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How to stop leavers in warzones without a stupid penalty


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I like the idea, I don't think it's going to help with the problem much though. Allot of the deserters I see don't contribute much when you see them again in a winning match. I would just rather not play with them at all.


In addition to that I think there needs to be a base com/valor reward for getting put in an already in progress match and finishing it.

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If the dailies turn into "slice 9 turrets, score 18 hutt ball, plant/disarm 9 bombs at doors" This would only encourage players trading objective like back in Ilum before 1.1.


If the dailies turns into "Heal/protect/damage other players by X damage" then there is no need to stick with the WZ, once you got your X damage dealt/healed/protected, you can just leave and do something else. The current 3 wins per day is not great, but it is the lesser of the many evils.

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Leaving a game counts as -1 towards your quest.


No seriously, this would solve everything overnight. Nobody will leave, and everybody will be playing for the objectives, not farming medals.


Actually they would still leave, but instead of doing another warzone they will log out of star wars and do something else.


The majority of the playerbase doesnt have unlimited time to play video games all day.

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Actually they would still leave, but instead of doing another warzone they will log out of star wars and do something else.

The majority of the playerbase doesnt have unlimited time to play video games all day.


That means they only ruin one game for other players, and not 20 like they do now. This is a good thing.

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That means they only ruin one game for other players, and not 20 like they do now. This is a good thing.


No it's never a good thing for players to leave a game. Each time a player leaves Bioware makes less money. Anyone that suggests a paying player should stop paying and play something else is a blight on any games community and 100000000x worse than a person who does something you disagree with to cause such a blatantly horrible notion. :rolleyes:

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Couple of comments.


People leaving after 5 minutes is part of the problem. They feel that instead of trying to make a difference and maybe showing others what it takes to win, they would rather find a WZ where they can be carried to a victory.


However I do like some the of possible solutions. Such as rewarding those that actively participate in the objectives. Forget the medals, reward the ones that run, catch or pass the ball in huttball. Reward those that are able to capture nodes in Alderan and defend them. Reward those that protect the doors in voidstar and actually plant the bombs.


I cant tell you how many times I have scored or protected a ball runner with Guard in huttball, died protecting nodes in Alderan and keeping enemies from planting bombs in voidstar. All of this at the cost of padding stats and medals in hopes of wins.


I see others doing this too and its usually a thankless job. I consider myself a casual but highly enjoy pvp. Dont need anything handed to me, I will earn it. But would love to see others that help win Warzones actually get some credit.

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No it's never a good thing for players to leave a game. Anyone that suggests a paying player should stop paying and play something else...


Which I didnt do. You just halluzinated I did.


If people instead of leaving BGs and joining other games would leave BGs and then go offline for a while until their debuff is up, a lot of other people would have more fun playing, thus more subs.

Edited by skyflash
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Couple of comments.


People leaving after 5 minutes is part of the problem. They feel that instead of trying to make a difference and maybe showing others what it takes to win, they would rather find a WZ where they can be carried to a victory.


However I do like some the of possible solutions. Such as rewarding those that actively participate in the objectives. Forget the medals, reward the ones that run, catch or pass the ball in huttball. Reward those that are able to capture nodes in Alderan and defend them. Reward those that protect the doors in voidstar and actually plant the bombs.


I cant tell you how many times I have scored or protected a ball runner with Guard in huttball, died protecting nodes in Alderan and keeping enemies from planting bombs in voidstar. All of this at the cost of padding stats and medals in hopes of wins.


I see others doing this too and its usually a thankless job. I consider myself a casual but highly enjoy pvp. Dont need anything handed to me, I will earn it. But would love to see others that help win Warzones actually get some credit.


Realize I'm the person who has been here since day 2 (literally) and been lvl 50 for ages. I am now working on my third character and gearing them up is getting progressively more annoying.


I have tried many times to lead the horses to water.. but alas I cannot force them to drink! I have reached the point where any team has 5 minutes to show me they are willing to try. I do NOT leave every time a team looks as if it will lose as long as the players are TRYING.


