and knockback, and team mate pull.


With all the bugs that come with that class they are annoying.


And when i go past a teammate that get cast force lighting on, it breaks stealth, didnt know force lighting was a AoE?


I don't think it's actually going through walls. I've never, ever, seen my TK Throw go through walls/pillars, nor Force Lightning. I think it's probably more a culprit of the server latency tbh. Like how sometimes you'll be racing for a consumable and on your screen you're a solid 5 meters in front of the other guy, yet he'll get the consumable instead. That type of thing.


We can't "stun" you with full resolve. That's just a lie. I have yet to see anyone get stunned once they have full resolve, myself included. You're probably counting roots and snares as stuns (which ignore resolve from ALL classes). I'll give you the fact that it's annoying, but you can still do stuff.


Yes, those are class abilities. Not sure why people complain about the knockback. It's delayed by the jump, and it's the worst knockback in the game as far as distance goes. You practically have to be on the ledge to get knocked off a platform in Huttball.


Haven't really noticed any bugs myself. Or even really seen any mentioned on the forums. Please be a little more specific for those of us who don't know.


And I can reassure you that force lightning is most certainly NOT an aoe. Something else is breaking your stealth.

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And when i go past a teammate that get cast force lighting on, it breaks stealth, didnt know force lighting was a AoE?


my guess is that the sorc was casting force lightning and got the insta proc, used it for chain lightning, which is an AoE and will break people out of stealth, the animation is very similar and may be hard to distinguish. Force lightning itself is not an aoe ability.

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This is a latency problem..I.E. your one of the few with crappy internet that this will happen to often with any class..

Maybe getting DSL wasnt such a good idea .




If you use an ability that gives you DEFENSE against ranged attacks chances are your still going to get hit..


If you use an ability that says immune to TECH and FORCE abilities you take 0 damage.

guess you need to read what you use huh.




When resolve works they cant.

When resolve doesnt work anyone can, not just sorcs.


So far I havent seen resolve not work.

So im guessing this is either a server issue or Im running on a really really good comp.




Heavy armor, leap, and enemy pull with a little bit of Defensive CD's in the middle..




want a cookie?




...O so your playing a different game..nvm..thought you were playing SWTOR



Translation: Hi, my name is Sirolos. I obviously play a Sorceror. I will post insults and things that are completely irrelevant in a thinly veiled attempt to make my class seem like it is just fine and that I am really a good player (just like I do in every thread about Sorcerors).

Edited by MacOda
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My geared Focus Guardian sends Sorc's running. Sure I get lighting spammed but you know what I always come back for more.



They wear light armor and are squishie as marshmallows.



I hate to say it but L2P your class and you'll destroy them.

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This is a latency problem..I.E. your one of the few with crappy internet that this will happen to often with any class..

Maybe getting DSL wasnt such a good idea .




If you use an ability that gives you DEFENSE against ranged attacks chances are your still going to get hit..


If you use an ability that says immune to TECH and FORCE abilities you take 0 damage.

guess you need to read what you use huh.




When resolve works they cant.

When resolve doesnt work anyone can, not just sorcs.


So far I havent seen resolve not work.

So im guessing this is either a server issue or Im running on a really really good comp.




Heavy armor, leap, and enemy pull with a little bit of Defensive CD's in the middle..




want a cookie?




...O so your playing a different game..nvm..thought you were playing SWTOR


You call 50 mbit/s bad net?


Ye you complain on everybody about the game, your just another fanboy that got butt....


Strange that in other good games, spells dont still channeled when LoS or go trough walls, maybe you should get your eyes up.

As far i know did resolve work against opratives stun, but how come sorc can stun you and another sorc come stun you, then another sorc come stun you with full resolve bar?

Is this a game only for sorc? no i dont think so, have no problem with the class from other points.


But the point with the thread was Force lighting trough los, and you want hear cause you proberly play sorc, but its a problem, even if game client is bad, or what **** the problem is, spells shouldnt go trough walls!

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My geared Focus Guardian sends Sorc's running. Sure I get lighting spammed but you know what I always come back for more.



They wear light armor and are squishie as marshmallows.



I hate to say it but L2P your class and you'll destroy them.


Did you post reply on a wrong post??


this post is about force lighting etc going trough LoS!


As far as i know, isnt that bug a l2p issue.

Edited by Averran
rude, just warned
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If you're going to claim that you're getting stunned 3 times in a row by 3 different sorcerers with full resolve each time, then a video should probably be included. Anybody can come on here and make complaints like that. And in the many many hours I have invested in PvP, I have yet to see anybody get stunned with full resolve as previously stated. Edited by Averran
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So a skill going through a wall while LOS'ing is a L2p issue?:rolleyes: This has everything to do with the server/client side (and seem to happen the most under heavy pvp action, along with ability delay/stutter). If it happend once i would go huh thats wierd and just ignore it, but as i said earlier ive seen it happen on a few occasion's and on dif. Maps. Edited by Hezakia
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