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SW:TOR Versus... SW:G


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i would like to compare SW:TOR to a game, that has the same IP: Star Wars Galaxies - an Empire divided, and i hope i will come to a conclusion which results in the question:

"Why had SW:G more Star Wars feeling, some better features and a bigger and free world?"


Lets start with the facts:


SWG was released 06/2003.

1 year before WoW.

more than 8 years before SW:TOR

SWG was sold 1million times.

Highest subscription numbers: 300.000


Not having met all the requirements of the fanbase, 2 years after release, the game was completely overhauled, the process took nearly 2 years.

The result was NOT welcomed by the community.



SW:TOR was released 12/2012

8 years after WoW.

more than 9 years after SW:G

SWTOr was sold more than 1 million times.

It has more than 1 million subscribers.


Not having met 100% the requirements of the fanbase, complete overhaul is not realistic and wont help, see SW:G.



Planets: More than 10 planets, such as Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Corellia, Dantooine, Yava IV, Naboo, ...

Big in size and free in travel. The big and free places were used to build houses and create citys.


Races: Bothans, Human, Rodians, Zabrak, Trandoshan, Mon Calamari, Twi´lek, Wookies,...


Timeline: following the destruction of the Death Star in Episode IV: A New Hope, but before the beginning of Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.

(I know those movies and its story!)


other features:

Single- and multi-passenger ground vehicles and starships

Player-run virtual economy (99%)

An extensive set of emotes, moods, and associated animations

The ability for players to place bounties on opponents that participate in PVP

Dynamic resource spawns on planets needed for complex crafting

Using creatures as mounts





Planets: Hoth, Nar Shadda, Coruscant, Tatooine, Alderaan, etc

Big in "Size" but not free in travel. The big and free places are not uesd to build stuff or create cities.


Races: Humans, Twilek, Sith, Cyborg, Human 2, Human 3, Human 4


Timeline: No clue, whats that supposed to do with Star Wars 1-6


other features:


full voice dialoges

area looting





While TOR is called SW:TOR, it has nothing to do with Star Wars the way most (not all) know it.

Most people watched Episode 1-6, they didnt read any Novels, Books, Comics, Lores, etc.


SW:TOR is supposed to play in a differen time, i get this. Yet it uses everything we know from 1-6: Bountyhunters that look like boba fett, Troopers that look like the Clones, Fake Droids that look like C3PO and alot more stuff.


While they try to create their own game, they still used all the good features of star wars 1-6, just so people feel familiar with a few things atleast, and can say:

"yo dude, i play star wars" instead of

"yo dude, i play The old republic"


This is just a small comparison of undeniable facts, as i dont want it turn into a fight about what is true and what not.


So here is my question:

Why had SW:G more Star Wars feeling, some better features and a bigger and free world?

How can this be, when there already WAS a sucessfull Star wars MMorpg?

(yes, 1 million sales / 300k subscribers as BIG SUCCESS, it would be today the same, if it wasnt for WoW to draw peoples attention to MMORPG)


Was it easier 9 years ago for the DEVS of SW:G to create more and better races?

Was it easier 9 years ago for the DEVS of SW:G to create better worlds with more choices?

Was it easier 9 years ago for the DEVS of SW:G to create all those other features that are undeniably good?



SWTOR has a lot of good features, this is undeniable too. But it could have been so much better and really "Star Wars", with just a little inspiration of Star Wars Galaxies and the possibility they had 9 years ago, but EA/Bioware obviously dont have in *********** 2011.

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Planets: More than 10 planets, such as Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Corellia, Dantooine, Yava IV, Naboo, ... - And Mostly Empty.


Big in size and free in travel. The big and free places were used to build houses and create citys.



other features:

Single- and multi-passenger ground vehicles and starships - Not at launch.

The ability for players to place bounties on opponents that participate in PVP - Not at launch, and only against Jedi for a Long time.

Using creatures as mounts - Not at launch.





So here is my question:

Why had SW:G more Star Wars feeling, some better features and a bigger and free world?

How can this be, when there already WAS a sucessfull Star wars MMorpg?

(yes, 1 million sales / 300k subscribers as BIG SUCCESS, it would be today the same, if it wasnt for WoW to draw peoples attention to MMORPG)


Was it easier 9 years ago for the DEVS of SW:G to create more and better races? - They had different constraints between SWTOR and SWG.

Was it easier 9 years ago for the DEVS of SW:G to create better worlds with more choices? - Worlds were mostly plain in SWG, SWTOR's worlds while more confined can certainly be said that they are vastly more visually interesting.

