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30Minute LOCKOUT For Deserters


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Before ANY "punishment" is given in any way, there are alot of things that need changing:


1. The "extra players" in an ops exploit

2. The random game crashes/dc's

3. An option to choose your desired WZ

4. The speederfiasco in Voidstar

5. Noclip hacks/speedhacks

6. Loading screen finished and booted for being "afk"

7. Actual rewards besides the crappy valor you get for BM ranked (I'm rank 67). What do I need the XP, commendations (allready decked out 3 companions with full champion/centurion gear) for? And the credits? Hardly...

8. Wins actually counting for your daily.


On top of that (there might be alot more reasons but these are the most I have seen), when people start talking about others leaving being selfish etc etc. Nobody has anything to say about how I spend my free hours out of work, taking care of the kids, the house, friends, family etc.


Whatever reason I would/should have for leaving any WZ is my (and everybody elses) own choice.

Now, if you pay my bills, fill my bankaccount, you can start saying what I should do In my work. Heck, I'll stay every match no matter what.


Untill then, I'll decide for myself how I want or do not want to spend my free time.


Same goes for everyone else. You are not special or unique. Say I want to spend all night doing PvP, only to have it ruined by people leaving the game all night. You are ruining the game that -I- am paying for as well. "Leavers" have just as much "say" in someone's game that you are implying a punishment would have.


It is a team game, built, balanced, created for, and intended to be used by two full teams. You don't bail because you think you are going to lose. That is just as selfish as what you imply. Its very obviously stated and advertised as a team event, so if you know that going in, you should be punished in some way for bailing. End of Story. If you have to take care of an emergency, take care of it. By the time you are done dealing with your "emergency" most, if not all of your timeout period will be over anyway. Things happen, you aren't being permanently kicked out. It will make people think about weather they have the time and patience for a WZ, like they should be doing anyway.

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Same goes for everyone else. You are not special or unique. Say I want to spend all night doing PvP, only to have it ruined by people leaving the game all night. You are ruining the game that -I- am paying for as well. "Leavers" have just as much "say" in someone's game that you are implying a punishment would have.


It is a team game, built, balanced, created for, and intended to be used by two full teams. You don't bail because you think you are going to lose. That is just as selfish as what you imply. Its very obviously stated and advertised as a team event, so if you know that going in, you should be punished in some way for bailing. End of Story. If you have to take care of an emergency, take care of it. By the time you are done dealing with your "emergency" most, if not all of your timeout period will be over anyway. Things happen, you aren't being permanently kicked out. It will make people think about weather they have the time and patience for a WZ, like they should be doing anyway.


In most team games, you are supposed to play with people of your level against other people of your level. If an NHL player was asked to play with a team of amateurs against a full NHL team, do you think he would agree to play? Some games like Guild Wars also have a /resign feature so that a team may choose to end the game early when it is clear that the game is over. In SWTOR, your only option is to leave the game.


You seem to be under the impression that you are losing your games because people are leaving when in reality the majority of those games were probably lost before anyone left. Nobody seem to leave my games and when I lose, I don't look for leavers to blame the loss on them. There is a reason why people are leaving your games and it might just be you.

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Yeah before you give any kind of penatly for leavinbg how about to stop quing pugs against pre-mades. I cant play 24/7 some people have to work Its literally impossible for me to finish a daily im lucky to get 3 wins in 48 hours...and thats with leaving a rofl stomps
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The only thing creating a lockout will do is extend queue times by however long said lockout is. 30 min lockout? 30 minutes longer to your queue times. This is a terrible idea. Until you implement better bracketing and fix it so premades don't go vs. pugs, don't even try to think of deserter system. You will only damage our current system more.
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I would say that's incentive to AFK instead of quit. Be careful what you wish for.


In which case after 3 minutes of inactivity, or not leaving your starting area, you get booted for being AFK, and still get deserter debuff.


Im ok with that as long as you get penalized for being a douche. :D

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In which case after 3 minutes of inactivity, or not leaving your starting area, you get booted for being AFK, and still get deserter debuff.


Im ok with that as long as you get penalized for being a douche. :D


So what? I roll an op or stealthy. I lurk sidelines. If I see someone off by themselves, I kill them. If not, I stay stealthed. I'm not afk, I'm not leaving the match, I do pick off a kill now and then, and guess what? You'll never even know I could have done more because you'll never even notice me.


Come to think of it, that is pretty much how ops and assassins are played by a lot of people. So for those of us who absolutely cannot stand the thought of feeding medals to a farming team that won't just end the damn game, roll a stealthy. Stay at your keyboard, pick the little buggers off when they run away to heal. Win your own personal game of "I'm not feeding even one more kill to these jerks!"

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Same goes for everyone else. You are not special or unique. Say I want to spend all night doing PvP, only to have it ruined by people leaving the game all night. You are ruining the game that -I- am paying for as well. "Leavers" have just as much "say" in someone's game that you are implying a punishment would have.


It is a team game, built, balanced, created for, and intended to be used by two full teams. You don't bail because you think you are going to lose. That is just as selfish as what you imply. Its very obviously stated and advertised as a team event, so if you know that going in, you should be punished in some way for bailing. End of Story. If you have to take care of an emergency, take care of it. By the time you are done dealing with your "emergency" most, if not all of your timeout period will be over anyway. Things happen, you aren't being permanently kicked out. It will make people think about weather they have the time and patience for a WZ, like they should be doing anyway.