Being the only person in a pug group for hours who is actually accomplishing objectives gets tiring as it is as you said a thankless job. That is why I suggested changing the /win requirement for my daily/weekly quests to accomplishing objectives, aiding someone who is trying to accomplish objectives and showing they are performing in at least one role to stop people afking by requiring them to either, protect, heal or dps to reach a certain number. This would make my daily/weekly progression based on my effort not based on random dumb luck as the current system is.


I would NEVER leave a round with the system I suggested because win or lose I always am a top contributor to my team. This sometimes will score me a ton of MvP votes.. others not.. even when losing a round. However, spending hours and hours waiting for 9 (yes 3 characters x 3 quests) is just infuriating and the reason I now leave after 5 minutes of game play if the team can't show me that they are willing to at least "TRY".


Thanks for the support! :)

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Which I didnt do. You just halluzinated I did.


If people instead of leaving BGs and joining other games would leave BGs and then go offline for a while until their debuff is up, a lot of other people would have more fun playing, thus more subs.

Actually, you did. Seriasx posted this..


Actually they would still leave, but instead of doing another warzone they will log out of star wars and do something else.


The majority of the playerbase doesnt have unlimited time to play video games all day.


Which you replied to with this:

That means they only ruin one game for other players, and not 20 like they do now. This is a good thing.

Which means you are suggesting someone should "DO SOMETHING ELSE" which after enough times leads someone to say "Why am I paying for this again when I am constantly 'doing something else'?".


I'm sure if you weren't so stuck on making this like WoW (which is horrible btw) you'd realize you are arguing for the wrong side. Oh well as I said.. I can lead the horse to water but I cannot make them drink! ;)

Edited by Aethyrprime
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Objective based PvP. It is NOT about what you can do solo, so something that encourages an individual perspective is bad for the game (I feel this way about the current medal system too).


Want to stop leavers? Daily quest has a failure condition- fail to complete 2 games and the quest fails requiring you to pick it up again, weekly fails at 4 leaves. You get one to cover a DC/RL incident, but more than that you're negatively affecting other players. It's the same reason that LoL uses to justify a ban system- no matter how much money you're paying, if you're making the game worse for others, the game is better off without you. Include a 60 second grace period (so it would expire before game start if you joined from the start) where you can leave without penalty to cover people who get put into already-lost games, but don't reward people for losing.


Longest WZ is barely 15 minutes unless you have an Alderaan where nothing gets capped for a long time. If you can't put in 15m win or lose, your server doesn't want you.

Edited by Apocalypse-
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What about something that gives you options for a daily/weekly such as:


Win 3 Random Warzone matches OR earn X achievements in Y completed warzones


Therefore keeping the encouragement to win the match, but also by counting the achievements "X" (whatever they are determined either heals/kills/hutballs scored/etc) over a number of warzones "Y" (greater than 3, like maybe 10) but only if you stay until the end of that warzone.


Setting the achievements in such a way as they are not so difficult to get over the chosen number of games that people "fight" over who caps or scores or whatever.


Wouldn't this discourage people from leaving if actually competing in like 10 warzones would complete their daily whether they win or lose? And if they work together and win 3 in less than 10 battles, they get done sooner and save time.


And wouldn't it also discourage the "stealthed afker's"?


Just a thought.

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@ OP's Post: I'm gobsmacked that people aren't falling over themselves with praise for this idea. Just think about it logically. People leave warzones because they see an impending loss and wins are the only thing rewarded in the current system.


Tie the rewards to cooperation and team play that can STILL be achieved with a loss and what do you have? INCENTIVE TO STAY. This will of course stop people from leaving because they have no choice but to try their best to get team based medals in order to accomplish the quests. This takes winning or losing out of the equation but still FOSTERS likely wins because the medals will be based on performing well and helping the team. Not only will this encourage cooperation among players (which this game severely lacks already) but it will provide some sense of responsibility to your quest completion. No more bad players being carried or good players being frustrated because no one else on the team is trying.


