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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

30Minute LOCKOUT For Deserters


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But thats it that doesnt afect real gameplay at all mate, if you grind faster and get tier 10 tanks its ok you will only face tier 10 tanks anyway. i dont see any clarity in your theory. The only diference its a person without premium it will take longer to get there, doesnt afect real battles.


So being able to get somewhere faster isn't an advantage at all? Of course not (It's not like people have complained at all about people exploiting Illum to get battlemaster quicker. It's no different from exploiting your wallet). Silly me for thinking that. It's not like the balancing is poor and you end up with multiple artillery or heavy tanks on one side and one or none on the other ever, is it? Or that the balancing mechanic doesn't get really borked when you play as part of a platoon with a large level difference.


And you failed to pick up on my mention of platoons. Having 3-man teams working in co-operations is much better than 2. And that's a premium only advantage.


What about that whole thing whereby a Russian developer launches a game where russian tanks are vastly superior? They may have more or less fixed that now, but really?


You can defend the game all you like, and that's grand. I'm sure it's enjoyable to some people. But an example of good, balanced PvP, it aint.

Edited by Tyrias
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So being able to get somewhere faster isn't an advantage at all? Of course not. Silly me for thinking that. It's not like the balancing is poor and you end up with multiple artillery or heavy tank on one side and none on the other ever, is it? Or that the balancing mechanic doesn't get really borked when you play as part of a platoon with a large level difference.


And you failed to pick up on my mention of platoons. Having 3-man teams working in co-operations is much better than 2. And that's a premium only advantage.


What about that whole thing whereby a Russian developer launches a game where russian tanks are vastly superior? They may have more or less fixed that now, but really?


You can defend the game all you like, and that's grand. I'm sure it's enjoyable to some people. But an example of good, balanced PvP, it aint.


Not to mention that it's Pay to Win, just like Allods and World of <insert war machine name here>

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Exactly. That's why they have multiple different leagues and groupings. So that people of "roughly" equivalent skill play against each other, and it self balances itself as time goes on. SWTOR PvP is NOT like football at all.
ranking system will come in march.

So being able to get somewhere faster isn't an advantage at all? Of course not (It's not like people have complained at all about people exploiting Illum to get battlemaster quicker
In WOT you wont get any advantage at all if you grind faster... you get 40 battles to get a full equiped tank, in premium you get 20.. that is the only diference.

WOT has its faults but its as ballanced as could be i play it since beta, the russian tanks arent OP anymore. There is a better balance now. I failed to see how people just because have premium have any advantage at all.

First plattoons means nothing in the outcome of a battle if you think it does then you arent very experienced in playing the game.

The macthmaking is pain yes that is true, however even if you have top tier tank dont think is easy becaue it isnt it means nothing. I

the ability to go faster in grind means nothing when you have Ranked battles. So for teh most part a level 5 wont ever meet a leve 10. its a rare thing when that happen.

its funny you wont call WOT a good pvp example when that game is actualya pvp game only. there isnt any pve. But all that is ireelevant a death penalty would be proper or minus valor. You cant quit your team like that.

yes swtor isnt a football macth.. and? the same rules apply they are both two teams against another one win other loses. People who dont have fairplay are not good pvpers at all. and if you think you wont find bad teams in diferent ranks, you are mistaken. bad days happen to us all.

Edited by Spartanik
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That's probably the dumbest idea I've seen in this thread. People that have already got to 60 and geared themselves should not be forced to carry undergeared new people if they don't want to.




to me, its better than being locked out of even queueing for 30 minutes, finally getting into a warzone and it be a **** team again, u leave and have to wait another 30 minutes. it could go on all day.

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You are BM and you need your 3 wins for a daily box. ATM your premaid group is unavaible.


You enter a WZ and see 5 12 k hp hoboes.


You instatly leave, because you should not carry that hoboes to their shinies, you could find some better use for the next 12 minutes.


Nobody have to carry you to victory, bro.


Instead you re-queue in hopes of getting a team of BM's so you can roll the other opposing team who are half made up the hobo's you didnt want.


How sporting.


LVL 50's are the biggest whiners in the game. 1-49 fine.... 50 qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq

Edited by unclekaula
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Instead you re-queue in hopes of getting a team of BM's so you can roll the other opposing team who are half made up the hobo's you didnt want.


How sporting.


LVL 50's are the biggest whiners in the game. 1-49 fine.... 50 qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq


True to that.

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Instead you re-queue in hopes of getting a team of BM's so you can roll the other opposing team who are half made up the hobo's you didnt want.


How sporting.


LVL 50's are the biggest whiners in the game. 1-49 fine.... 50 qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq


Not BMs, since there are hardly any Rep side on my server. Just decently geared, competent players. I don't stick around for mouthbreathers that medal farm.

