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So, what are your deal breakers?


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Ive actually enjoyed leveling up 2 characters (50 and 35)

I Havent been able to PVP til just a few days ago when I got my new PC built, but from what ive heard, Frustrating and pointless.


My only concern is Diablo 3... amazing game from what ive played (beta)

Alot of this stuff in Swtor is pretty time consuming sit down sessions, after a 10 hour day at work, Maybe 1 HM Flashpoint and bed time, that doesnt leave time for Dailies or anything else. I just may not do it anymore.


Im now leaning towards jump into game and kill some stuff for an hour or 2 and log off, like D3 or some FPS.. Maybe im just growing out of the MMO scene.

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I'm new to the forums and I really love the game and want it to succeed, and I see a lot of people echoing my concerns for its future. Even the game's biggest defenders must acknowledge that there are some changes that do need to come some time in the near future.


I was wondering what other people consider to be their deal breakers or, in other words, what does the game need to add/change in the next 6 months or so to keep you subbing?


I'll start off with:

1. Do something to add variety to the alt leveling experience (I get that a major change to the linear planet-to-planet progression isn't realistic, but it really needs something).

2. Dramatically expand and fix end game content.

3. Make crew skills relevant.


To be honest right now the only real "deal breaker" for me is how boring this game is after 50 and easy it is to run out of things to do. Everything else I could probably deal with until they worked out - but when I play a game last thing I wanna be is bored. That kinda defeats the whole purpose of entertainment.

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One thing that really surprised me, and one that's reflected in your responses, a lot of the early reviews of the game said PVE/leveling was really solid, but PvP was a mess, but I rarely see people complaining about PvP. If anything, they talk about the Imp/Pub imbalance, but people seem pretty content with PvP? Amirite?


different animations, different "energy" pools and in some cases different damage types between classes are issues. They also screwed up gear balance at 50. You could mitigate this with ranked warzones but in order to do that you would need multi-server battle groups which they don't have. Plenty of work to be done on that front. Really, I think there are issues everywhere.

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My deal breakers (and I've unsubbed, so my deal has been broken):


1 - Low population servers - and no way to get off of them except to reroll.


2 - Complete lack of features that MMOs released in 2011 should have (dual spec/useful LFG tool/modern UI, etc)


1 on top of 2 was enough for me to unsub - free transfers to high pop realms or a way to group with people on other servers would have me still being a subscriber.


As for gameplay issues:


3 - PvP design is pretty bad - bordering on atrocious.


4 - Auction house needs a complete revamp.


5 - Crew skills (apart from Biochem) were useless at 50 at launch, and now Biochem has been nerfed down to where the rest are. There should be a reason for any skill to be useful at 50, not only during the level up process.


6 - Companions completely disappear (in a story sense) once you reach max affection with them, and simply become hunter pets that can craft/run missions. Companions (along with voiceovers) were the BIG INNOVATION that Bioware is offering with TOR, and both become completely non-existant at 50. This game IS WoW circa 2006/2007 with companions and voiceovers added. But at 50 it's just WoW circa 2006/2007. That's...not good.


7 - Orbital stations.


There's more, but pretty much for me only 1 & 2 are deal-breakers (and mostly only when they both exist together, which they currently do). And they're deal-breakers enough that I have unsubscribed.

Edited by Bregah
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My deal breakers..


People that call the GTN an Auction House or AH..


People that measure this game by the features in WOW, even if they are a double standard..


You do many of the same quests when leveling Alts in WOW.. Name a single class in which Outland or Northrend has different quests?? Why complain about it here??


Yes the UI can use some work, WOW needs a mod to change theirs.. Search functions on the GTN can stand to be improved..


This game has an LFG system that nobody uses.. To many recycled WOW players that would rather spam chat instead of try something new..


This game has space combat, wow does not.. This game has companions, wow does not.. crew skills work very much the same as wow.. You are either making a bunch of saber hilts or a bunch of cloth armor.. So what is the difference?? Both crew skills and professions use the same mechanics to level.. Crew skills however allow you to learn better qualities by making a bunch of greens and then de-engineer them and hope for the blue quality schematic.. Do the same to the blue quality to get the purples.. Name one profession in WOW that allowed that?? Crew skills here are way better..


Don't get me wrong.. I am just getting tired of people holding this game to the WOW standard when they aren't even looking at what the game can actually do.. This game is not WOW.. This game in many ways doesn't even play like WOW.. Is it possible to look at this game for what it is and not hold it up to a WOW standard??


You must unlearn what you have learned.. - Yoda


(Waves hand) There is no AH or Auction House.. It is a Galactic Trade Network..