Everyone will be trying their best. How is this bad?


This is an excellent idea. The only reason Bioware wouldn't implement is either because they know the current system artificially extends play and this would maximize their profit or because they don't have the systems in place to implement it (highly unlikely considering the badge system is fairly accurate).


Off to the suggestions board with you.

Edited by lJustAlexl
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Before any of the QQers above can be taken seriously you must answer this question:


1. Why do people leave warzones?


For extra credit you can try this one on for size too:


2. Why do people care about winning or losing when the difference in terms of valor/commendations/xp/money is hardly noticeable between a win and a loss?






1. Because they need x wins to complete their daily/weekly

2. Because they need x wins to complete their daily/weekly



Nuff said.


People just have to L2read.

Of course if you're not BM you can't understand this as you can just farm when you want enough comandations to buy some champions bags (which will allow you to be fully geared in a week at most).


When you're BM, you can only get gear by the two daily (and weekly)quests. THOSE INVOLVED X WINS ! And sometimes they don't even register.


If you have like 10-15 mins waiting for a warzone to pop (suxx to be locked in a lowpop serv nowadays that people quit the game) you better have it won.


And as those two bags a day are the only way to have A CHANCE (25%) to get a BM token... You better do it daily cause the RNG is screwing you already.


PS: It's not fun to be the sole player doing objecctives/being skilled and/or geared enough to be on an even field with the opposing team, which is steamrolling yours at the same moment. It stopped being fun when you didn't have to grind for valor anymore.


Now ONLY WINS COUNT for the daily.


Change the daily criteria and/or how to gear up as a BM. I freaking want my black-red lightsaber already :(

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I leave warzones when the people on my team are complete idiots. Forcing me to stick around and play with a bunch of morons instead of just leaving would lead to a fast cancelation. Do you stick around in a flashpoint group that keeps wiping to the first trash pack? no? then why the hell would you want to force someone to stick around a warzone that lets the other team plant a bomb in the first 20 seconds?
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No really, the real problem is randoms getting queued with premades and the equipment problem, but both will be fixed soon.


Are you just living in another universe?


How are you going to fix a faction imbalance of 10 Imp to 1 Rep?


And by making sure the Rep can not fight on a equal footing just makes less of them.


Really how do you think they can fix this? Not a single idea yet would work.


The only way to fix this is give reason to Rep to play and a fair fight is number one.


You can find no on the planet that says:

"Yea I want to get stomped and lose every single time forever!"

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Here's how yo fix it. If you don't want to PVP don't do the daily. If you don't want to PVP there is no reason to have the PVP gear hence no reason to do the daily. Gone are the days people PVP to have fun, now everyone does it for gear they don't need but want. I don't know why people get stuck on grinds.
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Actually they would still leave, but instead of doing another warzone they will log out of star wars and do something else.


The majority of the playerbase doesnt have unlimited time to play video games all day.


That's fine they were never there to PVP just to do a daily they have no reason doing in the first place.

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That's fine they were never there to PVP just to do a daily they have no reason doing in the first place.


Actually no its not fine, maintaining customers is fine, excluding people because they cant play all day to match the gear you have is not fine.

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Yeah we need a real hard penalty so people like you are really hurt when leaving a game.


Here is the real fix:


1. Make PvP fair in grouping and equipment


2. Fix the AFK timer / crashes and disconnect issues


3. Make people stick to a BG until its over


4. Implement harsh penalties on leaving or AFKing.




A lovely idea, however in doing this on my server...


1. Empire would only ever play Huttball again.


2. Lovely lovely lovely, but - that requires time/effort spent not handfeeding the Imperials.


3. Sorry - there's no reason to stick to a BG when I queue solo, and I see 4-6 other people geared like their in preschool. I get the gear disparity at 10-49, but at 50? Sorry - no excuse for wearing the level 30's you had ages ago. I'm not here to carry you or your useless friends who've no respect for your side.