Still leaves the "no obligation" to anyone factor. What have you done for me lately (Janet Jackson quote)? . Why should I waste my time with people who don't even grasp the basics of what you call "teamplay". It wasn't a "team" to begin with.

On top of that screaming and yelling to everyone else that the "team" is fail, full of noobs, while themselves being "run-after-each-red-bar-you-see" idiots (and not even killing anything 1v1).

For a real team that actually plays like a team, I'll stay till the end, since THAT is fun for me.


There are more factors at play then just losing a game and leave. That's a bit narrowminded imo. And if you think "emergency's" are the only valid reasons to leave, then I suggest you read the problems that need solving again before anyone get's a punishment.



So just calling leavers selfish is also not seeing the big picture. If that where true, then people who don't bother upgrading their gear with at least some mods and come in with 10-12 k HP are also selfish.

Then people who don't bother to defend or go for objectives are also selfish. Then people

who AFK during the game are also selfish. But they are not, since everyone is entitled to play the game how they want to play it. It might not be the prettiest sight, and it might be frustrating yes.

Edited by Britneyfears
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tbh i was one of the people who never left a warzone and just carried on when we where getting tottaly owned.


Even when the game had already started or other people left I still stayed.


And then i realised it was taking me nearly 5 hours each day to just complete the Daily pvp quest to get 1 battlemaster box (which is always empty)which I dont have time for.


So now I leave.


Right or wrong with no punishment people will do it when they realise how much time there wasting.


Im all for the deserter buff 15 mins, but then they need to change the daily to one win= misssion complete


wasting 15 mins with people who are either in greens(not there fault if they just dinged 50) or 1 man hero players is just not worth the hassle.


Would love to get premade going but then steamrolling tohers isnt exactly fun either

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I hate bads still wearing level 30/40 trash at level 50. I shouldn't be forced to stay and carry their sorry asses.


I modded all my gear at 50 with level 50 epics, I shouldn't be forced to play with terrible players that are looking for a handout.

Edited by deltaminus
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Sorry, my back pack only has enough room for so many bads. If I get stuck in a WZ where more players are in green/blue/orange gear I'm gone.


So, instead of sticking through the warzone to help those players gain a win, thus earning more comms/daily wins, and enabling them to get better gear...


you quit?


Yeah you're a real winner.

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Ya know, to all the people in this thread who keep saying "Oh I quit because the noob 50's don't know what they're doing".


Has it ever occurred to you that people got late starts in the game, and actually know what they're doing?


You people are all just narcissists. There needs to be a penalty for deserters. Period.


I advocate a 5-minute lockout period for the first time, 10 the second, and 24 hours on the third.


And anyone who's found going AFK is a week lockout.

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Ya know, to all the people in this thread who keep saying "Oh I quit because the noob 50's don't know what they're doing".


Has it ever occurred to you that people got late starts in the game, and actually know what they're doing?


You people are all just narcissists. There needs to be a penalty for deserters. Period.


I advocate a 5-minute lockout period for the first time, 10 the second, and 24 hours on the third.


And anyone who's found going AFK is a week lockout.


no because i play in the 1-49 bracket too right now and i feel like im in a preschool. huttball != TDM

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Yes exactly, but however sometimes u start with less ppl, 5-6 and that goes on for 5-6 mins.


And that is a lost game.


And i quit


That happens when you have exploiters. They queue up as a group, then the leader does something with the UI and they get a 2nd queue, so they join that second warzone and the first warzone is short 2 - 3 people.


hit \ and report them.

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no because i play in the 1-49 bracket too right now and i feel like im in a preschool. huttball != TDM


So teach them how-to play.


And don't even reply with "oh but they won't listen" because I've dealt with those players already, and eventually they learn to listen if they want to win.


Either way, what i'm saying is falling on deaf ears, because I can already predict that you're going to have an argument for every suggestion that anyone tells you, and let's be honest here. You're selfish, and will defend your selfish acts with any kind of justification you can come up with.

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people who are of high enough valor rank dont gain Anything from a Loss.... valor and coms are maxed, and mean nothing... if they're in a warzone thats looking like a nasty loss... whats the incentive for them too stay?




PvP is about killing players. Killing players is fun.


Anyone who immediately leaves a warzone just because it looks like they're going to lose... well, I think that says something about them as a person. Something less than flattering.

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Sometimes you honestly go LD, Sometimes you Honestly Lag or Mommy needs you to take out the trash....


But, more often than not big time losers decide they dont' like the way the tide of battle is going and QUIT. I have been in Q for pvp matches all day to day and 90% of the matches I got randomly selected for were matches where people left because they needed to go whine to their mommy's that they were losing.


Either man up and play the full round or go play some nice and cozy PvE.


You are BM and you need your 3 wins for a daily box. ATM your premaid group is unavaible.


You enter a WZ and see 5 12 k hp hoboes.


You instatly leave, because you should not carry that hoboes to their shinies, you could find some better use for the next 12 minutes.


Nobody have to carry you to victory, bro.

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