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well let me get straight im all for a penalty of some form, but while they wont fix alot of things is pointless yesterday i was in a warzone and 2 bots were playing in my team, meaning everyone left. In those hours it was impossible to play warzones at all. Edited by Spartanik
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I have a simple yet elegant solution to the problem of people leaving......


Anyone who leaves a BG prior to the end, gets put to the head of the reserves list. Being on this list means you can no longer enter a BG from the beginning and for the next 4 BGs you play in you are forced to enter after someone leaves. You do not get credit until you finish 4 BGs (possibly use the same credit system you use for the wins so as to piss them off further)


This means not only do they get longer queues, but the chances are they will be forced into playing 4 hopeless causes (its possible they might get a winning one). Even people who leave for genuine reasons cannot complain at this as they are doing their penance for inconveniencing others. It also means those who play fair get in less half played BGs ... everyone's a winner

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Sometimes you honestly go LD, Sometimes you Honestly Lag or Mommy needs you to take out the trash....


But, more often than not big time losers decide they dont' like the way the tide of battle is going and QUIT. I have been in Q for pvp matches all day to day and 90% of the matches I got randomly selected for were matches where people left because they needed to go whine to their mommy's that they were losing.


Either man up and play the full round or go play some nice and cozy PvE.


You felt the need to complain about how you don't like what others are doing? You think your little post is going to change anyone's behavior?


So, what does your post accomplish?


Just man up and move on.


OR, you can pay for their subs AND their hourly wages and they can play anyway you want.

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some of us have somthing called "real life commitments" so we dont have the time to spend hours and hours gearing up, sorry we arn't all 50 year old virgins living in our mothers basements spending alone time with the same swimsuit centerfold we have had for the past 40 years..


I still don't understand why people use those same useless, retarded jokes all the time. They aren't funny, they make you look like a complete and total idiot, and it doesn't matter if you have a real life, you still log on and play the same game as everyone else.


Honestly man grow up. He doesn't want to play then that's his loss. When you rage at that it makes you look like a *****. Who cares if he is an elitist. He takes pvp seriously, and doesn't like to lose. Ask anyone that plays a competitive sport and they will say the exact same thing.



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I have a simple yet elegant solution to the problem of people leaving......


Anyone who leaves a BG prior to the end, gets put to the head of the reserves list. Being on this list means you can no longer enter a BG from the beginning and for the next 4 BGs you play in you are forced to enter after someone leaves. You do not get credit until you finish 4 BGs (possibly use the same credit system you use for the wins so as to piss them off further)


This means not only do they get longer queues, but the chances are they will be forced into playing 4 hopeless causes (its possible they might get a winning one). Even people who leave for genuine reasons cannot complain at this as they are doing their penance for inconveniencing others. It also means those who play fair get in less half played BGs ... everyone's a winner


Simple and elegant, possibly (I actually don't agree, I think it would destroy PvP on less populated servers), but it doesn't solve anything. As has already been said many times, people leaving war zones is a symptom of a bigger problem. Throwing out band-aid fixes isn't going to solve anything when the underlining problem (poorly balanced PvP matches) remains the same.


I'm sure lots of people would be far more accepting of a desertion penalty when such a time arrives that any PvP match is at least going to be fun, even if you ultimately lose. Unsurprisingly, big farming events are not fun.

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Personally, I quit Huttball because its a boring game. The success rate is completely random, not based on skill or teamwork at all. It's based solely on which class combinations your team has, how they are spec'd at that time, etc. Personally, it doesn't challenge me in any form or fashion, and is a waste of my time. I would even be willing to take a penalty for dropping (not a time penalty), as long as the events were evenly opened (not like it is now, where Huttball accounts for 80% of PvP events).


That said, if I quit a Huttball, it's once I get into the event, after seeing that it's Huttball, not in the middle of the match, when scoring has occurred. However, every now and then the queue throws you into a 0-2 or 0-1 score, so it's inevitable that you will have people leaving, when they aren't even joining an even playing field.

Edited by olagaton
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I'm sure lots of people would be far more accepting of a desertion penalty when such a time arrives that any PvP match is at least going to be fun, even if you ultimately lose. Unsurprisingly, big farming events are not fun.


You might be sure but I am sure the majority would like to see action taken against people who leave early...people have a massively over inflated opinion of their ability and hence leave the second even the slightest indication of losing appears.....To be honest most people don't mind someone who leaves once the match is well lost. You use the extreme case to substantiate you rather puerile argument. The fact remains in signing up to a random WZ tool you are implicitly agreeing to perform as best you can in the interests of your team if you do not do this then action should be taken......


The people who do this are invariably second rate players who rely on greater contributions from fellow players to make up for there own lack of ability (see I can also state opinion as fact)

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Please god can everyone stop iterating that they need to fix the countless D/C, AFK detection, matchmaking and equipment issues before they can put in a debuff for leaving BGs?


We all know that. It's also in the patch notes:


- Matchmaking will come.

- Equipment will cause less advantage.


And the rest will be in line.


The topic is about: What will be done to the leaver issue after the fixes are in?