4. Would be nice, but then people would stop subbing, and Bioware wouldn't dare do that. Hence why Sorc's/Sages (well, really only Sorcs, Republic's are so outumbered it beggars belief, but this is due to mirror imbalances which are glaring and won't be fixed, because then Imperials will really start to face equally "skilled" players, instead of the rare few precognitive players out there that they lose to now) are still running with major Hybrid specs, able to top dps/healing/etc. If they actually brought them in line with the rest of the classes they'd lose all their subscriptions. Even though, at the rate of attrition I'm seeing, had they done this initially, instead of waiting, they'd have saved more. At least in the PvP fields. But that's another story. Can't have losing subs is the tl:dr.

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First, wins should count.


If you don't finish your daily in the 1-2 hours you have free to play, too bad.

If you don't finish your weekly in the 5-7 hours you have free to play, too bad.


Penalize early leavers. Maybe increase the # of wins needed every time you leave, or force drop quest and lock it out for the day/week. Reduce the rewards for daily/weekly quests as performance should be a more lucrative way of earning gear than any quest.


Play with guildies. If your guild mates are 99% in bed by the time you get on, find a different guild or a different schedule. Chat up people who you witness performing well in WZs, add them to friends list and re-que with them the next day.


You are not entitled to an easy completion of WZ daily/weekly quests, that's why they call it a grind.

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First, wins should count.


If you don't finish your daily in the 1-2 hours you have free to play, too bad.

If you don't finish your weekly in the 5-7 hours you have free to play, too bad.


Penalize early leavers. Maybe increase the # of wins needed every time you leave, or force drop quest and lock it out for the day/week. Reduce the rewards for daily/weekly quests as performance should be a more lucrative way of earning gear than any quest.


Play with guildies. If your guild mates are 99% in bed by the time you get on, find a different guild or a different schedule. Chat up people who you witness performing well in WZs, add them to friends list and re-que with them the next day.


You are not entitled to an easy completion of WZ daily/weekly quests, that's why they call it a grind.



Are you trying to get people to quit swtor? That is all your ideas have in common, players quitting.


Its bad enough the match maker even lets ungeared pugs face off against geared premades or lets one side with 5 players start against 8.


The match maker is the problem, people leave because of it, so fix the match maker and the symptoms "people leaving" will go away

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People with tons of damage and heal are usually not the valuable players in the BG.


Fpr example, if you do the right thing in Hut, you wil never ever end up with much damage / heal and almost without medals.


If you perform well, you help bring the ball to the goal line, defend the ball carrier, decurse him and heal him.


IF I see someone with 300000 damage, I know he sucks ***, cause he must have been zerging.




I've done nothing but pvp since I was lv10, and am usually the top damage/kills in most matches. I stop enemy ball carriers, score on my own, pass the ball, CC, destroy passing chances, etc. Most games I am positive that I stop more enemy scores than anyone else, while also doing my best to be open for passes and scores.


Did you know that you can actually do a lot of damage WHILE doing the Huttball objectives as some dps classes?

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Want to stop leavers? Daily quest has a failure condition- fail to complete 2 games and the quest fails requiring you to pick it up again, weekly fails at 4 leaves. You get one to cover a DC/RL incident, but more than that you're negatively affecting other players.


Longest WZ is barely 15 minutes unless you have an Alderaan where nothing gets capped for a long time. If you can't put in 15m win or lose, your server doesn't want you.



Slow down, Adolf. This isn't Auschwitz, it's a video game.


How about less threats upon people leaving and more incentives to stay?

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I've done nothing but pvp since I was lv10, and am usually the top damage/kills in most matches. I stop enemy ball carriers, score on my own, pass the ball, CC, destroy passing chances, etc. Most games I am positive that I stop more enemy scores than anyone else, while also doing my best to be open for passes and scores.


Did you know that you can actually do a lot of damage WHILE doing the Huttball objectives as some dps classes?



You really bit far too easily there, friend.


He's basically saying 'It may LOOK like I'm an inept player because I get 3 medals per WZ and 80K damage despite being a DPS ... BUT those that CAN get that aren't playing the objective'.

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