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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How to stop leavers in warzones without a stupid penalty


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We know why you are leaving.


You are leaving because you want to win for your daily and if it looks like a lose you dont want to waste the rest of the time and instead join a better BG right away with a chance to win.


The solution to that is to stop you from joining a different BG. If we do that, you will not be able to join a better BG, thus leaving is pointless for you.


Problem fixed: If people leave a BG they can only join the same BG, not a different one.

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Solution worse than problem.


Tying the dailies to ANYTHING except wins/losses incentivizes people to play for personal glory rather than the win, which makes the game less fun overall. That's what medals are for, a bonus for personal performance, but ultimately the win is more important.



A deserter debuff has zero downside. If you needed to leave for a legit reason, then that reason will probably keep you from queueing a WZ for ten minutes anyway. If you left because you're a jerk, then you deserve the ten minute timeout from grinding WZs. Debuff ONLY hurts people who game the system by leaving, and that is precisely what we're trying to discourage.

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So when I am in a WZ and there are 16 Imps coming over the edge (sorry, I can't post the screenshot...I did it with speed hackers and god the post deleted and a nastygram)....I'm supposed to hang out and get farmed?


How about when certain players are blasting from huttball spawn point to the goal line in four seconds our less while UNDER THE MAP...do I just hang out then?



I've written emails about this stuff, I've posted threads, and each time in ends in me getting warnings for terms of use. Meanwhile, players are still hacking.



Yeah....penalize me....

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A deserter debuff has zero downside. If you needed to leave for a legit reason, then that reason will probably keep you from queueing a WZ for ten minutes anyway. If you left because you're a jerk, then you deserve the ten minute timeout from grinding WZs. Debuff ONLY hurts people who game the system by leaving, and that is precisely what we're trying to discourage.


I think it would also be good to create further incentives for staying in warzones. Valor/Credits/Commendations are considered by some as worthless once you hit valor rank 60.


Maybe something like an "Underdog" bonus where if you lose a warzone, you get a stacking 1% expertise buff for 1 hour or until you get a win.

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BW made level 50 pvp about gear.


How do you get gear? Dailies, Weeklies, Medals(Valor/Comm).


-Warzones are team/objective based.


-Dailies and weeklies require wins making them team/objective based.


-Medals are based on individual performance.


Can we agree on this?


After a 50 completes their daily/weekly they are there to farm medals which can negatively effect others that have not completed their daily/weekly.


Solution: Make Medals and Mission based off the same thing.


They are not likely to base WZ medals AND missions of farming medals as the medals work right now(dmg, heals, kills, etc) because that completely defeats the entire design of team/objective based warzones.


What they could do is make medals based off each warzones objectives. So winning for the missions AND farming medals are the same goal. Remove the current medals and replace them with objective based medals. And they can incorporate their rank system so people can still see how well they do compared to others and progress with it.




Huttball: Ball Carrier Kills 2/4/8


Civil War: x number of turrets held for x number of minutes


Voidstar: Number of doors passed in x number of minute


Ofcourse this won't fix an issue that is unfixable being that it is caused by players but atleast it will force people that want to win AND people that want to farm medals to pursue the same goals.

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Just make leaving impossible.


If you log back in, you will be in the same BG until it ends.


If you AFK, you get nothing.


If you are AFK / offline when the BG ends you get a 15 mins ban from BGs (logged in time)


Players will not be queued into games that are running.


If the team runs out of people, they lose.


That way leavers have to either log in a twink or go AFK, neither will help their main to become better.


pretty dumb, so someone who dosent want to play in the wz, instead of leaving and someone filling his spot, you now have an afker.

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OP is one of those people that leaves when the enemy team scores first.


i'm all for a deserter debuff. boo OP, boo this man.


Negative. I leave if by the end of the 5 first five minutes my team has not shown any noticeable effort toward winning. If the other team scores in the first 30s of a match and then again 60s later and then again 35 seconds after that then the team sucks. Being the one player on my team who is ALWAYS focused on the objectives means I will be targeted first by the other team which is fine with a competent team to back you up.. otherwise it's just annoying.


You are all for draconian rules which have proven in countless games to be ineffective over 10 years of daily study. And Boohoo for you..


pretty dumb, so someone who dosent want to play in the wz, instead of leaving and someone filling his spot, you now have an afker.


Exactly! If they ever put a penalty in for leaving I'd just go stealth and afk in pugs instead of leaving or being the ONE person who you can always count on to be "HARDCORE OBJECTIVES". You know when my guild mates are online, they always invite me to their team, because I play to win.