(Waves hand) This game needs to be cosidered on it own merits not held up to another game..


(Waves fingers) These aren't the droids your looking for.. - Obi Wan


None of these are deal breakers..


I would like to see some more customization in the UI.. Color, placement, ect. ect.


I would like to see the search functions on the GTN made a bit more user friendly.. Be it an item search bar, or just seperate oranges into their own catagory..


A slot search would also be nice.. I would like to just search bracers and not belts and chests too..


Make it so when companions return after a quest they don't close whatever it is I am doing.. Send their quests to pending by defualt.. All we need is an audible notification, and the pending box to flash yellow..


Again these are my opinions.. Thanks.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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I'll be honest. The game could stay just like it is and I'll stay subbed. I'm enjoying it, and at the end of the day, that's all that matters.


That's not to say that I don't think it could be improved, but I don't have any deal-breakers, personally.


A :csw_yoda: award for you!!


Well said.. Quoted for truth!!:cool:

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Deal breaker for me is an unplayable game that is not fun.


As of right now, SWTOR is very much playable and more than fun.


So, I'm good.


My expectations are not outrageously high for a game that has been out 2 months and has offered me some amazing game play.


Sure there are bugs but it's very apparently to anyone that puts in any small amount of effort to see that BW is working on fixing those bugs and getting us more content.


I'd say things are moving right along with an amazingly fun game.

Edited by Quraswren
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I only have a single deal breaker - everything else is catered to. I'll be unsubbing after March if we don't have lesbian romance by then, and I won't be back until we have it.


Other than that though, the game could remain as-is and I'd pay a sub infinitely.


Hmmm.. I do understand your stance and agree with your view.. I do believe that same sex flirting should be allowed..


I don't understand the logic in quiting over it?? I assume you didn't quit your job over gay marriage or DADT.. :confused:

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This isn't to say that SWTOR is the same as WoW or others, and I don't think anyone expects it to have all the same features as its competitors, but is it really so wrong to compare a game's content and features to those of its major competitors (and upcoming competitors). I don't think so.


For example, I don't think people expect the GTN to be exactly the same as the WoW AH, but I think it's fair to expect it to have AT LEAST the same level of functionality/user-friendliness.

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My only deal breaker is the 2am CST downtime every Tuesday and Friday. As my game time falls primarily into these windows. Now of course someone is gonna tell me to just play some other time, in my schedule that is impossible. Work + Girlfriend dictates my schedule, not star wars. I often dont get home till midnight CST and so I get about 6 hours to play in the week, when I want to play the game is down, when I can play the game is down.
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I only have a single deal breaker - everything else is catered to. I'll be unsubbing after March if we don't have lesbian romance by then, and I won't be back until we have it.


Other than that though, the game could remain as-is and I'd pay a sub infinitely.


I admit, I am kind of curious to know if you are a guy or a girl posting this? lol

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This isn't to say that SWTOR is the same as WoW or others, and I don't think anyone expects it to have all the same features as its competitors, but is it really so wrong to compare a game's content and features to those of its major competitors (and upcoming competitors). I don't think so.


For example, I don't think people expect the GTN to be exactly the same as the WoW AH, but I think it's fair to expect it to have AT LEAST the same level of functionality/user-friendliness.


I think you missed my point.. There is no AH in this game.. There is a GTN.. I fail to see why people can't use the correct terms..


It is one thing to compare something to another game.. Sure people can compare it to WOW all they want.. But like the LFG system.. What they want is the WOW version.. They are not talking about the LFG system already in place and how to make it better.. They will complain about spamming chat like they did in WOW.. So that isn't even a comparison.. Crew skills need more depth?? What does that mean?? They have more depth than WOW professions.. They don't want to do the same quests all the time.. How many shared quests in WOW??


Like someone else said.. Some people have unrealistic standards.. This game is entirely based on story. WOW was nothing more than a mad search for '?' and '!'.. WOW had little to no story.. So there is simply no comparison.. Story means linear.. Complaining about how linear the quests are, or how we do the same quests is hardly relevent when it is a story driven MMO.. That is like buying a car and then actging shocked and upset because you actually have to drive it off the lot.. Bioware made no secrests about the story.. Yet they complain because to some extent in WOW you did have some flexibility in your early quests.. At least until 58 when you went to Outland.. Then it was all the same from then on..


They can compare it to WOW all they want.. But they shouldn't hold it to a WOW standard, act as if it should be the same as WOW, or make complaints because it isn't WOW.. That is all I am saying.. :cool:

Edited by MajikMyst
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Hmmm.. I do understand your stance and agree with your view.. I do believe that same sex flirting should be allowed.. I don't understand the logic in quiting over it??
Well since I play the game for the NPC interactions, being totally cut off from the romance part of it totally gimps my experience.