Was it easier 9 years ago for the DEVS of SW:G to create all those other features that are undeniably good? - Define "Other Features"


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I played SWG.


A) it was a terribad game

B) They started you fighting, like Wamprats, when really, you wanted to go off fighting Stormtroopers.

C) Placing a SW game in Old Republic gives a game designer the freedom to make the game good and the freedom to write their own stories.

Having to deal with all the garbage that is in Movies 1-6 would be a pain and it raises too many questions. Do you really wanna meet up with Darth Vader? Would that really be cool or just disappointing? Can you attack and beat Darth Vader? How about Yoda? How can there be a zillion Jedi's when Luke was supposed to be the only one. And so forth.

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I'm sorry, but I don't know what to say anymore to those SWG fans. You liked that sort of game. Yet you knew this game was never going to be a simulation/sandbox type game. Why in the world did you think it would?


I did not go into EQ thinking it was going to be like UO because it was fantasy. It was a different company, a different objective, a different design philosophy.


Out of all the people who are disappointed in this game, I have the least amount of sympathy for you.

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SWG had end-game? Only what the players made for the most part until ~2008.


Yeah, because there is nothing do in SWTOR after the first two weeks at lvl 50. In SWG there was always something that could be done, especially if you played a crafter and wanted to get rich.

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Yeah, because there is nothing do in SWTOR after the first two weeks at lvl 50. In SWG there was always something that could be done, especially if you played a crafter and wanted to get rich.


i played swg and this game obviously but from your posts i seriously get the impression we played completely different versions of both games.

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Yeah, because there is nothing do in SWTOR after the first two weeks at lvl 50. In SWG there was always something that could be done, especially if you played a crafter and wanted to get rich.


Sure there was always something that could be done. Normally it was something you'd already done about a billion times in the past, and wasn't particuarly interesting. Like running around placing harvesters or decorating your house.


Don't get me wrong...I played for a couple of years up until a few months before the CU, so I did enjoy the game. But claiming there was anything even remotely resembling an end-game is simply wrong.

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Cool story, but SWG planets had nothing on them. I vast majority of SWG was textures, and random generated trees. There was no direction to what areas where other than open unpopulated land. So much of the world was un-used pointless space. Player cities took up a lot of spawns.


The timeline just did not work at all. Nothing meshed with the movies and it didn't even feel like the imp and reb were having a galactic war. You basically just had a star wars feel environment, but nothing really made since.


Especially after NGE, the game couldn't even decide what it wanted to be themepark or sandbox. They basically ended up trying to force themepark in a sandbox, which means none of the quests felt right or went with the environment they were in. The more they added the less it felt like a thought out game.

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Sure there was always something that could be done. Normally it was something you'd already done about a billion times in the past, and wasn't particuarly interesting. Like running around placing harvesters or decorating your house.


Don't get me wrong...I played for a couple of years up until a few months before the CU, so I did enjoy the game. But claiming there was anything even remotely resembling an end-game is simply wrong.


We clearly have different definitions of end-game.

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I'm not sure what the point of this thread is but:


timeline: No clue, whats that supposed to do with Star Wars 1-6


I can see you're not a KOTOR fan. Ah well. I actually enjoy the timeline and I am eager to see how other companies (Dark Horse for one) will fit this era into their comics.


You say everything looks the same as in SW 1-6 even though it takes place thousands of years before them. Well, how else are they supposed to keep the Star Wars "feel" and avoid the wrath of SW fans?

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We clearly have different definitions of end-game.


Yes we do, since one the the things SWG prided itself on was having NO end game. It just went on and on and on.


Which is a definition shared by pretty much all sandbox type games.


And I'm not saying that's a bad thing. But really, the only so-called end game in SWG was the pursuit of more money, so you could buy more cool stuff for your house.


Every once in awhile they threw in something cool for that, like that collection of wanted posters.....

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SW:G --


Player cities/houses - YES


Decorate your ship/house space - YES


/sleep, and watch your toon go to sleep - YES

(How the eff is TOR the only MMO in history that doesnt have this??)


Customize your toon's appearance - YES


So, so, so lame that these basic SIMPLE things can't and won't be added to SWTOR.

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I'm not sure what the point of this thread is but:




I can see you're not a KOTOR fan. Ah well. I actually enjoy the timeline and I am eager to see how other companies (Dark Horse for one) will fit this era into their comics.


You say everything looks the same as in SW 1-6 even though it takes place thousands of years before them. Well, how else are they supposed to keep the Star Wars "feel" and avoid the wrath of SW fans?


Indeed, however there are a number of things that actually are representing inferior technology, for example there's no Star Destroyers on this era.

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