Because even with perfectly balanced PvP games people will still leave when the enemy gets the 1:0 and blame their team, the weather, whatever.


BTW.... there could be the option to start a SURRENDER VOTE like in LoL, and if it passes, the game will be instantly lost.

Edited by skyflash
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Folks in this thread have made cogent arguements both for and against a deserter debuff, I'd propose rather than a debuff, folks who quit a warzone before it's over get tagged with a title (similar to founder, or whatever) which they can't remove for an hour and shows them for the quitters they are. Won't impact anything but their e-peen (thus, hitting them where it hurts) Something like "Coward" "Quitter" "The Wimpy" some thing like that...
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I'm an adult college student with a 21 credit hour course load this semester, as well as a single parent with two kids. Between school and tending the kids' various needs, I still managed to get to 50 and get geared in a decent time frame, so your "I don't have time!" argument doesn't hold much water.


If I get Huttball, unless I know for a fact the people I'm teamed with know what they're doing, I'll leave. I hate Huttball anyways. If I'm in VS or CW and people are fighting off of nodes and chasing people across the map, I'll leave. If it's a well known Imp premade VS a Rep PUG, I'll leave. Even with a deserter debuff, I'd still leave. I have alts, or I'll just putter around the house for 15-30 minutes, I don't really care. Just because people have gear, and know how to play doesn't mean they're lifeless 50 year old basement-dwelling virgins.


The incentive for many is to win for daily/weekly purposes. I'm not eating a loss and wasting 15 minutes of aggravation herding cats so people that don't follow basic directions can have a few more comms or some valor.



BOOM. This.

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How about this


30 Minute lockout if you quit a warzone. (if you can't play then don't signup. it's just that simple.)


1 hour lockout if you get caught afk in a warzone for more than 1minute. (seriously, if you are just going to go afk that is just like sabotaging your own team. You're scum and deserve punishment for this)


People play warzones for a multitude of reasons. I do it because I love PvP. When we have 8 vs 8 and 1 wimpy kid decides to hide in a corner and go afk that handicaps a team.


I also think this kind of thing should be tracked. If you receive enough of the above warzone punishments for committing either of these offenses then you should be locked out from doing warzones for 24hours entirely.


If you're not going to play don't signup. Its that simple

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  • you can pick which warzone you queue for
  • you don't get put into in progress warzones
  • you don't get kicked from the warzone if you go link dead
  • there is a system in place to report/action afkers
  • when the queue system guarantees only 8 each side and not 8-11


you can start talking about deserter penalty.

Edited by Roak
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  • you can pick which warzone you queue for
  • you don't get put into in progress warzones
  • you don't get kicked from the warzone if you go link dead
  • there is a system in place to report/action afkers


you can start talking about deserter penalty.


You will be able to pick which warzone you want to queue for when cross server warzones are implemented.


You will always get put into warzones that are already in progress. People quit for all sorts of reasons and they all deserve to be penalized for it. If you do not have 15 minutes to spare for a warzone that you chose to queue up for then you shouldn't bother signing up in the first place.


There might be a system to report/action afkers ... I've yet to see this system stop people from abusing the ability to go afk in a warzone and reap the benefits.


People going afk in warzones is much worse than people quitting in my opinion. a person who goes afk reaps the benefits while at the very same time sabotages his team. These people are being rewarded for this behavior and it needs harsh punishment now.

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Sometimes you honestly go LD, Sometimes you Honestly Lag or Mommy needs you to take out the trash....


But, more often than not big time losers decide they dont' like the way the tide of battle is going and QUIT. I have been in Q for pvp matches all day to day and 90% of the matches I got randomly selected for were matches where people left because they needed to go whine to their mommy's that they were losing.


Either man up and play the full round or go play some nice and cozy PvE.


I'll leave whenever I please, thanks.

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IMO make leaving the warzone cost you a win in your daily and weekly quests.


I'm sure they can figure out how to tell the difference between LD and click/click leave warzone. If it removed a victory from their daily/weekly quests BMs would leave ..hmm nvr or at least the cost to making someone else sitting in the queue who gets in for your spot in the lose is commiserate with your selfishness.


I love how BMs feel that their time is special, what about the BM who gets put in your queue because you left? Their time isn't important? and yeah im only Valor rank 53 who cares, when i am BM i won't leave a match. I thought you grinded BM because you like PVP not because you wanted to PVP for 5 matches a day to grind gear.


If you like PVP trying to win by coming from behind would be a better victory.

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You will always get put into warzones that are already in progress. People quit for all sorts of reasons and they all deserve to be penalized for it. If you do not have 15 minutes to spare for a warzone that you chose to queue up for then you shouldn't bother signing up in the first place.


game currently starts an auto shutdown timer if there is 3 person difference on teams, if 3 people quit/lose connection game should shutdown in 30s - the system is there, just needs fine tuning


also added number imbalance to my list on previous post.

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