I admit, I am kind of curious to know if you are a guy or a girl posting this? lol

Guy of course lol, isn't everybody a guy who likes to see girls make out? :D (j/k)
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1) Shadows and Assassins do way too much ranged damage. These classes should have minimal to no range at all with the ability to stealth while in combat assuring an escape and the ability to burst for more damage from stealth moreso than nearly any class in game


2) Tracer round and it's Republic equivalent both need to be toned down tremendously


3) Balance/Madness spec sages/inquisitors need to be enhanced. The damage over time abilities should last longer, the snares should last longer, force in balance/empire equivalent should work similar to the mistress of the marsh spell from Warhammer Online (except in this case have it do damage and then have a ground snare puddle that lasts for 10 seconds or so).


4) Healer survivability across the board needs to be examined. It is way too high at the moment.

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I only have a single deal breaker - everything else is catered to. I'll be unsubbing after March if we don't have lesbian romance by then, and I won't be back until we have it.


Other than that though, the game could remain as-is and I'd pay a sub infinitely.



Roll a male character? This is a very silly reason to quit. Either roll a male character or flirt with your male companions. I mean, you are role playing a female, after all.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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Well since I play the game for the NPC interactions, being totally cut off from the romance part of it totally gimps my experience.


But your not cut off from romance.. Just same sex romance.. No offense, if you are looking for a video game to fulfill your fantasies.. You might be looking in the wrong place..


I can understand the desire for same sex romance for someone that is gay.. They should have the right to express their themselves romantically.. Not for someone that just wants to see some girl on girl action..


I am a guy and call me wierd, girl on girl does nothing for me.. I am just a do kind of person.. My Jeti Sentinal and Kira are practically married.. I think it is funny!! She is sending me mail now.. Those are funny!! Everything from rumors about Master Satile Shan to comparing her rear end to a fruit.. I must say I cracked up when I got that one..


You of course can do what you want and I am sorry this game doesn't make you happy.. I just wanted to understand your views better.. Thanks for the reply.. :cool:

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Either roll a male character
Did. Not as hot. Waiting fidgeting in my chair for the better option.
or flirt with your male companions.
Not hot *at all*.

if you are looking for a video game to fulfill your fantasies.. You might be looking in the wrong place..
I dunno, plenty of games do it fine...Dragon Age as a shining example. Of course if this game won't then I'll be happy to walk away. :) Edited by Samy_Merchi
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I think you missed my point.. There is no AH in this game.. There is a GTN.. I fail to see why people can't use the correct terms..


It'll come with time. GTN is such a new & unique name that it's not what people will remember first. AH is the same thing, but in a different game and it's what players have been using.


I spent most of my MMO time in AO. In there, a gathering of players to participate in a join activity is a "team", and a large gathering of players is a "raid". This was easy for me to pick up, but the "magic" aspect is called "nano technology" and uses a "nano pool". It took time for me to stop using the terms "magic", "spell", and "mana" but it happened. Leaving AO for other MMOs also required relearning which words to use. When I joined LOTRO, "team" was now a "fellowship", so instead of LFT the usage was LFF (with LFG also being used).


Now in SWTOR, a lot of words have changed. Raid is now Operations & Flashpoints, each base class has their own skill resource to manage with its own name. It's a lot easier to just talk about "raids" and "AH", we all know what it means. I try to use GTN whenever I can, but it always comes with a few second delay where I think to myself "What is the AH called in this game? Galactic Trade Network, that's G... T... N".



On the actual topic of the thread, my deal breakers are inverted. My only must-haves are ones already coming (improved UI, more content). For me, the real deal-breakers are some of the ideas being put out that might cause me to leave: DPS/Threat Meters (combat log & 3rd party apps are ok with me), AC respec, scriptable macros that automate gameplay, gameplay based mod support (skins are ok), paid-for services/items other than name/legacy/server change.

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I think you missed my point.. There is no AH in this game.. There is a GTN.. I fail to see why people can't use the correct terms..


I did use the correct term, if you read my last post.


And I think you missed MY point. Why shouldn't they expect at least the same level of functionality/user-friendliness from this product that they get in WoW? That doesn't mean it has to take the same form or style, but when you choose to put an auction-house style feature in your game and its a piece of junk compared to comparable auction-house type systems in your competitors games, you have a problem.


We're not saying they have to do what WoW does, we're saying that IF they're going to do what WoW does, which they do in a lot of areas, we expect them to at least do it AS WELL if not better.

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