Edited by Aethyrprime
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If i get stuck at work late.


By the time i get home, spend time with the family


(omg i have a life)


Log on to do my daily 3 wins only because i was at work late.


Ill dump games that i know is lost, i dont care about comms, or valor.

Im Valor rank 36 and i havent even tried to grind it at all or could care less to.


Faster i get my daily 3 wins, faster i can go play on my alt.



So yes, ill drop games, and not care. Anything besides wins would be good.

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pretty dumb, so someone who dosent want to play in the wz, instead of leaving and someone filling his spot, you now have an afker.


That is correct. And said AFKer will not be in another game for 15 mins as he has to wait for his penalty to run off.


Filling up spots is useless anyway, cause those people just leave the BG as well.

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Log on to do my daily 3 wins only because i was at work late.


Ill dump games that i know is lost, i dont care about comms, or valor.


Faster i get my daily 3 wins, faster i can go play on my alt.


So yes, ill drop games, and not care. Anything besides wins would be good.


And this is exactly the kind of gamer that would stop leaving one game after another if he would have to wait for the BG to end, regardless wether he leaves or not.

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From another post I made:


"Dailies are like a job, which is why I hate them and think they are a stupid solution to get people to keep playing.


Dailies shouldn't be win 3 WZs they should be:


a. Pass the Huttball to a player who then scores

b. Score the Huttball

c. Capture a Turret on Alderaan

d. Interrupt a player from planting a bomb in The Voidstar


Complete 30 of these types of actions.


THAT is the only solution to getting people to not leave.


Sorry, but if they don't change the WZ system to the above, and instead institute a 30 minute lockout timer I will cancel my sub right then.


Get it right Bioware, don't listen to the people who want a debuff."

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We know why you are leaving.


You are leaving because you want to win for your daily and if it looks like a lose you dont want to waste the rest of the time and instead join a better BG right away with a chance to win.


The solution to that is to stop you from joining a different BG. If we do that, you will not be able to join a better BG, thus leaving is pointless for you.


Problem fixed: If people leave a BG they can only join the same BG, not a different one.


That doesnt solve the problem with the match maker putting pugs vs. premades, one side having a large gear advantage or matches starting before both teams are within 1 player to be even.


Adding any type of debuff without fixing the match maker problem will just result in more afkers and more people logging out of swtor.


We dont have an endless amount of time to play this game or else we would also be battlemasters and there would be no problem since wed all have the same gear.


Casuals want to do their daily and they dont want to spend 3+ hours doing it because of the match maker being a joke.


Fix the match maker problem and the leaver situation will fix itself.

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If i get stuck at work late.


By the time i get home, spend time with the family


(omg i have a life)


Log on to do my daily 3 wins only because i was at work late.


Ill dump games that i know is lost, i dont care about comms, or valor.

Im Valor rank 36 and i havent even tried to grind it at all or could care less to.


Faster i get my daily 3 wins, faster i can go play on my alt.



So yes, ill drop games, and not care. Anything besides wins would be good.



I also sometimes work late, guess wait, you can NOT do the daily for a night. Some times it takes me two nights to get a "daily" WZ quest completed.


You want a casual lifestyle yet want to progress like a hardcore.

Edited by Kunari
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If i get stuck at work late.


By the time i get home, spend time with the family


(omg i have a life)


Log on to do my daily 3 wins only because i was at work late.


Ill dump games that i know is lost, i dont care about comms, or valor.

Im Valor rank 36 and i havent even tried to grind it at all or could care less to.


Faster i get my daily 3 wins, faster i can go play on my alt.



So yes, ill drop games, and not care. Anything besides wins would be good.


9 losses count as 3 wins would fix this issue. I wish Bioware would consider it.

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I also sometimes work late, guess wait, you can NOT do the daily for a night. You want a casual lifestyle when want to progress like a hardcore.


Yep. He seems pretty friggin entitled. Boohoo I have a life, better screw over a ton of people instead of just taking 2 days to do my daily.

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Fix the match maker problem and the leaver situation will fix itself.


No it will not, you have to fix both.


People will still go AFK just because they think everyone else is playing bad except them.


The things you mentioned will have to be fixed first anyway, regardless wether they do a deserter debuff or just make the BG stick to you as long as its open.

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Leaving a game counts as -1 towards your quest.


No seriously, this would solve everything overnight. Nobody will leave, and everybody will be playing for the objectives, not farming medals.

Wrong, it will lead to people "AFKing" which is easy to do and not get booted out of a round. It fixes nothing. It just forces people to waste time. I can easily park myself in a corner running into a wall in stealth.. oh wait then you are going to suggest stealth be nerfed in Warzones right? Otherwise stealth classes will always have an advantage with your proposed "FIX" as they can both AFK without being kicked out and get their valor/comms without completing a round and not get penalized at all. You "GIVE PENTALTY NAO" people really do not get game mechanics 101 at all.


That is correct. And said AFKer will not be in another game for 15 mins as he has to wait for his penalty to run off.


Filling up spots is useless anyway, cause those people just leave the BG as well.

Wrong read the above post. AFKers do not get penalized and there's little ability to enforce such a penalty. Stealthers will always be able to stealth while running in a corner to avoid it. They can use a third party macro tool which are hard as hell to detect since most can actually mimic mouse/keyboard strokes with no difference between them and the real thing.



From another post I made:


"Dailies are like a job, which is why I hate them and think they are a stupid solution to get people to keep playing.


Dailies shouldn't be win 3 WZs they should be:


a. Pass the Huttball to a player who then scores

b. Score the Huttball

c. Capture a Turret on Alderaan

d. Interrupt a player from planting a bomb in The Voidstar


Complete 30 of these types of actions.


THAT is the only solution to getting people to not leave.


Sorry, but if they don't change the WZ system to the above, and instead institute a 30 minute lockout timer I will cancel my sub right then.


Get it right Bioware, don't listen to the people who want a debuff."

Exactly! You see what I'm trying to do here. Thanks.



That doesnt solve the problem with the match maker putting pugs vs. premades, one side having a large gear advantage or matches starting before both teams are within 1 player to be even.


Adding any type of debuff without fixing the match maker problem will just result in more afkers and more people logging out of swtor.


We dont have an endless amount of time to play this game or else we would also be battlemasters and there would be no problem since wed all have the same gear.


Casuals want to do their daily and they dont want to spend 3+ hours doing it because of the match maker being a joke.


Fix the match maker problem and the leaver situation will fix itself.


The match maker problem is bad yes.. One side with balanced healers/tanks/dps the other, all dps.. it's a steamroll.. but essentially you are correct.

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The overwhelming majority so far has not liked you idea yet you still defend it as if it is the only correct one. You can like Ron Paul all you want ... but hes not going to get elected.


IE .. they aren't going to do it your way and if you don't like it you can unsub.


I would have put more thought into this post except it is wasted on you as everything you have said has indicated you view this game as a chore and not a game.

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The overwhelming majority so far has not liked you idea yet you still defend it as if it is the only correct one. You can like Ron Paul all you want ... but hes not going to get elected.


IE .. they aren't going to do it your way and if you don't like it you can unsub.


I would have put more thought into this post except it is wasted on you as everything you have said has indicated you view this game as a chore and not a game.


There is no overwhelming majority here. There's a tiny minority of people trolling page after page. If you reduce the thread only to unique posters it's about even. Then factor in the 100+ members from my guild supporting the idea (which is why I posted it here) and that puts the overwhelming majority in favor of my proposed solutions. :D



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Your idea makes warzones individually based, rather than team-based.


For example, if all it takes is to damage a certain amount, couldn't I just pay zero attention to the objectives and instead try to hit my quota?


You believe you're solving the problem, but instead you're just covering it up and creating a different one. I'd rather have the current situation where at least players aren't ENCOURAGED to go rogue and only do what benefits themselves.


A win for the team is a win for you. In team-based PvP that is always how it should be.

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Your idea makes warzones individually based, rather than team-based.


For example, if all it takes is to damage a certain amount, couldn't I just pay zero attention to the objectives and instead try to hit my quota?


You believe you're solving the problem, but instead you're just covering it up and creating a different one. I'd rather have the current situation where at least players aren't ENCOURAGED to go rogue and only do what benefits themselves.


A win for the team is a win for you. In team-based PvP that is always how it should be.


You are not reading anything if you think such. How is "Accomplishing an objective or helping someone accomplish an objective" as a requirement to complete your daily/weekly doing anything else other than fix the problems that cause most people to leave a warzone?


I swear either you people are not reading or just simply don't understand english well!!


It clearly states that you have to both "Accomplish objectives which lead to winning & Perform at your chosen spec's role".


As a matter of fact not only would my suggestion deter leaving a warzone it would also almost negate the effectiveness of /afkinacornerinstealth and still getting credit for winning!


I like the OPs idea, screw the rest. Jigga jigga wha

Thanks.. :)

Edited by Aethyrprime
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